

Jun 10th, 2012
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  1. »» »Hartz IV = unemployment = incapacitation = 'expropriation'" You can not post often enough to spray on the best - edit <Zitat 1> Many people do not realize that it is # HARTz_IV to expropriation process. = Unemployment = incapacitation expropriation </ Quote 1> <Zitat 2> Someone is always what worked before: in the event of unemployment, where no man bears guilt, it is taken from him </ Quote 2> Food for thought twitter Userin anoym (at his own request) And even if you have more or less debt, à la "By mutual agreement," Unemployed Worthless equal, Outlawed Either one has to expose the arbitrariness of bureaucracy, or refrain from coal states and reprisals à la America HARTz0 this phenomenon is, from my own experience, the people behind the desks of agents already known to work! ! ! Every politically conscious person should be aware of this injustice, just as the Socialists, Communists early 20Jhdt. Although socialism, communism failed, Thus, not Mrs. Merkel "So do not Angie" as on a shop window in the Blücherstr. stands. Thus, anyone protesting against destructive social injustice in our country posted with white paint in his shop window and the headline is now time So do not Angie Photo blog to - "
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