
RP Reward Complaint

Jan 27th, 2017
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  1. [12:08:41] After returning from Wychwood and entering Brighthold, Sophia ventured into her lab to return to her research, slowly processing the remaining minerals needed for pulvarization and extraction for final tests needed to catalogue everything.
  3. She lighted the runed burners and turned few valves within the flasks before placing some of the minerals into mortar and soon grabing pestle before moving to crush the chunks into powder to easily transfer them to said flask, soon adding some water for the mineral to mix with it and flow into aparature.
  5. She observed the process while turning valves to let the liquid flow through the aprature, allowing for the extract to slowly form and flow out into one of the vials prepared on the other end of the aparature.
  7. She ensured that the extract was as pristine as possible before moving towards separating bit of her own blood and allowing it to drop into the vial, observing its reaction to the extract, soon noting everything into her journal before sighing and taking out her pocket watch, frowning after realizing how much time she spent on single mineral.
  8. (Sophia Ryozo)
  10. [13:04:09] With last of the samples handled she moved towards clearing the aparature and equipment, ensuring that no residue or leftovers remained to potentially affect the mixtures she would sent through the valves. She observed the aparature from up close until she was compeletly sure the aprature was clear.and she could move on towards next experiment phase.
  12. Sighing loudly as she slitted her own wrist and poured more of her bloodi nto vials and flasks before sealing them and moving towards exit of the lab, slowly exiting it and locking the reinforced valve door, soon removing her lab equipment and soon moving towards one of the desks to return to her studies.
  13. (Sophia Ryozo)
  15. [13:20:22] He was still seething as he prepared himself. Moving back into brighthold, avoiding any speech that he could. Anyone that he could. Any person possible, truly. He went to the library, to gather research and other such material within to help free him from his curse, and to aid in the saving of that family that he still had. That family he could cling and hold onto. That family that he had remaining was still dear to him, so when he saw Sophia Ryozo, of that family that made his blood boil terribly, “Now. Its time to leave soon. When thier forces are away, we can escape.” He was angry.
  17. He hat a terribly hateful tone as he began to ransack the place of books, gathering everything that he could on theories of the soul, death magic, necromancy, rune working, depraved arts, conjuration, and everything in between, he snapped as he continued to gather them, “Did you hear me, or are you deaf!?”
  18. (V. S. Hertlend)
  20. [13:42:33] V. S. Hertlend: (back early!)
  21. [13:42:33] V. S. Hertlend: (i might dc and come back, but thats my router)
  22. [13:42:33] (Radiant Dawn) Alert: Radiant Dawn's new guild leader is Rorik.
  23. [13:43:24] (Radiant Dawn) Damian {Follower}: Alright wtf happened
  24. [13:43:24] Sophias eyes widened as she cursed loudly and sighed loudly and took a deep breath, soon nodding towards Vindictus before getting up and turning towards the the lab before entering it and quickly grabbing most important pieces of her equipment before opening the hidden safe and soon taking out flask with liquid which held preserved Samuels eye.
  26. She hid it along with other vials before making her way out of the lab with her journal, securing it with straps to her bag along with what other books she could before tossing a spark into labs general direction, sighing as she watched as the spark cought fire to one of the nearest piles of papers quickly sprading and covering the remaining portions of the papers and wooden furnitures.
  28. With heavy sigh she closed the heavy valve door and returned to Vindictus, grunting as she kept bags with her equipment around.
  29. (Sophia Ryozo)
  31. [13:55:21] He madly clamored to put anything and everything of use into his back pack. He strapped it on himself as he mended his clothes as best he could, mumbling to himself the whole way, “I suggest that you take what you need now, so that we can leave. Are we ready now, or do we have to wait for more idiotic Ryozo Shenanigans?” He was clearly furious, and whenever his anger flared up, the runes would hum lightly with their burning light.
  33. Next the burning rune itself were runes written all around it, terribly and horrendously scarred, as if done by a butcher, they worked to try to inhibit the effects of the runes and of the curse, but their effect seemed extremely minimal. He was snickering the whole time. They needed more charge. More sacrifices. More power. More blood!
  34. (V. S. Hertlend)
  36. [14:06:27] Sophia points to bags she had with herself, making it clear she was ready for departure, sighing loudly as she looked at library last time before nodding towards Vindictus, clearly annoyed by his behaviour, though understanding it had to do with the odd brand.
  38. She rolled her shoulders before getting up off the chair and repsonding. "I got everything I need and want, we can go Vindictus, I understand that you say this crap because of the thing. So...should we get going?" she asked, trying to remain as least doubtful about the idea as possible.
  39. (Sophia Ryozo)
  41. [14:11:34] He gave a weak smile, “Thanks, but, don’t try to understand me, ok!?” He was slightly agitated… but that was the best that she was going to get out of him while he was still stressed, “You still have your brother’s skull? I might need it.” He began to pace about, taking a second pass at the library as he took yet more books, now even those that weren’t directly in relation, but rather, mentioned those topics or touched upon them.
  43. He took a stride about before snarling, “After we get you settled in… we’ll have…” He stopped as he noticed someone else wander in, “The hell is the problem now!” He was stressed, as well as agitated, and to add to that, the events in the desert would have made him mad even without his curse!
  45. (V. S. Hertlend)
  47. [14:14:59] Crystal walked into the room, and looked over at the two. And heard something about 'brothers skull' Samuel was dead? well that was a bit of a Shocker. But she didn't so much care. Walking in she looked over at the two.
  50. "H-hello...Sohpie...and mister." She said looking over at the two and looking at them. It seems they were going somewhere. "Going somewhere..?"
  51. She asked kindly as she looked over at the two.
  54. Unsure of what was really going on she just stood there watching the two of them.
  55. (Crystal V. Adlbert)
  56. [14:15:50]
  57. {LOAD GAME}
  59. [14:17:32] V. S. Hertlend: *glances over*
  61. [14:21:48] Sophia tossed the skull towards Vindictus, before walking towards one of the shelfs and soon spotting Crystal, blushing and cursing under her nose before looking away. "Crystal!? Damn it...we have to go...and you going with us..." she said before trying to pull Crystal to herself and soon into a hug.
  62. (Sophia Ryozo)
  65. [14:23:31] Kengs would come storming incide the room. She spots two Radiants and so he aproaches.
  67. "Hello, soory to interrupt but i have a requet from Rorik. He wants us to gather later as he has a anoucement to do, it has something to do with the abcence of th golden."
  68. (Kengs)
  70. [14:25:13] With out leaving time of them to give him any kind of reply he storms out te same way. He completely ignored what they were doing or even ho that man was. kengs was completely distracted for the time being.
  71. (Kengs)
  73. [14:28:38] He looked at the idiot as he stormed into the room before he stormed out, "Whatever... dumbass. Let's get going, shall we? I have alot to do, and not much time or patience to do it!" He snarled at them, as he pulled the backpack up on his shoulders, and scribbled a few hasty notes in his notebook, "Let's get going, and if someone asks, we're grabbing some loose recruits for the battle."
  74. (V. S. Hertlend)
  76. [14:31:12] She was grabbed by Sophia into a hug and just blinked a bit. "O-oh okay." She tried to grab her bag that she had left in here. Infact that's why she came in here in the first place anyways. To get her stuff she needed for studying.
  79. "Where are we going?" She asked them and looked over at Sophie and this one guy unsure of who he was, but he seemed okay. Well...Kinda. He had a bit of a weird vibe. Then again so did Sophie.
  80. (Crystal V. Adlbert)
  82. [14:38:01] Shinra was sitting in the center of a small clearing in the Wynchwoods. After the grievous battle with the Neries for Loranthis, she had been brutally wounded, having her arm practically crushed to dust. It was ironic almost, that the Neries could leave a wound even Shinra could not regenerate quickly. Her arm was in one piece and functioning, but it was like a crippled wound. It was stiff, slow, weaker than her other arm. It was... painful.
  84. The Kaor was meditating on what had occured, a gleaming gem sitting on the floor in front of her. The gem clearly held some kind of mana absorbing properties, but exactly what she did not know. She may need to capture a Neries to find out... In any case, Shinra was considering her options. She could speak with vindictus, and work on her knew Techniques... or she could train alone, and harness her newfound potential. Or she could even request Nahele allow her to use the Tyrium they harvested to create a new, experimental weapon. There were many options.
  86. She opened an eye slightly as she sensed Salem approaching, and turned to face the direction she was approaching from. "I see you have returned, Salem."
  87. (Shinra)
  91. [14:47:24] At first she began to step back as the woman knelt before her, but strangely, and rather irritatingly she instead received a cookie? She raised a bit of an eyebrow safely storing it in her satchel. To be honest she was quite annoyed at it as she didn't like being seen as a child or a little girl, but she did not show this. She was about to respond, but Osred made a statement first. Shit! Her muscles tensed as she expected rage or retaliation from this woman, she needed to get out from between them, but to her surprise this was unneeded.
  93. To be honest she was absolutely shocked by Rena responding without anger or hate, she had read her completely wrong. She had misjudged a character, a first. She had misjudged someone's actions, she would have to look differently at people. She expected violence, an eye for an eye. However she was wrong, she hoped there were more people like this. She gave a very small casual bow saying her name.
  95. "I am Xuriel, you must be Rena."
  97. She began trying to leave hearing the anger of Nahele being unleashed once more. It was merely words, but she still saw it not a good idea to be around during times like these. She began trying to politely leave slowly and cautiously.
  98. (Xuriel)
  100. [14:52:32] He was coming upon Loranthis, He was still angry as he went about, but he continued, the anger in his voice continued, even as he sounded Genuine. “Hello mother. Others.” He fell on a knee, looking on the floor, “Nahale. Rightful Queen of Loranthis, I have brought Sophia Ryozo, who wished to leave the Radiant Dawn, as well as another. I hope that you should find them suitable. As my Queen may know, we need greater numbers of men and women to defend the tower and the city during the battle that will be attended, or during any possible counter offensives.” He kept looking at the ground, as he clenched his teeth.
  102. He looked at them, as he expected them to kneel as well, “If my Queen would see fit to speak with me, I have an idea to ensure that the Radiant does not ever come looking for them, but that would be at my Queen’s discretion.”
  103. (V. S. Hertlend)
  105. [14:56:48] Rena be honest a little annoyed and angry at her son as she turned to him...her eyes focused on him staring before her voice interupts cold and chatising".............Vin why have you not told me of this...did you not promise me you would tell me of everything of importance? I know That I was in a coma for a while but still when I woke up you should have told me if you were doing something important."
  106. (Rena A. Hertlend)
  109. [15:04:28] "I stated that he walks the path of a coward- not that I find him irredeemable." She scoffs. "If I found his existence to be deplorable, your son would would be reduced to nothing." For a moment, the thick plates of Nerebia begin to shift, shaking, vibrating- the reaction to her sins is one she found strange, but for now, it would be ignored.
  111. "Speaking of redemption, he proves himself now..." Golden orbs trail upon the figures that follow in suit of the spy. "The one known as Salem has yet to visit, but she did at least attempt to make contact with me...though, I had to take matters into my own hands- as you're a terrible messenger." The golden gaze affixed with the ebony mana of saekanis would fall upon each individual.
  113. "Soldiers are always welcome. Breaking away from a false goddess is a wise decision. You've done well to absolve yourself of such sins- thus, I allow your stay within the Kingdom." She'd deliver no threats- not finding a point in doing so.
  115. Her reign of blood and countless victims could speak for her; actions speak louder than words, after all.
  117. "I.."
  119. Oh, praise the depravity wolf, how many times had she said this by now?
  121. "Fall upon a single knee, swear fealty to me, my Kingdom, and the imperfect, and I will allow you within the ranks of Armageddon."
  122. (Nahele)
  123. [15:04:28] V. S. Hertlend: (WTF)
  126. [15:12:09] Rena quietly looked at her basket of baked treats several pies several cookies creamy treats even some delicious cheesy rolls were in the basket and to be honest she...dident feel all that hreatened maybe her sense of self preservation was dying with old age or maybe she was just crazy but she kinda liked queen nahele they reminded her of a younger more loud and angry self..and she found it kinda funny so in a nonchalant tone."Hey Queen Nahale correct? would you like to have a picnic with me and help finish this basket of food?" Rena had a smile on her face calm and collected polite in her demeanor clealy not meaning disrespect."I apoligize if this is rude queen."
  127. (Rena A. Hertlend)
  130. [15:18:59] Those of Brighthold?
  132. His gaze seemed to twist towards those that now stood before Lasswell, those that sought to turn from the embrace of those who would surely come to fall in the coming years. There came a pause in that moment, lingering silence as his body pushed itself from the earth beneath him. Floating higher into the air as gravity itself seem to twist and contort to the very whim of this Champion, in all honesty yet more soldiers brought forth opprutinity never before grasped by others. The chance to prove themselves, the chance to stand alongside Ragnarok as few others have. The chance to strike down those of which you've abandoned, yet most importantly it brought but a single chance to bring about disappointment in the eyes who stood leagues above these fools.
  134. "Brighthold is not a threat. This much is obvious, so? As for you two?" His words rang sharp as he turned to face both those of Brighthold, as the blade of Darkness upon his side finally came free from its scabbard. The overwhelming sense of power that now seeped through these streets, bleeding occultism as though it held the very same power of a Kaor Blade itself. The sickly touch it brought to the winds that bent to the desire of Lasswell, a sickly shade of purple coming from every gentle gust that dared to sweep over this weapon. "Bow, that is all we can do! Bow, give yourself entirely to Nahele and our Lord Dumuzid." His words faltered in that moment, his blade raising upwards as it came pointed towards a familiar child wearing a rather odd amount of purple.
  136. "Just as well? He will test your strength in the future, under my watchful eye."
  138. It sounded fair enough.
  139. (Lasswell)
  140. [15:20:41] He came out of the south and into the streets of Loranthis - new Danarium? - with dust still clinging to his coat. Macheath kept his shoulders hunched and tense as he walked through the city. It wasn't as though he was on his guard - what would he be guarding against? Empty houses and few faces confronted him.
  142. That was enough to unnerve the child. Unlike in Nostvale, there weren't so many occupied, standing buildings here to prevent one from seeing the high, spiraling walls of the old White Tower as it pressed up into the sky. It was easy to navigate to the heart of the city.
  144. He had a harder time forcing his feet to follow his course, but eventually Macheath arrived on the bloody street where the Queen of Loranthis stood and carried out her rule beneath Dumuzid's dark clouds.
  146. He found one of her soldiers nearby. For the first time since arriving, Macheath raised his head from his collar and greeted Elias with a silent look as he milled into the area. He could be just another character here, be sure to be recognized only by the other boy when he pulled a hand from the safety of his pockets to brush his bangs away.
  148. The ginger gave a meaningful, directing tilt of his head down the street. He bit his lip, betraying his nerves, and watched for Elias's response.
  149. (Macheath McElroy)
  152. [15:23:15] Elias, on the other hand, seemed to be completely chill and having an overall relaxing day, despite his city being invaded by pale horny aliens not a few days prior. He kept a lookout on the horizon, back pressed against the pllar and his hands resting comfortably inside his pockets. His gaze remained half-lidded, as it tended to. As depressing as Loranthis looked, at this point Elias still figured it had seen better days.
  154. Suddenly, Macheath! It had been a while since he told the guys he was going to be in Loranthis, so he looked a little bit surprised to see Macheath appear at this time of all. "Better now than before the invasion, I guess," Elias greeted with a shrug, pushing himself off the pillar and approaching his friend with a little wave.
  156. "How's everyone? Did you finish your business with the lady person?" He looked around for a moment, and then settled on Macheath again.
  157. (Elias Manderville)
  159. [15:32:38] Macheath sighed and let himself relax at Elias's approach. It was always the other boy's way to be completely nonchalant about things, however inappropriate that might be. A curious smile found its way onto the ginger's lips at Elias's greeting, and its bearer only cast a single glance off towards whatever was going on in the main courtyard before he rocked back on his heels and rested against the beaten-up parkway fence.
  161. "Nope," he said quite ambivalently. "Everyone's, uhm, good..." He trailed off and sniffed, shrugged his shoulders, did any sort of fidgety thing he could do before getting onto the point.
  163. "I came on my own. There isn't something better for me to be doing here, is there?" he asked. Macheath's tone suggested there had been all of nothing better to do in the south - nothing better to do enough that he'd somehow found his way all the way back here.
  165. "What about this invasion?" he further probed, a brow rising high on his forehead. His eyes widened at a realization in Elias's words.
  167. "You got invaded by the neries? Here?"
  168. (Macheath McElroy)
  169. [15:32:38] Sophia narrowed her eyes while staring at everyone that appeared to be in the area, grinding her teath from annoynece, since it was not what she agreed for while plotting the escape from the Dawn. She listened to Nahele and Lasswell with growing frustration, clearly disliking the idea of remaining as someones servant ror solider, though she had little to say about it.
  171. With loud grunt she lowered herself to her knees, using her blood aura to form a pair of large hands to support her weight while kneeling down, after all even she couldn't simply lift all of her equipment without additional support. She looked up towards Nahele once more before lowering her head and opening her mouth, just before deciding to speak with monotone voice.
  173. "I, Sophia Ryozo...Blood Bender, researcer and rune-writer swear my loyality to you...Queen Nahele, Loranthis and Lord Imperfect himself." the ryozo said before falling silent, waiting, despite feeling the weight of her equipment straining her body.
  174. (Sophia Ryozo)
  176. [15:36:54] The new recruits actions, they leave the Queen appeased.
  178. "Osred, as far as military affairs goes- these new recruits fall under your jurisdiction." It's the last bit of responsibility she'd toss upon his shoulders pre-war. The battle against divinity took precedence over all other matters. "The imperfect, I, and a handful of magi are responsible for taking down the united forces of Valmasia.
  180. It's as my Champion states- Brighthold is nothing to fear."
  182. Then again, she didn't fear anything short of divinity.
  184. "You- giant drakan. I appreciate the kindness, but I must decline. I only consume the flesh of the living, or in rare cases, the recently deceased. I'm afraid I don't have the luxury of eating anything that isn't meat. Though, it's one of the lighter repercussions of my 'curse'." With the recent changes in demeanor, she could hardly consider the weight of her sins as a hindrance.
  186. Especially when her curse refrained from allowing to end her very own life.
  188. Cocky, as she couldn't even kill herself.
  190. "Yes- all of you, as the Champion has stated, a test of strength will need to occur soon. A war against Nerebia is on the horizon, and as I can tell you first hand-
  192. The leaders of these grey-skinned miscreants are not to be trifled with. Thus- a division must be made within the troops. One group to defend the city, and another assigned to destruction of a God." She licks her lips, craving the flesh of the Neries' deity. It taunted her, mocked her, and while she may not be a vengeful woman...
  194. Nahele loathed disrespect.
  197. (Nahele)
  198. [15:40:19] Rena nodded quietly smiling lightly "Rena Alexander Hertlend Queen Nahele and it was nice to see you I hope next time we meet it can be in a less charged state" Rena then hefted up her picinic basket and slowly rose to her full height with some effort before she moved to leave and head home she would of course stop if asked to but unless told by someone to stay she would be going.
  199. (Rena A. Hertlend)
  201. [15:55:40] LOoking around she was scared and unsure of what was happening within the city. "I-I do waht?" she asked and looked over at her the Queen and began to attempt to speak but it was quiet.
  204. "I-I... Crystal Von Adlbert. Insparing, engineer and Scientist. Swear my loyality to you, Queen Nahele. And to the Lord Imp-perfect himself." She spoke in a stutter. Standing close to Sophia as she bows towards the Queen.
  206. The girl was more so Nervous. But she wasn't use to being around so many. Scary things.
  207. (Crystal V. Adlbert)
  209. [15:58:14] "Yeah, it was kinda ugly, apparently. A lot of people died and there were a bunch of injured." He shrugged. Despite the implications of the whole terrible ordeal, Elias didn't even seen to bat an eye. What was this kid's deal?
  211. "I was asleep through it, though. Kinda sucks. Wish I coulda helped. Oh well."
  213. "Somethin' for you to do here..." Elias immediately switched the topic from mass murder to his friend's purpose. Since everyone else was apparently okay, he didn't worry about them too much. "I guess you could help out the wounded, there's plenty o' those. Join the mililtary with me? If that's your thing." He took a moment to size up the boy. "I don't think that's your thing, though. Maybe. I dunno."
  215. It looked like he wanted to add something else, but just couldn't think of anything. Again, he shrugged - this time with more emphasis. "I dunno. There isn't much to do around here other than hang out and watch some idiot die over stupid reasons," he added. "Training, I guess."
  216. (Elias Manderville)
  217. hundreds of times. People came and they prostrated themsleves before the queen, swearing eternal devotion to her reign. Not so many of them meant it, but they said it and that was important. Osred's vows were more sacred, but he didn't expect everyone to be as intense as him when it came to promises and such.
  219. "Ah, so you two come from Brighthold," he said. "It is a good choice, coming to Loranthis. Here you will be safe and valued. Soldiers are treated fairly here. You earn your place, and you will prosper." He was friendly when he spoke. There was no anger or hatred in his words. He was as genial as he could manage, and it seemed genuine.
  221. "I recognize you," he said to Sophia. "I saw you in the forest. My religion is secondary to my duties here, so I won't bother you with talk about Kraus and such. Nahele's policy on religion is that all are welcome and none are enforced. I think that my missionary work would get me killed here."
  223. He lifted his right hand and combed his hair to the side with his knuckles. "If you don't mind, I have some questions about where you come from," he said. "It has always fascinated me, the little castle that amassed so many loyal followers. Now I have a way to look inside."
  224. (Osred Dall)
  225. [16:10:11] Celeste whispers something.
  226. [16:13:36] Macheath bit his lip and nodded at the casual description of carnage. It was just Elias's way. It wasn't surprising to hear him be so callous given what they'd seen in their lives - especially the other boy.
  228. It was a tough world. Those who didn't rise to match it ended up like the casualties the Manderville described. That thought led Macheath into answering his friend's many suggestions with statement of his own.
  230. "I need to figure out this... magic," he said. "I've only been able to feel it up here." And with that, he pointed at the stormy sky above them...
  232. "Under that." Macheath sounded unusually composed for once in his life. He slid his hands back into his pockets and pursed his lips in thought - how to connect what Elias had said with what was his goal. Figuring out the magic wasn't an end of itself, though.
  234. So Macheath regarded his friend with a serious stare and gulped. "..I want to help stop them if they come again, Elias. What about you? What about the others?"
  235. (Macheath McElroy)
  237. [16:22:59] She grunted loudly before slowly rising herself up to her feet with help of her blood arms, ensuring she had her balance before allowing them to return to blood aura, taking a moment for her to catch her breath, after all the weight did strain her body. Despite the problems she listened to the man tat approached her and Crystal, soon moving her eyes to stare at him for a longer moment before finally realizing who was talking to her.
  239. She sighed quietly as he kept speaking, addressing her and soon asking a question as she though towards her. Sophia sighed loudly before deciding to finally respond, though clarly confused. "Depends to the questions, there may or may not be any answers, mostly from a fact of how low in ranks both me and Crystal were..." she said with somewhat monotone voice, clearly getting tired of others ignoring the mass of equipment she appeared to be holding. From heavy bags to mass of books attached to them with straps and ropes.
  240. (Sophia Ryozo)
  241. [16:23:50] "You're a lightnin' kinda guy, right?" Elias recalled. "I remember from that terrible fight at Brighthold. If Loranthis helps you control that, yeah. Stick around. I got a few mana excercises I learned when I wasn't here. I'll show 'em to you, sure."
  243. For once in his life, Elias let out a little smile. It was a devilish little smile. And it disappeared just as soon as it appeared.
  245. "I swore my life to Loranthis and the Queen and all that stuff, so I have to help them out or she's gonna eat me or something," Elias very casually and quickly explained the current situation he found himself him. "I wanna help Loranthis out, anyway. In my own way. One day when I'm older I'll help it better. For now I just beat up idiots."
  247. He paused for a moment.
  249. "You look kinda tired from the trip. Go inside the castle and get yourself an infirmary bed. Get outta here." He looked serious.
  250. (Elias Manderville)
  252. [16:35:47] He nodded to the other woman. This wasn't mandatory. Osred was just curious. It was a very selfish endeavor. He wanted information, but he doubted it would change anything. He simply wanted to introduce himself to them, but so far he hadn't made a good impression.
  254. "Oh, here, let me carry some of that for you," he said. He reached forward and gathered up as much of the equipment as he could, loading it on his back and arms. He carried a lot, or at least enough to take the load off of Sophia. "We'll set you up somewhere, maybe in the library."
  256. He began to walk toward the castle, but he stopped. He noticed the boredom that plagued Sophia. It was offensive and hurtful to someone like Osred, who did not consider himself boring at all. It was as if he was a nobody when speaking to her. "I have a hard time keeping your attention," he said. "Do you think I'm boring or something? I'm a high ranking member of Loranthis' army, one of the highest! I've killed a Pursuer. Surely, I'm not boring, am I?"
  258. He'd give her the opportunity to answer or not while he waited on her to go within the castle. There was plenty of room within the ancient keep for all of her things and more.
  259. (Osred Dall)
  261. [16:47:44] She grunted loudly with relief as soon as Osred tooksome of her equipment off her shoulders, soon rolling them to remove the strain and numbness from the weight, resulting with her joints knocking loudly. Taking a moment to enjoy the relief from the lack of exensive weight before deciding to nod towards Osred and soon respond.
  263. "Theres no boredom, I was getting exhusted and frustrated from having to lift all of the lab on me, with Vindictus giving me no clear explanatio nof what he was planning to do, only demanding me to pack my things and prepare to leave the Brighthold. I also do not know who this..Pursuer is, sorry." she said with more of respect in her voice, for now trying to avoid annoying the man that led her and Crystal towards the castle. Things weren't as annoying here as they were within Brighthold...well, at least for now.
  265. While walking she looked towards Crystal, making sure she was following them with a faint, yet honest smile appearing on her face towards the woman that left the Dawn with her.
  266. (Sophia Ryozo)
  268. [16:59:40] Osred was young but his rank was legitimate. He earned his status with blood and pain, and he would not let anyone question it. Lesser people moved out of the way for him, making space. The luggage was heavy but he handled it well. He maneuvered through the castle knowingly and soon they appeared in the library. There were other inventors that had apporpriated this space in service of the queen, and another was nothing.
  270. He placed everything down flush against one of the walls. "You should be at home here," he said. "No one will bother you. There's nothing that you need to worry about, really. Don't disrespect the queen or anyone as far as that goes. The punishment for getting smart with your betters is extreme. It can go from mutilation to death."
  272. He looked at Sophia and her company. They did not look especially formidable, but they were warm bodies. "Right," he said after a moment of silence. "About Birghthold, what is life like there? Who is your leader? What are the rules? These are simple questions but these things are virtually unknown to us, or at least to me. That castle is a very strange place."
  273. (Osred Dall)
  275. [17:14:11] Sophia listened to Osred as they walked into the keep, soon watching as they entered the library, smiling to herself and soon looking towards Osred, listening to his explanation in silence, listening carefully and nodding, the rules felt somewhat similar to what she dealt within Dawn.
  277. She sighed loudly before approaching one of the bookshelft to read the names and soon deciding to respond to him once he asked the questions about the Radiant Dawn, basic ones which allowed her to simply respond in calm manner. "Life as in failed excuse of an army made to worship overpized woman who calls herself a Goddess, I enveied that crap...calling herself "Golden" while being named Alistaie."
  279. "Rules were loylaity to the goddess herself, her being the only having true power over everyone, with fake promise to make Valmasia's future better with her ruling over everyone," she said with clear hatred and envy in her voice. She hated both, Alistaie and Rorik for their power and authority over everyone else. She took a moment to sigh loudly before deciding to soon speak once more, wanting to ask her own questions to Osred.
  281. "Is there anything bigger than the library? I need sterile and separated area for my experiments, they involve blood and runes and library isn't the safest place to use really...well and I want to work with my Crystal." she said before turning towards the blonde noble and soon trying to kiss her.
  282. (Sophia Ryozo)
  283. [17:18:27] Crystal followed along looking at the huge castle. "H-holy....Azrael..." She was an Azrael worshiper after all...Due to living within Nostval before. And she did secretly worship him when the Radiant dawn wasn't looking.
  286. Course her choice in religion could be changed. She looked over at the two as they began to talk. She idlly looked about grabbing a few books. Seeing they were magic books. She just sighed. "Why was i cursed to not be able to use magic.." She frowned and then turned over to Sophie. When she said. My Crystal.
  288. "Wait what Sop- " She was cut off, by her kissing her. Turning red like a Tomato.
  289. (Crystal V. Adlbert)
  290. [17:24:25] Osred watched the two of them kiss before sighing. It was frustrating. All of this work for nothing. "Well, so much for that idea," he said. "I don't suppose someone in love with another woman would be willing to have my son." He kicked Sophia's things and put his hands on his hips.
  292. "Here I am, carrying all of your shit around, and there was no point in doing it at all," he said. "Perhaps there's more women out there, somewhere. I just need to expand beyond Loranthis." He was mostly talking to himself, trying to cope with the fact that he had failed in his first pursuit.
  294. He pricked his ears, as if he was just now hearing what they said to begin with. Osred gave a disinterested wave of his hands and scowled. "You'll need to take up the rest of your questions with Lasswell or Her Majesty," he said. "I was only being nice to you for, uh, selfish reasons."
  296. Osred turned and began to walk off. They could stop him if they so desired. He was moving slowly, too busy plotting and planning to maintain a decent pace.
  297. (Osred Dall)
  299. [17:33:48] Sophia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms after hearing Osred, hearing as glass broke from the younger teens kick, though since nothing appeared to be leaking out she believed that he did hit a jar with something solid, resulting with her simply sighing loudly and soon approaching the teen before deciding to address him with calm voice despite his action.
  301. "I love Crystal but I never said I am locking mself, I will need children and I plan to find someone worthy of helping me with making them, for that I need someone strong and honest in affection. Prove to me that you care for strong offspring and that you will care about your family then you can count yourself lucky. I don't want anyone weak or uncaring, no offense." she said before walking towards to her bags and checking which jar was shattered, sighing with relief as it appeared that she didn't lose anything serious.
  302. (Sophia Ryozo)
  306. [03:10:40] With her lab equipment partly set up and few major flaws of the location discovered, Sophia found herself in situation where she was left to decide, either to potentially affect entire library with her experiments and research or sek out her superiors to potentially request a better location for her lab.
  308. With serious regreat she walked out of the library and made her way out of the keep, hoping to find anyone to speak with, soon finding Nahele and sighing deeply before approaching her with a respectful bow before deciding to address her with as calm and respectful tone as she possibly could mauster.
  310. "My queen, I apologize for addressing you but theres a matter that requires your insight and attention, if you do have a moment to spare for a new recruit." she said while still holding her head relatively low.
  311. (Sophia Ryozo)
  313. [03:18:20] Visions of future and past are witnessed while staring through the Mask of Endless Sight. She were correct in her decision to test out each and every strange object gathered from the Neries that dared to attack her city. Everything but the seven foot hammer seemed to have some ill-effect for wielding it. It could be helped, she supposed-
  315. As these were minor compared to the other sacrifices that had been made for power.
  317. "Hm?" A distorted hum falls from the mask. A golden gaze that lies behind it falls upon one Sophia, and the rather short Ookami merely eyes her up and down before speaking- "Yes, what it is?" Perhaps this would be more interesting than the siege daemon that collided with her armor moments ago...
  319. "State your purpose for approaching, I've the time to speak with my soldiers, I merely need to know what you seek, Sophia."
  320. (Nahele)
  322. [03:36:16] Sophia smiled faintly upon hearing Naheles response, slowly rising her head and looking at the woman before her and soon clearing her throat as she decided to once more address the queen herself, speaking with her childish sounding voice, addressing the matters that troubled her, hoping that Nahele would help her with it.
  324. "My queen, as you do know me and recruit Crystal are scientists and researchers, since our arrival we were placed within the keeps library which isn't the best of a choice for experiments I seek out to conduct, due to lack of sterile envirounemnt which library cannot provide, leavining the high chances of dangerous contamination that I wish to avoid."
  326. "What I seek is the question if there would be any more suitable place that I could use for the laboratory to avoid any possible damages to both, the evnirounment itself or anyone from our forces." she said before falling silent.
  327. (Sophia Ryozo)
  330. [03:55:53] "Who placed you in the libr-...never-mind." This is what happens when you don't micromanage everything, she thinks. "I do need scientists, and engineers. I've plenty of soldiers, but hardly anyone to work on my...other projects. My magi-tech is going to waste, my research is being squandered- afraid I don't have as much time to create when miscreants continuously force me to destroy.." She releases a small disgruntled sigh.
  332. "Perhaps-...ah...aha!" Seems she had an idea.
  334. "Come, come. You as well, Nicolaus."
  336. .................
  338. She'd escorted them to the edge of the city, to a location where a bridge used to be. "There is an abandoned facility across these waters. I'll have a bridge reconstructed, but in the mean-time...I'll hire a sailor to transport you to and from the mainland. There should be more than enough room to use for hospitalization of the severely wounded, rooms for both of your experiments, means to create a forge, a lab- things I can get the non-magi to work on. Feel free to use the building as a means for progression...
  340. ...and on a personal note, when I gather my paperwork, and after construction is completed, I'll have my own experiments for the lot of you to work with. Magi-tech, abominations, creations to help sate my hunger...oh, the joys."
  341. (Nahele)
  343. [04:10:24] Sophia didn't comment who deided to leave her and Crystal in the library addressing the fact that if they sought more reliable space for their experiments they were to address the Champion or Queen herself. She had more important matters to handle than aruge of who made such iressponsible choice. Instead she simply listened to the queen and smiled upon being asked to follow her, along who appeared to be possible another researcher.
  345. To her surprise Nahele led them to easter edge of the city before deciding to explain her decision, taking Sophias entire attention and interest just before making her smirk, enjoying the idea of having entire facility deticated to research and expriments, it was going to be much more than what she had back in Brighthold, a tiny, cramped corner within library.
  347. She bowed down in respect towards Nahele, clearly impressed by the porposition she presented to the girl who soon responded with clear excitement in her voice.
  349. "I will be honored to receive possibility to work in such spacious area, it will be more than what I had hoped for my queen, I will proudly work over any experiments that you might desire me to perform along or in replacement of my own ones. I will be overjoyed to resume the work and possibly help with spreading our glory and power further on." she said with wide, wicked smirk appearing on her face, unable to hide her excitement.
  350. (Sophia Ryozo)
  352. [04:22:20] While Sophia was tending to matters in a Library, rather than the slightly dilapidated but somewhat functional Medbay Nicolaus had been assured would be renovated, the small Aryan was dealing with a particular Neries who despite his situation had demands to make. Not more than five seconds after finishing his conversation with the Test-Subject, Nahele ushers him along with her and a sickly looking girl who really should have that horrifying mutated eye looked at.
  354. It was strange walking through Loranthis with a Queen with canine features and covered in thick battle-ready armour, but... Well, this lands strange is the apparent normal, that's for sure. Nearing the waters edge, Nicolaus could make out land across the Horizon. A large Island by his standards, simply handed to them to pursue their work. "Zis is too much, put if you're cerdain zis is vat you vant..." An entire island of their own. If this was a small gesture for these people, he dares not thing what a large one might be.
  356. "I zuppoze zis vill be ein more zecure facility for exberimentazion-- Oh, right. I kot caught up vith... zis." He clears his throat, his gaze moving back towards the tower sticking out from behind some run-down houses. "Ven you are free I'll need to discuss vith you about the Neries, Zathoth. He's agreed to allov me to atdach limb tentons to his stump, put. Vell, zat's vere you come in. He doesn't vant ein normal arm, he vants Magi-Tech vith his Gem integrated into the hardvare. It should proffe uzeful for sdudy, but zat's your call..."
  358. She needn't make a decision now. He merely brought it up for her to think on. This was a lot to take in at once...
  360. (Nicolaus Holtzer)
  362. [06:29:29] While Queen Nahele thinks over the possibility of having a facility outside of white-tower designed to cater to scientific pursuit and experimentation, Nicolaus was surveying the old half-dilapidated medbay with the large uptaking of renovations in mind. It wasn't hard to find things wrong with the place, cracked walls and damaged equipment. The room looks like it underwent another renovation recently, but came under fire from whatever likely left half of the tower in a state of disarray. He'd need to compensate for structural integrity, in the long run.
  364. Of course, he also needed others in mind as well.
  366. More experienced doctors and Magi with strange medical practices under Nahele's command. He could only think of what he himself required in a facility, not those he is unfamiliar with. It doesn't take long to find a sweet-spot for living quarters, this was good. Various ideas come to mind: Cells for subject containment. Surgery rooms, recovery wards. Even a direct entrance to the Dungeons without having to go out into the hallway to retrieve them.
  368. He'd need to consult an Architect about all this, but it looked promising.
  370. To think just a few weeks ago he washed ashore, alive on an Alien land, now hired and practically having what he wanted just handed to him at a whim. If he couldn't feel pain, he might think he'd died and gone to Avalon. But this world is too impure for it to be a place of absolution, his trials were not over quite yet. Stepping out of the room into the would-be lobby giving direct access to the various facilities, Nicolaus approaches a pile of rubble.
  372. Strange, a scalpel... He reaches down and picks up the bend instrument.
  374. (Nicolaus Holtzer)
  378. [07:30:04] The giga had risen from the bench. Taking several steps towards the exit of the tower's courtyard. Red optics peering about the area in an almost lazy fashion. Darkness flickered around his form.
  380. Manifesting into a trailing aura of malevolence that strained across his flesh. Though glancing upon the giga would reveal he was wounded. Adorned in various slash marks that seemed to be scabbing over. His right arm seemingly reduced to a stump..
  382. Eyes full of malice would narrow. As the giga tensed, ignoring the brief sensation of pain that twinged upon his frame from his dislocated shoulders. THough considering how massive his body.
  384. His shoulders while hampered by bouts of pain were still moveable, perhaps the result of not being properly dislocated by the assault levied upon his body by Shinra? With a groan escaping his lips as he hissed in slight rising rage recollecting the Kaor. Knowing that any retaliation he sought to visit would need to happen once he achieved the same status. Though he probably shouldn't have tried challenging them to a fight?
  387. It mattered little - in fact why did he need to hasten his evolution into a Kaor? Surely he could be smart, and wait. Wait for the right time to evolve past his current limitations, in time after all the other Yokai would surely die. Thus he had time, if not several decades to hone his capabilities and growth.
  389. With time the giga could expand his knowledge about the world. Or look to closing the gap between himself and stronger opponents. Even if such would be marginal considering his current state of growth. The giga hissed thoughts swirling within his mind.
  391. Surely this was the best way to proceed. With a grunt, and his course set. The giga glanced upon the form of the nearby mega. Red optics peering upon Ord faintly. Having been looking downwards, and thus spotting the form of the weaker yokai.
  393. Mental voice speaking upon his mind. "Greetings lesser kin. I am Gräuel." The giga hissed mentally in his direction. Before raising his workable arm in his direction. Occultism flaring and pulsing along its length. Before the darkness launched in Ord's direction.
  395. Akin to a billowing smoky darkness that sought to tightly begin assaulting him. Trying to rip into his flesh and sap some of the weaker yokai's vitallty With a grunt, he turned from the mega. Before he cast his gaze around the area, noticing out of the corner of his eye how the mega ran away from the vacinity..
  396. (Gräuel)
  399. [08:58:49] Behind the Mask of Endless Sight lies a sickly golden gaze. It falls upon the woman that approaches. Her orbs shift, averting her sights to the slip of paper- and for a rare change of pace, she offers a hidden smile. "Welcome- I intended to meet you before the others began to flock to my Kingdom, but I suppose this makes things easier." She shrugs, forcing the Nerebian plates to shift; the sound of grinding metal and flesh fills the streets with even the most subtle of movements.
  401. "Brighthold, while hardly a an annoyance. While I may be weary of the massive migration, I' no position to deny soldiers." That, and she genuinely believed that she and the imperfect could devour any troops that attempted to perform a coup, or what have you. "I've a proposition for you, Salem."
  403. Her eyes shift again, falling upon Sophia for a moment. "Join the others. Vindictus, Sophia, Crystal...they've all fallen into my ranks, breaking away from a weak and stagnant settlement. I've been told that you have a bounty of some sorts-...while this would typically be a concern, I..." She chuckles. "Ah, we can talk about that later-
  405. What I can say now, is long as you refrain from being a fool, you're far safer as a soldier, or even scientist if that suits your fancy, within my Kingdom." Again, she shrugs. "If you intend to deal with the blight that festers outside my city, then I'm more than willing to deal with them- one way or another.
  407. They can serve the imperfect, or we can devour them all. I care not for the methods, as long as the are honorable, but with divine war on the horizon, what is most important is....results."
  408. (Nahele)
  409. {NARRATION} Whilst the majority of Loranthis's forces were marching within the fortress to strike at the Vindicator and his Pursuers, Loranthis was left.. Quiet, perhaps too quiet one could say. The guards were on their patrols- yet a few took a detor into the cells below- a peculiar amount. Most magi would have seen just the glint of the Loranthis's armor, the deep blues and blacks that surrounded them and nothing more... But, perhaps it was the sight of the Imperfect that caught a glimpse of something far more devious at work! Nonetheless, when Dumuzid's troops were gathere and their party had journied down into the silent depths of the dungeons, they were greeted with quiet a sight! The guardsmen that had once been guarding the prisoners were now... Opening the gates for them- weapons tossed into the hands of the imprisoned Neries- all except those who were huddling in the corner cowardly. But their footsteps did not go unnoticed no, a peculiar figure was leading them- the illusions dispersed when Dumuzid & Co arrived! "Don't you have bigger problems to attend to, Imperfect? My my! Unexpected guests!" The figure shifted and turned- a slightly odd distorted illuminsecient glow emitting from her figure as she swayed from left, to right idly. It seems that she was drawing strength from the nearby Neries, fighting her amongst them may be.. Unwise, drawing her away would however let the prisoners escape- to face what guards they had laying in wait outside!
  410. [09:16:44] As the ookami would accompany the strange figure deep into the depths of the castle, he glanced around and thought back to his time there. When he and clio had their first proper greeting after she captured him. The tales he could tell on this city weren't numerous, but inspirational regardless. As it stood, he could only stare at the back of the figure, wondering how powerful they really were and what it meant to delve deep into the heart of the lion as he once heard.
  412. Exhaling deeply, he didn't spot drake, was he not around and just when he needed him as well. The ookami, he was shivering, much more fearful than he expected. Eventually they were in the dungeons and ehren watched as the guards would suddenly release the neries from their cages. Such a magic could only entrance him, how were they capable of such a thing? It made ehren wonder. . . Could he do the same one day, except in different realms. . . To be noticed and cared for, to not be looked at like some rabid animal and simply as a person.
  413. (Ehren Kien)
  415. [09:19:18] Noises! Screaming! Clashing steel and magic all over the place! This was the kind of excitement Elias actually expected when he got the job, but not particularly this soon. It kinda sucked that people were being beat up left and right, but that wasn't one of the first things on his mind right now - he could actually use this chance to prove his strength to Loranthis, and maybe use that for other things later.
  417. As such, he scurried behind the group of guards that had been summoned to the dungeons, standing out particularly due to his small size and the fuckhuge sword he bore at the ready and slung over his shoulders.
  419. The forces had amassed. The brooding, menacing forces of Loranthis stood before the Neries refugees seeking their way out, and their savior - a young woman who liked to talk shit.
  421. "I dunno what you lot are all goin' on about," Elias called out, standing on his toes a bit just so they'd pay attention. "But you're breakin' the city's rules and. The city in general... So I'm gonna have to beat you up." Assertive, uncaring.
  423. "If the Big Boss Yokai Man wants, I mean. I dunno."
  424. (Elias Manderville)
  425. [09:20:09] (Armageddon) Alert: Salem Ookerius Draconis has joined the guild.
  426. [09:21:00] He'd been waiting for this moment. For nearly two years, he'd bided his time, reserved his strength. And now the moment finally came. As soon as the gate was opened and a peculiar saw-like polearm was handed to him, he obliterated the cage he was once in with a single titanic swing, carving through the stone and leaving his mark forever in this decrepit place.
  428. And then his eyes rested upon the Judge. It seems the All-Mother noticed their suffering.
  430. With a nod to Aamon, Sathoth stepped forth, and his body began to fade into the surroundings, distorting magic making him hardly discernable from the stone foundation he was within.
  432. His own figure finally getting to stretch-- man, he was stiff.
  433. (Sathoth)
  434. [09:21:52] Melody follows not to far behind Dumuzid, curious of where the imperfect was going, after all, he didn't move often from his perch and something like this was quite an event, especially while all the main forces of Loranthis were out in another battle.
  436. Rounding the corner and heading into the dungeons with his troops in tow, Melody and crew spot something surprising, an escape attempt before their eyes, not most unexpected but none the less an issue.
  438. A sigh escapes the wolf girls lips, just hoping she didn't have to fight while everyone was away, but that wouldn't be the case now. Glancing over at her lord the Ookami would wait further instruction, or for the freed prisoners to make a move, her living rapier at the ready for his call.
  440. (Melody)
  441. [09:21:52]
  442. Mere moments later, after Casiel had finished 'interrogating' the Neries on his faith, there was a disturbance. The lad following Dumuzid into the dungeons below after he himself had not too long ago left it behind. Why did this have to happen as soon as he came off duty?
  444. Or perhaps he should count himself fortunate to not have to face these heathens on his lonesome. The sight of prisoners being freed immediately caused great anger to be kindled within him. These Neries should have all been executed! Then the issue at hand wouldn't even be possible much less a fear come to life!
  446. However, it was too late for regrets or 'if onlys' it was time to rise to arms and smite the evil at hand. Casiel frowned and reached to his back, tugging the magi-tech rifle he'd hold the stock within his hand. An intense glare given to the mana-devourers, especially the ones just freed.
  448. "Hmph! I always hated these guys.."
  450. The growl voiced with resounding emotion as he slipped his index finger into the trigger guard and had it idly rest on the trigger. Raising the rifle with a single hand, he'd aim it at the group and prepare to cease all attempts at exiting the dungeons in one piece.
  451. (Casiel Melym)
  452. [09:21:52] Elias Manderville: Racist.
  453. [09:22:43] As the neries would exit their cells, ehren himself as the only. . . Non neries would feel rather out of place. The act only forced him to pull his hood down further in embarrassment. Though, as he stood, vivid and worried. It was then that he turned his back to witness the gathering of the opposing forces. "D-dumuzid. . . Y-you!" All his pent up feelings toward the imperfect, they came out like a boiling pot turned over. His words of unintelligence venom would come forth, "You took mahma FROM ME!" Tears swelled as he only remembered the last memories of her as she left their den in the desert. They were the last moments he ever had with his mother.
  455. Quickly he removed his hood to reveal he was indeed her biological son and surely the yokai could remember her face, despite the years. She might've been one of his only greatest trials to overcome during his campaign across valmasia. "No like you, never will!" he growled as his tail would react almost instantly, reaching for the dagger at his side as he used both arms to pull forth the other two resting at his back and opposite side of waist. Together they formed a trifecta of danger. His mana slowly releasing due to his own ignorance. Maybe it would've been better to stay concealed and unnoticed, but he couldn't do it. . . Not when faced with his mother's murderer. The others. . . They weren't nearly as important as the yokai was to him. Would he stand and fight beside the neries? Only if they were all forced to fight together, if they planned to retreat, he'd at least do that. No way he'd attempt to fight that beast on his own.
  457. (Ehren Kien)
  458. [09:22:43] Aamon had felt it.
  459. Just as he had felt it in his dreams.
  460. Just as he had felt it in his Nightmares.
  462. That mask had haunted him as a boy. It was a symbol of justice - a symbol of judgement. Any who indulged in Corruption and heresy were knelt before it and punished accordingly. It's very presence, for the slightest moment, breaches the deepest recesses of Aamon's mind and stirs terror. The absence of Moonstone does little to quell the kindling awe in the presence of The Judge.
  464. Not a single word was uttered. What was he to say to the Judicator whom he had believed might well abandon them? What was he to say to a hand of the Dreamer whom might cast him to the Nightmare for a single act of doubt?
  466. But through devotion, he had achieved immunity. At the rear of the pack Aamon lingers, wary that his magical prowess had been all but stripped.
  468. A hand rests upon the large blade that had been distributed.
  469. (Aamon)
  470. [09:23:34] Revan was training in the north with Kaiza, it was a happy thing for him to do. Even with his parents finding out about him the Time Seeker knew they would never tell Salem of his sudden decision to throw the promise in the garbage and go train with him there. But then something went wrong.
  472. As Revan was a pratictioner of the art of Time Vision the boy decided he wanted to dwell into the future, just to know what would be in store for him and his beloved Kaiza and for the Time Wizard's surprise it was not a vision of both, but a vision of Loranthis, something was going to happen there and that would have catastrophic effects if nothing was to be done, but there was also the possible future of peace, Revan had to do something.
  474. The Time Seeker could not say to anyone about his vision so he traveled to Loranthis and waited for people to find out about the future attempt of jailbreak, as the group of guardians was formed to take the threat head-on so would Revan by joining it's ranks and staying in a low profile amoung the group and quiet to not break any law of intervention. Revan was ready to fight when needed.
  475. (Revan)
  477. [09:25:16] This was quite the surprise.
  479. Daen had been making his usual rounds about the Keep, as per his orders upon joining the military of Loranthis. For a time, it was quiet, and nothing really seemed out of the ordinary. The movement of servants rushing through the castle, the sounds of guards also doing their rounds. It seemed quiet! Peaceful, even. That is, until he spotted a rather odd group of guards making their way towards the depths of the castle dungeons.
  481. This was odd.
  483. As he arrived at the dungeons, the sight of the guards - or rather, the individuals whom once thought were guards, revealing themselves to be none other than Neries themselves! It was a fairly large surprise, but Daen wasted no time in preparing to retaliate.
  485. "I should've figured with Nerebia approaching, something like this wasn't far off..." Of course, the smugness of the Vampire actually prevented him from predicting such thing in hindsight, unfortunately. Still, he wouldn't be allowing them to escape so easily, not with such an abomination soon arriving at their shores.
  487. "I'll take great pleasure in placing you back in your cells, Neries." Daen spoke, his eyes glowing as depravity began to condense around his form, reinforcing his muscles. The curse of Cain granted him fearsome powers when utilized properly, and Daen intended to put those powers to the test.
  489. "You better be prepared for your punishment."
  490. (Daen)
  492. [09:26:08] She was new among the ranks of Loranthis, yet when it came to following orders she knew how to do it, without second question, something she forcefully learned during service in Dawn. She sighed upon finding herself staring at the neries and odd entity among them down in the dungeons, observing the situation in silence, for now gathering her power around her palms while drawing her blade.
  494. She didn't know how things would go from there, but she was going to do what she could to help, even if at least only a little.
  495. (Sophia Ryozo)
  498. [09:27:50] He shrugs.
  500. "Nahele has them handled," he murmurs, throwing his shoulders and arms further into the air in a lazy expression of.. boredom, perhaps. There hasn't been much going on in Loranthis as of late, and if anything, the Imperfect is probably thankful for the chance to show off once more - and probably equivalent as grateful for the chance to get up off his ass and face another in frontal combat in whatever size can be managed. Wars are.. wars, but they're pointless if he himself cannot enjoy the fun involved. Slaying innocents without a problem was, while satisfying for his ascension, nonetheless boring - they did not struggle in any meaningful capacity. They did not revolt against his power in a way that made his blood boil.
  502. This one, though?
  504. This one made his veins curdle with excitement.
  506. Hellstrom leaks from the pores of the hollow Yokai like a mindless expression of will, coating all nearby in a sickening, awful substance that spoke leagues of what was actually contained within the armor-like shell of Dumuzid's creation. Balaraq appeared from the ether between worlds, zapping into his palm's grasp without the slightest issue-- drawn forth from some alternative location via the highly advanced lightning magic of his possession and partial creation. There was no lightning mage bettter than the Imperfect, and he flaunted that fact through not just his vocals, but his actions and usage of such an art as well. "Besides, I don't particularly care for any one battle. I just want a battle. Don't you think? Everything is so stale lately-- eating this, eating that, eating who, eating where."
  508. "I might encourage it, but it's still quite a drag on my attention," Dumuzid furthered, staring toward the Shade without a question of identity or otherwise. There was no need - in combat, all would be explained in great detail, as had been the case with Calliope Kastra, Lara Kien and so many others. If they were worthy foes, he would know-- there was no need for talk, if only in his opinion. "Daen-- ", he calls, a hand cast out toward the vampyr with rather astounding speed. Almost as if beckoned (in the same way Balaraq had been, mind), does the blood-blade Sanglamore tear its way through the dungeon's hefty atmosphere, just barely missing the nose of the vampire himself and impaling itself in the nearby brick wall with simple ease.
  510. "Take your toy. If you truly want it, now would be the time to show that you're capable of using it properly."
  512. The Imperfect's head whips back shortly, and a resounding crack follows suit-- his bones realigning for combat in the usual, absolutely inhuman manner that they so dearly adored. "To the others: I usually don't give a damn about most of you!", Dumuzid noted, "But if you want that to change, you're going to help me here, and you're going to do so successfully." Red irises sweep across Elias, Casiel, Daen, Sophia, Melody, Revan-- before lying upon the Shade once more in an almost excited manner, his joy at this entertainment portrayed openly. "And the rest will enjoy death by my hand once their silly masked protector has been done away with."
  514. "I took your mother?", Dumuzid interjected, stopping the Kien descendant with some ability.. or aiming to, anyways. "She took herself. She challenged me, don't you know? I suppose it's only natural that you'd follow suit with your mother's actions, human. It is the way of humanity to tumble like dominoes."
  516. Those around, if not resisted, would be levitated - hovered above the ground a good foot or so - and allowed to progress into the lower levels of the dungeon, wherein he'd devoured the final gem of Kokb'ael Kzer-za some few months back. "Anyways, if the masked clown would be so kind to follow-- " He pauses, turning his still-floating figure back to the Shade. "I am truthfully more intrigued with this entity rather than the prisoners themselves. Most of them are useless without their gems' bestowment, anyways. Come, come, will you?"
  518. "The power you emanate intrigues."
  519. (Dumuzid Balaraq)
  520. [09:39:47] Fog like eyes would shift around the area to take notice of the clear disadvantage the group were in. To face off against dumuzid and his hoard might surely mean capture and then death. How would things happen and regardless of this fact, what would the group do if forced to fight? Exhaling deeply the ookami bit his lip in anger as to what dumuzid had spoken. It didn't matter much to the ookami how the battle between his mother and he began. He remembered once when the creature was a koar, he attacked their home and with it burning down, his mother was forced to act due to the closing in. To him, it was the worlds fault that created dumuzid and they were getting what they deserved. Yet, he couldn't find himself siding with the creature simply due to having lost his mother to it.
  522. Gripping the shafts of his blade even tighter. The allies he had beside him, even a vampire? Woah, things were looking tough for them. Was this person standing before them, the one emitting a strange aura really all powerful, enough to bring to knees this variety of powerhouses? Only time could tell, but one thing he could atleast give them, was the loyalty that came with their race. To go to such lengths to save their allies, the neries were of high standard, it was sad they wanted the destruction of valmasia or he might've befriended a few.
  523. (Ehren Kien)
  524. {NARRATION} The group was commanded by the Imperfect to face off against the Judge in a.. Semi-honorable battle, it seemed. The Shade's figure watches quietly, the single eye upon the mask shifting wildly as if it was trying to gauge exactly what it was to face. But it mattered little to the being, her finger's snapping together violently before she gestures towards the three behind her- two Neries, and a single Ookami. "Leave, while I handle this little interruption." It was not a request, but rather a demand. It seems Dumuzid's decision meant that the three would face the Guardsman outside! They say he is quite flamboyant and Nahele's number one fan... And really old. How odd! The decision to force the Shade to depart from its comrades has made it weaker in the upcoming battle! How fun! (-50 vit, -50 SF, -50 melee on the Shade.) But the same gesture is not returned, the seemingly young woman spiraling closer before her hands raise- a plethora of illusions beckoned to her will- the walls warp, the plains of existance begin to change.. It was all in their mind, was all they needed to say- and yet it would look so very, very real... Even the escaping prisoners were simply 'gone', and all that was left was a dark throneroom- twas all made from illusions, but the potency of it was absolutely outstanding. Far surpassing that of a mere illusionist or even someone who mastered such abilities. It was as if they had been transported into an entirely new place...
  528. {NARRATION} The group was commanded by the Imperfect to face off against the Judge in a.. Semi-honorable battle, it seemed. The Shade's figure watches quietly, the single eye upon the mask shifting wildly as if it was trying to gauge exactly what it was to face. But it mattered little to the being, her finger's snapping together violently before she gestures towards the three behind her- two Neries, and a single Ookami. "Leave, while I handle this little interruption." It was not a request, but rather a demand. It seems Dumuzid's decision meant that the three would face the Guardsman outside! They say he is quite flamboyant and Nahele's number one fan... And really old. How odd! The decision to force the Shade to depart from its comrades has made it weaker in the upcoming battle! How fun! (-50 vit, -50 SF, -50 melee on the Shade.) But the same gesture is not returned, the seemingly young woman spiraling closer before her hands raise- a plethora of illusions beckoned to her will- the walls warp, the plains of existance begin to change.. It was all in their mind, was all they needed to say- and yet it would look so very, very real... Even the escaping prisoners were simply 'gone', and all that was left was a dark throneroom- twas all made from illusions, but the potency of it was absolutely outstanding. Far surpassing that of a mere illusionist or even someone who mastered such abilities. It was as if they had been transported into an entirely new place...
  530. [09:47:28] Elias didn't seem too offended by the Imperfect's lack of consideration towards them. At his command, the Manderville just pried his eyes from the escaping Neries and onto their cheery protector. He looked a little concerned, at least for a brief moment. Not for himself, though.
  532. "You sure this is alright, boss? Looks kinda like overkill to me, actually. A few of us could do the job just fine," Elias reasoned, although his tone of voice indicate if the cared either way - however he didn't withdraw his sword, and the tiny flares that had materialized around his body soon erupted into fully-fledged, magically-enhanced flames. They expanded his muscles past their original size.
  534. "But alright, then. Lemme show you why real Manderville men are the best and we stand out from the rest."
  536. Elias seemed to care little about many things. The levitation? Alright. Dumuzid's dark and foreboding energy? Sure. The fact that they were instead sitting in the middle of a throneroom no? Bring it on. Throughout all of these anomalies, Elias remained cool and collected. He had other things in his mind --
  538. He just wanted to beat shit up.
  539. (Elias Manderville)
  542. [09:48:19] It wasn't like Melody could face the neries on her own anyways with that being floating before them, even the Lord was interested in that thing before them.
  544. So she would follow hoping the the guards of the white tower could fend off the escaping prisoners while the group of magi and monsters assail the judge, that mysterious being with a strange aura. Melody didn't like the looks of it at all, it was obvious it was scary strong but she wasn't alone and it made the wolf girl feel better already.
  546. (Melody)
  547. [09:50:01] That was unexpected.
  549. As the imperfect himself arrived in the dungeons to do battle with the invader, a fact that thoroughly surprised the young Cainite, it only got more shocking from there. Before Daen could react, a massive blade as thrown from the Imperfects hand with frightening speed, and easily imbedded itself in the nearby wall. He wasn't sure WHAT the blade was, but was Daen one to turn down a weapon given to him by the Imperfect?
  551. No, no he was not.
  553. As he reached out to the blade and picked it up in his hands, a strange sensation washed over his undead body. To others who might've picked up the cursed blade Sanglamore, it would no doubt attempt to drain both their mana and their blood. But for Daen, one of Cain's very own cursed? It was almost euphoric. The energies provided from the blade coursed through his body upon contact, and the depraved energies coating his body grew more intense. The decades of war the blade had seen at the hands of Radu had empowered it, and it was those very same energies that now coursed through him.
  555. It was almost overwhelming.
  557. But he wouldn't let the overwhelming sensation distract him from the battle at hand for long, and soon the very dungeon they sat in began to warp and twist, dancing to the control of the strangely dressed Neries. Even his resistance to illusionary arts provided no defense against this level of overwhelming magic, and he too found himself victim to the Neries' magic.
  559. Soon the odd sensation faded, revealing them to be in an entirely different place all together! In Daen's mind, he couldn't comprehend what had happened. Were they teleported via some depraved magic? It was all very confusing! But alas, he would not stop now.
  561. "Fine, this should be over quickly." Daen replied, as he raised Sanglamore up with both hands gripped upon the strangle designed hilt. "I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into, creature, for you're about to suffer greatly for what you've done.."
  563. And Daen would ensure such a thing would occur, if given the chance.
  564. (Daen)
  566. [09:50:01] "Good!"
  568. The Imperfect claps his hands together tightly, and a resounding boom flows throughout the newfound cavern of illusory proportion-- or rather the throneroom, that is. Whatever the location and vision, Dumuzid seemed.. oddly unbothered. It was what he'd asked for after all, right? Whatever the case, though, was he still entertained by the fact that he had actually managed to garner a 'duel' with this Shade entity. Granted, it wasn't really a one-on-one fight, but anyone could likely presume that the battle-obsessed Yokai had sensed some true, unrelenting power within that creature. If not for that fact, he'd have leapt on them like a frog on a fly - thankfully, though, he had at least an ounce of sense despite his terrible obsession with fighting.
  570. "It is alike to what I have read," Dumuzid furthered, his words almost gleeful in tone. He stares excitedly forwards at all of the presented folks, the creatures supposedly set against the likes of himself and his own people a horrendous joy indeed. ... At least to him, anyways. Perhaps less-so to those who held great risk there, should they fall in the bounds of this combat! Whatever the case, the bearer of Balaraq remained nonetheless laden with hyped enjoyment, his musculature bulging and his eyes straining for further vision of whatever machinations this entity had set up for this battle in particular. He was so dreadfully, dreadfully intrigued-- how had she managed it all? How had she done this? Was this merely a projection of Nerebia, divine power more than enough to disable the minds of mere humans?
  572. Dumuzid, for better or worse, was obsessed with the godlike and the divine. He aimed to kill them all, of course, but that didn't deny him a begrudging fascination, did it?
  574. He didn't care if the answer wasn't yes, truthfully.
  576. "I presume that Nerebia sends these constructs of violence to my lands for the sake of the protection of her 'young'," Dumuzid adds, tilting his head and horns toward the likes of the Shade. "Do you feel the same compassion, even if you are just this illusory thing?"
  578. "I will enjoy discovering that for myself."
  579. (Dumuzid Balaraq)
  581. [09:50:52] Not even all the futures possible to be seen by Revan could prepare him for what was to come. The reality shifted and all of a sudden they were in some dark Throneroom, it was to give a chance of escape to those that escaped from the jail, things went sour for the Time Seeker and he only feared that he might never be able to say goodbye to Kaiza if he was to fall in the battle to come.
  583. As he looked at the strange creature that created the ilusion Revan would draw forth the powers of darkness having to feed on his own abyss once more to have a chance of escaping that battle he invovled himself just out of love for the boy that helped him go beyond his darkness.
  584. (Revan)
  585. [09:50:52] (Armageddon) Lasswell {Bishop}: ahelp port
  587. As if he was going to allow them to leave so easily! Annoyed by the arrogance and sudden command issued by this strange looking individual, Casiel's eye narrowed. His finger readily pulling on the trigger, but as he was prepared to fire off a blast in order to cease the escape of the others..
  589. Snap!
  591. Her fingers snapping as if to issue another order but this time to the rules of reality itself as the room around them twisting and shaping into a completely different environment. Casiel couldn't believe it, he himself had potent magic and believed himself to be unaffected by illusion magics, but instead..
  593. He was forced to once again swallow his pride as his senses allowed him to believe he was sent to another area entirely. The expression of surprise and confusion on his face was soon eclipsed by anger, the prisoners were now going to have an easier time escaping!
  595. At least in his mind..
  597. The orders of the Imperfect were absolute and received with priority, a glare ushered in the Shade's direction. A mere spark appearing around the child before blossoming into a raging torrent of lightning cascading around his small frame, the bright almost white glow flashing about each time the blue streaks made an appearance.
  599. The snout of the rifle pointed at the woman defying Dumuzid and the child replaced his finger on the trigger. His eye narrowing whilst his mana continued to circulate.
  601. "These stoopid Neries always causing problems.."
  602. (Casiel Melym)
  604. [09:52:35] Sophia scolwed quietly before taking out a token out of her pocket, soon fueling it with mana and allowing the runes found within it, forcing the token to morph and change its shape to mask which Sophia put on before drawing her blade. She observed the others before deciding to let sparks form around her body, making thme jump around it just as she observed the situation.
  606. She exhaled loudly before gathering last bits of mana she needed for the fight just before sighing and lowering herself to her usual stance jsut before deciding to observe the others and wait for the order to attack. She was going to try and prove in the fight, while also aiming to learn about ones she fought alongside with, wanting to see how better were they in comparison to people she saw in Dawn
  607. (Sophia Ryozo)
  608. [10:02:49] It was just as she thought, battle would come within loranthis, she was unsurprised by this. Yet there was much surprise from other things. Of all the people who were here, of all who protected loranthis and fought against this prison break, Dumuzid was here. She was astounded by this, the lord her life was pledged to was here, for the first time she was seeing him in person. She stayed as composed and calm as she possibly could keeping up with the way she normally acted, she behaved maturely and kept her body language in a respectful orderly manner. Here she would be fighting not just for those she served but also alongside them for the first time, she could not permit herself any failure or show any weakness.
  610. She simply watched not speaking or making action for the longest of time, observing, analyzing, and waiting. Patiently waiting for her orders and the actions of those around her. And the actions she waited for happened, but even though she expected something it came as a immediate shock. She stayed calm maintaining a focused expression. The entire room warped in illusions she stayed calm and simply placed her hand upon her swords hilt narrowing her eyes keeping close vision on every detail of the illusions and those who cast it.
  611. (Xuriel)
  612. {NARRATION} The group was commanded by the Imperfect to face off against the Judge in a.. Semi-honorable battle, it seemed. The Shade's figure watches quietly, the single eye upon the mask shifting wildly as if it was trying to gauge exactly what it was to face. But it mattered little to the being, her finger's snapping together violently before she gestures towards the three behind her- two Neries, and a single Ookami. "Leave, while I handle this little interruption." It was not a request, but rather a demand. It seems Dumuzid's decision meant that the three would face the Guardsman outside! They say he is quite flamboyant and Nahele's number one fan... And really old. How odd! The decision to force the Shade to depart from its comrades has made it weaker in the upcoming battle! How fun! (-50 vit, -50 SF, -50 melee on the Shade.) But the same gesture is not returned, the seemingly young woman spiraling closer before her hands raise- a plethora of illusions beckoned to her will- the walls warp, the plains of existance begin to change.. It was all in their mind, was all they needed to say- and yet it would look so very, very real... Even the escaping prisoners were simply 'gone', and all that was left was a dark throneroom- twas all made from illusions, but the potency of it was absolutely outstanding. Far surpassing that of a mere illusionist or even someone who mastered such abilities. It was as if they had been transported into an entirely new place... -Daen -Xuriel -Casiel -Elias -Revan Ah! How the world contorts and twists to the demand of the Shade- it was but a fragment of the Judges power, a weakened one at that! Yet the immense amount of anti-magical energies siphoned and raked across the illusionary castle- they were assaulted by both the stars and time itself, bending to the very whim of this Shade, the world buckling against her immense strength. There was a reason she was considered the Second Strongest in the trio of the Churcher's armada. But however, the shade was defeated by the combined might of the Loranthis forces, and the Imperfect, but not before five people fell to her strikes- but they would find themselves rising once again to face off.. No injuries would be sustained until the very end of the bouts. Rising, her body twists, bones snap into place- this illusion had.. Something physical beneath it, something that was clearly not an illussion. Silver blood was shed, dribbling across the floor whilst she grunts with minut annoyance. This time her hands clasp together as she huffs. "Ah! You're fortunate that I'm not here in the flesh, or it'd be your end! But but, I'm always up for a little game of cat and mouse, it's entertaining, all fit for a good lil chuckle." The gaze shifted, violet smog oozing from the open maw of the skeleton dancing besides it. Armies of old Loranthis began to pile in- Ranging from the Arbitators of Old, to the Glacium's darker colors and even that of the Duratus. Agent reminders which lingered upon the city. "But I know much, Imperfect. Possibly more then you ever shall about your pathetic little land. Ohoho, you shall suffer for your imputence- you war hungry mongrel! Bah, it's just like those damned Karkian's, always lusting for battle.." Annoyance! But it seems that the battle was not over yet...
  613. [10:29:16] Shade of the Judge: (( Ah fuck ))
  615. {NARRATION} Ah! How the world contorts and twists to the demand of the Shade- it was but a fragment of the Judges power, a weakened one at that! Yet the immense amount of anti-magical energies siphoned and raked across the illusionary castle- they were assaulted by both the stars and time itself, bending to the very whim of this Shade, the world buckling against her immense strength. There was a reason she was considered the Second Strongest in the trio of the Churcher's armada. But however, the shade was defeated by the combined might of the Loranthis forces, and the Imperfect, but not before five people fell to her strikes- but they would find themselves rising once again to face off.. No injuries would be sustained until the very end of the bouts. Rising, her body twists, bones snap into place- this illusion had.. Something physical beneath it, something that was clearly not an illussion. Silver blood was shed, dribbling across the floor whilst she grunts with minut annoyance. This time her hands clasp together as she huffs. "Ah! You're fortunate that I'm not here in the flesh, or it'd be your end! But but, I'm always up for a little game of cat and mouse, it's entertaining, all fit for a good lil chuckle." The gaze shifted, violet smog oozing from the open maw of the skeleton dancing besides it. Armies of old Loranthis began to pile in- Ranging from the Arbitators of Old, to the Glacium's darker colors and even that of the Duratus. Agent reminders which lingered upon the city. "But I know much, Imperfect. Possibly more then you ever shall about your pathetic little land. Ohoho, you shall suffer for your imputence- you war hungry mongrel! Bah, it's just like those damned Karkian's, always lusting for battle.." Annoyance! But it seems that the battle was not over yet...
  617. [10:34:24] Xuriel fought long and hard, she was one of the last ones to be taken down by the shade. While she had her strength she still needed more skill, this battle furthered this into her mind. She got up with small injuries, there wasn't a great deal done to her that would be lasting. She wasn't going to back down or relent, she would battle until she was dead or render incapable of retaliating in any way or form.
  618. (Xuriel)
  619. [10:34:24] The initial fight was over, and suddenly Elias did care about things other than beating shit up, because he was having a hard time doing just that. Instead, the moment the fight started, he was immediately bombared by a strong, relentless and unbearable wave of bdining energy that had him dizzily meandering around the battlefield in an attempt to catch up, until a stray hit oof something from somewhere was enough to knock the boy off his feet.
  621. For a few minutes.
  623. "AaaaaAaAaAaHhHhHh I'm just warming up...!" he called out, unsticking his face from the contorting ground and slowly pushing himself back up. He picked up his sword once more, and the flares erupted into flames once more. "I was just testin' to see your strength, but I guess I'm gonna have to go all out n--"
  625. They were now facing an entire fucking army. He cleared his throat. Or was it a nervous gulp? Hard to tell.
  627. "I guess I'm gonna have to go all out now, since you have friends."
  628. (Elias Manderville)
  630. [10:36:57] Melody was terrified, scared of the beast before her. All she could do was run and slow the beast while casting magic from afar, barely even having any effect on the creature.
  632. Her yggdrasil seed was destroyed almost instantly the moment it was placed, and she only had to be hit once to be sent reeling on her knees, Melody wanted to bolt, to run away and hide, but the wolf girl didn't, she couldn't.
  634. Melody promised Nahele she would defend the tower! At all costs! Even if it would be her sad end to her existence!
  636. It wasn't so bad after all, Lord dumuzid and a few others were still left standing after they downed the beast, her cowardice saving her from meeting the floor. But how long will that last she wondered?
  639. (Melody)
  640. [10:36:57] After so much fighting Revan fell to the power of the Shade, but it wasn't the end as the boy would pick himself up to fight once more, he was not going to give it up just because of normal weakness.
  642. Revan called forth the powers of darkness one more time to aid him in the battle that was to come, by channeling his energy he focused on the enemy and nothing more was important to him, it was time to prove he was stronger than any kind of threath as long as he had the power of other Magi backing him up.
  643. (Revan)
  644. [10:37:48] "You bring only yourself and these hordes of the defeated, this time?", Dumuzid questions rhetorically. "Why, I thought you aimed to win!"
  646. He cackles, Balaraq drawn to his side in a damn near-instantaneous movement, unsheathed from the invisible length of static it so commonly hid within. The lengthy blade was probably the height of Dumuzid himself, if not moreso-- and yet that massive, hugely-weighted sword moved fluidly nonetheless, racing through the air and leaving an electric scream in its wake without the slightest of issues. "We have faced greater odds and numbers before," Dumuzid further mocked, Balaraq cast upwards at the likes of the Shade and her armies of the damned. They were relics of the past - spirits, long since crushed under whomever's army had decided to set themselves upon that ancient city's aforementioned legion. It was ironic, almost.
  648. The room pulsates with an ancient evil of Dumuzid's own production - so far, he's enjoyed this bout of combat more than any event in the past year or so. It reminds him of his desires and his goals. It reminds him of what he set out to do in the first place.
  650. And while the world crumbled under a now-eternal war, so too would Nerebia and her followers join the Valmasian fray. "These illusions-- they remind me of that which swirls within my blade," he noted, maintaining his stare toward the likes of the Shade with a vibrant potency. No portion of him delayed that damnable side of him - mostly because it wasn't a side at all, but rather his entirety. There was no opportunity for 'goodness' to break free here. He didn't care what kind of person Nerebia nor this Shade nor any other was, in all honesty-- he cared how they fought, and with what magics they fought, and the techniques utilized he'd not yet viewed elsewhere. An intriguing subject, to be sure. A massively interesting bout of combat would surely follow any encounter with this anti-magic heathens.
  652. "You are a piece of a divine entity's puzzle, do not lie to yourself. You are no different from the lowest member of my own legions. A servant of another, nothing less nor more."
  654. "If it is any consolation, however: you fight well. It is a shame you now rely on others."
  655. (Dumuzid Balaraq)
  657. [10:38:40] Even with the mighty power of Sanglamore at his hands, the Cainite's current power was unable to stand up to perhaps one of the most powerful Neries to step foot in Valmasia. Even though it was a ghost, a fraction of the Neries's true strength, as it claimed, it was power that easily knocked Daen off to the side, smashing him brutally against the nearby wall, causing bones to snap and crack.
  659. Or rather, that's what should've happened.
  661. Much to Daen's surprise, his injuries were not as severe as he had first thought! His body ached, sure, but his vampiric regeneration had already begun taking care of that. But the damage he should've sustained being struck down by the Neries was nowhere to be found, a fact that worried him.
  663. Still, he would stand once more, Sanglamore clasped within his hands. The blade was brought up, and pointed towards the Shade, his red eyes focusing closely upon his form. "This..." He spoke, his legs shifting into a combative stance.
  665. "This isn't over yet."
  666. (Daen)
  668. [10:39:31] With time on her side, Sophia had to fight one less thing to worry about, with her control over time she could put more of her focus on the being before her, one that they fought and appearen't wasn't there in person. Cowardly move in her opinion, using idle threats without being there to make them true, truthfully dissapointing.
  670. With loud sigh Sophia rolled her shoulders befroe tightening the grip around her blade and soon lowering herself once more only to prepare for next fight, things didn't appear like they would get any easier, she didn't know how to react, other than to prepare more of hermana for the clash once more, sighing under her mask as she stared at the others and then at their opponents, knowing that they had to double their efforts in this situation.
  672. Regreting the thought she narrowed her eyes and focused her thoughts around the entetiy they fought, forcefully creating desires of becoming as powerful as it was, allowing her envy to kick, overflowing her mind and body with new drive to fight, not caring how much of her it will consume this time, that wasn't important, not anymore.
  673. (Sophia Ryozo)
  674. [10:40:22]
  675. There was little no nary a way to describe how powerful this feminine assailant was. Whether she was Neries or not, he didn't care, she was fighting for their cause and as such was an enemy unworthy of repentance or second chances. But, despite his overwhelming confidence in himself and his potential..
  677. He tasted the power of the Shade.
  679. The aura that wafted off her form battered against the boy's skin causing pain in small amounts that would eventually amass into something nigh unbearable. Her very presence caused him pain, but still he'd fight on, thankful that he'd been training his body and was now more durable than in the past.
  681. The spells he conjured to deal with the opponent were powerful in his eyes, but her durability was far more than he had expected. For even after constantly assaulting her with the various arcana at his disposal, she managed to send him sailing through the air.
  683. Crashing into a nearby wall, the child left quite the impression in the cracks. Casiel shaking his head before using the butt of the magi-tech rifle to help him to his feet. Wiping some saliva that he had hacked up upon impact, he'd raise the rifle to the ready and prepare to battle again.
  685. "Dang it.. She's stronger than I thought.."
  686. (Casiel Melym)
  687. {NARRATION} The illusions of old were dispersed with the fall of the judge, her body clattering against the ground- but this time it seemed that the Imperfect earned its ire! For Balaraq had been bested! Perhaps the judge was as narrow-minded as its predecessor to focus solely upon the Imperfect... Even Casiel became an unsightly victim to the damages- however, once more.. Their bodies were forced to rise, to fight once again. In a way it was almost as if the Judge was... Merely entertaining them- or distracting them. But the figure was damaged, beaten, bones had been twisted and snapped. To the point that glistening pale white bones were exposed from the skin of the judge's garb. However she twists upon her cloak, shifting uneasily. After all- she had come here for a single mission, and she was uncertain if her kindred had properly escaped. "You're arrogant, aren't you? Truly! You believe you're fighting the real me? How.. Entertaining! Even that 'armada' was simply a portion of my power." She'd flex her knuckles, a hand gripping at her broken arm and snapping it into place. The blood seeping away, and the illusion fading over it- as if the injury did not exist. "Hmph. I have little time to play games with you..." The being turned- as if she were going to leave... If allowed to 'leave', it is likely the Shade will aid the escaping forces while this group is trapped in the illusions- and there wouldn't be a reward either! However if fought, who knows what sort of strength can be summoned if the Shade overexerts itself...
  688. [11:04:16] This round of fighting.. Went alot smoother for the nature mage.. Only because she was completly ignored by the monster before her, Lord Dumuzid being the target of the beasts ire.
  690. Melody’s tactics stayed the same, tried and true.. Hold the back line while assaulting the shade with spores and winds, hoping to be enough of a hinderance for her allies to land blows on the sadistic creature before them.
  692. The fight was fierce and brutal, with one of the more unexpected things happening.. Dumuzid got knocked down by the judge, out of the fight… it was truly a frightful being that Melody never wished to cross paths with.. Ever, but she didn't have a choice in this matter. She was one of the very lucky few who hasn't been downed by the beast yet… either it be her stunning tactics or because of her cowardice to face it head on in a melee, all she could do is pray on her winds to keep the teen swift and true as it threatened the group once more.
  694. (Melody)
  695. [11:04:16] It was indeed incredibly, incredibly strong.
  697. But all be damned if he admitted that.
  699. The head-strong and stubborn Imperfect, while not unaware of the mighty powers of one of the servants of Nerebia's shade, was hardly going to bow to her strength regardless of how great it might prove - perhaps a folly, but such was the way of the prideful and the egotistical. Whatever the case, this was a momentary set-back, and Dumuzid set about quickly rejoining the fight with whatever proficiency could be feasibly managed. One defeat (at least one, anyway) had graced almost every single one of them save for the likes of Melody, and even the Yokai ascendant himself had been downed, now. He wasn't particularly happy about the fact, but even so...
  701. Even so, he found excitement and glee in a place where he could well and truly suffer. Ironic in some sense, perhaps. Nonsensical in others.
  703. But regardless, it was the way of Dumuzid! And, facing off against the likes of the Shade, he raised his voice to echo throughout their illusory cavern. "If it departs, we lose everything," he spat, his mouth charged with both a telepathic and a lightning-infused volume that bounded throughout every corridor of the nearby (false) castle. "If it departs, we lose our reputation as ruthless killers. It cannot escape. It will not escape. Do you lot understand? Feel no fear; embrace the pain! It will fall at our feet. Nerebia will understand the mistakes it has made by venturing here." A hand casts to the side, and if feasibly possible, the doors aim to shut themselves in the real or fake world-- if not possible, the Imperfect manually creates barriers of static in locations most available.
  705. "No one leaves until this creature-servant of Nerebia skitters back to her out-of-place master."
  706. (Dumuzid Balaraq)
  707. [11:05:07] Another clash and more wounds which cleanse as time is reversed by the blood bender who sighs loudly, looking around and soon back at the creature they fought, feeling her own exhustion. Curious of results of their actions the Ryozo takes a deep breath before closing her left eye and forcibly fueling it with her energy, resulting with black veins poppuing up all around it just as she opened her eye, revealing a bright crimson glow around its iris.
  709. She used the eye to stare through Shade, narrowing her eye and soon cursing under her nose before deciding to lower herself and mumble quietly. "Well ain't that getting interesting, wonder what this thing is planning with all of the power..."
  711. Moments later she lowered herself once more, sighing quietly as she prepared herself once more, mantaining the envy and smiling in wikced manner as she prepared herself once more, though slowly getting exhusted.
  712. (Sophia Ryozo)
  713. [11:05:58] Victory.
  715. Despite the overwhelming magics the Neries before them possessed, the Vampire pressed on. With the Unholy blade Sanglamore within his grasp, and the potent power that it granted him, Daen charged forwards once more. Massive swings of his blade was unleashed towards the so called 'Shade', one after another with the aim of striking it down. However, with the illusion magics it possessed, the majority of strikes missed!
  717. But he wouldn't relent.
  719. Every so often a hit did land, causing surprisingly minor damage to the empowered Neries, but damage all the same. Blow after blow the Vampire swung, with a flurry of kicks following closely behind. The current abilities of the curse pushed to it's limits as his body lurched forth.
  721. And in due time, they would emerge victorious!
  723. Despite the damage he had sustained during the battle quickly healing over once more, it seemed that the Shade was no more worse for the wear, with injuries it had sustained simply snapping back into place, and vanishing entirely. It was unlike his own regenerative abilities, but to make matters worse, as it to insult them..
  725. It had tried to leave.
  727. With Dumuzid's command ringing out through the air, Sanglamore was raised into the air once more, and pointed towards the Shade. "This ends here, Neries." Daen stated, his blood red eyes focusing upon the shade. And so, he immediately rushed forth, and began to swing his sword once more, fully intent on striking it down once and for all.
  728. (Daen)
  729. [11:05:58]
  730. Leylines of a bright blue appear on the rifle as Casiel's mana is poured into it; High powered shots booming from the muzzle as the enhanced magic is sprung from the child. Zipping across the room and buffeting the female magi with magic whether of the wind, water, ice or lightning variety.
  732. Crackling coming from the ice and lightning the child possessed as shards dug into Shade as well as lightning streaking across the floor and crashing into her bulky frame- or perhaps it was the armour? Either way, the youth tried his best to keep light on his feet.
  734. Alas, with the limp leg there was only so much he could manage to do. The single eye also made it a bit more difficult to keep up with the woman's movements and aim the rifle in time to gain clear shots. However, when he did get the shots, he'd ensure they were critical!
  736. In the end, Lord Dumuzid had been beaten back by the fearsome creature that was Shade and the surrounding forces were also shown no mercy under her might. However, with a steel will, Casiel on his last leg(pun intended), surrounded his hand with a vigorous charge of lightning.
  738. A swift charge led the child across the few feet that seperated himself and the Shade, his hand plunging into her form and knocking her back with considerable power acquiring time for the others to catch their breaths! Now Casiel felt like a Melym.
  740. With the order given back the recovered Dumuzid, Casiel immediately agreed,"Yes Lord Dumuzid!" he'd exclaim as the rifle was hefted up, the leylines humming with mana as Casiel prepared for battle yet again. His chest heaving in and out, he was becoming more and more fatigued with each battle.
  741. (Casiel Melym)
  742. [11:06:49] (Ragnarok) Dumuzid Balaraq {Lord}: alright
  743. [11:06:49] (Ragnarok) Dumuzid Balaraq {Lord}: i'm using dark beam
  744. [11:06:49] Elias managed to not get 100-to-0'd this time around, since he had been keeping an eye out on that attack! With all of his everythings intact, he was good to go in and dish out the world of pain he's known for dishing out on his opponents, except this time it was on the Nerebian envoy. And this time he actually used the sharp part of his blade.
  746. After a moment, despite casualties, injuries and a whole lot of flailing around, the Nerebian was defeated. And it turned to leave!
  748. "Hey, you get back here! I ain't done with you!" He called out, completely oblivious to Dumuzid's order. Fueled by battle high, Elias was a little angry at the strike that downed him and just wanted to get back at the Shade. Nevermind the fact that he was able to carry on fighting, despite his lack of energy and the injuries he had sustained.
  750. That would probably come later.
  751. (Elias Manderville)
  752. [11:06:49] This time she wouldnt allow herself to be surprised by the woman, she saw her style and now knew what she needed to avoided and when to engage. She fought fiercely unleashing as much lighting as she could and sending waves of vines at the woman, the vines kept being destroyed with ease, but she managed to do a good chunk of damage. She stood strong and mostly unharmed after that round, she had made great improvement in mere moments it seemed, which pleased her. Yet the battle was not over, the being seemed to be trying to leave, how foolish to think that they can come here and attack loranthis, and expect to simply walk away in the midst of battle. Xuriel focused even more upon the woman, her focus of the new world they dwelled end had rewarded her, it no longer bothered her and she could now ignore it completely focusing soley on the woman.
  753. (Xuriel)
  755. [11:07:40] The fight was getting dire, if we decided to stay we would face a death-level threat and that scared Revan, but he did not falther, as he once more drawed forth the power of darkness to fuel his body and ready his soul for the final battle, the final struggle, the ultimate victory or defeat.
  757. "Then let it be what it has to be"
  759. Revan got ready for the final battle for Kaiza, for the Draconis and for his research.
  760. (Revan)
  761. {NARRATION} They had choosen to stop the shade! Possibly a good decision in the long run. But the ire of the Judge was finally ticked- a faint twist of her feet as she turns to face the oncoming group preparing for battle. The body morphs- it twists, it jerks erratically as bones snap in an unearthly fashion. The flesh expanded till silver pustulent tumors began to grow from its body, snapping and twisting until she towered above them group. Although it was not the true Judge, it was likely she was in control. Especially from the sudden spike in physical strength and magical prowess. The gaze even was far more massive- a skull the size of a horse, snapping its jaw open and shut as if it was willing to consume them whole. Tendrils of silver began to lash out against the battlefield, whipping violently as the ground shook and trembled beneath the mighty weight of the Judge's ire. This, was likely something she had meant to save when facing her own city- her own target. However it looks as if the Loranthian's have forced her to use it far too early! The mask twists open and reveals a massive singular eye, and a jaw hanging partially open, drool and spittle snapping from it alongside a silver tongue which draped open. The massive hands contorting into fists, slamming against the stone- causing it to slide and crackle against its weight. "Arrogance, your minds will understand- I will force you to understand! Fffah!" A massive inhumane bellowing which rattled the world as it began to approach with heavy, unwavering steps.
  762. {NARRATION} The Shade's mutated form was one not to be trifled with, the tendrils of mana sapping grip and drain- for Daen it appears that it cannot truly siphon his 'mana' so to speak, and instead draws from the Vampiric man's supply of blood, a tendril of silver nips and grips, jabbing into his throat and drawing from his life- however it seems that it is only momentarily as one of the party's strikes end up slashing away the tendril with a loud clatter! This combined with the previous fall makes for a painfully slow recovery... ((Daen has a temp nerf, -5 vit, -5 melee for 3 Years)) Xuriel is slapped around however she is to meet the gaze itself, the massive skull clamps down and grips upon the growing teen, its eye illuminating- it'd feel as if the strings of her soul were being yanked forcibly dragged away and consumed by the hungering beast from within! However before the ritual could be complete a bolt of lightning scorches and forces the floating skull to release the girl! This alongside the previous thrashing makes for a painfully slow recovery. ((Xuriel has a -7 vit -7mcap nerf for 5 years.)) Revan, although badly injuried appears to be lucky with his blows- though the whiplash of anti-magic energy latches upon his feet and begins to ease and yank upon the leylines, when he is eventually bested he is found as sound and alive- breathing, well! Even if the ache upon his leylines will be rather tenious for a while... (( Revan has a -5 vit & -5 mcap nerf for 2 years!)) Casiel and Elias are perhaps the most abused of the fighters, they were struck violently by the Shade's blows, gripped upon by the Dreamer, the gaze focuses upon both of them, the mighty skull glowering and soon invading their personal minds. The violet smog ingulfs them! It threatens to do as it had to Lillie- to mutate and morph, to shift and break them into apostles. It was by sheer fortune- sheer luck that the Gaze is forced away... However the two young boys were now plagued by haunting screeches, the sounds of mocking laughter and the feeling of something parasitic laying in wait beneath their skin... Drawing directly from their leylines... ((Casiel has a permanent -5 mcap & -5 vit nerf, Elias has a permanent -7 mcap, -7 vit nerf.)) Melody and Sophia are perhaps the most fortunate. An errant tendril thwacks against them, dragging the two girl's across the floor, whipping them around wildly like a toddler playing all too violently with its toys. Before smashing them against the wall- however, their wounds were superficial.. They came out unscathed. ((No nerfs for Sophia or Melody)) The last man- or in this case, Imperfect standing was forced to fight with already strenous wounds. It was down to the wire- he was mere inches away from running out of his own depraved mana- and the Judge's Shade still held a massive amount of mana coursing from what it had stolen from the forces of Loranthis! He manages to best it... (and may post a killing blow!), however even he is not without his injuries, an imprint upon him- a silver eye glowing gently between his eyes. It wouldn't last, however... It seems the Shade could not truly fully imprint the Imperfect. ((Temp nerf -5 vit & -5 mcap for 1 year)) The beast is defeated and when it does it flounders to the ground, twitching sporatically and- and soon in its steed is nothing more then a thin, malnourished and starving looking neries. Her horns but stumps which were sawed off, her eyes wide- body broken and beaten. She wheezes for air, crawling across the floor.. The faint voice of the judge fading away... "This isn't over..." The illusions were fully dispelled, and the group would find themselves back within the dungeons of Loranthis, the cages and bars broken and bent-shattered from the battle whilst the meager remains of the shade is but a husk, whispering, groaning- trying to 'fight back', yet far, far to weak to do so.. The woman's body was broken and shattered, bloodied and beaten- but the gem within her forehead was exceptionally potenet. Glowing with metaphysical and ether energies- yet draining from whomever dared to touch it. The Judge has been permanently nerfed for a future event! Defeating it has inadvertantly given their enemies an easier tome with it, but the gem is glowing- a reward for those whom are interested.
  764. [11:44:22] That was definitely something. The whole fight was a humongous mess of lights, magic, darkness and steel, and Elias was none the wiser - as long as he was beating up the Shade, completely oblivious to the pain welling up inside him, everything was fine. Until he was downed again in the end, unable to deal with the creature's newly summoned strength.
  766. Downed, his vision turned completely blank, but he remained concious. He gripped onto his sword and tried to stand up to continue fighting, but he was being held back. It was as if his mind had been invaded by something... Something that was definitely not in a good mood and willing to ruin Elias' day, every day. It threatened to consume and take over him, no matter how hard he tried. He was trying his best to stand up again, to not let it...
  768. And eventually it didn't but definitely not by his own doing. Elias' gaze cleared up, and in a pinch he sat up. He looked down at himself.
  770. Cuts, bruises, exhaustion. He had overexerted himself during the fight, and the injuries he had sustained didn't help keep him steady. It seemed as if he was ready to pass out any second, but he never did.
  772. Elias was, ultimately, fine and alive. He scratched at the side of his head every once in a while, though. The child remained silent - it didn't seem like he had any witty banter to dish out at the moment.
  773. (Elias Manderville)
  775. [11:48:38] To her suprise they won and when the tendrails grabbed her before dragging and slamming her around she reacted quickly, forcing her blood aura to work as shield, mainfesting it instantly at areas where her body was about to meet the ground. Soon she found herself chuckling in maniacal manner as she was let go, brushing the dust off herself before removing the mask and soon getting up on her pc.
  777. She rolled her shoulders before rocing the mask to turn back into a token, soon hiding it and looking around a the others, looking towards what they fought and soon grinning widely as she saw that they won, their problem was gone and the joy from seeing one of her obstacles gone, atleast for now made her feel better.
  779. With everything else done she moved to grab her blade, soon sheating it and sighing loudly before deciding to approach the others and soon address them. "Eveyones alright? Need help with anything? Wounds, broken limbs?" she asked, usually dealing with such stuff as time magi and alchemist.
  780. (Sophia Ryozo)
  781. [11:52:54] Victory snatched from the jaws of defeat.
  783. The battle between the servant of Nerebia and the combined forces of Dumuzid's miniature squadron of soldiers was an intense one. The power the Neries had contained before was nearly unmatchable, and was easily capable of swatting the majority of them away like flies. But with what happened next even managed to take the Vampires breath away. The Neries morphed and transformed into a creature that would likely only have been seen in nightmares.
  785. And with it, it's power grew.
  787. Yet despite this, the Vampire charged forth, and Sanglamore was swung in a wild manor, attempting to strike the strange creature in whichever way he could. Occasionally his strikes landed, but it barely made an impact on the magically enhanced protection granted by the Neries's strange and mysterious magics.
  789. During the battle, foul tendrils shot forth and impaled the Vampires throat, causing a gush if Vampiric blood to gush out, only to be absorbed by the greedy tendrils. Thankfully for Daen, a strike delivered by the others managed to sever it before any permanent damage. It hurt, and it would no doubt take an unfortunately large amount of time to heal, even with his regeneration.
  791. But despite all that, the creature was struck down, once and for all, revealing the true form of the creature before them. It was almost pitiful in a way, to die fighting for what it believed in.
  793. Despite his injuries, many of which were already knitting themselves together, even if slowly. With steps taken forwards, Daen approached the body of the Neries, and reached down for the gem embedded within her head. Perhaps if the others had attempted to grab onto it, it would cause immense draining upon their mana reserves. But for Daen? Well, he lacked mana, and with a careful movements, he slowly removed the gem from the Neries's skull, before turning towards Dumuzid, the shining gem in hand.
  795. "Is this something you desire, Lord Dumuzid?" While he wasn't too knowledgable about the Imperfect, having barely met the Yokai, he had given him a sword to use, and that alone garnered at least some respect, even from a Vampire.
  797. "Or is it useless?"
  798. (Daen)
  799. [11:52:54] After so much battle Revan finally managed, along with all the forces, survive the fight against the Shade, that almost costed the Time Magi his life, but to keep himself alive brought some injuries that would remain with him fro quite a while, there was no way to heal those injuries faster, only time would destroy such battle scars.
  801. "Ah... The best future was decided... I'm happy for it."
  803. Revan would stay near the remaining forces waiting for them to disperse before returning to Kaiza on the north.
  804. (Revan)
  806. [11:56:19] Xuriel was beaten back and forth by the being, but she kept handling it slowly growing weaker. Yet she did not show this though. The battle was slowly deteriorating as the massive enemy kept crashing down upon those around her, one by one they fell until she was the last of three remaining. Siddem;y she felt herself heaved up as the woman's gaze seemed to rip through her body. Her gaze faltered and she felt her that her breath stopped coming altogether. WIthout warning she was within the maw of the woman. She didn't scream, no it was a yell, or a shout. It didn't sound like that of a small girl it didn't convey great pain, but showed that it was extreme nonetheless.
  808. She crashed to the ground unable to move only watch as the woman now squared off solely against Dumuzid, it was a close battle, she almost beat him, he was so close to faltering, but he remained strong destroying the woman with one final blow. She looked off in awe at the closing of the battle.
  810. Given a short moment she forced herself upwards clutching her torso. She was taking in deep breaths she felt cold. It was as if her life was pulled from her body and hung loosely around her. She began to speak a bit exhausted to sophia, her voice was respectful and kind, but her eyes seemed to be beaming with a debate of whether or not she was alive.
  812. "*breath*... I should be fine... My wounds are not great, they will heal with time, but it feels like it was trying to suck my very soul out of my body."
  814. She took in a breath now breathing normal she straightened relaxing her body.
  816. "I should be fine."
  817. (Xuriel)
  818. [11:56:19] The final round… was a tough one. The beast transformed.. Became gruesome..even more terrifying than before! Shrieking and approaching the party!
  820. Melody did within all her might to keep away! Vines! Spores! Slowing winds! Nothing stopped the beasts advance as it battered the group, knocking everyone around like paper dolls!
  822. One after another the group would start to fall before Melody before its attention turned to her, every bone and muscle screaming to run as her tiny legs assisted by her winds swept her around the battlefield dodging the beast's attacks!
  824. But that can only ast for so long…
  826. Her winds exhausted and her legs aching, a tendril of the monster grabs the poor Ookami girl and flings her around the room like a ragdoll, knocking the child out of the fight. A faint scream escaping her lips before her vision went dark.
  828. Several moments would pass before Melody would come to, a broken looking neries woman on the ground, a strange gem in its forehead… something Melody wanted no part of, leaving it to the rest to squabble over. She just wanted to see her goddess, to tell her what she witnessed.. The beast they slayed.. Well not the real beast, but something it controlled..
  830. Her eyes glancing over the group, the girl not so kind as to take care of anyone who wasn't in imminent danger of dying melody stood up off the ground, her eyes falling on Lord Dumuzid.”M-my Lord.. if it is okay with you.. I have no interest in that neries girl, may I leave the area now and look for the prisoners? If.. that's fine that is.”the wolf girl would ask, pulling down her hood.
  833. (Melody)
  835. [11:57:10]
  836. Beads of sweat adorned his face, his muscles down to the very fingers expressed fatigue and cramps. Every breath he inhaled was savoured, yet it felt like it had no effect on the exhaustion he was feeling. Constantly darting about, his finger knew nothing but the trigger of his rifle.
  838. Constant humming as it charged, the leylines etched into the rifle lit up and remained bright as constant blasts of mana were sent into the woman's body. Constantly aggravating it with merciless blows, only in certain moments did the Melym child see it proper to advance into close combat.
  840. Tilting the rifle to the side, the blade extending beneath the muzzle was given it's time to shine. A single step onto the ground thrusted Casiel forward, the blade slashing into the Shade's skin but couldn't truly cause deep wounds in her body. However, damage was damage and in the end would contribute to the falling of this monster.
  842. The hideous creature that spawned from the Shade's wrath was quick to lash out at the magis surrounding it. Constantly in caution of the merciless attacks launched out by the creature, Casiel kept vigilant watch. But in the end, seeing could only do so much if the physical self failed to react.
  844. Which was the case for the Melym child, for soon enough, his body had received enough punishment and exhaustion. Entangled within the grasp of the Shade's tendril, he'd be engulfed in a violet fog during his struggle. "G-GAH!" he'd cry out, his mind being penetrated forcefully under the Gaze's might.
  846. Gritting his teeth under the immense pressure, his eyes shut down tight whilst trying to rebel against the invading mental attack. In the end, though perhaps the worst of it was relieved of him, there was still torture to be had, maddening laughter, sickening screeches and a subtle.. movement?
  848. There was the feeling of something being tugged from him ever so slightly, but for now, relief was the fake shelter given to him. Unaware of the truth of the problem that had been planted within him, he'd fall to his knees, gasping and panting whilst trying to regain composure.
  850. Shaking his head, he'd take his rifle and strap it to his back after staggering to his feet. "I survived.. Of course.. I can still become better.."
  851. (Casiel Melym)
  852. [12:16:48] "It is indeed useful."
  854. The Imperfect is absolutely heaving. While not necessarily downed in the rounds throughout as often as the others had been, he was no less exhausted-- his mana stores, as one might expect provided his substantially larger up-time, were destroyed. Well, for the moment, anyways. It was a rare day when he actually ran out of energy to utilize despite the massive drain his techniques employed upon his figure and mind, but - at least it'd been for a good cause, and a good opponent as well. She'd been.. underwhelming, perhaps, at first, but there was still value there! Nearly everyone, including himself, had fallen to the superior Neries towards the latter end of their bout of combat.
  856. If not for a final strike of lightning, it was very possible that they'd all suffer mental injuries akin to those of Casiel and Elias' origins.
  858. Luckily for most, however, do they race past as a result of the Imperfect's finishing skills and find themselves in a burgeoning realm of success and victory once more. Without casualties, surprisingly, too! "We have made it through without huge issue," he uttered aloud, turning in a brief circle as if counting heads. It was, of course, hard to say what Casiel and Elias' wounds were, but-- at least their suffering was ethereal rather than anything truly inhibiting within the physical bounds of reality. "And Daen - consider yourself proven. You may wield Sanglamore as you please, provided you continue to serve Loranthis dutifully." A hand reaches out for the aforementioned Neries gem, though it stops itself shortly.
  860. ".. And as I said, it is useful. Even from this range, it saps at my mana."
  862. The clawed fingers of Dumuzid retract shortly, though the proffered gem of Daen's present possession is nonetheless grasped at - ethereally, though, to match its elemental configuration. If allowed (which would be quite recommended indeed), telekinetic forces would tug at the rounded figure of the crystalline jewel, gradually lifting it though with great visible strain on the Imperfect's part. When it drained mana from the atmosphere around, one could easily presume that an incredibly energy-intensive act such as distanced handling would be quite the taxing task indeed. "You may depart if you so choose, Melody. You have done well in not falling in these battles. I aim to see further success from you, as I have from Nahele - despite your racial attributes."
  864. A shrug of power aims to lurch that gem of the Judge's former possession into his cloak, where it'd be safely and soundly stored away from the outside world-- again, presuming that it was not stolen in the process. "... And, as for those of you that have sustained the most grave injuries of us all-- if desired, I will aid in removing the Neries plague from your minds." ... though whether or not they'd enjoy his plague instead was a different question altogether.
  865. (Dumuzid Balaraq)
  867. [12:23:37] Melody would bow deeply as she could, showing her Lord her utmost respect, after all if it wasn't for him they might of all have been killed or worse. Her peach coloured eyes, fall upon his heaving from, obvious even he used up a large portion of his mana in the fight against that monstrosity.
  869. Standing up straight a smile would cross the Ookami’s lips, glad her request was granted. ”Thank you for being most kind my Lord, I hope not to disappoint you in our future endeavours.”melody would say as she turns away from the crowd, a small clatter of footsteps resounding from the stairs as she tries to fight the urge to be sick around that crystal.
  872. (Melody)
  873. [12:29:36]
  874. The battlefield that was littered with blood and chaos of all kinds warbled and distorted, the space shifting back into a grounds that was commonly known. Casiel continued to breathe heavily for a couple more moments, the tax on his mana and physical stamina was immense.
  876. But despite it all, the child managed to stand with difficulty, especially with the already injured leg. With the imperfect satisfied with the outcome of the intense battle, Casiel found it a suitable time to take him up on his offer. Limping strides taking towards the yokai without hesitation.
  878. "Lord.. Lord Dumuzid.. I thank you.. For your help.."
  880. Each word was a chore to say, his body seemed drained in all aspects, a slight bow given before he'd continue. "I'd like to ask.. For two things.. If it's fine.." he'd pause for a moment, perhaps receiving some sort of acknowledgement from the imperfect.
  882. If a positive response is received, the Melym would continue,"I'd like to ask.. For the freedom.. Of Naphtali.. The Neries Greathorn.. And the other thing.. Something that's been missing.. From my family.. For a long time.." he'd swallow strongly before continuing.
  884. "I'd like to ask.. To be able to get Dawnbringer.. When it's hunted for.."
  885. (Casiel Melym)
  886. [12:30:27] With Dumuzids speech done, Sophia looked towards Melody, who previously addressed the idea of handling the escaped Neries, something that she wanted to get involved in due lone fact of one among them being on her kill list. With clear frustration she grinded her teeth, soon sighing as she approached Melody and soon addressed her.
  888. "If you wouldn't mind I want to tag along, I want to deal with these neries and I believe that this would be my best opportunity, minus the one we had before that damned thing stopped us." she said
  889. (Sophia Ryozo)
  891. [12:46:40] She had me in a lock. She had my arm over my head as I knew it. I just closed my eyes for some reason and opened them back up to see a couple more people watching us. I'd use my right arm to grab her other hand and pull her down. "Why you already showed me who's quite the bitch."
  893. I'd struggle to get up, after realizing that she had fucked my arm up. I'd dust myself off and get ack in stance.
  894. (Tavion)
  895. [12:58:36] Salem cast a curse upon the man, letting it spread through his body and slowing him down and watching him fall to the ground. By now Tavion could feel the aching pain throughout his body, the burning sensation coarsing through his very veins from it, but simply it would go away within a matter of minutes. Salem harshy kicked Tavion in the stomach, knocking him back on the ground a few feet, holding herself back from maiming him, or even capture!
  897. She spit on the man's face, kicking him again in his chest and knocking the breathe out of him. She hadn't spoken another word, but found the strength to walk away, waving her hand to Vindictus to follow, eyeing the Drakanite lovingly for a moment before she glanced over at her brother beside him.
  899. Salem's voice was wrathful and angry, hateful, serious, and loud. "Arcelious, tell dad I should be home in a few days. Mom too, there is something they.. have to see.. I know mom won't like it.. in fact it will break her heart, but she has to know the damage." She raised up her left arm to show the nub that was there from her missing hand, shaking her head at the missing limb, though she spotted what looked like Vindictus creating a new one, freaky.
  901. She waved her right hand towards Vindictus again to follow and nodded her head along with him, leaving Tavion behind her and her brother too. She wasn't in a mood to be pursued and it would be a mistake to try. She took a step down the staircase, stomping her feet against the stone. "Vin, I have to talk to you alone about something. Come with me, we have no time to lose."
  902. (Salem Ookerius Draconis)
  904. [13:01:10] And so the fight would end. But she would do nothing! He had insulted her! He would not stand for this, this was not what could happen, no no no, he had to understand that you couldn’t just insult who you liked how you liked without a single thought afterwards, he would go over to her, “We should speak my darling, we have plenty to speak of.” He would give her a soft kiss on the cheek. Then his blood would boil as he ran over to the man, kicking him in the gut, as he squatted down.
  906. Laughing a little, as he flipped down the hood. “Now then… here’s the issue friend! Even though the lady wanted you to feel nice and good about getting your ass kicked… The smile would disappear from his face, “I’m not so damned nice.” He got back up as he stepped on the man’s hand, and wrist, crushing and grinding it, he was angry and furious that he would even dare to speak to her like that! “Never! Ever! Insult her like that! Ever! AGAIN!” Each time stepping on his wrist again, before calming himself again. He was happy to get that out of his system.
  908. He came back over to her, “Now then my saphirric Dragon… my Regal and wrathful angel! Lead, and I will follow you, my silver and full star.”
  910. (V. S. Hertlend)
  912. [13:08:00] I'dcough up more blood than last time and collapse on the ground. I'd clutch my stomach as I realized that I wasn't the bad guy. I'd close my eyes and blood would leak out my mouth. "God...sons of bitches...."
  914. I'd make my way slowly over to the tree, glaring up at an apple. My reflection would shine on it. I'd realize that I needed revenge, but also that I had to get serious and start learning. "I will get my revenge...I will. Even if it kills me...."
  916. I'd lean on the tree, realizing my water jug was empty. As I got up. I'd think as I made my way towards the lake.
  917. (Tavion)
  919. [13:19:56] Haru couldn't bare to let Liluna leave him. Haru only wanted Liluna to stay with him and not run away from him and be with someone else. Just the thought of Liluna leave broke Haru's heart and made him cry without warning.
  921. Haru grabbed Liluna quickly and held her tightly. Haru was crying with tear running off his face and fell down his cheeks. He refused to let Liluna go. When she heard Liluna ask what did Haru love about her he cried slightly more and held her tighter.
  923. "I love the way you flicker your ears at me.....I love the way you act around don't limit yourself because you have multiple personalities.... I love you because there is still so much to know about you... ..I love you because you make me and Sophia feel great about ourself and make us feel special.....I love you because you lips are soft......or love you because you make me smile simply by walking closer to me.......I love you because you make me feel like I'm important.....that I should exist....I love you because you know your mistakes and you tried to fix them......I love you.....because you love me........I love you because you look cute when you blush.....when you flirt with me.......when you don't hold back . . ....if I have to get bit everyday for you to stay with me......I would do it forever. .......if I had to get hurt from you for you to love me......I will......if if have to love every persona and the new ones to come I will.........if....if have to give you my life to have you love me.......if would give it to you."
  925. Haru sobbed more crying into Liluna hoping that she would stay.
  926. (Haru Allmiker)
  927. [13:19:56] Hearing all those things Haru loved about her made Lily warm inside. However she still didn't know what to do.. If they could be different people, this problem wouldn't be happening. But the act of separating them from their body... Lily can only imagine that would be done by ripping part of the soul and maybe even brain away. It'd be incredibly complicated and dangerous. Probably not worth doing.
  929. Could she convince Sam that it was just Lily that loved Haru and Sophia, that she could still be with Naia and try to think of it separately? Although... there was still the fact that Liluna as a whole would be going between them all the time. Like a child with their divorced parents. It wouldn't be fun. Liluna would want to be with just one of them as much as possible.
  931. Was Sam the one in the wrong here? No. It wasn't necessarily 'normal' to have more than one partner. Liluna never, or almost never, saw others walking around with two spouses.
  933. "I've decided.. On one thing at least.."
  935. Lily took a deep breath, and would try to pull away from Haru.
  937. "I've decided it's not good to love more than one person.. If you want to stay with Sophia... then I'm not staying with you.."
  939. (Liluna Xemi)
  940. [13:20:48] Haru began to hold Liluna slightly less as he looked at her with tears still running down his face. He looked over toward her and leaned down slowly and gave her a kiss.
  942. "I don't want to lose you......I don't want to give you to anyone and Sophia would be sad......Do they look better then me......are they stronger? that why they wanted you to leave me? leave sophia?....."
  944. Haru knew that Liluna liked girls as well so Haru began to kiss her again and slowly led it to just another hug.
  946. "If they want you...they have to go through us......but....of its a girl who you will only allow... . .then to be friend with us......we don't want to give you up.....if they want you too ..then we can get and you......she can be my friend too......"
  947. (Haru Allmiker)
  948. [13:20:48] Lily sighed, barely returning the kiss he gave her, no nuzzle for the hug either.
  950. "Haru.. ... It is another girl.. So I can't really compare the looks with yours.. I think she is stronger than you.. But I don't care about that.. I care that she loves me.. That she too has multiple... personalities.. She's had a much more terrible life than you, I bet.. ... Not that any of that means I can't love you just as much.. It's just, she doesn't want anyone else to have me.. And I don't want to just leave her like she's had so many do to her before.."
  952. The girl sighed, taking a breath and thinking of his words.
  954. "I can ask her if she wants to see if we can make all four of us work.. But you're gonna have to let me go.."
  956. She gave a little chuckle at the end.
  958. "I promise I'll come back.. I won't just run.."
  959. (Liluna Xemi)
  961. [13:20:48] Haru looked down toward Liluna and looked saddened with what she said. It was hard enough to allow the thought of losing Liluna to another person, but the idea of her straight leaving broke his heart more. Haru flipped his ears down when she said that she needed Haru to let her go but she would come back. He quickly sniffed and nodded.
  963. "Fine..........But....I still love you.......and....I hope. come back...."
  965. Haru just saying that broke his heart on more ways then one and when it was all over, Haru began to let her go but as he did, his heart broken into more and more fragments signifying that he wasn't going to take it well.
  966. (Haru Allmiker)
  967. [13:20:48] Liluna gave Haru a quick kiss on his lips, then would run off if her let her.
  968. (Liluna Xemi)
  969. [13:20:48] Haru allowed Liluna to go but as she left, Haru couldn't help but sob, knowing that if she didn't return. He would feel horrible.
  970. (Haru Allmiker)
  971. [13:31:53] After dealing with the issues back in Loranthis, Sophia made her way out into the woods, hoping to gather few herbs and visit Haru in his usuall spot, soon climbing onto the ookami hill before hearing a sobbign sound in the distance. She sighed loudly and walked closer towards the source before spotting Haru and glimse of Liluna running off into the distance.
  973. With her hands tightening around the bark of trees she leaned against she growled loudly after realizing that the ookami left just as she was about to appear once more, not fully understanding why did Haru cry but she was sure it was something to do with Liluna herself and that angered the Ryozo.
  975. Whatever it was she rushed towards the ookami, roaring loudly and nearly instatnly catching up with her thanks to her time acceleration, soon pinning the ookami to the ground just as she asked. "What did you do to make him cry?! Speak Liluna damn it, not only you keep running off to forsaken Nostvale which locked its gates from me, ignoring my pleas for help but also took away the only way for me to head east, towards Marshes full of interesting herbs!"
  977. "Why you cannot just stay with us like normal person, you say you love us and yet you dare to run away, and so far you visited only him and not me! Do I really not mean anything to you anymore!?" she asked, while nearly screaming, feeling envious of how Liluna kept visiting Haru but never caring to evenr write to Sophia, not even a message left with haru for her, nothing, as if she didn't matter at all.
  979. She felt betrayed and felt as the envy began to build up with her, from the lack of affection from Liluna towards her, but also from a fact that the girl was more free than Sophia herself who was forced to live as servant of someone else for nearly entire life.
  980. (Sophia Ryozo)
  981. [13:37:52] Gräuel: (XD)
  982. [13:44:41] Lily let out a big whimper as she suddenly found herself pinned down soon after running off from Haru. She didn't have time to assume she was being attacked, becuase she heard Sophia yelling at her almost immediately.
  984. "S-Sophia..
  986. The ookami was afraid of Sophia getting more angered by what Lily had to say to her, but she needed to. She couldn't just leave Sophia out of this.
  988. She would also try to explain herself for staying at Nostvale, and not visiting her.
  990. "I-I don't come to see you much because I hate Loranthis and Brighthold.. If you weren't here I assumed you'd be there.. I'm sorry..
  992. Lily looked to the side at Haru and got a sad look in her eyes.
  994. "I-I stay there because I don't want to make Charlie wait when she's ready to fix my arms.. Also... I met a girl.. I met a girl that wants me to leave you and Haru.. And I want to be with them.. Very much.."
  995. (Liluna Xemi)
  998. [14:00:54] Her heart stopped for a a second upon hearing Lilunas speaking, her arms began to tremble as she tried to go through words the ookami said, feeling as tears began to form just as she at first felt sorrow from Lilunas betreyal, only to start to go through the entire speech once more and soon starting to laugh in unctorllable manner.
  1000. She then released her conceled depravity, which from all of the years of Sophia remaining affected by envy grew to inhuman levels, becoming overwhelming to point where light around the Ryozo became ominous, appearing as if she was partly surrounded by shadows. Her mind began to twist once more as thoughts of Liluna leaving her for someone else made her envious, to point where she screamed as remaining affection towards the girl shep inned down dissapeared, leaving only envy.
  1002. Envy that drove her to suddenly tighten her fists and stand up with her lifting Liluna up, with her face twisted in maddened rage, with her eyes locked at ookamis face, holding her up before finally growling and tossing her with acelerated speed from her time magic against the nearest tree just before drawing her blade, clearly wanting to deal with the damned idiot who dared to play with her feelings.
  1003. (Sophia Ryozo)
  1005. [14:14:33] The ookami's eyes went wide in fear as she was screamed at, then picked up, and from the look on the other girl's face. She didn't know Sophia would get this mad.. But knowing of her corruption, and feeling it now, made it obvious in hindsight that she would.
  1007. Liluna was thrown against a tree, hitting it with a wimper and thumping on the ground. Now with an aching back/front. She was shaking.
  1009. Soon after, Liluna slowly got up. There was a crazed look in her eyes, with her pupils dilated(large). She put on a smile as she looked back at Sophia, hunched over a bit.
  1011. "Here's another reason not to come see you anymore~."
  1013. She'd also flare up her own aura, opposite from Sophia's. Light began emanating from her body, making her feel rather excellent.
  1015. She would be ready to summon water and holy energy to blast at the girl clearly wanted to fight.
  1016. (Liluna Xemi)
  1017. [14:19:40] A loud, bestial growl escaped the maddened Ryozos mouth just as she tightened the grip around her blade before lowering her ow nstance, preparing to dash straight at the ookami, allowing the sparks to jump around her body just as she rushed at her opponent, caring little about the light and water Liluna appeared to be wielding and blasting at her.
  1019. She was mad and felt betrayed, feeling envious that Liluna caared more for some random woman from town that never accepted her offers to help, people who never heard her pleas for refugee and chance for a better life. Envied and despited them, wanting them to suffer and now she felt like the opportunity began to emerge before her, all she had to do was to bring Liluna down and bring her with herself, just to lure the one who Liluna thought was better than Sophia.
  1021. "I tried to do whatever you wanted to please you utter crap wolf...but you are greedy and selfish...for that you will pay..." she spoke out just as she neared Liluna.
  1022. (Sophia Ryozo)
  1023. [14:21:23] {combat} Liluna Xemi has been defeated by Sophia Ryozo! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1024. [14:31:37] She flew through Lilunas water and holy spells, ignoring the pain and damage each of them caused as her wounds kept reversing thanks to hers time control, allowing her to continue her onsluaught against the ookami. At first sending her blade towards her leg, hoping to wound it at the least, before sending her fist to her stomach, allowing her to stagger backwards before blasting her with her water beam.
  1026. She observed Liluna for a good moment before deciding to steal some of her water and form a whip with it, slashing the girls cheek with swift lash before forming a second whip from her own bllood, sending it straight at Liluna and allowing them to warp themselves around her legs before rapidly pulling them to herself, watching as she fell on the ground and ened up dragged to her.
  1028. Observing as the ookami tried to escape, surrounding the groung with holy spell only to be struck by Sophias thunders which held her spasming for a moment before she dropped onto the ground. Allowing the Ryozo to approach her swiftly, as if trying to grab and beat her up.
  1029. (Sophia Ryozo)
  1031. [14:42:43] The girl was utterly useless in her own fight. Her beams, bullets of water, and holy waves were dodged and powered through by the other girl.
  1033. She tried to jump back from the swing of the blade, only for a fairly large gash to be taken from it - at least it wasn't cut off. She staggered back and fell to her knee, soon blasted by water before she could react much.
  1035. Getting back up, she tried throwing a whip of water at Sophia, only to have her mana overpowered, having her water stolen and slashed at her cheek. She'd then be quickly pulled down by a whip of Sophia's own blood, and get pulled over and dragged to her.
  1037. She tried to escape, errupting a geyser of water under the whips to break them, then shoot out a wave of holy magic to try and push Sophia back, but Liluna was quickly zapped with lightning, sending spasmns throughout her whole body, then dropped to the floor in a twitching mess.
  1039. Just before Sophia grabbed her, Liluna gathered herself enough from the shock to push away with water for another fight.
  1040. (Liluna Xemi)
  1041. [15:09:10] Liluna's retreat didn't give her much in terms of a fight, only buying her few useless seconds of Sophia having to chased after her again, angering the Royzo once more just as she sent another barrage of her spells hauled at the ookami. She had no remorse towards her, for the betrayal. Her mind locked on making sure she would suffer for what she did, sending lashes of blood and water against the while tossingher misma and thunders along.
  1043. She carred little about Lilunas well being soon sending her flying backwards from her beam, watching as she flew before deciding to dash with accelerated time and soon plant a kick on the ookamis back, only to send her flying into another direction, soon slamming against the tree, breaking it.
  1045. After ensuring that Liluna was defeated Sophia decided to slowly approach her and rest her boot on her chest, slowly applying preasure before deciding to lower herself adn soon grab the ookami by her ears just before pulling her up and smacking her against her face with open hand.
  1047. "I did so much for you...I remained loyal after you left...I loved you Liluna...I cared about you, I tried to leave and seek you, to be with you...I tried to hide and get rid of my corruption...yet itwasn't enough for you? I begged you to help me with finding place for us to Nostvale...I sent letters to people I knew begging to one cared...yet you left...and now you return only to say you pick different woman..." she said with clear anger before grabbing Liluna by her face and soon starting to squeeze it.
  1049. She felt the envy flowing through her, allowing it to fill her mind and body without limits, giving her strength to squeeze Lilunas face, an ookami she once cared about, inflicting pain to her, physical, though less severe for now in comparison to what she felt inside. She roared loudly and slammed Liluna against the ground before letting her face go, soon moving her foot once more landing on her chest, pinning her down just as she grabbed her blade speaking.
  1051. "Which limb you want to lose first, Liluna!? This will be your punishement for you betreyal!, Who did you want to leave us for!? Speak or i will start delimbing you for each unanswered question!" she screamed out.
  1052. (Sophia Ryozo)
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