

May 25th, 2017
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  1. Destiny is obviously very smart and a good debater. And he is honest enough to admit when he's refusing to debate someone because he would lose.
  3. His arguments for immigration are simply the cheap labour arguments. That it reduces the cost of goods, etc. so if that convinces you then he is your man.
  5. The added wrinkle is that he will submit his own ideal solutions to the inevitable problems people argue such hings bring. Namely a progressive redistribution state to help those at the bottom. Of course this has not happened, and probably would not happen in a society of extreme alienation and polarization. No such thing exists in places like America or Mexico but only in homgeneous nations. Moreover, the progressive wealth redistribution would make the wealthy simply leave as they are wont to do, especially to a low trust diverse nation which no longer holds any organic kinship for them.
  7. The latter point about wealth leaving was brought up by Sargon of Akkad and Destiny is still quite salty about that debate. Which is what one needs to know anout how to beat him: make him stop relying on appeal to authority (all the top economists agree that cheap labour is "good" according to him) and make him explain his own solutions
  9. Mister Metokur also did this against him and won. Destiny was criticizing Trump's Wall as a "good solution" to Hispanic immigration... Without any acknowledgement of good alternatives. He ended on: free money for Mexico, a corrupt nation being paid to be less of a shithole so fewer people come over seems stupid to me. But when Metokur pointed out how politically unlikely that is Destiny argued for the US military doing some regime change. No seriously.
  12. Destiny has also made a few comments about the subjectivity of whiteness, and how the Irish weren't white. He also likes to argue for the economic benefits of low-skilled, non-white immigrant labor in the US and other countries. I know those are both topics you could address pretty well. I'll mention it to him on his stream or subreddit, but unless Xtrainious calls in again I don't know if that'll be enough pressure.
  14. The reason he points out the subjectivity of whiteness is that he hopes for Hispanics and Blacks to one day be "white" in a sense too, ie. they will integrate and people will see them as American first instead of their race. Now of course, the reason why "white" may have expanded to cover other groups of people in the past is that those people to some extent "integrated" and gained parity with preexisting whites.
  16. We know that isn't going to happen for the hispanics with more native admixture and blacks because of genetic differences. I hope you're able to talk to him again so you can put it more succinctly. I liked your first appearance because you came off humble and non-aggressive. A few weeks prior Destiny even said he'd rather talk to people like that lisping ethno nationalist a thousand times before talking to some lying fence-sitter like Sargon.
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