

Jul 30th, 2015
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  1. [b][url=""]Owen[/url][/b] vs [b][url=""]Hunter[/url][/b] started with Hunter on the attack, using his height advantage to get the upper hand in a chain wrestling exchange. All through, he kept needling at Owen, thumbing his eyes, and dragging his forearm across his face. Hunter even got in a few knees to Owen's back before driving Owen to the mat with a lifting backdrop. He bridged into the pin, and you could see the smile on his face, even if it was upside-down. 1...Owen kicked out. Hunter was shocked, and a little bit insulted. He kept the hold on Owen, and pulled him back up for a second backdrop, but Owen blocked him, and rolled forward, hooking Hunter into a pinning predicament!
  3. 1...2...Hunter reversed the hold into a pin of his own! 1...2...Owen reversed the pin into the Dragon Sleeper! Hunter scrambled to his feet and planted Owen on the mat with a side powerslam, and started bearing down on him with a series of knee drops. After a while, he got tired of kicking Owen while he was down, and pulled Owen to his feet for the Pedigree. But Owen had his wits about him, and caught the leg into a Dragon Screw! Hunter was flat on the mat, and Owen still had his leg. He crossed the leg and started to turn around, but Hunter countered, twirled him off, got back to his feet, picked Owen back up, and set up for the Pedigree, but even though Owen didn't counter the kick this time, he had the underhooks scouted, and reversed into the setup for the K-Driller! Owen dropped Hunter to the mat and went for the cover.
  5. 1...2...3. Owen wins!
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