

Dec 6th, 2015
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  1. Steve Austin came down to ringside holding a bundle of papers, then stepped in the ring and grabbed a mic.
  3. "Now ever since the Power Trip took over this damn company ,there have been a lot of crybabies whining about, 'oh no, the power trip is running things, how awful. Oh boo-hoo waa-waa we need to stop the big bad Power Trip. They're gonna ruin this company." Well guess what, you fucking crybabies, we got as much interest in keeping this sumbitch going as the rest of you. It's ours, ain't it? Well, yes, we could stomp around like a bunch of assholes, abusing our power and being general pricks, but frankly we're important people with a multi-million dollar business to run. And as it just so happens this company has gotten the grand-daddy of em all coming up. Wrestlemania. Well, the big bad Power Trip is about to give you fucking crybabies a gift, not that you deserve it, but because the Power Trip likes making money at your expense. You see these gimmicks right here? I just rubber stamped these sumbitches and on each one of these six contracts is an opportunity. You see we're gonna take 6 sumbitches, stick em in a cage and the winner gets a bona-fide Wrestlemania moment. Any damn match they want, any stip they want, except for any of the Power Trip's titles. Qualifiers start right goddamn now. Skunkrocker and Henry, get your asses down here!"
  5. Mark Henry's music started to play, and he came lumbering out with Metsfan, passing Austin as the champ made his way back up the ramp.
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