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Tomorrow's an excuse away

a guest
Feb 14th, 2018
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  1. Anon was well into his years now. His legs, try as they might, just couldn't get him around like they used to.
  3. He shaved his beard and put on his best suit. He wanted to look his best to meet his childhood friend. After all, it had been a while, and he did promise they would stay in touch. No matter what.
  5. The trip was far, but not too far for him. It could never be too far for him.
  7. He looked around at the scenery that was all too familiar to him. He hated visiting in winter. Everything was grey, wet, and ugly. The trees looked sad in their state, the sky gave him no positive feelings, and frankly, he hated the cold.
  9. In his youth, he loved the cold. It reminded him of times spent with the literature club. All the happy memories that were now getting harder to recollect.
  11. Anon began to smile at the thought of their first winter together. It had snowed all day, and the girls all wanted to go out and play in the snow. Monika insisted they stick to the agenda. She left it up to him to decide.
  13. They had spent all day making snowmen and throwing snowballs at each other. Monika was resistant at first, but she eventually joined in with them.
  15. What he would give to have one more winter day with the girls. Now, the cold just hurt his joints. He figured they would be in the same way he was now; old, gray, and now struggling to get around. Monika may be the only exception, since she was always the sporty and athletic type.
  17. He had made it to that familiar gate. He took a deep breath and made his way up the walk way.
  19. He began a brisk pace, despite his joints telling him to do otherwise. He couldn't contain himself, he was seeing his friend again. He hoped Sayori would be excited.
  21. He wondered if the other girls had visited her. It had been years since they were all together. It seemed harder to keep in touch with each other after college.
  23. One after one, they moved further away. The phone calls, emails, and letters became less frequent. But, despite all that, he always took the time to visit his childhood friend. He felt a little guilty though, as he had not visited for quite some time.
  25. "Hello, Sayori." Anon whispered. He had finally made it to his friend. Unfortunately, it looked like the place was lacking it's upkeep. The whole place seemed to be a mess. He had only just now the walkway hadn't even been shoveled.
  27. He noticed what looked to be the remains of a cupcake and a book on the head stone. To his surprise, it looked like Yuri and Natsuki had taken the time to visit.
  29. Unfortunately, there was no evidence of Monika visiting. Maybe she hadn't left anything during her visit, or maybe the trip was too much for her now. Either way, he understood.
  31. Anon brushed some of the snow away.
  33. Safe and secure from all harms
  34. Here lies Sayori
  35. Leaning on Everlasting Arms
  37. Her parents were on each side of her, as though they were watching over their little girl. This gave him comfort. Anon had made arrangements to buy the plot behind her, so he could take over their watch when it was his time. After all, he promised her all those years ago that he would watch over and keep her safe. It seemed he would only be able to keep half of that promise.
  39. "I'm sorry it's been a while," He knelt down, letting his cane drop into the snow, "Time just seemed to get away from me."
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