
iwai archive

Oct 27th, 2019
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  1. [right][img=1367231]munefix[/img][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][collapse= ][left][eicon]blank[/eicon][big][color=yellow]Ⅻ[/color] [color=black]/ / /[/color] [/big][color=gray][small]THE HANGED MAN[/small][/color]
  2. [eicon]gecko[/eicon][color=black][sup]╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════[/sup][/color][/left][indent][indent][justify][color=white][small]Self-destructive people raise self-destructive children. It's a cycle that starts in one generation and runs through a bloodline like a grotesque family heirloom for innumerable decades, a fact that everyone knows but nobody wants to mention. It sticks to individuals like a disease and drives them to desperately seek support their parents are unable and unwilling to provide themselves. Some find solace in substance abuse and sex. Others turn to organized crime and find a new family in the form of a gang. [i]Munehisa Iwai,[/i] a victim of the hole his single mother dug himself into following her brutal divorce, was no exception. Without a single word from his mother, he submerged himself in the ranks of the yakuza and didn't look back.
  4. ...Well. Not until he was in his twenties.
  6. Everything he knew pertained to the Hashiba, from his fervent fixation on weaponry to the protection of a rigid code of honor and loyalty to the clan. The black gecko creeping up the side of his neck signified that for several years. Now it's just a blight, a tainted brand that ties him inextricably to a past he needs to keep hidden. The bloodshot eyes of the woman going through withdrawal reminded him far too much of his mother; her gaunt features and desperation still flicker behind his eyelids from time to time. It was only natural he would refuse to exchange money for the infant swaddled haphazardly in her arms, and even more natural that he would take it in and raise it as his own. What [i]wasn't[/i] natural was his decision to take the child and retreat into civilian life. Against the pattern set by his mother and several generations before her, Iwai returned to a society he hadn't been a part of since he was in his early teens.
  8. And so, for the past sixteen years, Iwai has tried his best to maintain a low profile from his airsoft shop, [b]Untouchable.[/b] Years of handling, disassembling, and modifying the real thing for the Hashiba instilled in him the knowledge and passion needed to sell fake weapons. Cashing in on the mounting popularity of survival games and a growing customer base of otaku and long-standing niche community, he enjoys a fair amount of business and conversation from his foreboding little hole in the wall squirreled away in a corner of Shibuya. He's got a surly exterior and lingering distrust for cops, sure, but at his core he's just a man with a soft spot for kids trying his best to get by. Nothing more and nothing less.[/small][/color][/justify][/indent][/indent][eicon]blank[/eicon][color=black][sub]══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝[/sub][/color]
  9. [color=yellow][sup]BIOGRAPHY [/sup][/color][/collapse][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/right]
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