
primal Saiyan 2.0

Feb 6th, 2018
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  1. Byond key: Tairee
  2. Name: Dante Khyber
  3. Race: Saiyan
  4. Rank: Primal Saiyan
  5. Alignment: Neutral
  6. Topic: Free form
  7. Dante was several years into his position as a guardsmen. He was rather board as one could be when all you had to do was protect individuals that could protect themselves. One day he was accused of an assisting an assassination attempt. He denied all involvement and as the days went by he was tried. he lost the trial and was exiled for a set period of time. It seemed the prior king had a sick sense of humor. he didn't want those he punished to die quickly and with honor. He would rather they die in shame or as slow as possible.
  8. So as Dante was exiled for a period of time he was declared a Weak low class Saiyan. He was then brought to the other side of the planet and Left in the wilderness. Being left in the barren wasteland Dante had to relearn a lot from his training days. First he relearned how to hunt. he still remembered what was poisonous and not but how to catch certain things was difficult for him to remember so he relearned.So as he re-taught himself the basics of survical he started to rely on his instincts. His first instinct led him to create a shelter near a source of Water. This led to him being able to capture and cook some of the local wildlife. Soon after weeks of isolation more low class Saiyans were exiled for attempting to start a rebellion against the king. Something that before he himself had been exiled would have been stamped out without prejudice. More came and after a few months of newcomers they soon founded a tribe of raiders. Each using primitive tactics to raid the tuffles for food and supplies when needed. He led them as time passed. But soon while he went on a raiding party The king sent his own to destroy the usurpers so that he could start a war with the tuffles and not worry about a second side attacking his army. Due to their lack of weaponry and most of their lack of combat training no one besides his raiding party survived. Upon return the raiding party was picked off one by one until only Dante survived. Once again he was alone this time he was filled with a new hate and blood lust. He let his instincts over take him. Each lunar cycle he would transform into the great ape and with each transformation he felt his own grasp on Saiyan morals slipping. He no longer had a sense of loyalty to comrades only to himself. With each passing day he became less civilized. Now all he wanted was revenge and to live in peace hunting freely. Only time would tell what would become of him.
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