

Sep 6th, 2015
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  1. [22:23:22] +Seito Hakari: omg I'm calling you TheWhoѕеDoctor now
  2. [22:23:36] +TheWhoDoctor: k
  3. [22:23:38] +TheWhoDoctor: You do that
  4. [22:23:50] TheWhoseDoctor: mfw I already have it regged
  5. [22:23:56] +Seito Hakari: lol gg
  6. [22:24:05] +Seito Hakari: TheWhoѕеDoctor won't hl you though
  7. [22:24:10] +Seito Hakari: only for twd :P
  8. [22:24:16] TheWhoseDoctor: lel
  9. [22:24:35] TheWhoseDoctor: I have
  10. [22:24:36] TheWhoseDoctor: So many alts
  11. [22:24:40] TheWhoseDoctor: It's ridonkulous
  12. [22:24:43] TheWhoseDoctor: I mean look at this one
  13. [22:24:53] TheGameNinja: kek
  14. [22:24:55] TheGameNinja: Hi all
  15. [22:25:07] TheGameNinja: Still twid here :D
  16. [22:25:08] Collinbu98: Hey TheGameNіnja.
  17. [22:25:13] • Shotgunmerc lynch TGN
  18. [22:25:19] ajhawkiestar: How about this alt?
  19. [22:25:47] Dethy Master: And this one
  20. [22:25:58] Collinbu98: epicsnorlааааx
  21. [22:26:01] Dethy Master: I have ones for most of the classic roles such as
  22. [22:26:08] TheWhoJailkeeper: This
  23. [22:26:16] TheWhoInspector: This
  24. [22:26:22] TheWhoPL: This
  25. [22:26:30] TheWhoMafiaPL: This one too
  26. [22:26:37] TheWhoMafia: Even just this
  27. [22:26:43] TheWhoWerewolf: this one too
  28. [22:27:21] TheWhoMayor: How bout this one?
  29. [22:27:27] TheWhoNurse: Or this
  30. [22:27:43] Rasp Logic: But then I have my meme names like this
  31. [22:27:48] TheWhoAlien: :D
  32. [22:27:54] Docstir: Or this
  33. [22:28:07] TheWhoDoctor pls: Twid pls
  34. [22:28:13] Twid pls: Twid pls
  35. [22:28:22] TheWhoishDoctor: :o
  36. [22:28:23] Mafia God: I AM YOUR GOD
  37. [22:28:25] Mafia God: Bow DOWN
  38. [22:28:31] DavidTheGod: its god himself
  39. [22:28:34] Mafia Goddess: You better listen to him, he gets p angry
  40. [22:28:45] TheWhoishDoctor: I am god
  41. [22:28:45] Dethy Goddess: Seriously, you don't wanna see him angry
  42. [22:28:57] Hobbes2: RIP Twid
  43. [22:29:00] Hobbes2: chat goes spaghetti
  44. [22:29:05] Dethy Goddess: Literally all of that was me
  45. [22:29:11] +TheWhoDoctor: Kek in lmao
  46. [22:29:18] +TheWhoDoctor: Only TheWhoishDoctor and TheWhoAlien arent me
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