
simulating threats

Aug 5th, 2017
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  1. [2:13 PM] macksting: Basically, the final assault on the Lucifer went terribly, and I was the last of my squadron. In my Ulysses, I sought refuge in its hangar, unable to so much as touch the walls because of its impenetrable shield. They'd managed to miss me coming in, and the Shivan fighters were mopping up outside, but before the Lucifer moved on I knew they'd be back, in numbers, perfectly able to destroy a lone light fighter in their own hangar.
  2. [2:15 PM] macksting: I started exploring options; I knew my guns could do nothing to the Lucifer, I knew I couldn't leave without being destroyed immediately. I decided to try out the corridors within the Lucifer, knowing the five-limbed horrors would be there, larger than a man, and my little Ulysses barely fit in the tubes; I flew aimlessly, dreading meeting one at any moment, protected by the Lucifer's shield and perfectly able to at least lash out at me with its biological beam weapon, to say nothing of sounding the alert.
  3. [2:15 PM] macksting: Helpless and terrified, I woke up.
  4. [2:16 PM] macksting: I was in high school at the time, I think, and it was a bad place for me. While I'd left most of the life-threatening violence behind in grade school, I still felt like an outsider there, my only friends were the stoners, a couple choir members and the one goth, and my life was definitely not under my own control.
  5. [2:16 PM] macksting: I think even then I assumed the Lucifer's horror was closely related to that for me.
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