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a guest
Dec 18th, 2018
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  1. toHex PROC
  2. push ax
  3. push bx
  4. push cx
  5. push dx
  6. push di
  7. push si
  9. divisor dw 16 ;
  11. lea si, buffer2 ;buffer in which final result appears
  13. xor ax,ax ;clear ax
  14. xor dx,dx ;clear dx
  15. mov cx, 1
  17. mov bx, divisor ; bx = divisor
  18. for:
  19. mov ax, buffer ;moves number to ax register
  20. cmp cx,0; useless but most likely not safe to delete
  21. je endFor
  22. div2:
  23. ;mov al, dl
  24. ;xor dl, dl
  25. div bx ;divides by 16
  26. push dx; saves dx
  28. xor dx, dx; zero extends input divisor
  29. cmp ax, 15; skips division loop if ax is single digit
  30. jle getHex2
  31. pop dx ;gets dx
  32. push dx ;saves it
  33. xor dx, dx;clears it
  34. inc cx;increments the counter of divisions
  35. jg div2
  36. getHex2WithPop:
  37. pop dx ;gets remainder
  38. jmp secondCharAdd
  39. getHex2:
  40. mov dl, al
  41. add dl, 30h ;makes into ascii
  42. cmp dl, 39h ;
  43. jle writeFirstChar; adds more in >=10
  44. add dl, 7h
  45. writeFirstChar:
  46. mov [si], dl;writes first number
  47. inc si
  48. pop dx
  49. secondCharAdd:
  50. add dl, 30h
  51. cmp dl, 39h
  52. jle writeSecondChar
  53. add dl,7h
  54. writeSecondChar:
  55. mov [si], dl ;writes remainder
  56. inc si
  57. loop getHex2WithPop ;loops
  58. endFor:
  59. mov [si], "$"
  60. inc si
  62. pop si
  63. pop di
  64. pop dx
  65. pop cx
  66. pop bx
  67. pop ax
  68. ret
  70. toHex ENDP
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