

Oct 22nd, 2022
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  1. The novel starts with a Magos explaining that the Ork mind is far more capable than a human's to recognize that a situation is to his benefit and then act on it. Some would disagree with this notion since Orks tend to throw themselves into dangerous and often deadly situations all the time. The truth of the matter is that Orks find such situations to be desirable. The outcome of a battle is a secondary concern to the Orks compared to experiencing it. Any Ork warboss that fails to deliver these desirable situations to his boyz will end up facing a coup.
  3. -Members Imperial Guard, unlike the Orks, feel distressed while engaging in combat or being confronted with the prospect of conflict. Duty and fear keep the Imperial Guard in these undesirable situations where their personal benefit is put at risk. This is despite the fact that guardsmen have the numbers to kill their superiors. Guardsmen are more likely to go against their own desires rather than disobey their leaders. Such a thing is unthinkable to the Orks. The Ork leaders, no matter how large, cannot hope to maintain control over their hordes without providing them with what they want. Perhaps the Orks are following their bigger comrades since it's a proven fact that they gained size due to fighting a lot, so it stands to reason that following them would lead to more fighting.
  5. -The Magos wonders how things would be interesting if humans adopted the logical thought process of the Orks and acted accordingly.
  7. -The Magos was condemned as a Biologis Diabolicus and declared a heretic in 38K
  9. -Waaagh! Gazrot descended on the Imperial world Aranua. The Imperial defenses of the world were swiftly overwhelmed. One hive city after another fell, resulting in most of the population being slaughtered or enslaved. All that remained was the capital hive city. The Orks halted their advance there.
  11. -The reason why the Orks stopped is that their warboss decided to have a big old party before finishing off the humans. The warboss was named Gazrot Goresnappa, and he had the potential to be one of the greatest Orks ever to ravage the galaxy. He ordered his boyz to create great fire pits and stoke the fires so that the humies could see them all the way up in their spires. Gazrot was of the Snakebites clan, and he was a hulk of ten feet. So when he demanded something from the boyz it sure was going get done.
  13. -Gazrot's subbosses were in attendance at the fire party. First was the Uzbrag, also known as the Da Genrul. He was a member of the Blood Axes clan, so as typical of their clan, he has a habit of mimicking the humans and innovating based on what he learned from them. All that walking in straight lines and having his boyz hit their heads with their hands after being issued orders rubbed the traditionalist Gazrot the wrong way, but the Da Genrul and his humie-mimicking boyz were more than capable of getting things done. He cannot deny that.
  15. -Da Genrul was followed around by "Sarge". A kill kan that carried behind its back a humie in a cage.
  17. -Second was Mag Dedfist. A massive ded-ard Goff. Gazrot knew that the Goff wouldn't like playing second for him long, so he threw him at the toughest defensive points of the humies but each time Mag emerged victorious and with a higher standing within the Waaagh!. It seemed that Gazrot would eventually need to settle issues with him in the traditional way after all, whenever Mag decides it was time to take his swing.
  19. -Third was the speedfreak boss Zagnob Thundaskuzz. He was an annoyance to Gazrot in that it was impossible to get concepts in his head other than go fast and kill things while going fast. He made things difficult when the Warboss wanted to direct his Waagh! to hit the enemy with cohesive impact, but he Waaagh! has a sizeable number of speedfreaks which makes Zagnob useful for the moment.
  21. -As Zagrot was giving his speech, a Gargant's head detached and started falling direct towards the warboss. Da Genrul originally thought that this was part of the party's spectacle. Some stunt by the warboss, perhaps. Having spent years on the battlefields, however, Da Genrul learned how to read the expressions and mannerisms of his fellow Orks. Zagrot's face was at first filled with surprise and then anger before the Gargant's head smashed on top of him. It wasn't something he planned or expected.
  23. -As the speech was being given, a grot named Snaggi Littlefoot, who claimed that Gork and Mork spoke to him, was having a scuffle with a fellow grot over his claims. The fight took place inside the Gargant. During it, Snaggi pulled a lever, and soon afterward the Gargants head detached and fell down on the warboss. Snaggi didn't know whether the lever did that or not, but he decided to claim that it was on purpose. He claimed to his fellow awed grots that he killed the warboss, and it was a first step in the "Grot Revolushun"
  25. -Da Genrul was armed with a massive power axe as tall as he was. And in his other hand he has armed with a Storm Bolter. No few Orks scoffed at him for using a humie weapon. But they didn't do much scoffing (or anything else) after he was done with them.
  27. -The three subbosses started sizing each other up and arguing with each other over who would become the new warboss. Ork fights over rank are different than fights against other races. It wasn't about just fighting hard it was about looking tougher. It was a presentation for the rest of the Waagh! that you are tough and worthy. So attacking first can be seen as an act of cowardice since it implies that you are too scared to take a hit. So the three bosses were caught in a standoff.
  29. -All three started to get headaches and nosebleeds suddenly. It announced the arrival of Morgrub an old Warphead.
  31. -It's known that Weirdboyzs, in the middle of fighting Boyz mobs, would give even the mightiest psykers and sorcerers of the other races a run for their teef. This was shown in the past when Morgrub burst apart an Aeldari seer with pure Waagh! energy. All that remained of the Aeldari was a funny-looking gemstone that Morgrub liked to lick whenever he was looking for inspiration or whenever he was bored.
  33. -Morgrub was not an ordinary Weirdboy. He was a Warphead which means that unlike the run-of-the-mill Weird, he mastered control of his abilities. He seeks out gatherings of Orks rather than avoid them. The tapping of the coalescing Waagh! energies thrilled and invigorated him. It didn't matter that a few Orks lost their heads in the process.
  35. -Da Genrul stepped forth to drag Morgrub away before he caused any head explosions. Before he could place his hands on him, however, a pillar of green light shot out of Warphead's mouth. It sent a shockwave that blasted all the Orks present off their feet.
  37. -The floored Orks dared not move for fear of having their heads exploded. Orks didn't mind death. But they desire to die in style. For example, dying with the weapons your enemies sticking from your body after leaving a pile of mangled bodies in your wake. Dying from having your head exploded by a hiccuping Warphead is just plain embarrassing.
  39. -Morgrub, with eyes blazing with green fire, told the Orks that he had foreseen the death of the Warboss. He has a prophecy of how his replacement will reveal himself. He said that a warboss isn't just the best fighter; he needs to be the best thinker. A warboss must lead his boyz to the best fights and loot. And he must do It quickly so that his boyz won't get bored.
  41. -Morgub hammered a vision in the heads of the three bosses. They were in the middle of green. It was not the green of the Orks or Grots. It was the primal green that existed before everything and will exist after everything disappears. From the green emerged a Waaagh!, their Waaagh!
  43. -Then the vision shifted, taking them to the bowels o the humie city. They saw something that reminded them of the glowy stone Morgrub carried on his staff. They heard boots crossing a threshold and then stars themselves. Then they saw new worlds set ablaze with a bright green following in the wake of the fire. Behind it all, they heard the laughter of Gork and Mork. The laughter filled the galaxy from edge to edge. It could kill anything that heard it. It was the greatest and most terrifying thing they ever experienced.
  45. -When the three bosses snapped back from the vision, Morgrub explained its meaning. He told them that there was a gate beneath the humie city. The gate was built by the pointy ears. If they find it, they will no longer need to make boring voyages in space to search for their next fight. With the gate, they just need to walk a bit, and they will find themselves somewhere new where they can stomp gits and loot. Again and again, they go from one world to the next. Whoever of the three finds the gate first will become the new warboss. May da best Ork win!
  47. -Mag Dedfis, while preparing for a frontal assault on the humie city, ordered his Goff Stormboyz and Trukkboyz to join the forces of the other bosses. They would spy for him and tell him whatever plans the other bosses are crafting to get into the city. When Mag was questioned by one of his nobs that his orders sounded a bit Blood-axey and how they sounded like "taktics", Mag grabbed him with his depowered power-claw and began to choke him. While choking the Nob, he explains to him and the rest of the boyz that it wasn't taktics. It was a plan. And what's the difference between taktics and a plan? A plan is making sure you kill the other gits. Taktics is to make sure the other gits don't kill you. It's for grots and cowards. Mag lets go of the struggling Ork and tells his boyz to get to it.
  49. -Da Genrul decides to take counsel with his humie guest. The humie was Captain Armenius Varrow. He was captured when his regiment was surprised by Orks feigning retreat and concealing themselves using camo, tactics Orks are unknown for. Da Genrul used him as a pet and as a tactical advisor.
  51. -Da Genrul spoke in reasonably clear low Gothic despite the fact that his lip structure and tusks shouldn't have allowed him to. He asked Varrow if there were tunnels that led to the depths of the city. Varrow tried to muster his courage and told the Xenos that if he wants the city he has to charge the walls like the rest of his degenerate kin. The people of the world are a warrior people, and they will fight the Xenos to the last
  53. -One of Da Genrul's nobs asked if that was a yes or no. Da Genrul said that it was a yes. Da Genrul explained that humies are bad at lying to things that scare them, and this humie was the worst at it. What he said can be boiled down to a no but what he actually meant is a yes. There are tunnels that lead to hive's depths. Da Genrul orders his boyz to keep digging.
  55. -The ambition of Zagnob Thundakuzz, like all Speedfreaks, was to chase after the distance and make it his "here". However, the distance was a crafty prey that always eluded him. But it was always there, lurking about within sight, just out of reach.
  57. -Snaggi gave a speech to his fellow Grots. He expressed how the Orks are the true cowards. The Grots are sent in front of the Orks armed with nothing, but weapons humans would consider laughable and a few bits of cloth. All the while the Orks get the best weapons and armor. They even ride into battle to minimize the chances of getting shot.
  59. -Snaggi showed the gathered Grots the staff he took from a murdered Runtherd. He told that he killed him, and he revealed that he killed the warboss too. Orks are not that tough. The Grots can have them killed if they put their minds to it.
  61. -Since no Ork warboss was going to give them equality and justice, Snaggi announced that he would be the Warboss. This proclamation was met with the laughter of the gathered Grots, who thought he was joking.
  63. -Snaggi told them it wasn't a joke. He reminded them of the Mogrub's prophecy. Whoever reaches the gate beneath the human city will become the new Warboss. If Snaggi gets there first, Morgrub has to make him the warboss. It was a long shot, but it wasn't impossible. For creatures used to painful certainties, this prospect was worth a shot.
  65. -Snaggi ordered the gathered Grot to send word to the rest of the Waaagh! grots. When the time comes, the Grots will stop doing everything that the Orks can't or won't do. This will make the Orks have to make a choice. Either respect the Grots or sit around and watch their weapons and vehicles stop working
  67. -As Mag Dedfist army of walkers approached the human city, his Mega Gargant roared. It was something more felt than heard. It was a subsonic rumble that gripped the body from within and rattled the internal organs. It registered first as a wave of pressure before rising into the sound of someone smashing his head into yours. It went higher still until it was the sound of an oceanic predator tearing apart its prey. It kept going until it was a volcanic eruption. It did not stop. It became the tortured scream of a million overworked steam engines.
  69. -The roar was joined by the voices of other walkers and the multitudes of Orks that ran alongside the lumbering march of the titanic machines. Let the Genrul have his tinkers and oddboyz, let Zagnob have his speed. Here and now, Mag has the power of the Waaagh! at his command.
  71. -exploiting the distraction caused by the psychic pull of violence on his captors, Captain Armenius escapes into the dug-up trenches and then into the tunnels. Eventually, he made his way to the underhive.
  73. -Back at the Bloodaxes camp, Da Genrul was telling his boyz that they can't all be lootenants. A major is more important. How come none of them wants to be one? The assembled Bloodaxes looked embarrassed when Da Genrul figured out why they preferred lootenant. It has the word "loot" in it
  75. -An underling reported to Da Genrul that his humie prisoner had escaped. It was just as Da Genrul planned. He allowed the humie to escape but ordered some of the boyz to trail him. The humie led them to a way inside the Hive. Dan Genrul turned to his excessive number of lootenants and ordered them to get in the tunnels.
  77. -Zagnob's speedmob clashed with a formation of Imperial armor. Zagnob's mob knew how to steer in a way that made the Imperial tanks miss. It wasn't dodging as Orks reckoned it because dodging is for cowards too scared to get hit. What it actually is was making the other gits look silly when they miss. That's totally fine Orkish behavior.
  79. -During the battle, two Ork drivers crashed into each other and they got to a brawl over whose fault it was. For Zagnob this was fine. There is no proper battle that didn't feature some Ork infighting. If the Orks stopped doing that, they would be like the Fishboyz. The gits that thought that everyone might want to join their side. Apparently, you can trick them by telling them that you won't fight them, and then they would be all surprised when you do fight them. Zagnob has no issue with that sort of cunning trick. Anyone who believed that an Ork wouldn't fight them deserves everything they got. This kind of trick might seem a bit Bloodaxey, but it was so funny that it didn't count.
  81. -Zagnob wasn't sure of the rumor that Gork and Mork would throw you into a new body if you got killed. His unsurety stems from the fact that he doesn't remember being anyone but himself. This was comforting for Zagnob because it meant there would be nothing after Zagnob. It meant that Zagnob wouldn't know if he was dead. Being struck as an unmoving corpse was the worst thing imaginable for him. So if someone cannot be aware that he is dead, then what is there to be afraid of?
  83. -As Mag's gargants blasted a breach into the Hive's walls, his spy Stormboy nob arrived to bring him news about Da Genrul. Da Genrul and his mob disappeared seemingly underground. Mag then realized what the Da Genrul was planning. Da Genrul was cheating! He was going under the walls instead of through them like a proper Ork. Going over them was acceptable if necessary. Even going around them is acceptable, depending on the circumstances. Going under walls however was an outrage.
  85. -Realising that he is pressed for time, Mag orders his Orks mobs to exit the Gargants and storm the breach. He charged at the forefront of the Ork mobs and smashed his way to the humies. He was greeted by a storm of desperate lasfire but it smacked harmlessly on his thick armor plates. He answered the human fire with his own, lighting up the humies with his shootas and flamers before wading into them. One of the humies, a leader by the look of him given his bloodaxe-looking medals, came at Mag with his power sword. It's rare for a humie to want to fight, so deciding to encourage such proper behavior, Mag allowed the humie to draw close rather than gunning him down. Mag staggered the humie and nearly disarmed him of his sword however, the humie came at Mag again. Mag praised the humie for his bravery before impaling him with a finger of his power claw and flinging him away.
  87. -As Mg was busy tearing apart a humie tank, his Goff instinctual mistrust of the strange alarmed him to the suspicious movements of the Grots running around his Boyz. The Grots were being led by a grot that carried a grabba stikk and they were heading toward the center of the city. Mag ordered his boyz to follow them.
  89. -The disorder of the human ranks proved to be fatal when the Grot brigade washed over them. The humans were separated into groups in a sea of little green bodies. The humans that rushed in to attack them were overwhelmed. The others that fled to cover didn't have the numbers to fire effectively without being suppressed by the grots fire. Had the humans either rushed as one or fallen back to form a fireline, then things would have turned badly for the grots.
  91. -Grots were way much better shots than Orks. They sent humans to the ground with decently placed blasta shots. This further confirmed to Snaggi the injustice of Orks having all the best guns while the Grots got only the junk.
  93. -Snaggi looted a humie gun that was similar to a boomstikk. He was pleased when he found that fit for grot use. He mused that if he succeeded in being grotboss, he would keep some humans around to make weapons for the grots.
  95. -In a swirl of green energy, Morgrub appeared in front of the grots and asked them in a friendly manner if they were lost. The grots were caught by surprise. Being spoken to by an Ork without being hit first and in such a friendly tone was alien to them. One of the Grots told Morgrub that Snaggi was after the gate. Morgrub pointed the way downwards to the Grots and disappeared into the shadows. Seeing this as a sign of his destiny and favor of the gods, Snaggi orders his brigade onwards.
  97. -In truth, Morgrub was just using Snaggi to lead Mag to the gate. The Goff warboss was too stubborn to be led directly. Sensing that the other bosses aren't where they should be, Morgrub mutters that he has to do everything himself.
  99. -Captain Armenius meets a underhiver whose gender was obscured by their spider helmet and rat cloak. The underhiver didn't know what the Orks were or what even a planet was, but he knew about the Emperor and didn't appreciate that his name being taken in vain. Having examined the greenskin weapon handed to him by the captain, they realized that the weapon tasted, smelled, and felt of something that didn't come from the underhive. The underhiver agreed to help the captain reach the upper hives to warn his people. While this was happening, Ork kommandos kept trailing the progress of the captain.
  101. -Zagnob had a Mek hack his way into the electrical systems of the gate leading to a road tunnel into the Hive. The Mek said that humies have little understanding of electricity. They always crafted their electrical systems the same way, which made it easy to subvert them. While the Mek did his work, the Speedfreaks wrestled with one of their greatest enemies; the dreaded waiting.
  103. -The Mek got the gates open, allowing Zagnob and his mob to surge in. During the speedy mayhem of navigating the road tunnel and dakkaing any humie that got in their way, something leaped at Zagnob's vehicle. It was one of the Cogboyz. The Cogboy mag-locked his legs on the hull of the vehicle and fired inside it, killing Zagnob's driver. Cogboy proved to be a formidable foe, punching Zagnob repeatedly in the face and, at one point during their scuffle, pinning his face to the wall of the tunnel as the vehicle dragged at the wall's metal paneling. Realizing that the heat generated by the vehicle scrapping along the wall would cause the missiles in the vehicle to explode, Zagnob pulls his Snagga Claw free and uses it as a grabbing hook to escape. The Cogboy kept gripping him and stabbing him with his claws forcing Zagnob to tear off the metal tendrils wrapping around him before headbutting the Cogboy. Something was squished within the Coyboy's head, and he let go of Zagnob. The Cogboy fell down to the road and was hit by the spike ram of a passing Ork vehicle reducing him to an explosion of gore and metallic parts.
  105. -Zagnob hitches a ride with the Mek and hands him the head of the Cogboy. They could use it to open more doors along the way. While they continued riding through the tunnel, they made it to a fork. The right side of the fork glowed green for some unknown reason. Naturally, Zagnob and the rest of the Speed mob chose the green one cause green is best.
  107. -Zagnob has the honed ability to pick up on things and analysis them in a split second. This ability allowed him to glimpse the shape of an Ork holding a staff that wasn't cheering or doing anything an Ork would do when near a Speedmob. He merely lurked in the shadows watching the Speed mob make its way toward the green glowing tunnel.
  109. -The undeerhiver's name was Eza. They took Captain Armenius settlement called the Emperor's Gate. The settlement was protected by guards called direguards. They were conical helmets with faceless masks. The settlement was built around a massive arch that was over a hundred feet in height. It was obvious to the captain that no human hands built this structure.
  111. -Captain Armenius was taken to the seer, the leader of the settlement. She explained to him that the arch, "the Emperor's Gate", was the Emperor's gift to them. Long ago, the Emperor had sent his warriors through it to their worlds to cleanse it of the unworthy. Their ancestors were spared, and they have lived in accordance with the teachings of the Emperor ever since.
  113. -Armenius saw the lack of Aquilas and witch-burning posts as well as the fact that the people of the settlement wore polished stone on their persons, as unnerving. However, he had no time to dwell on their deviance from the norms of the Imperial faith. He spotted movement. Green movement.
  115. -Driven by instinct, he fired at it. Immediately, Eza tackled him and pinned him down. Eza shouted at him that he was a stupid mon'kiegh and would get them both killed. He ignored Eza and struggled to draw the attention of Eza and everyone present toward the greenskins.
  117. -Armenius saw a horde of Grots being led by one holding a pole. Armenius thought hopefully that the diminutive greenskins might be scared off before their larger brethren arrived. But in defiance of all Imperial knowledge of the Grots, the leading Grot raised his pole and gave a shriek that sent the grots charging forward.
  119. -The Webway was unnatural. Despite its great age, even by the standards of the Aeldari, it remained unnatural. Even the worlds defiled by industry and war felt more natural to Autrach Ileathen of Lugganath than the Webway. The fact that it has become the second home of the Aeldari is not proof of their connection to it but a testament to the violence and atrocity inflicted upon the Aeldari by their usurpers and predators.
  121. -Other craftworlds clung to hope for the future. Some believed that even if the Aeldari could no longer rule the stars, they could still set their own borders and live in peace within them. Lugganath believed that such notions were foolish. There is nothing left for the Aeldari in the material plane except for suffering and war. So it was of great importance for the Aeldari of Lugganath to keep the passages and gateways of the Webway safe.
  123. -Some foes of the Aeldari were predictable. The Imperium's belligerence drove its armies to drown the stars in their own blood for short-term gains. Common ground can be found with the Imperials against foes that the humans consider more horrid than the Aeldari. However, humanity's hatred of the different and alien would see them quickly fall again into violence and treachery.
  125. -Then there are the awakening Necron dynasties that were far worse than the Imperium of man. Ileathen did not know which was worse, the fact that many lives must be lost to vanquish a foe that refuses to acknowledge that his time is gone or the possibility that the Necrons might truly rise again to their power.
  127. -The Tyranids were also predictable foes, but that didn't mean that they could easily be stopped. Foresight did little more than help the Aeldari evade the clutches of the Great Devourer.
  129. -The Orks were predictable in their lust for violence but not even the greatest seers of the Aeldari could foresight how the violence would play out moment after moment. This made the Orks a notoriously difficult foe to plan against.
  131. -Though it was unclear how, the Orks on this planet might gain access to the Webway. It was a possibility that the Aeldari of Lugganath could not tolerate.
  133. -All three bosses arrived after Snaggi. Their mobs converged on the humie settlement and stood before the arch. During the fighting, Da Genrul recaptured his humie pet. and threw him back in his cage. The three bosses argued over who got their first. Old Morgrub appeared before them and asked who got to the gate first. Snaggi shouted that he got here first and he should named the Warboss of the Waaaagh!
  135. -All three bosses stared down at Snaggi. It made him want to run for his life or announce that he claimed it for one of them for a chance at a small reward. Anything to spare his life. But he refused to do any of that. He was the chosen grot of Gork and Mork. It was his destiny to lead the Grotwaaagh!
  137. -Da Genrul looked at Morgrub and asked him if he knew who this git was. Morgrub gave Snaggi a sideway glance and said that he had never seen him before and that the bosses could kill him if they wanted since he was getting in the way.
  139. -As Snaggi's mouth gaped at how unfair all of this was, the arch activated. The gate was opening.
  141. -Morgrub became excited. He said that he knew that they would come if enough of the Boyz gathered around the gate. They know that he has the stone with him, and if the Orks got in through the gate, then there is nowhere they can't go. They were scared of this.
  143. -Shadows started to manifest in the shimmering light of the gate. Morgrub said to those around him that it's better that they step back for this part. Death followed after that.
  145. -The Aeldari struck hard and fast at the Orks. Tearing into them with a shower of razor discs. After the initial shock of the sudden attack wore off, the Orks started fighting back. Da Genrul sent in Da High Kommand. Four lootenants led by a massive nob that finally accepted the rank of major. Da High Kommand were outnumbered by the Aeldari, but their heavy armors bounced off attacks that would cleave lesser Orks in two. When they struck back at the Aeldari, they splattered them. The Orks weren't the fastest fighters in the galaxy, but they weren't slow. Their reactions and swing speeds were fast enough to catch off guard Aeldari warriors and chop them down in half a second.
  147. -A green armored Aeldari darted toward the DA High Kommand, evading attacks from other Orks by the slimmest margins and leaving death in his wake. One of the Lootenants , one of the largest and strongest of all Da Genrul's mob, swung at him. The green Aeldari warrior didn't dodge, Instead, he caught the choppa swing with his power claw and held the choppa in place. The Aeldari demonstrated his strength to the shocked Ork before using the choppa to hoist himself upwards and backflip kick him with enough force to shatter his teeth. Before landing on the ground again, the Aeldari warrior sent a volley of discs into the neck of the reeling Ork.
  149. -Dan Genrul had enough and went after the green Aeldari warrior. Both Ork and Aelddari engaged each other. The Aeldari sent shots from his helmet guns toward Da Genrul's face, but they bounced off his reinforced hat. The Aeldari tried to direct a kick toward Da Genrul's head next, but he caught the Aeldari's leg before it connected and used it to slam him to the ground.
  151. -Dan Genrul swung down his axe at the raising Aeldari and smashed his chainsword aside. The Aeldari warrior caught the next axe swung with his power klaw and held it in place. In response, Da Genrul sent his knee toward the face of the Aeldari warrior. The Aeldari's helmet gun fired at the same time, but he was the worse off side of this exchange. The Aeldari's helmet was shattered, exposing a bloodied, raging face. The Aeldari warrior did not flee but instead charged again at Da Genrul. However, the blow to the head had dimmed the Aeldari's abilities and he couldn't dodge or parry the axe swing that took off his power claw arm.
  153. -The Aeldari warrior did not cry out in pain. Instead he hissed in rage and malice and leaped with his clawed fingers toward Da Genrul's eyes. Da Genrul grabbed the Aeldari warrior by the throat and crushed it. He then flung him toward the gate.
  155. -Da Genrul didn't mind a fight but he didn't like being manipulated by Morgrub. He resolved to have a little chat with the Warphead after this was done. But first, the Skrawnies needed to be taken care of. But he needed to find their leader. A difficult task considering that they were all the same size. Then Da Genrul heard a roar that did not come from the lungs and mouth of any mortal creature. The presence he felt was that of bloodlust, hatred, and violence given form and thought. A titanic being emerged from gate. Wreathed in fire and with a hand that dripped blood. Da Genrul knew then that the problem solved itself. They found him.
  157. -The Avatar waded through the Orks reaping them with his Wailing Doom in scores. the Asuryani followed in his wake, forming a wedge formation after him to sweep the Orks. The Avatar impaled an Ork dreadnaught, but even as its pilot was cooked alive, he unleashed his machine's weapons at point-blank range before its explosion enveloped the Avatar. The Avatar remained standing, and its wounds healed and closed up. The Orks were drawn to the Avatar, and the mobs sent fire at the daemonic creature. It did nothing except enrage the Avatar further.
  159. -The Avatar's roars of challenge were answered by Mag Dedfist. The avatar saw the immense Orks as nothing but his next victim and was going to throw a bolt of energy at the charging Ork. Before he could do that, Da Genrul attacked it from behind. He buried his axe in the Avatar's side and withdrew before the Avatar could retaliate. The distracted Avatar was smashed to his knee by Mag. Mag's next blow sent the Avatar reeling with one side of his head caved in.
  161. -Autarch Ilaethen wanted to help the Avatar, but the Farseer told him via telepathy that the Avatar can take care of himself. The Autarch needed to find the Ork psyker that caused all of this. The Autarch found Morgrub and attacked. Ilaethen evaded the psychic green fire of the Ork and was going to run him through. Suddenly the Ork disappeared, teleporting away.
  163. -The Farseer communicated her panic to Ilaethen. Morgrub had teleported to her position. Before she could say anything else, Ilaethen felt and psychically witnessed her death. The power of the Waaagh! filled the Farseer's head and exploded it.
  165. -Autarch Ilaethen fell to his knees and howled in rage and grief. One of the greatest seers of his Craftworld was slain by the vile tricky of the Orks. All thoughts of protecting his people were drowned by his bloodlust. He simply wanted to kill all of the Orks. Da Genrul's Kommandos were sent to get take out Morgrub. They surrounded the grief-stricken Autarch. They have missed their mark, but they would be more than happy to bury their long knives in a Skrawnie. The Autarch managed to slay one of them, but it was just a death reflex as his throat was slit wide open.
  167. -Captain Armenius was placed again in his cage on the back Sarge the Kill-Kan. Sarge was maniacally pursuing the Aeldari. The Aeldari, being pressed to defend the gate, could do little to dodge his attacks. His buzzsaw hit its mark to brutal effect. An Aeldari guardian was flung over Sarge with his legs sawn off. The guardian held to Captain's cage and unholstered a shuriken pistol. Not knowing the Xenos intentions, the captain wrestled the pistol from the injured Xenos and kicked him off.
  169. -The Kill Can was hit and disabled. Captain Armenius used this as a chance to use the Shuriken pistol to shoot his way out of the cage. The grip was too thin, and the trigger was too far his index finger, but he got the pistol to fire. A stream of razor discs destroyed the lock and freed him from the cage.
  171. -As Captain Armenius ran away from the fighting, he stumbled on the Imperial troops making their way to the Xenos battle. He explained everything he knew to the commissar. The commissar ordered the troops to engage and destroy the Xenos. And just in case they failed, he ordered that explosives be planted to bury the area under tonnes of rock.
  173. -The Commissar then spoke with Captain Armenius. She told him that he was captured by the enemy and undoubtedly aided them. Moreover, he was carrying a prohibited Xenos weapon. He should have taken his life rather than allow himself to be corrupted. She then pointed her bolt gun at his head and executed him.
  175. -The Avatar cried out in rage from his smashed jaw. Mag sensed pain in his roar as well. Mag stood over the Avatar and smashed his Power Claw into his chest. He dug deep and looked for his heart but found nothing. The Avatar grasped the Power Claw with both of his hands. Mag was shocked when his Power Claw began to soften and melt. Mag pulled his bare arm backward and swore as the molten metal splashed on it. The Avatar plucked the melting power claw from his chest and cast it aside. He grabbed the Wailing Doom and rose to stare down at Mag. As the wounded Avatar walked toward Mag, Mag raised his Custom Shoota at him. He hurt this Hot-Git good, and dying by its hand would be death he would be proud of.
  177. -Before the Avatar could attack Mag, a harpoon smashed through his neck. It was Zagnob aboard a Wartrike. The pull of the Harpoon's chain took the Avatar off his feet. It would be the highlight of Zagnob's career as a speedboss to drag an Avatar, but the Avatar to be too heavy for the Wartrike. Unless....
  179. -The red button was pushed, and the Avatar was starting to get lurched forward. Zagnob was getting ecstatic but then he saw Mag aiming his Shoota directly at the back of the Avatar's head. Zagnob would not allow Mag to ruin his fun. He staggered Mag back with a shot from his boomstikk before he could blow the head of the Avatar.
  181. -The Avatar used its hands to melt through the chain which sent Zagnob's Wartrike launching forward to collide with the unfortunate Aeldari and Orks in its way, turning them into mists of gorey blood. Zagnob did not have enough and wanted another go at the Avatar. He turned his Wartrike and accelerated toward the Avatar.
  183. -The Avatar was back to his feet again. He threw the Wailing Doom at the Wartrike. It pinned the Wartrike down but not Zagnob. Zagnob was catapulted toward the Avatar and he delivered a mighty punch with his Snagga Claw to the Avatar's face. The Avatar went down.
  185. -Zagnob smashed into the ground and skidded and tumbled to a stop. He picked himself back up just in time to see the Avatar rise up again. The Avatar called back its sword and was going to direct a bolt of energy toward Zagnob. Da Genrul smashed his axe down on its shoulder, causing it to miss.
  187. -Da Genrul dodged the Avatar swing and withdrew. Zagnob then hit the Avatar from behind.
  189. -Mag and Da Genrul came to a hasty agreement that they could only take the Avatar down by all working together. They all charged it as one.
  191. -The Avatar grabbed Zagnob's shoulder with his free arm and began to cook him. An attack to the back of the head from Mag wielding the arm of a Deff Dread made him set Zagnob loose. The three bosses kept hitting the Avatar. Da Genrul realized that consistent damage was the weakness of the Avatar. They needed to overcome its healing factor. He called to his peers to keep at it.
  193. -Zagnob was going for the Avatar's neck when he was shoved aside by Mag as he lined up his own attack. The Avatar lashed out and impaled Mag with the Wailing Doom. Mag cried out in pain and pulled back. The attack left the Avatar exposed to Zagnob. He was given a perfect chance to decapitate the Avatar before he could defend himself.
  195. -Instead of finishing off the Avatar, Zagnob smashed his Snagga Claw into the chest of Mag. As Mag fell down, Zagnob whooped in joy and revenge. He was too caught up in the defeat of his rival to notice the Avatar regaining his bearing. The Avatar grasped out and grabbed Zagnob by the head. His metal fingers dug into his skull and cooked the brain within. Da Genrul swung at the Avatar, but a counter backswing sent him flying.
  197. -By luck, the Avatar had hit Da Genrul with the flat of his sword. Da Genrul crashed down, and as he rose up leaning on his choopa he saw the Avatar run Zagnob through and finish him. Da Genrul angrily commented that his fellow bosses were idiots. They could have taken the avatar down if they had just worked together.
  199. -Da Genrul heard the familiar noise of Imperial boots and armor. The humies arrived and they started firing at the Avatar. Their shots fell harmlessly at his metal body. They did nothing but stoke the rage of the Avatar to greater heights. The Avatar charged toward the humies with the rest of the Aeldari following in its wake.
  201. -Da Genrul shouted at the Avatar that he wasn't finished with him yet, but the Avatar didn't take notice of him. Da Genrul called the Avatar a coward. He counted this as a win. The Aeldari and their avatar went off to fight the humies so this means that the Orks won. If the Aeldari come back after fighting the humies it would count as a new fight.
  203. -Snaggi managed to reach the gate but lost all his grots in the process. He used his Stikk to capture a wounded Aeldari, but Morgrub appeared to grab the Aeldari from him. Morgrub said that they needed one of the Skrawnies to open the gate. Snaggi noticed, to his despair, that the gate was no longer active. Morgrub assured him that he had proven himself to the gods and that he would ensure that he was first through the gate. Snaggi was elated by this, but his joy was cut short when the familiar threatening form of Da Genrul walked into view.
  205. -Da Genrul announced that he was the warboss of the Waagh!. He told the gathered boyz that there were humies and skrawnies killing each other not far away from them. They could go after them and get stuck in that fight. But he won't have that. Instead, he would lead them to something better. They have been fighting humies for a long bit, and it has become boring. The Hot Git came from the Webway. Surely there is more of his like inside and more enemies for the Orks to fight.
  207. -Morgrub put his hand on the captured Aeldari's head, and the gate opened again. Da Genrul looked down on Snaggi and then kicked him hard toward the shimmering light of the Gate. At this, Morgrub doubled up laughing. Having confirmed that the gate was safe(ish) to enter, Da Genrul ordered the Waaagh! foward.
  209. -Later. Somehow Snaggi ended up captured by Ufhank Blackhawk. Snaggi told him about the Aeldari gates and how to activate them. The massive warboss told Snaggi that he belonged to him now and that he was going to take this information to the Mek Lord.
  211. Note: The numbering of the chapters stops after chapter 5. It just says "lots" for the rest of the novel's chapters.
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