
Rainy days

Mar 19th, 2013
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  1. ~The rain made her pink mane and tail soaking wet, though she did not seem to mind.
  2. >This part of town was usually crowded with people and full of life.
  3. >But it was dead and quiet as she walked through the night.
  4. >This was the third time this week she went out in the middle of the night.
  5. >Every time alone and completely lost in thought.
  6. >She couldnโ€™t sleep so instead of simply lying in bed she went out.
  7. ~She left town and head for the outskirts of the small city.
  8. >It had all changed when you left.
  9. >You never accepted her love and now that you had moved on and moved away, she blames herself.
  10. >She blames herself for not trying hard enough; she blames herself for trying too hard.
  11. >She blames herself for that you never understood.
  12. >And now itโ€™s too late.
  13. >She continued from the town into the forest.
  14. >Her friends had tried to comfort her, telling her that it was not her fault and it was of your free will.
  15. >But whatever they said she felt guilt.
  16. >They used to visit her often, always being happy and cheerful.
  17. >But when they smiled at her, she would never smile back.
  18. >When they laughed would she never laugh with them.
  19. >So after a couple of weeks did the visits get less and less frequent, until they simply gave up.
  20. ~The small road now revealed a small clearing in the otherwise dense woods.
  21. >So the visits stopped, and with that her last social contact with the world.
  22. >From that point she just stayed inside, not seeing any reason to go outside more than to feed her animals.
  23. ~Entering the small clearing she is no longer shielded from the rain by the large trees, and is quickly greeted by a shower of rain.
  24. >She had grown more and more distant to the outside, never talking to anybody.
  25. >She barely even talked to her animals anymore.
  26. >Angel did even at one point ask her what was wrong.
  27. >But she never answered, there was no use for explanations.
  28. >They would never understand.
  29. ~She arrived to the center of the clearing, and sat down in front of what seems to be a small wooden cross.
  30. >It wasnโ€™t always like this.
  31. >There was a time where she was happy
  32. >There was a time where she woke up every day feeling nothing but joy for the day ahead of her.
  33. >There was a time where she still pursued your love.
  34. ~Tears now form in her big blue eyes with rain still hitting her face.
  35. >But everything changed when you passed away.
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