

Aug 12th, 2015
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  1. /htmlbox <div style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; -webkit-background-size: cover ; -moz-background-size: cover ; -o-background-size: cover ; background-size: cover" target="_blank"> <div style="cursor: url(&quot;;) , auto" target="_blank"> <center target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="100" width="400"> </center><center target="_blank"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="68" width="112"> <img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="146" width="137"><img alt="HTML5 Icon" src="" target="_blank" height="86" width="115"></center> <center target="_blank"> <br target="_blank"> <b target="_blank"> <i target="_blank"> <strong target="_blank"><font target="_blank" size="5"><font target="_blank" color="red">Welcome to the Startlight!</font> <br target="_blank"></font></strong> <blink> <font color="blue"> Try not to mistaken this as starlight :) </blink> <br target="_blank"></font></strong></i> <font color="yellow"> If you have any questions or problems regarding the server, Ask any staff (%, @, &, or ~). If you have a major problem, talk to a leader or administrator (&, ~) about it. </font> <hr target="_blank" width="70%"> </b> </center> <center> <button name="receive" value="|j|~Jirachi&#10;Jirachi has successfully been awaken from the comets above! " target="_blank"><b target="_blank"> Click to awaken Jirachi!</b></button> <button name="receive" value="|j|~Rayquaza&#10;Rayquaza has been summoned from the skies!" target="_blank"><b target="_blank"> Click to summon Rayquaza!</b></button> <button name="receive" value="|j|~Deoxys&#10;Deoxys has arrived from up in space! " target="_blank"><b target="_blank"> Click to call in Deoxys!</b></button> </center> </div> </div>
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