
Terminus: Centricon-Reborn 7

May 14th, 2023
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  1. [22:43] Terminus says, "Present the Centricon booned upon you."
  2. [22:43] Syrta says, "By your will."
  3. [22:43] {Item} You picked up Centricon Of The End. Dropped by Syrta..
  4. [23:03] The flesh-moss below flexed to construct a pillar to rest the requested grimoire, now placed center-fold to the impromptu shrine of Terminus.
  5. "Time, is the most fickle asset to all that roam these lands. It is what makes... and breaks..." The terminal monologued, gazing upon Syrta.
  7. "You have taken to my will until now, and have been rewarded for your merit... Though, your mortal limitations leave your flesh... Desanctified." It claimed outright, "No longer shall I accept such, for unlike a meager candidate... You've proven your drive... Your capability...
  8. Your vision, is that of a Seer, fledging into the Dark...
  10. No longer shall I dub you of the Marked... But as an acolyte, worthy of cleansing the unpure and fettered."
  12. Veins protruded from the pillar, as micro-tendrils pierced into the fleshy cover of the Centricon. Dark energies were being funneled into it, emanating its signature mauve glow. However, unlike the times before, its cover swelled and hissed... Fizzling even. It was as though it was being broiled from the inside, darkening in hue for a tougher façade. The eyes became bloodshot, adjusting to their surroundings much less responsively -- tortured outright.
  14. The nerves of the book were traumatized along its exterior, moreso resembling a true tome, though its inner pages still held their fleshy characteristics.
  16. The demon-tome flipped open, flailing through the pages to reveal the nigh blinding sheen of the pages yet to be deciphered, dimming away at the arcane light that'd obscure its once cryptic texts.
  17. The Ritual Of Flesh Sanctification
  19. The Centricon Of The End was no more...
  20. This, was the Centricon Of The Flesh now - to be held by none lesser than Acolytes themselves.
  22. "The conducting of Flesh Sanctification will have those physically wounded and changed, restored once more by my Will, should their impairments be that which time alone could solve. It is simple, thus error beyond the grasp of sensible mortalkin such as yourself.
  24. Make no mistake, that Flesh Sanctification can not undo upon those it is intended for, what is beyond their physical capability." The Terminal explained...
  26. "The unraveling of impairment, of battle can be sanctified... The rebinding of relinquished limb? Can not."
  27. If it were understood, then perhaps the newly dubbed Acolyte would be effective in their future endeavors... Otherwise, pending failure would see to a vengeful Demon Patron.
  28. (Terminus)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. Acolyte. A new title, bestowed to her for her efforts. Truly a boon, but also a curse, for it would mean far more severe consequences for failure. And a new ritual as well, once for lessening the burdens of battle no less. Truly a powerful boon if used correctly.
  32. "Your will is heard, Patron. And your lesson on the purpose of the ritual shall be remembered."
  34. While she was mending, she would have to truly study the Centricon again, to memorize exactly what each ritual was for in its entirety. However if she lived long enough to be named priest.. Perhaps the Ritual of the End would be in order.. She would have to truly work hard from this point forward. And find out where Calypso had wandered off to, and hope he was still alive. She had not heard from them since they were both last together.
  35. (Syrta)
  36. Terminus says, "Now then, venture out into the wilds... Find the other Marked One and ensure he still lives... Then, venture further out for those whom abscond from my influence with Centricons of the lost..."
  38. Terminus says, "The Centricon Of The Aspirant... And The Centricon Of The Wondrous..."
  40. Terminus says, "One carried by a giant-witch known as 'Veld'... The other? A crow-masked witch, known only as 'Crow'."
  42. Terminus says, "Find any trace of their whereabouts. It is likely they are long dead... Though, I require assurance. Should they still live, their Centricons are to be pried from their clutches..."
  44. Syrta says, "By your will."
  46. Syrta gave a formal bow before departing
  47. (Syrta)
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