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Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. Guys, I'd like to discuss how we treat new users. Yes, this is referring to PenguinAssault (PA) but it's not solely him as some of us treated TJ and I'm sure many others in the same regard. Although some of my points will be about PA, please keep in mind that this is a trend that hasn't just been an isolated incident. I feel like there is an atmosphere in PU where we can be abrasive to new users. Some of us criticize them in their battles, make them feel power hungry or uneducated when they try to give advice (when we should be assisting them in giving that advice), and worst of all talking about them behind their backs or creating alts to "check" their knowledge. This behavior is not what is representative of our room or our auth. Obviously it's not all of us who are doing it and I've heard that voices are guilty of this behavior as well but we need to be striving to create a welcoming atmosphere rather than an atmosphere that is critical of our newer users. Users like PA are the users we should LOVE to have. We want people to be enthusiastic about our tier and we want people to be participating and posting educated, well thought out posts on forums (even if they aren't perfect posts). If they're not it's our job to be helping them along the way so that they can get to a place where they are submitting those kind of posts rather than being crass with our critiques of them. I think there has been so many negative reactions to him because it was assumed his high activity was to achieve voice. What if it wasn't? What if we have a user who just wants to help people and likes to do analyses on mons and learn the tier in his own way? We ostracize him because he sticks out but isn't that what we want? Don't we want people who "try hard" for our tier and want to get involved? My point here is we want something from our users but we want it in a specific way and by trying to force all users into this way of learning we can turn off and make people feel unwelcome. What I want to shine light on from this is that when we have a user who "greetbots", follows you on ladder, goes above and beyond in chat to help other users we shouldn't be getting annoyed at them. They see our insignificant symbols and know, "These are the guys who I want to learn from and become friends with because they're good battlers and good people". I feel for some of us it's easy to get into this mentality that because we're used to the room and how things work, we can discredit those who do not or are new and trying to learn. We're all still people. We can hurt others feelings very easily and in this case we did. I dont want that in the future and that's why I'm bringing this up. Please really try to consider this in the future.
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