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Dec 28th, 2012
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  1. <DerxwnaKapsyla> It crashes whenever I add a Pokemon
  2. <DerxwnaKapsyla> The same happens when I try to add a trainer through RPG Maker
  3. <Maruno> i see
  4. <Maruno> yep, simple mistake on my part
  5. <DerxwnaKapsyla> What's the fix?
  6. <Maruno> the error message tells you the line in PokeBattle_Pokemon that ballses it up
  7. <DerxwnaKapsyla> Alright
  8. <Maruno> line 729
  9. <Maruno> the fateful encounter one
  10. <Maruno> make it read:
  11. <Maruno> @obtainMode=4 if $game_switches && $game_switches[32]
  12. <DerxwnaKapsyla> I crashed again, apparently
  13. <Maruno> it worked for me
  14. <DerxwnaKapsyla>
  15. <Maruno> you added the ($game_switches &&)?
  16. <DerxwnaKapsyla> @obtainMode=4 if $game_switches && $game_switches[32] # Fateful encounter
  17. <DerxwnaKapsyla> This is the line right now
  18. <Maruno> Essentials v11?
  19. <Maruno> well, obviously
  20. <DerxwnaKapsyla> Yeah, V11
  21. <Maruno> i don't know what to say - i've just tried it again, and have made a new trainer thanks to that fix
  22. <DerxwnaKapsyla> I suppose I can wait for the next release, in the meanwhile I can always rely on V10 to make the trainers, then port them over
  23. <Maruno> you can only access the "New Trainer" option from the External Editor, or while compiling with trainer events referring to undefined trainers
  24. <Maruno> did you make that fix to the editor's scripts?
  25. <DerxwnaKapsyla> Where does the fix go in the Editor's scripts
  26. <Maruno> same place
  27. <Maruno> PokeBattle_Pokemon is identical in both the game and Editor scripts
  28. <DerxwnaKapsyla> Alright
  29. <DerxwnaKapsyla> The Editor's scripts are stored in PokemonEditor
  30. <DerxwnaKapsyla> ?
  31. <Maruno> the External Editor's scripts are the file EditorScripts.rxdata in the Data folder
  32. <Maruno> rename it to Scripts.rxdata, open your game in RMXP, and look at the scripts there
  33. <DerxwnaKapsyla> Ah, alright
  34. <DerxwnaKapsyla> Alright, fixed
  35. <DerxwnaKapsyla> Thanks Maruno
  36. <Maruno> no problem
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