
Hay and Tae

Nov 12th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Tae pulled up in her mom's car and found a place to park in the drive way. She had a Target bag in the passenger seat that had a few different bags of gummy candies, some popcorn and a couple boxes of chocolate brown colored hair dye. Grabbing the bag she made her way up the steps and to the door to hit the doorbell, waiting for Hayley to come answer.
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley brought the flat iron to her hair and combed the strands with her fingers before hearing the doorbell. "Coming." Hayley called out. She looked around before jogging down the stairs then opened the door for Tae. "Hey, go up to my room. I just gotta grab something to drink." She told her, running to the kitchen then going to the stairs.
  3. Covet: Tae grinned as the door opened, waving at Hayley, "Okay, will do. Can I bum a water off of you? I brought other snack things for us tonight, by the way, you're looking hot tonight." She said as she headed upstairs, taking them two at a time.
  4. Tsaaq: "Well the harvest festival is coming up. And I want to test a few looks... For my stage persona." Hayley declared. "I'm bringing a whole thingie of juice." She called out. "There's mugs somewhere in my room." She went inside the room and kitty meowed, sitting where Hayley had been. She went to stand in front of her mirror to touch up her eyeliner. "So how are you?"
  5. Covet: "No shit? You're going to perform? That's awesome. I'm probably going to go, sounds like it would be fun, plus I'd love to see how you kick ass up there, especially where you're dressed to kill." Tae said, then sat down, "I'm good, been busy with comission stuff, haven't had a night out in what feels like forever, and I also was thinking about testing out a new look, well, more hair color. Same thing." She said waving her hand as she got the goodies out of the grocery bag and put them on the table.
  6. Tsaaq: "Yeah." Hayley said before spinning as she observed her reflection. "They're gonna be covers of course but I know what I want to sing. I just have to get the persona just right." She told the other female. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Something wrong with the hair color you already have?" She asked softly.
  7. Covet: "Nothing wrong with covers. I tend to like certain covers better than the original, when you make it your own." Tae said then sat down looking at the back of the box, "Not really, I like it. But Persephone has this thing about messing with my hair, so I figured I'd do something solid for the fall and winter, and maybe she'll leave it alone."
  8. Smokeless: Dori pulled up to the house after a long day of work. She sighed some and walked up the path. she unlcoked the door and went inside. She looked around to see if anyone was out and about downstairs. She brushed her hair from her face and went to the kitchen.
  9. Tsaaq: She puffed out her cheeks and went to grab a mug for Tae. "You know... Fuck Persephone. It sounds like she wants you to change everything about yourself. And I've always been down that road. Trust me, doesn't end too well." Hayley said.
  10. Covet: "Oh she totally does. She was going on about buying me clothes last time we talked. If she wants to waste her money like that, it's on her. I don't intend to wear whatever it is she gives me." Tae said to Hayley, "But, don't worry. It's just a little hair dye, I'll change back when spring hits again."
  11. Smokeless: Dori hummed slightly and grabbed herself some water and went to the living room turning the tv on. she turned it up abit so she could hear it and it was all in spanish. she sipped her water and her eyes darted across the scren.-
  12. Tsaaq: "Fine." She replied flatly. "But this isn't my carpet so we can't fuck it up or anything." Hayley said. "You could always pawn the clothes she gives you. If they don't think you're drug addict or whatever." She suggested, taking then began to read the back of it.
  13. Covet: "Don't worry, I've done this before. I'm pretty good about keeping the dye isolated." Tae said as she opened up the box, then laughed, "I could probably sell them on the facebook marketplace. I doubt Sephy would even see them there."
  14. Tsaaq: She nodded. "Good." Hayley whispered. She tossed her newly straightened hair over her shoulder. "I think the pawn shop is a lot faster though, right? Like FB marketplace has weirdoes." She shrugged. "Sephy seems too uptight for facebook. She can barely even exist in real life without being worshipped."
  15. Smokeless: [sorry i nodded off]
  16. Smokeless: [i got coffee though now]
  17. Tsaaq: ((Go ahead, we'll be here lol.))
  18. Smokeless: Dori pulled her phone out and she started to scroll through it. Her thumb swiping through the contacts.She stopped on hayley's contact and text her to see what she was up. She set the phoe down and went back to her show. she was pretty bored.
  19. Covet: "Probably yeah, I just might get a better deal on Facebook. Not everyone is a weirdo, just most of them." Tae said with a laugh, then pulled her dress up over her head, grabbing the bottles of dye and the gloves, stepping out into the hallway, "I'm going to head to the bathroom, that way if I do happen to accidentally spill anything, it's not on the carpet." She said then called, back. "Is that seriously a life complaint for her? I swear she'd just disappate to nothing if she didn't get a little bit of attention everyday."
  20. Tsaaq: "I mean... Yeah. Have you met her?" She said in a monotone. Hayley scrunched up her nose. "You sure? Weirdoes are still pretty worrisome-" She replied, turning when she heard her phone vibrate. "Okay but keep the door open." She instructed the younger female. Her eyes glancing at her phone screen. "We're upstairs." Hayley shouted, hoping Jade wouldn't appear after she made their presence known.
  21. Smokeless: Dori got up turning the tv off and made her way upstiars. she smiled calling out to hayley."Is it okay to come in?"
  22. Covet: "I will, need a well ventilated space after all." She said standing in the bathroom in her bra and shorts, while she got the dye and the activator mixed up in it's bottle. "Hey Dori." Tae called out from the bathroom, poking her head out long enough to give a wave.
  23. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head. "Yeah, T is in the bathroom doing some shit with her hair." She said before doing. "Come on in." Hayley went over to her mirror to fix her makeup again. "How've you been?"
  24. Tsaaq: ((Sorry, I was on the phone.))
  25. Smokeless: Dori walked in and she smiled to Tae"Hey Tae." she chuckled and shrugged some finding a seat."Eh I been ok. Work is really killing me though. but hey it pays the bills." she shrugged some watching the two
  26. Covet: Tae started putting the dye into her hair starting at the roots as she worked it through her hair, making sure all of the lighter color was covered as she worked it through. She walked back into Hayley's bedroom with her hair piled on her head, "What do you do for work?" She asked Dori.
  27. Tsaaq: "Understandable." She said to Dori. She looked over to Tae and went to "I guss this color works?" Hayley shrugged. "Hopefully you'll be around for cheer though, right?" She asked Dori.
  28. Smokeless: "I am the assistant for a ceo in a marketing company. SHe runs me ragged." she shrugged some."oh yeah I should be. I work 9-5 tomorrow so we should be good." dori's phone went off and she picked up sighing."yeah yeah okay let me get to my laptop." she covered the phone."Sorry guys I gotta go fix some stuff."
  29. Smokeless: pim sleepy im going t bed]
  30. Covet: [Alright, goodnight]
  31. Smokeless: [nini]
  32. Tsaaq: ((Smfh sleepy ass.))
  33. Tsaaq: ((post!))
  34. Covet: [Oh, sorry Didn't realize it was my post because of her stupid shit. MY BAD!]
  35. Covet: "Ah, that sounds invigorating. Well have fun Dori." Tae waved, not really caring about this chick's job or whatever it was she did. "What's the worst that could happen, I don't like it and I change it up?" Tae said with a shrug, "So what songs are you going to be doing covers for, for the harvest festival?"
  36. Tsaaq: Hayley watched Dori walk out of the room before she turned to Tae. "Well... You look cute." She offered the compliment. "The Show Must Go On by Queen..." She trailed off before moving her hair from her face. "Swine by Lady Gaga." She nodded her head. "They said they only wanted us to preform two songs."
  37. Covet: "Thanks, as cute as I can be with brown gloop all up in my hair." She said with a laugh as she went for the bag of sweedish fish and took a few out, popping them into her mouth, "Oh, powerhouse songs. Very nice. You're going to slay them, even if it's only two songs."
  38. Tsaaq: "I'm glad you're excited. I need to vent somehow and I guess music is helping. Along with cheer. And my boyfriend." Hayley shrugged. "And my friends." She smiled to Tae as she went to grab some candy too. "Especially with the stressful week I've had."
  39. Covet: "Music is good for that. It's good you have those outlets too." Tae said then listened to her, "What happened this week that was stressful?" She asked her popping some more fishes in her mouth.
  40. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "Well... The doctor's visit didn't go very well." Hayley began to explain. "And the other day this girl who lives downstairs was being chummy with Adam and making him uncomfortable. And to be fair? She's known for trying to get guys to cheat on their girlfriends. And she just started saying shitty things to me when I called her out on her bullshit."
  41. Covet: "Uh oh. That sucks, did the doctor at least give you some answers, for it being a crappy visit?" She asked, then her mouth dropped, "Really? So, when do you want to kick her ass? I might look kind of scrawny and girly, but I don't hold my punches."
  42. Tsaaq: Hayley inhaled deeply with her hands raised. "Well." She whispered. "I just found out I couldn't have children." She told Tae sheepishly. "We don't have to kick her ass. Besides she'd probably just try to kill us. My teammate and her boyfriend got in a car crash because she cut their brakes. Which is why I told her to leave my boyfriend alone because knowing my luck he'd actually die. Which is the last thing I need."
  43. Covet: "Shit, that is awful." Tae gave a soft smile, then shook her head, "I'm impressed that you're doing as good as you are with that kind of news." Scoffing she listened to Hayley, "Wait you mean to tell me this chick, has tried to kill people and she's still living here, like she's not some sort of murderer."
  44. Tsaaq: "I can think of worse things that somebody's done. And this guy who lives downstairs and has continued to live downstairs." Hayley told her. "It's okay..." She trailed off. "This girl is a cake walk compared to him but I guess at the same time she makes me uneasy. She said some very fucked up things to me." She sighed.
  45. Covet: "What did she say to you? Not that you should believe anything she says. She's clearly just trying to get under your skin." Tae told her as she watched her, "What's her name?"
  46. Tsaaq: Hayley waved her hand at Tae. "Yeah I already talked to Adam about it. I know she was being a fucking bitch." She scoffed. "Well a while back I was in the mental hospital. And I take meds and shit and she said she felt uncomfortable because I'm crazy." She grumbled. "She was just being a dick."
  47. Covet: "Wow, who the fuck is she to say any of that. It's not like you've gone and tried to cut someone's breaks. That to me seems way more crazy then taking care of yourself with medications or whatever else. What you're doing is just being responsible for yourself. She sounds like a hypocritical bitch."
  48. Tsaaq: "Well. She's tried to get with my other ex boyfriend so I've kind of known she's into stealing guys... And not into apologizing for hurting people's feelings." Hayley frowned and crossed her arms. "I guess she is. I just don't want her to do any crazy shit and hurt Adam. He means a lot to me." She said before turning to Tae. "My friend and her boyfriend almost died when the car crashed. Like, that's scary." She whispered. "Thank you for not judging me or anything. I try not to talk about my institutionalization. "
  49. Covet: "I feel like, I know this person just by reputation alone." Tae said scrunching up her nose, then gave Hayley a soft look, "Mental health is important, It's not something to judge over. It's no different than any other sort of health issue. If anything it's something to be even more concerned with considering that it's the brain we're talking about here. It's way more complex than any of our other organs."
  50. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded. "Thank you so much." She sighed. "I'm on a new chapter in my life. And it's all about taking care of myself and other people." She began to smile. "Speaking of which. You haven't talked to Drew have you?" She asked Tae with her eyebrows furrowed.
  51. Covet: "You're welcome. That's great to hear, and awesome that you're taking control of your life." Tae said with a smile, "Actually, I haven't. I feel a little bad for not talking to him, but between being busy and hanging out with You, and being forced to hang out with Persephone, I haven't had the time." She said with a bit of a shrug. "I debated doing that tonight, but I wanted to hang out with you instead."
  52. Tsaaq: "Good." Hayley said with a gentle look. "Besides... You don't want to draw more attention to yourself when it comes to him anyways." She shrugged. "And doesn't this seem like more fun. You get your hair dyed, hang out with me and my cat and shit. And sleep in my extra bed." Hayley went to take off her boots. "Speaking off which, it's time to wipe off this face and put on some sweats for bed."
  53. Covet: "Yeah I should go rinse this out and get it dried before sleeping, I would hate to stain the pillows with wet hair. I'll let you get changed, and go do that." She said getting up, "When I get back we can chit chat until we pass out."
  54. Tsaaq: Hayley put her hair up in a ponytail then went to wipe her face with a makeup removing towellete. "Nobody has slept in that bed beside you though so... I'm sure nobody would be too mad about it." She called out as Tae went to go rinsde her hair.
  55. Covet: Tae finished her hair and did her best to dry it with a towel, grabbing an extra one so that she could use it on the pillows, just in case. "All else fails, I can buy new pillows for it." She kicked off her shoes and slipped her oversized top back on, to use as pj's. "We'll see how good this looks in the morning, I guess." She said as she pulled the blankets back on the bed so she could get under the covers.
  56. Tsaaq: "That is also an option." She laughed. "You want pancakes?" Hayley asked Tae as she went to shut off the light. Hera immediately got into bed cause she knew it was bedtime now. "Persephone would shit the bed if she knew I hung out over here with you, huh?" She asked jokingly as she climbed into bed.
  57. Covet: "Pancakes are life. Yes, I want pancakes!" Tae said as she pulled the blankets up over her, "Probably, but she'd survive. I think I'm allowed to have other friends, especially ones that I have things in common with." Tae said as she yawned and drifted off.
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