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Nov 29th, 2015
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  1. <kimono_dragon> you've gone mad with power Darren
  2. * Mauricio_Caminante_Ecuador (~androidirc@e478f9.f961cd.85300a.f02e3a) has joined
  3. <Darren> I've been mad for a very long time, power or lack thereof has nothing to do with it :p
  4. <Darren> Hi Mauricio_Caminante_Ecuador
  5. <kimono_dragon> you are still being a bit of a nutter mind
  6. <kimono_dragon> why take down the minecraft server?
  7. <Darren> That's something for Caber to respond to. I can't tell you anything else, so there's not much point in trying.
  8. <kimono_dragon> i think you should tell everyonw
  9. <Emily> kimono_dragon - if someone doesn't have the answers, then they can't tell you. So I suggest waiting for Caber to respond.
  10. * Hamish-Mob ( has joined
  11. <kimono_dragon> but how can caber have donw it Emily. He's asleep remember
  12. <Mauricio_Caminante_Ecuador> Hey Darren, what's up?
  13. <Emily> Caber took down the server. I said he was in bed, I didn't say he was asleep.
  14. <Darren> Hi Mauricio_Caminante_Ecuador. How are you?
  15. <kimono_dragon> can you get caber on here. he owes us an explanation
  16. <Emily> And no, I don't know why either. He will send an email tomorrow.
  17. <kimono_dragon> so the server should stay up until then
  18. * techkid6 ( has joined
  19. <techkid6> Hello.
  20. <Darren> Hey techkid6 :)
  21. <Emily> Or, he has a reason that he has taken it down, which he will inform you as soon as he is able.
  22. <techkid6> How are ya, Darren?
  23. <kimono_dragon> anyone who is interested. please go to to use the Minecraft server
  24. <Hamish-Mob> He has been offline for so long made no contact and now boom its down
  25. <kimono_dragon> here here
  26. <Emily> It's no good attacking me... I am not even part of the minecraft team.
  27. <techkid6> *hugs Emily*
  28. <Emily> I would just like a peaceful night with a nice conversation, to be honest.
  29. <Emily> hugs techkid6, how are you doing?
  30. <kimono_dragon> in that case i would recomend staying out of it
  31. <Darren> I'm not too bad techkid6, a bit broken and ill :p Yourself?
  32. <techkid6> Well I'm extremely confused, in the middle of coming on IRC for the first time in weeks, only prompted by some emails
  33. <techkid6> I'm... ok, blew all my money :)
  34. <Darren> Haha. On what?
  35. <kimono_dragon> my email by any chance?
  36. <techkid6> It is always possible.
  37. <techkid6> Darren: A new PC actually :D
  38. <Darren> Grin
  39. <Darren> Shiny?
  40. <kimono_dragon> you must be council then?
  41. <techkid6> very
  42. * Mongoose ( has joined
  43. <techkid6> kimono_dragon: Nope, bottom of the totem pole, actually
  44. <Hamish-Mob> Darren any explanation?
  45. <kimono_dragon> come on these kind people want an answer
  46. <Darren> As numerous members of the team have been told, Caber will email you in the morning. I'm not discussing this further as I have nothing else to contribute.
  47. <kimono_dragon> it is the morning
  48. <kimono_dragon> 00:13 UTC
  49. <techkid6> Darren: ^.
  50. <Emily> It's 1am in the Netherlands.
  51. <techkid6> kimono_dragon: I think he means LATER
  52. <techkid6> its 7:13 pm currently
  53. <Darren> Err... in the morning in the conventional sense, i.e. when he's woken up sufficiently rested and/or before going to work.
  54. <kimono_dragon> it is later than it was when i first enquired
  55. <techkid6> kimono_dragon: No one has an answer. I only knew this was happening LITERALLY because of your email.
  56. <kimono_dragon> well at least everyone is now aware
  57. <techkid6> I logged into IRC to see the channel was gone.
  58. <kimono_dragon> yes we had a similar experiance
  59. <kimono_dragon> i logged on to the server to see the server was gone
  60. <Emily> I'm afraid we can't really do much if your coordinator hasn't sent you information...
  61. <techkid6> Exactly :)
  62. <Emily> It isn't the fault of the rest of #english
  63. <techkid6> Emily: Well besides MC, how have you been? :_
  64. <kimono_dragon> he hasn't spoken to any of the team in months
  65. <Emily> Most people here don't even use minecraft
  66. <Emily> But telling us that isn't going to change it kimono_dragon
  67. <Hamish-Mob> Darren im under the impression u work close with caber and ur deputy the for im sure u know but wont say
  68. <Darren> As of this evening, I'm not Deputy :p So I'm afraid I can't help you.
  69. <Emily> techkid6 - I'm been fine regardless
  70. <kimono_dragon> it was by your doing that the server was taken offline
  71. <Mauricio_Caminante_Ecuador> the minecraft channel still exists
  72. <kimono_dragon> yes but has been put as invite only
  73. <Hamish-Mob> also the minecraft sections been taken off
  74. <Hamish-Mob> come on guys one of you must know somthing
  75. <Darren> Anyway, I haven't modified #minecraftteam so you're welcome to chat there tonight, but I don't have any more information to give you.
  76. <techkid6> Hamish-Mob: They probably don't, just drop it.
  77. <kimono_dragon> you realise we are not going to let this go right?
  78. <Emily> Okay, don't let it go?
  79. <techkid6> kimono_dragon: I really don't think you have much of a choice! Either let it go or don't.... nothing will change ;)
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