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Jun 6th, 2017
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  1. TriggerEvent('es:addCommand', 'jobtaxi', function(source, args, user)
  2. TriggerClientEvent('es_admin:spawnVehicle', source, 'taxi')
  3. local tsoncall = 0
  4. local onjob = false
  5. local jobtime = 0
  6. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "TAXI", {255, 0, 0}, "^3Taxi Status^0: ^2Available")
  7. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "SERVER", {255, 0, 0}, "^3If anyone asks for a taxi be sure to use ^0/tsoncall")
  8. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "SERVER", {255, 0, 0}, "^3Once arrived at destination be sure to use ^0/tsavailable")
  9. while onjob do
  10. onjob = true
  11. jobtime = 0
  12. Citizen.Wait(300)
  13. jobtime = 5
  14. Citizen.Wait(600)
  15. jobtime = 10
  16. Citizen.Wait(900)
  17. jobtime = 15
  18. Citizen.Wait(1200)
  19. jobtime = 20
  20. Citizen.Wait(1500)
  21. jobtime = 25
  22. end
  24. end)
  26. TriggerEvent('es:addCommand', 'tsoncall', function(source, args, user)
  27. if (tsoncall == 1) then
  28. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "TAXI", {255, 0, 0}, "^3You are already on a call!")
  29. else
  30. tsoncall = 1
  31. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "TAXI", {255, 0, 0}, "^3Taxi Status^0: ^1On Call")
  32. end
  33. end)
  35. TriggerEvent('es:addCommand', 'tsavailable', function(source, args, user)
  36. if (tsoncall == 0) then
  37. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "TAXI", {255, 0, 0}, "^3You are not on a call!")
  38. else
  39. tsoncall = 0
  40. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "TAXI", {255, 0, 0}, "^3Taxi Status^0: ^2Available")
  41. end
  42. end)
  45. TriggerEvent('es:addCommand', 'tsod', function(source, args, user)
  46. if (jobtime < 5) then
  47. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Downtown Cab Co.", false, "Terrible! Not even five minutes! ~n~ ~y~JOB FEEDBACK~g~: ~r~NEGATIVE ~n~ ~y~PAYMENT~g~: ~r~$0")
  48. elseif (jobtime < 5) then
  49. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Downtown Cab Co.", false, "Better, who told you that you were still in you're training phase though?! ~n~ ~y~JOB FEEDBACK~g~: ~r~NEGATIVE ~n~ ~y~PAYMENT~g~: ~r~$50")
  50. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_BANK_MAZE", 1, "iFruit Mail", false, " ~n~ ~n~ This is an automated message do not reply! ~n~ ~y~TRANSACTION~g~: ~r~$50 ~n~ ~y~FROM~g~: ~r~JOHN WATSON ~n~ ~y~OCCUPATION~g~: ~r~DOWNTOWN CAB CO.")
  51. user:addMoney((50))
  52. elseif (jobtime >= 10) then
  53. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Downtown Cab Co.", false, "I'm starting to see some improvement, that's good I guess... ~n~ ~y~JOB FEEDBACK~g~: ~w~REGULAR ~n~ ~y~PAYMENT~g~: ~r~$150")
  54. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_BANK_MAZE", 1, "iFruit Mail", false, " ~n~ ~n~ This is an automated message do not reply! ~n~ ~y~TRANSACTION~g~: ~r~$150 ~n~ ~y~FROM~g~: ~r~JOHN WATSON ~n~ ~y~OCCUPATION~g~: ~r~DOWNTOWN CAB CO.")
  55. user:addMoney((150))
  56. elseif (jobtime >= 15) then
  57. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Downtown Cab Co.", false, "Good! Try more! Push yourself! ~n~ ~y~JOB FEEDBACK~g~: ~o~INTERESTING ~n~ ~y~PAYMENT~g~: ~r~$250")
  58. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_BANK_MAZE", 1, "iFruit Mail", false, " ~n~ ~n~ This is an automated message do not reply! ~n~ ~y~TRANSACTION~g~: ~r~$250 ~n~ ~y~FROM~g~: ~r~JOHN WATSON ~n~ ~y~OCCUPATION~g~: ~r~DOWNTOWN CAB CO.")
  59. user:addMoney((250))
  60. elseif (jobtime < 20) then
  61. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Downtown Cab Co.", false, "Wow! I'm impressed! Good work, serve again soon! ~n~ ~y~JOB FEEDBACK~g~: ~b~POSITIVE ~n~ ~y~PAYMENT~g~: ~r~$50")
  62. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_BANK_MAZE", 1, "iFruit Mail", false, " ~n~ ~n~ This is an automated message do not reply! ~n~ ~y~TRANSACTION~g~: ~r~$350 ~n~ ~y~FROM~g~: ~r~JOHN WATSON ~n~ ~y~OCCUPATION~g~: ~r~DOWNTOWN CAB CO.")
  63. user:addMoney((350))
  64. elseif (jobtime == 25) then
  65. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Downtown Cab Co.", false, "Great Job! You need money? I'll hook ya right up! /n ~y~JOB FEEDBACK~g~: ~p~VERY POSITIVE /n ~y~PAYMENT~g~: ~r~$500")
  66. TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_BANK_MAZE", 1, "iFruit Mail", false, " /n /n This is an automated message do not reply! /n ~y~TRANSACTION~g~: ~r~$500 /n ~y~FROM~g~: ~r~JOHN WATSON /n ~y~OCCUPATION~g~: ~r~DOWNTOWN CAB CO.")
  67. user:addMoney((500))
  68. end
  70. if(jobtime < 25) then
  71. TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "SERVER", {255, 0, 0}, "^2Top Job Tip: ^3Don't go off duty without doing 25 minutes or more! You can get up to 500 dollars in your job!")
  72. end
  73. end)
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