
Mage AU

May 9th, 2013
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  1. [4/19/2013 12:08:54 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: you know, playing a lucy character in guild wars sort of makes me want to see a mages and magic or game of thrones kinda au
  2. [4/19/2013 12:09:08 AM] bb: XD
  3. [4/19/2013 12:09:09 AM] bb: same
  4. [4/19/2013 12:09:15 AM] bb: I wanna do that fo real
  5. [4/19/2013 12:09:17 AM] bb: but I just...
  6. [4/19/2013 12:09:21 AM] bb: have soooo much going on
  7. [4/19/2013 12:09:24 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Put it on the back burner XD
  8. [4/19/2013 12:09:28 AM] bb: I mean an AU I've wanted for a while is
  9. [4/19/2013 12:09:33 AM] bb: AU where Altair is an arch mage
  10. [4/19/2013 12:09:45 AM] bb: and damnit now I'm thinking about it
  11. [4/19/2013 12:09:57 AM] bb: Altair is an arch mage, Connor and Ezio are his students
  12. [4/19/2013 12:10:20 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D I like the idea of that, yeah. I had game of thrones on the brain today, so I've been thinking dumb game of thrones esque au.
  13. [4/19/2013 12:10:23 AM] bb: Malik is a one-armed sellsword that Altair pays in gold
  14. [4/19/2013 12:10:25 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: House Auditore
  15. [4/19/2013 12:10:28 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: House ibn la Ahad
  16. [4/19/2013 12:10:30 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: House Kenway
  17. [4/19/2013 12:10:34 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: House de Grandpre
  18. [4/19/2013 12:10:34 AM] bb: eh I think that's dumb
  19. [4/19/2013 12:10:36 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: you get the idea.
  20. [4/19/2013 12:10:41 AM] bb: sword and sorcery is more interesting to me
  21. [4/19/2013 12:10:46 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D I do like magic,.
  22. [4/19/2013 12:10:51 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: mage lucy is fun too
  23. [4/19/2013 12:10:51 AM] bb: yeah p much
  24. [4/19/2013 12:11:23 AM] bb: and like I was saying cause arch mage Altair is around he's bound to have students or work at a school/wizard tower/whatever
  25. [4/19/2013 12:11:26 AM] bb: and just...
  26. [4/19/2013 12:11:27 AM] bb: yeaaaah
  27. [4/19/2013 12:11:48 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD I want desmond to just be an ordinary no magic guy who gets stuck in this world of magic and stuff and he's just like ...'I can make good drinks and clean shit.
  28. [4/19/2013 12:12:13 AM] bb: more like 'Here Desmond let me help you-
  29. [4/19/2013 12:12:20 AM] bb: 'I DON'T NEED YOUR DIRTY MAGIC!!'
  30. [4/19/2013 12:12:25 AM] bb: Desmond is very anti magic
  31. [4/19/2013 12:12:34 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD he's jealous he can't do the magics
  32. [4/19/2013 12:12:39 AM] bb: though it'd be funny if it was Harry Potter-esque
  33. [4/19/2013 12:12:48 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: omg he'd be a squib
  34. [4/19/2013 12:12:49 AM] bb: 'yer a mage Desmond'
  35. 'No fuck you I own an inn'
  36. [4/19/2013 12:13:10 AM] bb: naaaah
  37. [4/19/2013 12:13:15 AM] bb: I like magic Desmond
  38. [4/19/2013 12:13:32 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: I do too but I also like the idea of Desmond being from a family known for their magic...and then just being normal and stuff.
  39. [4/19/2013 12:14:02 AM] bb: I... guess?
  40. [4/19/2013 12:14:17 AM] bb: maybe you could do that XP
  41. [4/19/2013 12:14:22 AM] bb: mine he's a mage
  42. [4/19/2013 12:14:22 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD Desmond owning an inn? that's something I get behind completely
  43. [4/19/2013 12:14:27 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: he could be magic but he's totally normal too
  44. [4/19/2013 12:14:33 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: he doesn't get this magic elitist bullshit.
  45. [4/19/2013 12:14:41 AM] bb: he doesn't know he can do magic
  46. [4/19/2013 12:14:47 AM] bb: oooooooooooooooooooo!
  47. [4/19/2013 12:14:47 AM] bb: okay
  48. [4/19/2013 12:14:48 AM] bb: okay
  49. [4/19/2013 12:14:50 AM] bb: so
  50. [4/19/2013 12:15:15 AM] bb: in NAT the main character can't use magic because he effectively has a broken magical conduit
  51. [4/19/2013 12:15:27 AM] bb: that could be Desmond, like he is a squib
  52. [4/19/2013 12:15:33 AM] bb: and is so ragey about it
  53. [4/19/2013 12:15:43 AM] bb: like 'god damnit I should be able to do that too! D<'
  54. [4/19/2013 12:15:53 AM] bb: so he's just 'fuck you all I'm going to open an inn'
  55. [4/19/2013 12:16:31 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: omg I like that!! D: is it possible to...I dunno, fix it so he can do magic again? would he even want that?
  56. [4/19/2013 12:16:44 AM] bb: and I dunno how or why but maybe Connor or Ezio goes to his inn for some reason and they're kinda eyeing him all night and he's super wigged out about it
  57. [4/19/2013 12:17:27 AM] bb: and before they leave the next day they go up to him and are like, 'okay it's been bothering me all night. Which school do you study at?' 'Excuse me?' 'Which arcane school did you study at?'
  58. [4/19/2013 12:17:32 AM] bb: and he thinks they're having a go at him
  59. [4/19/2013 12:17:56 AM] bb: 'I'm not a mage, now piss off I got wok >:| '
  60. [4/19/2013 12:18:00 AM] bb: >:I*
  61. [4/19/2013 12:18:22 AM] bb: and they're just 'riiiight' but do leave and Des is just 'fucking mages'
  62. [4/19/2013 12:18:33 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: omg DESMOMD XD I love it so far
  63. [4/19/2013 12:18:53 AM] bb: then (we're just gonna say Connor cause it doesn't matter) Connor comes back, this time with Ezio and Desmond is 'it
  64. [4/19/2013 12:19:04 AM] bb: 'it's that /fucking mage again/'
  65. [4/19/2013 12:19:22 AM] bb: and they're both eyeing him so hard and he's like an angry cat about it
  66. [4/19/2013 12:19:54 AM] bb: and after they close Ezio and Connor come up to him and are like 'okay but no really where did you got to school?'
  67. 'I'm not a fucking mage!!!'
  68. [4/19/2013 12:20:21 AM] bb: 'No one with that amount of magical energy hasn't gone to school, just tell us, we're curious.'
  69. [4/19/2013 12:20:32 AM] bb: 'I'm not a mage. I'm a squib.'
  70. [4/19/2013 12:21:19 AM] bb: '... Whoever told you that is /lying/. You'd say he's got as much as Master Altair?'
  71. 'Maybe not as much, but comparable. I didn't think there was enough flux in the country to support two arch mages.'
  72. [4/19/2013 12:21:21 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: Desmond is used to it but he still doesn't like that.
  73. [4/19/2013 12:21:57 AM] bb: 'Would you two shut up and get out of my inn. I'm closing up for the night >:U'
  74. 'We'd like to get rooms here.'
  75. [4/19/2013 12:22:07 AM] bb: 'Over my dead body. I don't rent rooms to nosy mages.'
  76. [4/19/2013 12:22:40 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD he's too pissed about them to be a proper inn owner and put his personal issues aside. Oh, Desmond.
  77. [4/19/2013 12:22:47 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: He's ot all this magic locked up inside him.
  78. [4/19/2013 12:22:54 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: But the lock is jammed
  79. [4/19/2013 12:22:59 AM] bb: p much!
  80. [4/19/2013 12:23:15 AM] bb: and Ezio and Connor are like 'uhg, fine,' and leave and rent a room somewhere else
  81. [4/19/2013 12:23:16 AM] bb: but they come back
  82. [4/19/2013 12:23:19 AM] bb: everyyy
  83. [4/19/2013 12:23:20 AM] bb: single
  84. [4/19/2013 12:23:22 AM] bb: day
  85. [4/19/2013 12:23:34 AM] bb: and Desmond is just 'why won't you fools /leave/????
  86. [4/19/2013 12:23:43 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: He's getting sick of their shit
  87. [4/19/2013 12:25:24 AM] bb: 'You're broken. We can fix you.'
  88. 'I'm not broken I'm fine >:I Go away.'
  89. 'No really. Your aperture is broken, come with us and we can see if we can fix it.'
  90. 'I don't want my aperture fixed. Go away.'
  91. '... You're really going to say no to two high mages?'
  92. 'I know how to stand up to mages. So yes, I am. Get out. Leave me alone.'
  93. [4/19/2013 12:25:36 AM] bb: and later Ezio is like (to Connor) 'We should just kidnap him'
  94. [4/19/2013 12:25:54 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD Connor thinks this is a terrible idea
  95. [4/19/2013 12:26:00 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Because it is
  96. [4/19/2013 12:27:03 AM] bb: 'Ezio you can't just... KIDNAP people'
  97. 'Yeah but-
  98. 'Master Altair would be so mad!'
  99. 'Yeah right. He'd applaud us for bringing him something new to work on. I've never seen an aperture so damaged in my life. How the hell did he even get like that?'
  100. 'He was probably born like that. Or maybe he was cursed?'
  101. [4/19/2013 12:27:59 AM] bb: 'Still Master Altair would /love/ to meet this guy.'
  102. 'Yes... he would.'
  103. '/So/ that's why we should kidnap him-
  104. 'Ezio we aren't kidnapping anyone!'
  105. [4/19/2013 12:28:03 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: What DID happen to Desmond's appeture
  106. [4/19/2013 12:28:13 AM] bb: he was just born like that
  107. [4/19/2013 12:28:16 AM] bb: happens sometimes
  108. [4/19/2013 12:28:35 AM] bb: most 'normal' people have a broken apature
  109. [4/19/2013 12:28:54 AM] bb: but cause they're normal it isn't really noticeable, cause their wellspring is so small
  110. [4/19/2013 12:29:16 AM] bb: and it isn't like a broken aperture hurts you. You just can't use magic
  111. [4/19/2013 12:29:41 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: I lik that
  112. [4/19/2013 12:29:43 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: So everybody has magic
  113. [4/19/2013 12:29:49 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: but some people are just unable to tap it
  114. [4/19/2013 12:30:35 AM] bb: well everyone has a wellspring
  115. [4/19/2013 12:30:40 AM] bb: a wellspring is just energy
  116. [4/19/2013 12:30:43 AM] bb: some people have more
  117. [4/19/2013 12:30:44 AM] bb: some less
  118. [4/19/2013 12:30:57 AM] bb: you need a wellspring to live
  119. [4/19/2013 12:30:58 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: I like this idea.
  120. [4/19/2013 12:31:20 AM] bb: normal have just enough energy to live and in emergencies can tap into it
  121. [4/19/2013 12:31:26 AM] bb: like to lift heavy things when in danger
  122. [4/19/2013 12:31:30 AM] bb: numb themselves to wounds
  123. [4/19/2013 12:31:36 AM] bb: stuff like that
  124. [4/19/2013 12:31:43 AM] bb: it leaves them exhausted though
  125. [4/19/2013 12:32:21 AM] bb: there's a level between mage and normal where you can do really small things that are more like illusions or really practical things
  126. [4/19/2013 12:32:24 AM] bb: like light a candle
  127. [4/19/2013 12:32:27 AM] bb: boil water
  128. [4/19/2013 12:32:36 AM] bb: get a stain out of a shirt
  129. [4/19/2013 12:32:41 AM] bb: hedwitches basically
  130. [4/19/2013 12:32:54 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: I like this, this is really cool!! :D
  131. [4/19/2013 12:33:02 AM] bb: they've got moderately sized wellsprings and don't nearly kill themselves just doing something
  132. [4/19/2013 12:33:09 AM] bb: but they can't do /big/ things
  133. [4/19/2013 12:33:10 AM] bb: mages
  134. [4/19/2013 12:33:13 AM] bb: they can do big things
  135. [4/19/2013 12:33:19 AM] bb: like cast fireballs
  136. [4/19/2013 12:33:24 AM] bb: conjure objects
  137. [4/19/2013 12:33:25 AM] bb: levetation
  138. [4/19/2013 12:33:32 AM] bb: etc etc to ad nausium
  139. [4/19/2013 12:33:55 AM] bb: though there is a lot of specialization
  140. [4/19/2013 12:34:18 AM] bb: Connor and Ezio for example are war mages
  141. [4/19/2013 12:34:36 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: What do you think Desmond would be?
  142. [4/19/2013 12:34:40 AM] bb: mmm
  143. [4/19/2013 12:34:42 AM] bb: dunno
  144. [4/19/2013 12:34:46 AM] bb: he's an arch mage
  145. [4/19/2013 12:34:50 AM] bb: he can do whatever the fuck he wants
  146. [4/19/2013 12:34:57 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D aw, Desmond.
  147. [4/19/2013 12:35:04 AM] bb: and Ezio and Connor aren't just war mages
  148. [4/19/2013 12:35:08 AM] bb: Connor is shaper
  149. [4/19/2013 12:35:16 AM] bb: meaning he can make /things/ with magic
  150. [4/19/2013 12:35:18 AM] bb: out of organics
  151. [4/19/2013 12:35:23 AM] bb: Ezio...
  152. [4/19/2013 12:35:27 AM] bb: I'm not sure about ezio
  153. [4/19/2013 12:35:38 AM] Sarah Zaccardi:
  154. [4/19/2013 12:35:47 AM] bb: illusionist
  155. [4/19/2013 12:36:03 AM] bb: or a summoner
  156. [4/19/2013 12:36:15 AM] bb: and like Lucy, Lucy's an elemental
  157. [4/19/2013 12:36:23 AM] bb: her specialty is the elements
  158. [4/19/2013 12:36:52 AM] bb: Altair is an arch mage, his first specialty was war craft
  159. [4/19/2013 12:37:06 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D I like elementalist Lucy, obvs.
  160. [4/19/2013 12:37:09 AM] bb: but he also likes matter manipulation and scrying/seeing
  161. [4/19/2013 12:37:24 AM] bb: he can basically do anything with the right teaching
  162. [4/19/2013 12:37:34 AM] bb: most people have a wellspring that /wants/ to do something
  163. [4/19/2013 12:37:39 AM] bb: everyone has a calling
  164. [4/19/2013 12:37:46 AM] bb: Connor and Ezio were called to war magic
  165. [4/19/2013 12:37:59 AM] bb: so was Altair at first before they realized he was the arch mage
  166. [4/19/2013 12:38:23 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: How many archmages are there?
  167. [4/19/2013 12:38:50 AM] bb: usually just one per certain large area
  168. [4/19/2013 12:38:58 AM] bb: like
  169. [4/19/2013 12:39:01 AM] bb: country sized area
  170. [4/19/2013 12:39:07 AM] bb: land is warped by magicc
  171. [4/19/2013 12:39:24 AM] bb: and it can only support a certain number of wellsprings
  172. [4/19/2013 12:39:34 AM] bb: it can support a near infinite amount of normals
  173. [4/19/2013 12:39:47 AM] bb: a very, VERY, large population of hedewitches
  174. [4/19/2013 12:39:57 AM] bb: maybe a few hundred mages
  175. [4/19/2013 12:39:59 AM] bb: and one arch mage
  176. [4/19/2013 12:40:10 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: but only one archmage...possibly 2, because desmond and altair are both archmages?
  177. [4/19/2013 12:40:17 AM] bb: yeah
  178. [4/19/2013 12:40:34 AM] bb: they think because Desmond's aperture is broken that's why he can even exist
  179. [4/19/2013 12:40:46 AM] bb: and like
  180. [4/19/2013 12:40:54 AM] bb: like I said magic warps the land
  181. [4/19/2013 12:40:56 AM] bb: I mean that literally
  182. [4/19/2013 12:41:05 AM] bb: using magic can kill the land, leave it barren
  183. [4/19/2013 12:41:17 AM] bb: it also brings monsters
  184. [4/19/2013 12:41:26 AM] bb: because using magic opens tiny cracks in reality
  185. [4/19/2013 12:41:37 AM] bb: you use enough magic in one place without giving the land tim to recover
  186. [4/19/2013 12:41:37 AM] bb: and bang
  187. [4/19/2013 12:41:41 AM] bb: you got a rift
  188. [4/19/2013 12:41:44 AM] bb: and things... come through
  189. [4/19/2013 12:41:58 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: oooh thats creepy
  190. [4/19/2013 12:42:13 AM] bb: Ezio
  191. [4/19/2013 12:42:18 AM] bb: or Connor
  192. [4/19/2013 12:42:24 AM] bb: might be hunters actually
  193. [4/19/2013 12:42:38 AM] bb: because a fair number of mages have to like... go around the country
  194. [4/19/2013 12:42:46 AM] bb: and make sure these rifts aren't popping up
  195. [4/19/2013 12:42:54 AM] bb: cause even hedge witches can open rifts
  196. [4/19/2013 12:42:58 AM] bb: given enough time
  197. [4/19/2013 12:43:09 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Can they intentionally open up rifts?
  198. [4/19/2013 12:43:23 AM] bb: a hedewitch?
  199. [4/19/2013 12:43:25 AM] bb: if they had help
  200. [4/19/2013 12:43:27 AM] bb: a mage?
  201. [4/19/2013 12:43:29 AM] bb: absolutely
  202. [4/19/2013 12:43:42 AM] bb: only arch mages can close a rift
  203. [4/19/2013 12:43:45 AM] bb: buuuut
  204. [4/19/2013 12:44:04 AM] bb: rifts can also be closed by things inbued with enough power
  205. [4/19/2013 12:44:22 AM] bb: like arch mages literally pour their wellspring back into the land to heal it to heal a rift
  206. [4/19/2013 12:44:37 AM] bb: where as creating a rift is drawing on your wellspring and the land around it
  207. [4/19/2013 12:45:03 AM] bb: or
  208. [4/19/2013 12:45:04 AM] bb: no one has a large enough wellspring to give the land enough power back to heal it other than an arch mage
  209. [4/19/2013 12:45:13 AM] bb: a collection of mages working in perfect sync
  210. [4/19/2013 12:46:05 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: ugh this is so cool adjfkd I like this sort of magic, it's really neat. I like how it affects the earth around it
  211. [4/19/2013 12:46:39 AM] bb: I came up with all that
  212. [4/19/2013 12:46:42 AM] bb: as I was typing it
  213. [4/19/2013 12:46:43 AM] bb: XD
  214. [4/19/2013 12:46:47 AM] bb: I enjoy creating systems
  215. [4/19/2013 12:46:55 AM] bb: Malik is a hedge witch
  216. [4/19/2013 12:47:00 AM] bb: and Altair's body guard
  217. [4/19/2013 12:47:07 AM] bb: which he takes VERY serioussly
  218. [4/19/2013 12:47:09 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D Still one armed?
  219. [4/19/2013 12:47:15 AM] bb: yea!
  220. [4/19/2013 12:47:19 AM] bb: he's a one-armed sell sword
  221. [4/19/2013 12:47:25 AM] bb: one of the best there is
  222. [4/19/2013 12:47:25 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: socoool
  223. [4/19/2013 12:47:42 AM] bb: yea
  224. [4/19/2013 12:48:08 AM] bb: I think instead of getting Desmond to come with them Connor and Ezio just leave
  225. [4/19/2013 12:48:09 AM] bb: and then come back
  226. [4/19/2013 12:48:12 AM] bb: with Altair
  227. [4/19/2013 12:48:21 AM] bb: and Desmond is as fucking grumpy as ever
  228. [4/19/2013 12:49:04 AM] bb: 'Oh great you two idiots again. What do you want this time and who's he stiff?'
  229. 'I'm arch mage Altair.'
  230. '...oh. Would you care for a room, sir?'
  231. [4/19/2013 12:49:11 AM] bb: like Desmond might not like mages
  232. [4/19/2013 12:49:16 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: adjfkd oh my god that's great :D
  233. [4/19/2013 12:49:17 AM] bb: but everyone respects the arch mage
  234. [4/19/2013 12:49:33 AM] bb: cause everyone knows that they close the rifts and heal the lands
  235. [4/19/2013 12:49:53 AM] bb: there are also places that are harder to make rifts in
  236. [4/19/2013 12:49:55 AM] bb: like cities
  237. [4/19/2013 12:49:59 AM] bb: very hard to open a rift in a city
  238. [4/19/2013 12:50:13 AM] bb: cause there are so many people and normal's just kinda... leak
  239. [4/19/2013 12:50:31 AM] bb: like they have a natural defective aperture that just leaks
  240. [4/19/2013 12:50:41 AM] bb: so they're constantly replenishing the land
  241. [4/19/2013 12:50:54 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: So Desmond will RESPECT that man.
  242. [4/19/2013 12:50:56 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: dammit.
  243. [4/19/2013 12:51:40 AM] bb: yeap
  244. [4/19/2013 12:51:47 AM] bb: and Ezio is SO smug
  245. [4/19/2013 12:51:55 AM] bb: cause 'thaaaat's right.'
  246. [4/19/2013 12:51:58 AM] bb: arch mage
  247. [4/19/2013 12:51:59 AM] bb: BAM
  248. [4/19/2013 12:52:02 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD can Desmond smack Ezio at some point?
  249. [4/19/2013 12:52:08 AM] bb: yes
  250. [4/19/2013 12:53:13 AM] bb: Altair is mainly just like 'My boy. You are broken.'
  251. 'Shut up, you might be the arch mage but you don't disrespect me in my own inn.'
  252. 'I wasn't mocking you. I was stating fact. Your aperture is non existant. I'm amazed you're even alive.'
  253. [4/19/2013 12:53:34 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Given how much magic he's got, yeah.
  254. [4/19/2013 12:54:20 AM] bb: and it's also 'how are you alive? You have as large a wellspring as me. You shouldn't be able to exist.'
  255. 'Well excuse me.'
  256. [4/19/2013 12:55:39 AM] bb: Altair is all 'You should back to the school with me'
  257. [4/19/2013 12:55:58 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: well excuuuuuse me archmage
  258. [4/19/2013 12:57:18 AM] bb: 'like fucking /hell I am/ I got an inn to run.'
  259. 'Desmond, you might be an arch mage. If that's so you have a duty to this country.'
  260. 'Yeah? And what if I don't want you to touch my aperture or poke me with all your magic probes and needles? Bad enough I needed to go to a hedgewitch when I broke my wrist. I ain't letting a real mage anywhere near me.'
  261. [4/19/2013 12:57:52 AM] bb: 'Come now you're being over dramatic. It isn't that bad.'
  262. 'No. I'm not. I know how you mages are?'
  263. 'You thought you were a normal your entire life. How do you know anything about mages?
  264. [4/19/2013 12:58:17 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: ooooh, snap, hes got a point there
  265. [4/19/2013 12:59:16 AM] bb: 'I told them two *points at Ezio and Connor* I'm a squib. Nothing good comes from mages. My family are chock full of mages and hedge witches who just don't quite make the cut. I don't have a damn good thing to say about them.'
  266. [4/19/2013 12:59:59 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Even if they weren't magic, I suspect desmond still has family problems.
  267. [4/19/2013 1:00:07 AM] bb: yeah
  268. [4/19/2013 1:00:13 AM] bb: but being a squib did NOT help
  269. [4/19/2013 1:00:16 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: NOPE
  270. [4/19/2013 1:01:36 AM] bb: 'I'm not your family Desmond.'
  271. 'Yeah so? You're still a mage. People, mages and hedge witches and even common folk treat me like dirt when they know my family name and know I'm not like them.'
  272. 'And what is your family name?'
  273. 'Pffft, like I'm gonna tell you.'
  274. [4/19/2013 1:02:09 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: smart lad
  275. [4/19/2013 1:03:26 AM] bb: I dunno HOW
  276. [4/19/2013 1:03:31 AM] bb: but Altair convinces
  277. [4/19/2013 1:03:37 AM] bb: Desmond to come back with them
  278. [4/19/2013 1:05:20 AM] bb: and when they get back to the school Altair is like 'Desmond, this is one of my newest students. Her name is Lucy. She'll be your guide.'
  279. 'Altair I don't want to-
  280. 'Lucy.'
  281. '*sigh* Yes Master'
  282. 'Good girl. Find Desmond a room and get him a bath, it's been a long trip.'
  283. [4/19/2013 1:05:24 AM] bb: 'Yes Master'
  284. [4/19/2013 1:05:53 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: adjfkd Lucy doesn't wanna do it, that's awesome
  285. [4/19/2013 1:06:46 AM] bb: well yeah
  286. [4/19/2013 1:06:54 AM] bb: she's being told to baby sit this dude
  287. [4/19/2013 1:07:45 AM] bb: and is just 'iuuuuhg Master Altair you said you were going to teach me how to summon lightning and then you vanished for three weeks and now you're back and I have babysit this... this hedge witch?'
  288. [4/19/2013 1:08:01 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD I can see them not getting along at all at first
  289. [4/19/2013 1:08:20 AM] bb: well it isn't that they don't get along
  290. [4/19/2013 1:08:22 AM] bb: it's more that
  291. [4/19/2013 1:08:30 AM] bb: Lucy sees Desmond as a tag along
  292. [4/19/2013 1:09:51 AM] bb: 'So, what do you do?'
  293. 'I'm an elemental.'
  294. 'Really? What's your element?'
  295. '*gives look* all of them.'
  296. 'Really? That's amazing.'
  297. '*pause* you think?'
  298. 'I have a cousin who's an elemental. He's only mastered the four base elements and is older than you. Can you really use all the elements?'
  299. 'Yes.'
  300. [4/19/2013 1:11:09 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D Can she show off to him
  301. [4/19/2013 1:11:20 AM] bb: well duh
  302. [4/19/2013 1:11:28 AM] bb: she makes all his hair stand on end via static
  303. [4/19/2013 1:11:29 AM] bb: XD
  304. [4/19/2013 1:12:14 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D Lucy, you rock
  305. [4/19/2013 1:13:39 AM] bb: and then later, after they're getting along Altair shows up again and is just 'So Desmond ready to get your aperture fixed?'
  306. 'I told you I didn't want it fixed >:U'
  307. 'We had this discussion already boy. You have a obligation to your country to try and heal your aperture.'
  308. 'What's his calling Master?'
  309. 'Desmond here is an arch mage.'
  310. '*dead silence and stares at Desmond* For real? Good god I must have looked so stupid with my dumb tricks and-
  311. 'Good going Altair *scowls at*'
  312. 'She aked.'
  313. [4/19/2013 1:13:56 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: XD oh my god, poor Lucy.
  314. [4/19/2013 1:14:15 AM] bb: yeaaah
  315. [4/19/2013 1:14:17 AM] bb: I'm tired
  316. [4/19/2013 1:15:14 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: me too
  317. [4/19/2013 1:15:18 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :/ Birthday wore me out
  318. [4/19/2013 1:29:20 AM] bb: I'm sure
  319. [4/19/2013 1:29:23 AM] bb: I just
  320. [4/19/2013 1:29:25 AM] bb: posted a thing
  321. [4/19/2013 1:29:42 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D I see it!
  322. [4/19/2013 1:29:57 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D I like this mage au. even if it never happens its still cool
  323. [4/19/2013 1:30:14 AM] bb: :3c
  324. [4/19/2013 1:30:26 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Its cool. I like how you do magics
  325. [4/19/2013 1:30:34 AM] bb: yes
  326. [4/19/2013 1:30:35 AM] bb: I
  327. [4/19/2013 1:30:39 AM] bb: love magic systems
  328. [4/19/2013 1:30:57 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Magic is awesome
  329. [4/19/2013 1:31:01 AM] bb: yes
  330. [4/19/2013 1:31:30 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: and the stuff you come up with is unique
  331. [4/19/2013 1:31:31 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: and cool
  332. [4/19/2013 1:31:41 AM] bb: so much practice
  333. [4/19/2013 1:32:15 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Yeah, I know. LD it shows
  334. [4/19/2013 1:32:22 AM] bb: lols
  335. [4/19/2013 1:33:46 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: I should slee[
  336. [4/19/2013 1:34:04 AM] bb: same
  337. [4/19/2013 1:34:05 AM] bb: so
  338. [4/19/2013 1:34:08 AM] bb: sleepy
  339. [4/19/2013 1:34:34 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: sleeeepy
  340. [4/19/2013 1:34:36 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: yes, bed for us
  341. [4/19/2013 1:34:43 AM] bb: yes
  342. [4/19/2013 1:34:45 AM] bb: goodnight!
  343. [4/19/2013 1:34:45 AM] bb: <3
  344. [4/19/2013 1:34:54 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: <3 gnite bb!!
  345. [4/19/2013 12:12:52 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D hiii
  346. [4/19/2013 12:13:52 PM] bb: I just found out my dad's house is being foreclosed
  347. [4/19/2013 12:14:06 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: what? oh my god
  348. [4/19/2013 12:14:15 PM] bb: I don't wanna think about it
  349. [4/19/2013 12:14:31 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: jeez....yeah, I dont blame you
  350. [4/19/2013 12:14:37 PM] bb: so I just...
  351. [4/19/2013 12:14:41 PM] bb: mage AU would rather
  352. [4/19/2013 12:15:02 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D yes, mage au, do tel
  353. [4/19/2013 12:15:06 PM] bb: well
  354. [4/19/2013 12:15:15 PM] bb: I was reading what I wrote last nighht
  355. [4/19/2013 12:15:15 PM] bb: and damn
  356. [4/19/2013 12:15:17 PM] bb: I'm clever
  357. [4/19/2013 12:15:30 PM] bb: I came up with a complicated system of magic in about an hour
  358. [4/19/2013 12:15:37 PM] bb: I'm actually impressed with myself
  359. [4/19/2013 12:15:42 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: You did! :D its really cool and impressive
  360. [4/19/2013 12:15:57 PM] bb: it is no where near the most complicated system I have tho
  361. [4/19/2013 12:15:57 PM] bb: XD
  362. [4/19/2013 12:16:35 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: No, I know, but for coming up with it in an hour, it's really good
  363. [4/19/2013 12:16:48 PM] bb: yes
  364. [4/19/2013 12:16:56 PM] bb: so I was thinking about Lucy and Altair
  365. [4/19/2013 12:17:00 PM] bb: like Altair's like 40 or 50
  366. [4/19/2013 12:17:14 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: ooooh, nice, older altair! :D
  367. [4/19/2013 12:17:16 PM] bb: yes
  368. [4/19/2013 12:17:34 PM] bb: and when he was a young man he went to a school because he was a mage
  369. [4/19/2013 12:17:41 PM] bb: and was initially called to war craft
  370. [4/19/2013 12:17:59 PM] bb: which is very powerful, destructive, hard to control magic
  371. [4/19/2013 12:18:13 PM] bb: you have to have a large wellspring to use war magics
  372. [4/19/2013 12:18:44 PM] bb: and Altair could do it like it was nothing
  373. [4/19/2013 12:18:56 PM] bb: like whatever he did he was instantly good at it
  374. [4/19/2013 12:19:00 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: That should've tipped them off right off the bat that he was special
  375. [4/19/2013 12:19:05 PM] bb: yeah
  376. [4/19/2013 12:19:13 PM] bb: and so people hated him and he thought he was amazing
  377. [4/19/2013 12:19:47 PM] bb: then an old Master REALLY looked at Altair
  378. [4/19/2013 12:19:58 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: And realized?
  379. [4/19/2013 12:20:09 PM] bb: most mages aren't checked to see what they are or how large their wellspring is
  380. [4/19/2013 12:20:14 PM] bb: you're either a mage or you aren't
  381. [4/19/2013 12:20:23 PM] bb: and yeah the Master realized 'this is an ocean'
  382. [4/19/2013 12:20:46 PM] bb: after a few more Masters had looked Altair over they proclaimed him an archmage
  383. [4/19/2013 12:21:14 PM] bb: now in normal definition an archmage is someone who has both great magical skill and the head of the magical world
  384. [4/19/2013 12:21:15 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D how did he take the news?
  385. [4/19/2013 12:21:41 PM] bb: in this world archmage is a descriptive to describe the vastness of a wellspring
  386. [4/19/2013 12:21:58 PM] bb: and Altair, cocky sob he was was like '... well of course I'm an archmage. Haven't you seen me?'
  387. [4/19/2013 12:22:52 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: adjfkd altair you little shit
  388. [4/19/2013 12:23:17 PM] bb: and after that he was like 'you know what, I like war craft, but I wanna do other stuff'
  389. [4/19/2013 12:23:25 PM] bb: and started doing matter manipulation
  390. [4/19/2013 12:23:40 PM] bb: another extremely difficult magic style
  391. [4/19/2013 12:23:46 PM] bb: that he excelled at quickly
  392. [4/19/2013 12:24:12 PM] bb: like to the point that to him
  393. [4/19/2013 12:24:14 PM] bb: it was boring
  394. [4/19/2013 12:24:35 PM] bb: Altair spent most of his youth learning new magic to aleiviate bordom
  395. [4/19/2013 12:25:47 PM] bb: then when he was like in his late twenties he was just 'uuuuuuuuhg I'm tired of all this schooling. I wanna travel' and everyone was just 'omg no you can't! You're the archmage, you have to be here in case there's a rift' 'then stop me'
  396. [4/19/2013 12:25:58 PM] bb: and of course you can't really stop an arch mage
  397. [4/19/2013 12:26:04 PM] bb: cause he's either too powerful
  398. [4/19/2013 12:26:05 PM] bb: OR
  399. [4/19/2013 12:26:10 PM] bb: you could hurt him
  400. [4/19/2013 12:26:10 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Nope. I can't say I blame him for being so bored, yeah.
  401. [4/19/2013 12:26:40 PM] bb: it's the first time he's left the school in like... twenty years
  402. [4/19/2013 12:26:45 PM] bb: NO ONE knows who he is
  403. [4/19/2013 12:26:49 PM] bb: or that he's special
  404. [4/19/2013 12:26:53 PM] bb: and it annoys the FUCK out of him
  405. [4/19/2013 12:27:03 PM] bb: cause he's used to all this special treatment
  406. [4/19/2013 12:27:17 PM] bb: but at the same time
  407. [4/19/2013 12:27:17 PM] bb: he likes it
  408. [4/19/2013 12:27:22 PM] bb: that he's just some guy
  409. [4/19/2013 12:27:31 PM] bb: cause he's never been, just some guy
  410. [4/19/2013 12:27:36 PM] bb: he's always been /that/ guy
  411. [4/19/2013 12:27:46 PM] bb: the one who's super good at everything and then later the archmage
  412. [4/19/2013 12:27:46 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: So what does he do while he travels and is that guy?
  413. [4/19/2013 12:27:55 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: that normal guy with a big head>'
  414. [4/19/2013 12:27:59 PM] bb: XD
  415. [4/19/2013 12:28:04 PM] bb: he meets Malik and Kadar
  416. [4/19/2013 12:28:22 PM] bb: Malik leads a gang of bandits :3c
  417. [4/19/2013 12:28:48 PM] bb: and they decide one day to attack this lone guy on the road
  418. [4/19/2013 12:28:52 PM] bb: oh man SUCH a bad idea
  419. [4/19/2013 12:29:06 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: TERRIBLE idea, really.
  420. [4/19/2013 12:29:34 PM] bb: Altair kills all of them EXCEPT Malik and Kadar and is just like 'if you can entertain me I'll keep you around' 'Entertain you?' 'Yes. You're bandits. Show me something interesting''
  421. [4/19/2013 12:30:48 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: So what do they show him?
  422. [4/19/2013 12:31:01 PM] bb: well it's still Altair
  423. [4/19/2013 12:31:06 PM] bb: he's still kinda sadistic
  424. [4/19/2013 12:31:09 PM] bb: also
  425. [4/19/2013 12:31:17 PM] bb: both Kadar and Malik sword fiht
  426. [4/19/2013 12:31:19 PM] bb: fight
  427. [4/19/2013 12:31:28 PM] bb: swords fighting isn't a skill mages learn
  428. [4/19/2013 12:31:35 PM] bb: in fact fighting isn't a skill mages learn
  429. [4/19/2013 12:31:59 PM] bb: so Malik and Kadar basically fight each other
  430. [4/19/2013 12:32:06 PM] bb: and Altair is just /so interested/
  431. [4/19/2013 12:32:18 PM] bb: cause he's never seen anyone sword fight before
  432. [4/19/2013 12:33:06 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: So he lets them live, they fight each other because Altair wanted to see how swordfighting works...what next? Does Malik still haveboth arms?
  433. [4/19/2013 12:33:23 PM] bb: at that point yes
  434. [4/19/2013 12:33:40 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: okay cool
  435. [4/19/2013 12:34:00 PM] bb: Malik is like 'you're like a damn baby you know. No idea how to take care of yourself'
  436. [4/19/2013 12:34:02 PM] bb: cause really
  437. [4/19/2013 12:34:04 PM] bb: Altair doesn't
  438. [4/19/2013 12:34:05 PM] bb: XD
  439. [4/19/2013 12:34:11 PM] bb: he's lived a good life his entire life
  440. [4/19/2013 12:34:55 PM] bb: 'I'm fine!'
  441. 'Yeah. Sure you are. Which direction are you heading?'
  442. 'West.'
  443. '... You're on a north road.'
  444. [4/19/2013 12:35:02 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: ohhh snap :D
  445. [4/19/2013 12:38:14 PM] bb: so Malik is basically 'let us come with you. So you don't get yourself into trouble.'
  446. 'I don't need your help normal *scowl*'
  447. 'How much did that horse cost?'
  448. 'ten gold.'
  449. 'You got scammed out of your gold. That nag is barely worth a gold herself. You'll probably get had again cause you, magic boy, know shit about the real world'
  450. [4/19/2013 12:38:18 PM] bb: all of which
  451. [4/19/2013 12:38:19 PM] bb: is true
  452. [4/19/2013 12:39:12 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Its very true
  453. [4/19/2013 12:39:17 PM] bb: mhm!
  454. [4/19/2013 12:39:25 PM] bb: and Altair is just '... okay, you can come'
  455. [4/19/2013 12:39:28 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I like how throughly Malik burns Altair where :D
  456. [4/19/2013 12:39:32 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: here
  457. [4/19/2013 12:39:35 PM] bb: omg yes
  458. [4/19/2013 12:39:40 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: its so great
  459. [4/19/2013 12:39:42 PM] bb: and plus
  460. [4/19/2013 12:39:49 PM] bb: you're not traveling with the dan ARCHMAGE
  461. [4/19/2013 12:40:01 PM] bb: all you have to say is 'this is the archmage' and doors just /open up/
  462. [4/19/2013 12:40:15 PM] bb: and Malik is a creature want
  463. [4/19/2013 12:40:30 PM] bb: Malik and Altair get very close
  464. [4/19/2013 12:40:32 PM] bb: so do Altair and Kadar
  465. [4/19/2013 12:40:47 PM] bb: but Kadar is a lot more... chivalrous I guess
  466. [4/19/2013 12:41:03 PM] bb: Malik is basically going to use Altair for what he can do for Malik and Altair won't know any different cause he's a baby
  467. [4/19/2013 12:41:21 PM] bb: Kadar doesn't wanna make friends cause he knows Malik is just using Altair
  468. [4/19/2013 12:41:25 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Awww, Kadar~!
  469. [4/19/2013 12:41:34 PM] bb: 'brother this is wrong'
  470. [4/19/2013 12:42:34 PM] bb: 'It's fine.'
  471. 'He's gonna figure it out sooner or later that you're having a go at him. He trusts you.'
  472. 'He shouldn't trust a bandit. He's an idiot.'
  473. 'What's it you call him all the time? A lamb? You /know/ he doesn't know ay better.'
  474. [4/19/2013 12:43:43 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D Kadar the bandit with a moral center. I love it
  475. [4/19/2013 12:44:21 PM] bb: yes
  476. [4/19/2013 12:44:40 PM] bb: eventually though Malik's greed bites him in the ass
  477. [4/19/2013 12:44:48 PM] bb: they get into a situation
  478. [4/19/2013 12:45:07 PM] bb: where Malik is REALLY hurt
  479. [4/19/2013 12:45:15 PM] bb: and some guys have Kadar captive
  480. [4/19/2013 12:45:50 PM] bb: and Malik is just like, to Altair, 'save him.'
  481. 'I can't.'
  482. 'What? What do you mean you /can't/?'
  483. 'I'd hit someone *frown*'
  484. 'You're the archmage! Do something'
  485. [4/19/2013 12:45:56 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: oh, this is gonna end badly.
  486. [4/19/2013 12:45:59 PM] bb: but in the end Kadar dies
  487. [4/19/2013 12:46:06 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Of course he does
  488. [4/19/2013 12:46:11 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Kadar always dies.
  489. [4/19/2013 12:46:11 PM] bb: and Malik loses his arm
  490. [4/19/2013 12:46:17 PM] bb: because he won't let Altair treat him
  491. [4/19/2013 12:46:33 PM] bb: 'I can save your arm Malik, just let me-
  492. 'Stay away from me! You let my brother die!'
  493. [4/19/2013 12:46:55 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Did he let Kadar die, or was he just unable to save him?
  494. [4/19/2013 12:46:58 PM] bb: only when it's infected and Malik passes out can Altair tend it
  495. [4/19/2013 12:47:13 PM] bb: they were holding Kadar in a building full of normals
  496. [4/19/2013 12:47:22 PM] bb: and Altair was taught to never hurt the undeserving
  497. [4/19/2013 12:47:34 PM] bb: there was just no way he could do it
  498. [4/19/2013 12:47:39 PM] bb: even if he wanted to
  499. [4/19/2013 12:48:05 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: It was a conflict of what he was taught, then. I assume that he wanted to help Kadar
  500. [4/19/2013 12:49:08 PM] bb: yes he did
  501. [4/19/2013 12:50:10 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: poor kadar. In every universe he dies.
  502. [4/19/2013 12:51:12 PM] bb: 'you let my brother die!'
  503. 'I wanted to save him Malik.'
  504. 'Then why DIDN'T YOU!? You're the archmage! You're supposed to be able to do anything!'
  505. 'Anything I could have done would have hurt people not involved in our conflict. I couldn't do that.'
  506. 'AHG! You stupid, fucking, lamb! You don't know anything!'
  507. 'I know if I'd done anything everyone in that room would have died even if not by my hand.'
  508. 'And they're worth more than your friend?!'
  509. 'Malik-
  510. 'Don't use that soft tone with me Altair! You let your friend and my brother /die/'
  511. [4/19/2013 12:52:54 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: its tough, because Altair didnt want innocent people to get hurt but he couldn't do anything to help Kadar as a result.
  512. [4/19/2013 12:54:21 PM] bb: yeah
  513. [4/19/2013 12:55:52 PM] bb: 'you're a giant hypocrate Altair.'
  514. 'Malik please. I did want to help Kadar, but there wasn't anything I could do. I'm supposed to keep this country and the people in it safe. What sort of example would I set if I let an entire room get slaughtered for one man?'
  515. 'Some conciquences are worth it.'
  516. 'I know you're upset but I did all I could. I saved you-
  517. 'Little good it does me with my brother dead!'
  518. [4/19/2013 12:56:22 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: It huuuurts
  519. [4/19/2013 12:56:41 PM] bb: yeaaaah
  520. [4/19/2013 12:57:38 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I like it though.
  521. [4/19/2013 12:57:45 PM] bb: yes
  522. [4/19/2013 12:58:01 PM] bb: and basically Malik is angry but he's also hurt, even with Altair around to take care of him
  523. [4/19/2013 12:58:05 PM] bb: and Malik hates Altair
  524. [4/19/2013 12:58:13 PM] bb: for honestly being a really gentle person
  525. [4/19/2013 12:58:28 PM] bb: cause Altair was told that war and blood is ALWAYS a last option
  526. [4/19/2013 12:58:38 PM] bb: and that Altair has a very caring bedside manner
  527. [4/19/2013 12:58:51 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Altair is a nice guy. He's spoiled and conceited but he's not a bad person
  528. [4/19/2013 12:58:52 PM] bb: and Malik is just FURIOUS that this guy who let his brother die is still so nice to him
  529. [4/19/2013 12:59:07 PM] bb: he is
  530. [4/19/2013 12:59:13 PM] bb: 'Please don
  531. [4/19/2013 12:59:36 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I just hope that Malik is able to stop thinking of him as the guy who let his brother die.
  532. [4/19/2013 12:59:54 PM] bb: 'Please don't be mad with me malik. You know I didn't want to let Kadar die, he was my friend. You're my0 friend too. The only ones I really have.'
  533. [4/19/2013 1:00:20 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: ow
  534. [4/19/2013 1:00:23 PM] bb: yeah
  535. [4/19/2013 1:00:29 PM] bb: Altair has very few friends
  536. [4/19/2013 1:00:34 PM] bb: 'Leave me alone Altair'
  537. [4/19/2013 1:00:44 PM] bb: and after Malik is healed Altair... does
  538. [4/19/2013 1:00:56 PM] bb: and Altair doesn't like it
  539. [4/19/2013 1:01:01 PM] bb: and Malik is glad he's gone
  540. [4/19/2013 1:01:26 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Ow. Owwww.
  541. [4/19/2013 1:02:33 PM] bb: Altair goes back to the school
  542. [4/19/2013 1:02:45 PM] bb: and kinda locks himself into his room/the library
  543. [4/19/2013 1:02:59 PM] bb: cause damnit his one real friend just SHUNNED him
  544. [4/19/2013 1:03:19 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: oh, Altair...
  545. [4/19/2013 1:03:31 PM] bb: he's depressed
  546. [4/19/2013 1:03:44 PM] bb: I think he starts researching necromancy
  547. [4/19/2013 1:03:51 PM] bb: which is a forbiddean art
  548. [4/19/2013 1:03:56 PM] bb: because it SUCKS the land dry
  549. [4/19/2013 1:04:22 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Oh, christ. D: that's a terrible idea, how much trouble will he be in if he gets caught studying that?
  550. [4/19/2013 1:04:31 PM] bb: and people are like 'omg Altair no stop that' and he's just 'Shut up I'm the archmage I will DO AS I WANT D<'
  551. [4/19/2013 1:05:46 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Oh shit.
  552. [4/19/2013 1:06:10 PM] bb: yeap
  553. [4/19/2013 1:06:47 PM] bb: 'Altair it is forbidden!' 'I am the archmade I decide what sort of magic is forbidden in this land. Now go away!'
  554. [4/19/2013 1:06:53 PM] bb: he seals himself in his rooms
  555. [4/19/2013 1:07:05 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: How badly does this backfire
  556. [4/19/2013 1:07:12 PM] bb: not
  557. [4/19/2013 1:07:12 PM] bb: terribly
  558. [4/19/2013 1:07:20 PM] bb: but eventually he's got it
  559. [4/19/2013 1:07:33 PM] bb: and then he leaves the school and tracks Malik down again
  560. [4/19/2013 1:07:40 PM] bb: and is just 'I can bring your brother back'
  561. [4/19/2013 1:07:49 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: holy hell is that a terrible idea.
  562. [4/19/2013 1:07:58 PM] bb: brb food
  563. [4/19/2013 1:08:07 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: kay
  564. [4/19/2013 1:08:16 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :( I dont think we have food. I want food.
  565. [4/19/2013 1:08:24 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I have no idea if the cafeteria is open or not xD
  566. [4/19/2013 1:20:16 PM] bb: back
  567. [4/19/2013 1:20:27 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :) hello
  568. [4/19/2013 1:20:56 PM] bb: so where was I/
  569. [4/19/2013 1:20:56 PM] bb: ?
  570. [4/19/2013 1:22:04 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Uh...Altair had the terrible idea of bringing Kadar back, which can not backfire horribly in any way shape or form
  571. [4/19/2013 1:22:19 PM] bb: XD
  572. [4/19/2013 1:22:20 PM] bb: yeap
  573. [4/19/2013 1:22:25 PM] bb: and Malik is just ' can what?
  574. [4/19/2013 1:23:03 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD Malik, you need to realize that this is a baaad idea.
  575. [4/19/2013 1:23:10 PM] bb: yes
  576. [4/19/2013 1:23:10 PM] bb: okay
  577. [4/19/2013 1:23:24 PM] bb: so I'm also talking to my friend Ramona about the mage AU
  578. [4/19/2013 1:23:33 PM] bb: I'm gonna show her what I wrote here
  579. [4/19/2013 1:23:42 PM] bb: and then is it cool if I bring her into a chat with us?
  580. [4/19/2013 1:23:50 PM] bb: so I'm not playing pong?
  581. [4/19/2013 1:36:16 PM] bb: so Altair tells Malik he can bring Kadar back, he just needs /part/ of Kadar or something that was very precious to him. By now Kadar is buried, there is nothing left of him, but Malik has kept Kada'r sword. He has two swords now, his old one and Kadar's. He mainly uses Kadar's though
  582. [4/19/2013 1:36:40 PM] bb: and Kadar lived by his sword. It was his most precious possession
  583. [4/19/2013 1:37:03 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: adjfkd okay that's really sentimental and sweet
  584. [4/19/2013 1:37:14 PM] bb: oh god sirens make me nervous
  585. [4/19/2013 1:37:16 PM] bb: QAQ
  586. [4/19/2013 1:37:55 PM] Ramona: necromancy is never a good way though...
  587. [4/19/2013 1:38:01 PM] bb: so Malik gives Altair Kadar's sword and Altair does the spell, calling Kadar's spirit back from beyond
  588. [4/19/2013 1:40:56 PM] bb: and he does raise Kadar, first as earth and then the earth becomes flesh and a body and it is Kadar and he can talk and he's normal
  589. [4/19/2013 1:41:15 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: okay,so it doesn't INITIALLY backfire
  590. [4/19/2013 1:41:20 PM] bb: and the land he does this on becomes black because necromancy isn't normal
  591. [4/19/2013 1:41:40 PM] bb: and Malik is happy to see Kadar and Kadar is happy to see Malik, they hug and stuff
  592. [4/19/2013 1:41:43 PM] bb: and cry
  593. [4/19/2013 1:41:53 PM] bb: and Malik forgives Altair
  594. [4/19/2013 1:41:59 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: that's all wonderful and well and good...when does this backfire horribly.
  595. [4/19/2013 1:42:03 PM] bb: because even though he couldn't save Kadar, he brought him back
  596. [4/19/2013 1:42:05 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: because there's no way this good can last
  597. [4/19/2013 1:42:06 PM] bb: shhhhhh!!!
  598. [4/19/2013 1:42:09 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD sorry!!
  599. [4/19/2013 1:42:09 PM] bb: I'll get to it!
  600. [4/19/2013 1:42:13 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD okay!!
  601. [4/19/2013 1:42:46 PM] bb: it's p normal for a while, and Altair stays out with them and they go do stuff they had been doing up till Kadar's death
  602. [4/19/2013 1:43:54 PM] bb: until Kadar comes to Altair one day and is like 'Why did you bring me back?'
  603. 'What?'
  604. 'Why did you bring me back?' cause he's assumed Kadar wouldn't remember what had happened, all the books said he'd forget and that was why he and Malik came up with a story to explain to Kadar
  605. [4/19/2013 1:45:36 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oh dear, this is gonna hurt.
  606. [4/19/2013 1:46:33 PM] bb: 'I'm not supposed to be alive. I was dead. I /remember/ being dead. Why would you-?'
  607. 'Because Malik missed you. Because I missed you.'
  608. 'You shouldn't play with the dead Altair.'
  609. 'I'm the archmage.'
  610. 'There's a rift where you raised me you never closed.'
  611. '...'
  612. 'You knew about it didn't you?'
  613. 'Yes.'
  614. 'You're supposed to /close the rifts/ Altair.'
  615. 'I can't.'
  616. 'Why?'
  617. 'Only you can close the rift Kadar. it's the price of necromancy. Who came through the other side must go back through to close the rift to reheal the land.'
  618. '... Does Malik know the price of my life?'
  619. 'No.'
  620. [4/19/2013 1:48:33 PM] bb: so basically Kadar being alive is letting... things pass through
  621. [4/19/2013 1:48:50 PM] bb: normally rifts are closed as soon as they're known which is p much as soon as they're created
  622. [4/19/2013 1:49:58 PM] bb: Skype are you fucking with me again D<
  623. [4/19/2013 1:51:07 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: so closing the rift will kill Kadar.
  624. [4/19/2013 1:51:53 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: again.
  625. [4/19/2013 1:51:57 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oh god
  626. [4/19/2013 1:52:16 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: It might be
  627. [4/19/2013 1:52:21 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I just sent like 3 messages.
  628. [4/19/2013 1:52:22 PM] bb: no there we go
  629. [4/19/2013 1:52:26 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D oh good
  630. [4/19/2013 1:52:34 PM] bb: but yeah
  631. [4/19/2013 1:52:41 PM] bb: you can see where this is going :3c
  632. [4/19/2013 1:52:45 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: this is baaad. D: Kadar, noooo.
  633. [4/19/2013 1:52:59 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Malik is going to be heartbroken.
  634. [4/19/2013 1:53:02 PM] bb: yeap
  635. [4/19/2013 1:53:14 PM] bb: 'Malik... I hve to tell you something'
  636. [4/19/2013 1:53:18 PM] bb: and he's REALLY upset
  637. [4/19/2013 1:53:20 PM] bb: and Malik is upset
  638. [4/19/2013 1:53:25 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: EVERYBODY IS UPSET
  639. [4/19/2013 1:54:08 PM] bb: yeah p much
  640. [4/19/2013 1:54:30 PM] bb: but the rift created by Karad was BIG
  641. [4/19/2013 1:54:40 PM] bb: Kadar*
  642. [4/19/2013 1:54:51 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: least this way there can be some closure?
  643. [4/19/2013 1:54:51 PM] bb: so lots of things are getting out
  644. [4/19/2013 1:54:58 PM] bb: and Altair warded the area around it
  645. [4/19/2013 1:54:58 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: like, Malik and Kadar can at least say goodbye to each other
  646. [4/19/2013 1:55:03 PM] bb: so people couldn't find it
  647. [4/19/2013 1:55:15 PM] bb: because other mages could close it if they had the right item
  648. [4/19/2013 1:55:24 PM] bb: or try to
  649. [4/19/2013 1:55:29 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: And that would kill Kadar
  650. [4/19/2013 1:55:42 PM] bb: so the country is like 'omg all these monsters are running around where' the rift?!'
  651. [4/19/2013 1:55:47 PM] bb: and no one can find it
  652. [4/19/2013 1:55:52 PM] bb: and no one can find the archmage
  653. [4/19/2013 1:56:08 PM] bb: the country is BASICALLY in a panic
  654. [4/19/2013 1:56:20 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oh shiiiit
  655. [4/19/2013 1:56:23 PM] bb: yeah
  656. [4/19/2013 1:58:04 PM] bb: and Kadar is eventually 'I can't let this keep happening. I'm going to have Altair take me back to the rift.'
  657. 'Kadar, but you'll-
  658. 'I know Malik. I'll die. It isn't so bad to be dead. It's peaceful.'
  659. 'But I don't want you to die. I'll be by myself again.'
  660. 'No you won't. You'll have Altair.'
  661. 'But-
  662. [4/19/2013 1:59:05 PM] bb: 'You need to look after him. He's just a lamb after all and needs a shepard to protect him from all those wolves.'
  663. 'I don't want to.'
  664. '*laughs* as stubborn as ever. I know you don't. But you need to.'
  665. [4/19/2013 1:59:06 PM] bb: ahahahaha
  666. [4/19/2013 1:59:08 PM] bb: and now
  667. [4/19/2013 1:59:12 PM] bb: everything hurts a lot
  668. [4/19/2013 1:59:13 PM] bb: fuck
  669. [4/19/2013 1:59:23 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: oh this is paaaain
  670. [4/19/2013 1:59:26 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: pain PAIN
  671. [4/19/2013 2:00:10 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I mean, at least Malik can say goodbye to his brother properly, at leat (hopefully) there won't be any pain for Kadar, who at least says death is peaceful...
  672. [4/19/2013 2:00:12 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: But still, OW
  673. [4/19/2013 2:02:34 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Altair's not gonna agree to this either, is he.
  674. [4/19/2013 2:03:32 PM] bb: 'Altair take me back to the rift.'
  675. 'Have you talked to Malik?'
  676. 'Yes. He knows what I need to do, and what he needs to do.'
  677. 'Are you sure?
  678. 'Yes. I can't put everyone in danger just because I want to live.'
  679. '... okay.'
  680. [4/19/2013 2:03:46 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: oh this suuucks
  681. [4/19/2013 2:04:02 PM] bb: but yeah Kadar does get to say goodbye
  682. [4/19/2013 2:04:08 PM] bb: and then he walks through the rift
  683. [4/19/2013 2:04:22 PM] bb: and dissolves back into earth, from which he was made
  684. [4/19/2013 2:04:40 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: *sob* Oh, Kadar...
  685. [4/19/2013 2:12:06 PM] bb: after that Malik basically attaches himself to Altair and is like 'where you go, I go. End of discussion' and Altair is just glad Malik isn't mad at him again
  686. [4/19/2013 2:12:18 PM] bb: and Malik basically becomes Altair's bodyguard
  687. [4/19/2013 2:12:41 PM] bb: and that was literally just background for Altair's character even though the AU takes place during Desmond's time
  688. [4/19/2013 2:12:43 PM] bb: OTL
  689. [4/19/2013 2:12:49 PM] bb: too much background stuff
  690. [4/19/2013 2:27:30 PM] bb: so and then I was also thinking about Lucy today
  691. [4/19/2013 2:27:34 PM] bb: Lucy the elemental
  692. [4/19/2013 2:27:40 PM] bb: she's a proginy
  693. [4/19/2013 2:27:52 PM] bb: and elementals are very.... oh man siren down the street dnw!!!
  694. [4/19/2013 2:28:15 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: D:
  695. [4/19/2013 2:28:18 PM] bb: people with the calling for elementalism is very rare
  696. [4/19/2013 2:28:20 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Sirens sthaps
  697. [4/19/2013 2:28:43 PM] bb: and Lucy has a very large wellspring
  698. [4/19/2013 2:29:08 PM] bb: most elementals tend to have smaller ones, limiting them to one or two elements and usually four at the most
  699. [4/19/2013 2:29:31 PM] bb: the four canon elements are earth, water, air, and fire, obvs
  700. [4/19/2013 2:29:35 PM] bb: they are the main elements
  701. [4/19/2013 2:29:39 PM] bb: there are also sub elements
  702. [4/19/2013 2:30:12 PM] bb: light, ice, plasma/lightning, fluid, wood
  703. [4/19/2013 2:30:22 PM] bb: I can't think of the others but there are some more
  704. [4/19/2013 2:30:38 PM] bb: most elementals are called to the main elements
  705. [4/19/2013 2:30:39 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I do like that wood is in there :3
  706. [4/19/2013 2:30:52 PM] bb: me too :3
  707. [4/19/2013 2:30:59 PM] bb: wood=plant also
  708. [4/19/2013 2:31:10 PM] bb: Lucy was just called to the elements
  709. [4/19/2013 2:31:27 PM] bb: which makes her very powerful since she has no one calling but just in general she is elements
  710. [4/19/2013 2:31:40 PM] bb: and she's kinda like how Altair was
  711. [4/19/2013 2:31:46 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: But not, you know, an archmage
  712. [4/19/2013 2:31:53 PM] bb: yeah XD
  713. [4/19/2013 2:31:54 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Is she sort of cocky in her talentedness?
  714. [4/19/2013 2:32:00 PM] bb: a bit spoiled and pampered cause she's super talented
  715. [4/19/2013 2:32:11 PM] bb: well she does have to work for her abilities
  716. [4/19/2013 2:32:20 PM] bb: so she isn't naturally gifted like Altair was
  717. [4/19/2013 2:32:38 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: So she's not nearly as bad as he is, but
  718. [4/19/2013 2:32:45 PM] bb: yeeah
  719. [4/19/2013 2:32:53 PM] bb: but she's still Ms. High and Mighty
  720. [4/19/2013 2:33:06 PM] bb: and her father was a normal
  721. [4/19/2013 2:33:13 PM] bb: her mother was a hedge witch
  722. [4/19/2013 2:33:38 PM] bb: everyone thought at most she'd be just a hedge witch
  723. [4/19/2013 2:33:43 PM] bb: oh god I hear fire trucks
  724. [4/19/2013 2:34:00 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I like that she's got a normal father
  725. [4/19/2013 2:42:59 PM] bb: but yeah Lucy is a snooty elemental
  726. [4/19/2013 2:43:05 PM] bb: and Altair's newest student
  727. [4/19/2013 2:43:31 PM] bb: like Connor and Ezio are his students
  728. [4/19/2013 2:43:47 PM] bb: cause Altair only takes students he 1. finds interesting
  729. [4/19/2013 2:44:04 PM] bb: and 2. have potential to be powerful
  730. [4/19/2013 2:44:22 PM] bb: Ezio and Connor are both that
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