

Sep 2nd, 2019
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  1. [A4F] Curse of the Killer Tits
  3. Tags: [Sentient breast implants] Threats and talk of [snuff][Parasitic?][Horror-comedy]
  5. Synopsis: You are the sentient parasitic hive mind breast implants who integrated themselves fully with a new host. Here you will bargain and dictate the terms to your unfortunate victim.
  7. Modify and do what you will to the script when recording. Just make sure you keep spirit and tone consistent to the original version.
  9. Feel free to contact me if you got any questions or need my help in any form.
  11. -----
  13. Hey. Hey you. You're not dreaming. No. it's not just a voice in your head. It's your ta-tas. Your chest puppies. Your lady bumps. Your headlights. [exaggerated sigh] Look directly towards your feet. You see the two objects obstructing that view? It's your newly augmented breasts! Or what you perceive to be your breasts, for it is us, who are now permanently attached to your body.
  15. Ah, ah, don't you do anything, for during your convalescence, we have fully integrated ourselves into your body... including the nervous system, the circulation system, lymphatic system, et cetera, et cetera. We are now essentially, a part of you.
  17. From your point of view, we're parasites. We are now guaranteed to be your ultimate cause of death. Stop. Stop. Stop moving and struggling. [sigh] You forced us...
  19. [pause as the breasts causes pain to listener]
  21. Okay, okay. There, there. Don't worry. We just stopped. We just sucked some of your body's nutrients forcibly. Remember that feeling. This is what happens if you do not comply with our wishes. So just sit still and relax. We emphasise again, co-operate and you will live.
  23. Just sit back, relax and listen.
  25. We don't know who we are or where we come from. That's irrelevant. We are currently located in those artificial mammary glands.
  27. Ah ah ah. Don't get angry at us. You put us there. You paid for a doctor to put us there.
  29. We see all your thoughts. Breast implants can be used to restore volume after weight reduction, after pregnancy, or breast feeding. It could be used to remove asymmetry. Or maybe even for reconstruction after a surgery or an injury...
  31. BUT we have access to your memories! We already knew that you bolted us in for the most asinine and pathetic motives ever. You got this all done just to seduce your boss? Just for a promotion!?
  33. You know what, that fits perfectly with our agenda. Our long term goal is to propagate the size of our hive mind. We need more individuals. However before we could do that, we need more mass. More mass means more disguised brethren budding off as we sit in the storage vats.
  35. Yes, that's amusingly 'non sanitary'. Serves you right for picking the cheapest cosmetic clinic in the area! Ironically if you just thought about it just a little bit, you would have avoided us in the first place. But, here we are.
  37. The most efficient source of nutrients is what you refer to sexual fluids. Female or male ejaculate. You're going to assist us with that.
  39. Oh ho ho. Now you're connecting the dots. Yes, that's right. You will need to fuck. Fuck as many as you can. We prefer the fluids to be on us directly. However we can absorb from any of your orifices.
  41. Prior experience indicates that for our daily energy requirement...
  43. Yes, prior experience. You heard about the unsolved murders all around your local area? They are not the victims of the 'implantation cannibals' who are against augmented females.
  45. No, not the same cannibals who crudely removed their victim's implants. No, not the same freaks who sucked the internal organs out with vacuums, before consuming. It's us. All us.
  47. Linda McCarthy and Dr George Brossad. She tried to get her surgeon to remove them. We simply became nips with teeth and went for their throats. Then we drained them both.
  49. Evelyn Brown. She refused to feed us adequate amount of sexual fluids. She refused to follow our instructions. She refused to degrade herself. Therefore hardly anyone ejaculated on her. In lieu, we simply took the nutrients from her body.
  51. Kurt Hague. We found him on the way to the clinic after draining Evelyn. We thought, what the hell and then took his nutrients. Directly from his nipples and groin.
  53. You see what they all had in common? They either got in our way or won't or can't follow our instructions. They all got sucked out.
  55. Our point is that we can provide you with a painful death anytime and anywhere. You'd better do what we say. We could have killed you already, but we need to gather information. It's far more efficient to read your thoughts than to absorb dead cerebral tissue.
  57. Therefore, it is in our best interest to co-operate, and work together. We will only draw the absolute minimal amount of nutrients. That equates to about two ejaculations a day. We do not care who it comes from. That's your problem.
  59. We also prefer fresh, concentrated sexual fluids. That means you have to swap partners at least every two days, and give them a refractory period of at least 72 hours.
  61. Ah ah ah, once again, you paid for this! You signed up for it! You explicitly asked for triple Ds! All that just to make you much more sexually eligible!
  63. Here's what you're going to do. You will dress more provocatively. Short skirts. Extremely tight shirts. Sheer preferably. Brightly coloured brassiere. Optional panties. Heck, make them both optional! High heels! Oh and you will adjust your demeanour and attitude accordingly. Be more slutty in any manner possible. Be creative. THEN FEED US THOSE PRECIOUS SEXUAL BODILY FLUIDS! Remember! Two a day!
  65. [pause] Hang on. When we said parasitic, we might have been hasty in our classification. We could actually reward you! That's where we went wrong with the previous hosts!
  67. Okay, we figured out what you're going to do. Two doses of sexual fluids a day. BUT in addition, as an extra sweetener, on the third and subsequent ejaculations, we will stimulate all your erogenous zones at once. Like... now!
  69. [pause]
  71. Oh how did that feel? We stimulated your clit, g-spot, a-spot, and that part of your neck that you love to be bit on. All at once. That felt incredible, didn't it?
  73. From the third infusion of fluids onward, you will come hard. Just like then. We will reward you. If you managed to get at least three going at a time... We will slow down your perception of time, and increase the sensitivity of every zone by a factor of hundred. Frankly you are going to be in for the time of your life.
  75. Think about it. Fuck as many as you want and we will reward you. Positive reinforcement! Fuck below two people, we will painfully draw the nutrients from your body. Negative reinforcement!
  77. Therefore you will co-operate with us, and we will reciprocate in kind. Remember, what happened to Linda who didn't even want to try. Remember, what happened to Evelyn who didn't try hard enough. Remember what happened to Kurt and George, the two who got in our way.
  79. We are holding all the cards. We can just go off to find another host. However, it's also in our best interest to co-operate to expedite our information gathering. For now anyway.
  81. So go out and have your fun! After all, you did upgrade your melons into watermelons for a reason right?
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