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Feb 15th, 2017
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  1. [offersession - 38792]:
  2. [offersession - 38792]:
  3. [offersession - 38792]: Seneca Fatal Error
  4. [offersession - 38792]: ==================
  5. [offersession - 38792]:
  6. [offersession - 38792]: Message: seneca: [TIMEOUT]
  7. [offersession - 38792]:
  8. [offersession - 38792]: Code: transport_listen
  9. [offersession - 38792]:
  10. [offersession - 38792]: Details: { type: 'web',
  11. [offersession - 38792]: port: [Function],
  12. [offersession - 38792]: host: '',
  13. [offersession - 38792]: path: '/act',
  14. [offersession - 38792]: protocol: 'http',
  15. [offersession - 38792]: timeout: 5555,
  16. [offersession - 38792]: max_listen_attempts: 11,
  17. [offersession - 38792]: attempt_delay: 222,
  18. [offersession - 38792]: serverOptions: {},
  19. [offersession - 38792]: pin: 'role:offer,cmd:getOfferByIdsBfnWrapper',
  20. [offersession - 38792]: model: 'actor',
  21. [offersession - 38792]: msgprefix: 'seneca_',
  22. [offersession - 38792]: callmax: 111111,
  23. [offersession - 38792]: msgidlen: 12,
  24. [offersession - 38792]: 'orig$':
  25. [offersession - 38792]: { Error: [TIMEOUT]
  26. [offersession - 38792]: at Object.act_tm [as ontm] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1024:46)
  27. [offersession - 38792]: at Timeout.timeout_check [as _onTimeout] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:216:16)
  28. [offersession - 38792]: at ontimeout (timers.js:365:14)
  29. [offersession - 38792]: at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:237:5)
  30. [offersession - 38792]: at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:207:5)
  31. [offersession - 38792]: eraro: true,
  32. [offersession - 38792]: orig:
  33. [offersession - 38792]: Error: [TIMEOUT]
  34. [offersession - 38792]: at Object.act_tm [as ontm] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1024:46)
  35. [offersession - 38792]: at Timeout.timeout_check [as _onTimeout] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:216:16)
  36. [offersession - 38792]: at ontimeout (timers.js:365:14)
  37. [offersession - 38792]: at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:237:5)
  38. [offersession - 38792]: at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:207:5),
  39. [offersession - 38792]: code: 'act_execute',
  40. [offersession - 38792]: seneca: true,
  41. [offersession - 38792]: package: 'seneca',
  42. [offersession - 38792]: msg: 'seneca: Action cmd:listen,role:transport failed: [TIMEOUT].',
  43. [offersession - 38792]: details:
  44. [offersession - 38792]: { message: '[TIMEOUT]',
  45. [offersession - 38792]: pattern: 'cmd:listen,role:transport',
  46. [offersession - 38792]: fn: [Function: transport_listen],
  47. [offersession - 38792]: cb: [Function],
  48. [offersession - 38792]: instance: 'Seneca/9mye8vnpgen8/1487175923159/38794/3.2.2/-',
  49. [offersession - 38792]: 'orig$':
  50. [offersession - 38792]: Error: [TIMEOUT]
  51. [offersession - 38792]: at Object.act_tm [as ontm] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1024:46)
  52. [offersession - 38792]: at Timeout.timeout_check [as _onTimeout] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:216:16)
  53. [offersession - 38792]: at ontimeout (timers.js:365:14)
  54. [offersession - 38792]: at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:237:5)
  55. [offersession - 38792]: at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:207:5),
  56. [offersession - 38792]: 'message$': '[TIMEOUT]',
  57. [offersession - 38792]: plugin: {} },
  58. [offersession - 38792]: callpoint: 'at Object.act_tm [as ontm] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1024:46)' },
  59. [offersession - 38792]: 'message$': 'seneca: Action cmd:listen,role:transport failed: [TIMEOUT].' }
  60. [offersession - 38792]:
  61. [offersession - 38792]: Stack:
  62. [offersession - 38792]: at Object.act_tm [as ontm] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1024:46)
  63. [offersession - 38792]: at Timeout.timeout_check [as _onTimeout] (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:216:16)
  64. [offersession - 38792]: at ontimeout (timers.js:365:14)
  65. [offersession - 38792]: at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:237:5)
  66. [offersession - 38792]: at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:207:5)
  67. [offersession - 38792]:
  68. [offersession - 38792]: Instance: Seneca/9mye8vnpgen8/1487175923159/38794/3.2.2/-
  69. [offersession - 38792]: at Seneca.<anonymous> (/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/node_modules/seneca/lib/transport.js:45:23)
  70. [offersession - 38792]:
  71. [offersession - 38792]: When: 2017-02-15T16:25:47.980Z
  72. [offersession - 38792]:
  73. [offersession - 38792]: Log: {kind:null,plugin:seneca,tag:3.2.2,id:9mye8vnpgen8/1487175923159/38794/3.2.2/-,code:transport_listen,notice:sen
  74. [offersession - 38792]:
  75. [offersession - 38792]: Node:
  76. [offersession - 38792]: { http_parser: '2.7.0', node: '6.9.2', v8: '', uv: '1.9.1', zlib: '1.2.8', ares: '1.10.1-DEV', icu: '57.1', modules: '48', openssl: '1.0.2j' },
  77. [offersession - 38792]: { debug: false, uv: true, ipv6: true, tls_npn: true, tls_alpn: true, tls_sni: true, tls_ocsp: true, tls: true },
  78. [offersession - 38792]: [ 'Binding contextify', 'Binding natives', 'NativeModule events', 'NativeModule util', 'Binding uv', 'NativeModule buffer', 'Binding buffer', 'Binding util', 'NativeModule internal/util', 'NativeModule timers', 'Binding timer_wrap', 'NativeModule internal/linkedlist', 'NativeModule assert', 'NativeModule internal/process', 'Binding config', 'NativeModule internal/process/warning', 'NativeModule internal/process/next_tick', 'NativeModule internal/process/promises', 'NativeModule internal/process/stdio', 'Binding constants', 'NativeModule path', 'NativeModule module', 'NativeModule internal/module', 'NativeModule vm', 'NativeModule fs', 'Binding fs', 'NativeModule stream', 'NativeModule _stream_readable', 'NativeModule internal/streams/BufferList', 'NativeModule _stream_writable', 'NativeModule _stream_duplex', 'NativeModule _stream_transform', 'NativeModule _stream_passthrough', 'Binding fs_event_wrap', 'NativeModule child_process', 'Binding spawn_sync', 'Binding pipe_wrap', 'NativeModule internal/child_process', 'NativeModule string_decoder', 'NativeModule net', 'NativeModule internal/net', 'Binding cares_wrap', 'Binding tty_wrap', 'Binding tcp_wrap', 'Binding stream_wrap', 'NativeModule dgram', 'Binding udp_wrap', 'Binding process_wrap', 'NativeModule internal/socket_list', 'NativeModule repl', 'NativeModule readline', 'NativeModule internal/readline', 'NativeModule console', 'NativeModule domain', 'NativeModule tty', 'NativeModule os', 'Binding os', 'NativeModule url', 'Binding icu', 'NativeModule querystring', 'NativeModule crypto', 'Binding crypto', 'NativeModule internal/streams/lazy_transform', 'NativeModule tls', 'NativeModule _tls_common', 'NativeModule _tls_wrap', 'NativeModule _stream_wrap', 'Binding js_stream', 'Binding tls_wrap', 'NativeModule _tls_legacy', 'Binding signal_wrap', 'NativeModule dns', 'NativeModule http', 'NativeModule _http_incoming', 'NativeModule _http_common', 'Binding http_parser', 'NativeModule internal/freelist', 'NativeModule _http_outgoing', 'NativeModule _http_server', 'NativeModule _http_agent', 'NativeModule _http_client', 'NativeModule https', 'NativeModule cluster', 'NativeModule internal/cluster' ]
  79. [offersession - 38792]:
  80. [offersession - 38792]: Process:
  81. [offersession - 38792]: pid=38794, arch=x64, platform=darwin,
  82. [offersession - 38792]: path=/usr/local/bin/node,
  83. [offersession - 38792]: argv=[ 'node', '/Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/src/index.js', '--seneca.log.quiet' ],
  84. [offersession - 38792]: env={ npm_config_save_dev: '', npm_config_legacy_bundling: '', npm_config_dry_run: '', npm_package_devDependencies_babel_preset_latest: '^6.16.0', KAFKA_BROKER_5_ADDR: '', npm_config_viewer: 'man', npm_config_only: '', npm_config_browser: '', npm_config_also: '', npm_package_devDependencies_babel_plugin_transform_class_properties: '^6.10.2', npm_config_rollback: 'true', TERM_PROGRAM: '', KAFKA_BROKER_4_PORT: '9094', NODE: '/usr/local/bin/node', npm_config_usage: '', npm_package_dependencies_seneca_redis_transport: '^0.3.0', npm_package_dependencies_moment: '^2.17.1', KAFKA_BROKER_2_PORT: '9092', S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: 'AKIAJXKLARI5UTQ6HCJA', npm_config_globalignorefile: '/usr/local/etc/npmignore', npm_package_devDependencies_babel_plugin_transform_runtime: '^6.9.0', SHELL: '/bin/bash', TERM: 'xterm-256color', npm_config_shell: '/bin/bash', npm_config_maxsockets: '50', npm_config_init_author_url: '', npm_package_devDependencies_rimraf: '^2.5.4', npm_package_dependencies_seneca_balance_client: '^0.6.0', CLOUD_CONVERT_AUTH_BODY: 'Bearer IHhv4scHFLI1FXgkliqMAXnFO1emfLK8Vhk_LRm6kdZ5OnXrTtZqD_AZ5ztbUIbq-am1O80z943L1RIWfZHiIA', WATSON_USERNAME: '2f724b4e-ed04-4466-9467-f03ce6327d69', npm_config_shrinkwrap: 'true', npm_config_parseable: '', TMPDIR: '/var/folders/_p/lnzy0hhn3nx8kdc_f9t81qd00000gp/T/', npm_config_init_license: 'ISC', Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render: '/private/tmp/', oldbackend_PORT: '10001', npm_config_if_present: '', npm_package_devDependencies_babel_plugin_transform_object_rest_spread: '^6.8.0', TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION: '3.0.13', npm_config_sign_git_tag: '', npm_config_init_author_email: '', npm_config_cache_max: 'Infinity', WATSON_PASSWORD: 'DIlMTePFELNG', npm_config_long: '', npm_config_local_address: '', npm_config_git_tag_version: 'true', npm_config_cert: '', TERM_SESSION_ID: 'w0t0p0:C46ED636-196D-4679-AFB3-F5A192B15160', channel_PORT: '10003', npm_config_registry: '', npm_config_npat: '', npm_config_fetch_retries: '2', npm_package_dependencies_babel_runtime: '^5.3.0', KAFKA_BROKER_3_ADDR: '', npm_package_devDependencies_babel_plugin_transform_flow_strip_types: '^6.8.0', npm_package_dependencies__lyearn_errors: '^0.1.2', KAFKA_BROKER_4_ADDR: '45.55.5
  85. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! Darwin 16.3.0
  86. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "run" "simple-start"
  87. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! node v6.9.2
  88. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! npm v3.10.9
  89. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
  90. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! session@0.0.1 simple-start: `babel-node src/index.js --seneca.log.quiet`
  91. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! Exit status 1
  92. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR!
  93. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! Failed at the session@0.0.1 simple-start script 'babel-node src/index.js --seneca.log.quiet'.
  94. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
  95. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the session package,
  96. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! not with npm itself.
  97. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
  98. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! babel-node src/index.js --seneca.log.quiet
  99. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
  100. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! npm bugs session
  101. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
  102. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! npm owner ls session
  103. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
  104. [offersession - 38792]:
  105. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
  106. [offersession - 38792]: npm ERR! /Users/maulik/Documents/mainBackEndMicro/offerSession/npm-debug.log
  107. process exit [38792]: offersession
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