
Told you so

Dec 12th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was at the counter getting an order of cupcakes put in to take to Connor's class tomorrow for their holiday party. "Can you put those cute snowflake sprinkles and those silver edible pearl things on there too?" She asked the waitress.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad had strolled out of the bathroom waiting for Kelsey to get her order in and set for tomorrow. Making his way up to the counter and over to her, he swung his arm around her shoulders. "Did you order extra so we can have some too?"-
  3. Covet: "No, but we can order something to bring home with us tonight if you'd like." Kelsey told him. "I brought my computer with me, so that we could look at some song options tonight if you wanted."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "But I want to try the cupcakes that Connor gets to bring to school." He said with a whine, shifting to lean on the chair in front of him. "Yeah, I guess we can work on the song tonight. DId you come up with any ideas yet?"-
  5. Covet: "They're just vanilla peppermint ones. Nothing that special." She said to him rolling her eyes. "There will probably be some left over." Kelsey added. "No that's more what I was thinking. Looking at ideas and options, not necessarily any real work."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "I just meant did you think of any songs you want to look into?" He asked, pulling out a chair at the counter to drop himself into the seat.-
  7. Covet: "Oh." Kelsey said, "Eh, I'm still torn between a classic and contemporary. My mind really hasn't been focused on it as much as it probably should be." She said with a sheepish look.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Well it's a pretty big deal so maybe you should try to focus on it a little more than you are. You need to be prepared." He said, leaning his arm over the back of the chair.-
  9. Covet: "I know, and I will be." Kelsey said. "It's a christmas song, I'm not going to be pulling a Mariah Carey or anything." She said getting her laptop out. "Holly asked me if everything was okay with us. I guess Connor mentioned something to her about our fighting a while back."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -He paused, lifting his eyes to her face. "What did you tell her?"-
  11. Covet: "I told her that, things have been tense. That there are some issues, but we're working it out." Kelsey said. "She asked what Evan had to do with it, and if there was anything she could do to help. So I kind of felt obligated to spill the beans. I mean, she is a fairly close person to us, and I fully trust that she wouldn't use that information in any negative fashion. "
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Kels..." He started, dropping his head. "You shouldn't have told her. She's your employee, not your keeper. You don't owe her any explanation. I really don't think it's something you should be sharing with anyone."-
  13. Covet: "Well, I did. And I feel better doing it. She gave me a hug and told me that she was there to be supportive anyway she could." Kelsey said. "Everyone who I've told has been that way. And I've only told those who I know I can trust. I'm not entirely stupid Bradley."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "I know, but..." He trailed off, adjusting his beanie. "I just don't want it to come back to bite you in the ass because you thought you could trust someone."-
  15. Covet: "I appreciate your concern, but My judgement in people hasn't ever been that bad. I get that you don't trust me, but can you at least trust my judgement?" She asked him.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "It's not you, it's everyone else. I just think you're a really trusting person and I don't want you to get burned because you see the good in everyone. That's all." He tried to clarify because he really did see the bad in most people.-
  17. Covet: "It's Holly!" Kelsey said with a snappy tone looking over at him. " She's the nicest sweetest person ever. She's been nothing but help and a wonderful friend to not only me but us, as well as our son. It's not like I told some crazy friend to the paparazi that I was a temporary coke head." She said in a sharp whisper to him. "So knock it off."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Alright alright, I'm just trying to look out for you." He said as he held his hands up, leaning away from her a bit. "Take it easy. Why don't you get out your laptop?"-
  19. Covet: "Thank you." She said to him, then went about getting her laptop out of her bag and opening it up. "I'm sorry for being so grumpy right now, but it hurts to think that you don't think I can handle myself enough to deal with the people around me. Your concern just seems to be poorly placed." She said trying to communicate in some form or another.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not trying to be irrational or anything. I just want to help." He said with a small sigh, watching her get her laptop out. "I feel like I hear all the time that an inside source close to a celebrity is dishing out to the tabloids and those people all trusted these sources with their info."-
  21. Covet: "That's because those people have a billion other people around them." Kelsey said as she logged into her computer." We keep our inner circle pretty small. And I wouldn't go telling people that are chatty, you know like Katie or something."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Knowing Katie, she'd probably ask if she could join you." He said as he shook his head, watching her screen and waiting for her to login.-
  23. Covet: "Exactly, and that's not what we need." She told him, getting youtube pulled up. " So... give me a list of classic christmas songs." She asked him.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -He paused, thinking of the ones he knew off the top of his head. "White Christmas? Santa Claus is coming to town? Rockin around the Christmas tree?"-
  25. Covet: "White Chirstmas is a good one, That's on the maybe list. The other two, eh, I don't care for them as much. Silver Bells, is another one I was thinking about." Kelsey said.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Oh I like silver bells. What about winter wonderland?" He asked her, expecting her to write down the ones she liked because he was just there for the musical arrangement.-
  27. Covet: "I love Winter Wonderland!" Kelsey said. "We might have to do a medley sort of thing." She said with a laugh.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "That's just going to be harder for you to memorize in such a short time period, but if you think you want to do it, we can set it up."-
  29. Covet: "I'll be fine. I pretty much know the songs already anyways. So it's not like there is much to memorize." She told him.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but it can still get difficult. I just want to make sure you know what you're in for before we start making the arrangement. It's a lot more work than just doing one song."-
  31. Covet: "Bradley... How old am I?" Kelsey asked him, looking at him with a mostly pleasant look on her face.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Are we rounding?" He asked, battling back his grin.-
  33. Covet: "No... How old am I?" Kelsey said shaking her head.
  34. Covet: [It's a Trap Bradley]
  35. Alexithymiaa: (Of course it's a trap)
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Uh..... almost twenty two..." He started, unsure where she was really going with this right now.-
  37. Covet: "Okay and how long have I been doing music?" She asked him, pursing her lips as she tilted her head to the side.
  38. Alexithymiaa: "A while...." He trailed off, staring at her face. "Why?"-
  39. Covet: "Because, I think with all my combined talent and experience, I think I can handle a medley of Christmas songs." She said to him patting him on the shoudler.
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Alright alright, I was just saying. Can you keep it to no more than five though? It's already going to be hard for me to arrange it quickly enough for you to be able to rehearse and practice. If you pick more than five songs, it's going to take me longer."-
  41. Covet: "I was thinking Three for the Medley, then one new song off the album, and Auld Lang Syne. The other two don't really need your help as much cause they are going to be pre-music'd tracks anyways."
  42. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that's fine. It's just the medley I was a little worried about, but three songs is perfect. That won't take me too long." He said with a nod. "You just need to pick which ones."-
  43. Covet: "Right. I want them to compliment eachother." Kelsey said. "I don't want to go too religious with them, but I don't want it too comercial either."
  44. Alexithymiaa: "Well winter wonderland is really easy to switch to almost any melody. I really think you should use that one."-
  45. Covet: "That one for sure. What about... Let it snow? and white Christmas with it?
  46. Covet: [dammit]
  47. Covet: *?" Kelsey asked him brightening up.
  48. Alexithymiaa: "I actually think there is a medley out there already with those three. I could easily use part of their arrangement and change it up just a bit to suit your style." He said, gesturing to her computer. "Can you send that to me in an email?"-
  49. Covet: "Yep of course." Kelsey said with a smile going about doing just that. [This is the one I came across, lol ]
  50. Alexithymiaa: (Kelsey lmfao)
  51. Covet: [Yeah... coincidence lol]
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Good. And then tomorrow Evan will remind me and put it in my schedule." He paused. "I admit it's been easier having him back working for me."-
  53. Covet: "Oh has it... so... would you say that I was right?" Kelsey asked him.
  54. Alexithymiaa: -He instantly rolled his eyes, not prepared for her shit. "I'm not answering that."-
  55. Covet: "Because you know I was right." Kelsey said giving a bit of a dance in her spot.
  56. Alexithymiaa: "Uhuh... why don't you pack up your computer so we can head home and go to sleep?" He said as he eased out of his chair.-
  57. Covet: "Okay, Fine I suppose I can do that. But I was still right." She said in a sing song tone as she got her laptop packed back up.
  58. Alexithymiaa: "Sure you were." He wrote her off, not wanting to say the words because he assumed he'd never hear the end of it. "Would you do less yapping and more packing?"-
  59. Covet: "I'm packing, I'm packing." Kelsey said waiving him off as she threw her bag over her shoulder. "C'mon You can tell me I was right on the drive home." She said taking his hand as they walked out together.
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