
Summary Story 201804

Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. Lasswell's side:
  2. They met Axter in the next stage, and Axter responded to them as long as it was not Lasswell calling him "Master". So Lasswell called him Axter-san now. Nichol said that it would work best if they work together if they want to 1v1 in the final stage, to ensure that all of them survive. Axter agreed so they cooperated briefly. Eventually they are left with just Lasswell's group, Chrowa's duo and Axter. Chrowa decided to give up because Regina's leg was at its limit. He did not want Regina's body to lose function by continue fighting.
  4. Then the next day they rode a train to the main colosseum. On the way they were assaulted by a group of assassin again. The assassins tampered with the train's system so it will crush into the town eventually. The only way to stop was to jump off train and fix the system midway, but they would not make it in time to the tournament. After they defeated assassin, Chrowa's duo who tagged along to watch the fight offered to jump of train to fix the system, so Lasswell and friends can arrive on time safely.
  6. In the way, Regina sulked that she could not understand emotion and would never be human. Chrowa comforted her that the fact that she is sad about that means she has a heart. Chrowa's duo eventually found the control and fixed the system. However it was a trap and the whole thing exploded. Debris fell on Chrowa and he was stuck, and the place was crumbling down. Chrowa told Regina to run, but she refused and stayed by Chrowa's side. It was getting dark, and Chrowa was dying. In desperation Regina prayed, the crystals around responded and gave out light. In the light Chrowa wanted Regina to tell him a motivation story, Regina started to tell the story of an automata meeting a human and obtaining a heart as the place continued to crumble and the scene went dark. Eventually, Lasswell and friends reached the main colosseum safely to confront Axter.
  8. Other cutscenes:
  9. Sol wandered around and found a town where there is strong presence of Rain's thoughts. He peeked around using vision and found out about the time when Rain was just dropped off to the place. He wondered what happened there changed Rain so much although he was still himself in the vision. (details about Rain's side story were already posted by Athelier in 2nd Anni)
  11. In Gungan, since Jake couldn't see and hear, Lid touched him to let him know someone was nearby. Jake, not knowing who it was, asked the person to tell Lasswell that Jake was dead. He knew he would only become a burden and Lasswell has got stuffs he needed to do. He also asked the person to tell Lid that he loved her, before changing his mind to tell Lid to forget him. Lid, cried as she firmly hugged Jake, saying she loved him too and could never forget him. Kunshira said there was one way to cure him, a legendary item in Gungan "Drop of Origin". However she asked Lid if she had the resolution to die to save him.
  13. Reagan's side:
  14. Reagan tried to solo Emperor but was having hard time. Reagan was able to cancel Emperor's spells by interrupting his incantation. The rest of his friends were watching from afar and thought there was a chance. So they joined Reagan to fight Emperor. Then Orders #1 Levnard showed up and nuked them, asking emperor to stop toying with them, saying that both of them can cast spells without incantation. (Levnard was said to be the strongest mage in Paladia, having power close to Emperor)
  16. When the emperor was about to finish them off, they were teleported away. They were met up with Mylo from Hess Children, saying that his comrade from Hess Children saved them. Eventually they reunited with Sieghart, Ignacio and other Hess Children. Then, Sieghart told them that Lasswell and Axter had reached the finals and would have a chance to directly confront Emperor. So they decided to join up with them, so they could gang up on Emperor.
  18. Main Colosseum:
  19. Lasswell and Axter fought 1v1 while the others watched. As Axter was releasing True Tranquility, Lasswell awakened his Hess blood and released True Tranquility to cancel Axter's. Axter applauded him as they continued to fight. Lasswell, thought of Axter's words, came out of a move. As he found an opening, he combined Absolute / Extreme / True Tranquility and unleashed Final Tranquility, defeating Axter. Then, Lasswell healed Axter as they had final parting where Axter bestowed Lasswell's last nickname "Pyro Glacial Lasswell (hue)". Finally, Axter left, warning Lasswell not to follow as he had things he needed to do.
  21. Then, Lasswell announced to the audience that he was a descenedant of Hess coming to defeat Emperor to save Paladia. Emperor appeared, saying that he knew it all along and was expecting Lasswell. As Emperor was holding them immobilized, Reagan and friends showed up and canceled Emperor's spell. Then, Emperor summoned Orders #1 and #2 to fight. Surprisingly, Axter apeared when Emperor summoned Orders #2. Then Axter announced that he was Orders #2, Zeno, before changing form (the armoured version). Lasswell pleaded Axter to fight with him but Axter said he was merely tagging along because of a certain purpose. Now that he had fulfilled the purpose he had to return to where he belonged. Lasswell cried as "to be continued" showed up.
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