
Include Foreach

Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  2. ===========================
  3. foreach efficient looping
  4. ===========================
  5. Description:
  6. Provides efficient looping through sparse data sets, such as connected
  7. players. Significantly improved from the original version to be a generic
  8. loop system, rather then purely a player loop system. When used for
  9. players this has constant time O(n) for number of connected players (n),
  10. unlike standard player loops which are O(MAX_PLAYERS), regardless of the
  11. actual number of connected players. Even when n is MAX_PLAYERS this is
  12. still faster.
  13. Legal:
  14. Version: MPL 1.1
  16. The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
  17. 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  18. the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  19. [url][/url]
  21. Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
  22. WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  23. for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
  24. License.
  26. The Original Code is the YSI foreach include.
  28. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alex "Y_Less" Cole.
  29. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
  30. the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
  32. Contributors:
  33. ZeeX, koolk, JoeBullet/Google63, g_aSlice/Slice
  35. Thanks:
  36. JoeBullet/Google63 - Handy arbitrary ASM jump code using SCTRL.
  37. ZeeX - Very productive conversations.
  38. koolk - IsPlayerinAreaEx code.
  39. TheAlpha - Danish translation.
  40. breadfish - German translation.
  41. Fireburn - Dutch translation.
  42. yom - French translation.
  43. 50p - Polish translation.
  44. Zamaroht - Spanish translation.
  45. Dracoblue, sintax, mabako, Xtreme, other coders - Producing other modes
  46. for me to strive to better.
  47. Pixels^ - Running XScripters where the idea was born.
  48. Matite - Pestering me to release it and using it.
  50. Very special thanks to:
  51. Thiadmer - PAWN, whose limits continue to amaze me!
  52. Kye/Kalcor - SA:MP.
  53. SA:MP Team past, present and future - SA:MP.
  55. Version:
  56. 0.4
  57. Changelog:
  58. 17/10/12:
  59. Fixed a bug that was here but not in "".
  60. 04/10/12:
  61. Added a tiny tweak to detect tag-returning iterator functions.
  62. Added Iter_InternalSize.
  63. 13/01/12:
  64. Fixed the count thanks to AndreT.
  65. 05/01/12:
  66. Fixed multi-dimensional iterators.
  67. Fixed "FOREACH_NO_BOTS".
  68. Made "Iterator:" support multi-dimensional arrays.
  69. 24/12/11:
  70. Added _YSI_SPECIAL_DEBUG support.
  71. Added fix for function iterators.
  72. Ported back to YSI.
  73. Changed to use internal YSI "__" natives.
  74. Fixed calls order by using ALS.
  75. 31/10/11:
  76. Changed the underlying loop code to be slightly faster.
  77. Added support for Iter_SafeRemove, prompting refactoring.
  78. 17/09/11:
  79. Fixed arrays under the new syntax.
  80. 28/04/11:
  81. Moved iterator identifiers to end of variables.
  82. Rewrote "foreach" to accept two syntaxes for "foreach (new i : Iter)".
  83. 16/08/10:
  84. Removed all the "2" versions of the functions.
  85. 14/08/10:
  86. Added Iter_Clear to reset an array.
  87. 06/08/10:
  88. Added special array declaration format.
  89. 18/12/09:
  90. Added Itter_Func2 functions for multi-dimensional iterators.
  91. Renamed foreact et al as keywords in the documentation.
  92. Changed licensing from GPL to MPL.
  93. 02/09/09:
  94. Fixed (again) for 0.3.
  95. Added free slot finding.
  96. 21/08/09:
  97. Updated to include random functions.
  98. Made entirely stand alone.
  99. Ported to 0.3 (separate version).
  100. Added automatic callback hook code.
  101. Removed debug information from stand alone version.
  102. 06/01/08:
  103. Added debug information.
  104. 09/10/07:
  105. Moved to system.
  106. 16/09/07:
  107. Added list sorting.
  108. Made this part of Y SeRver Includes, not Y Sever Includes.
  109. Made list sorting optional.
  110. Fixed version number.
  111. 08/09/07:
  112. First version.
  113. Functions:
  114. Public:
  115. OnPlayerDisconnect - Called when a player leaves to remove them.
  116. OnPlayerConnect - Called when a player connects to add them.
  117. Core:
  118. -
  119. Stock:
  120. Itter_ShowArray - Displays the contents of the array.
  121. Itter_AddInternal - Add a value to an itterator.
  122. Itter_RemoveInternal - Remove a value from an itterator.
  123. Itter_RandomInternal - Get a random item from an itterator.
  124. Itter_FreeInternal - Gets the first free slot in the itterator.
  125. Itter_InitInternal - Initialises a multi-dimensional itterator.
  126. Static:
  127. -
  128. Inline:
  129. Itter_Create - Create a new itterator value set.
  130. Itter_Add - Wraps Itter_AddInternal.
  131. Itter_Remove - Wraps Itter_RemoveInternal.
  132. Itter_Random - Wraps Itter_RandomInternal.
  133. Itter_Count - Gets the number of items in an itterator.
  134. Itter_Debug - Wraps around Itter_ShowArray.
  135. Itter_Free - Wraps around Itter_FreeInternal.
  136. Itter_Create2 - Create a new itterator array value set.
  137. Itter_Add2 - Wraps Itter_AddInternal for arrays.
  138. Itter_Remove2 - Wraps Itter_RemoveInternal for arrays.
  139. Itter_Random2 - Wraps Itter_RandomInternal for arrays.
  140. Itter_Count2 - Gets the number of items in an itterator array.
  141. Itter_Debug2 - Wraps around Itter_ShowArray for arrays.
  142. Itter_Free2 - Wraps around Itter_FreeInternal for arrays.
  143. API:
  144. -
  145. Callbacks:
  146. -
  147. Hooks:
  148. Itter_OnPlayerConnect - Hook for the OnPlayerConnect callback.
  149. Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect - Hook for the OnPlayerDisconnect callback.
  150. Itter_OnGameModeInit - Only exists to make the code compile correctly...
  151. Definitions:
  152. -
  153. Enums:
  154. -
  155. Macros:
  156. -
  157. Keywords:
  158. foreach - Command to loop an iterator.
  159. foreachex - Like foreach but without a new variable.
  160. foreach2 - Command to loop through an iterator array.
  161. foreachex - Like foreach2 but without a new variable.
  162. Tags:
  163. Iterator - Declare an iterator.
  164. Variables:
  165. Global:
  166. -
  167. Static:
  168. YSI_g_OPC - Records wether Itter_OnPlayerConnect exists for speed.
  169. YSI_g_OPDC - Records wether Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect exists for speed.
  170. Commands:
  171. -
  172. Compile options:
  173. YSI_ITTER_NO_SORT - Removed.
  174. FOREACH_NO_BOTS - Remove the bot iterators for smaller code.
  175. FOREACH_NO_PLAYERS - Remove all default code for player itteration.
  176. Operators:
  177. -
  178. Iterators:
  179. Player - List of all players connected.
  180. Bot - List of all bots (npcs) connected.
  181. NPC - Alias of Bot.
  182. Character - All players and bots.
  183. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  185. // "y_iterate" is always higher than "foreach".
  186. #define _FOREACH_LOCAL_VERSION 19
  188. // Foreach is testing us.
  189. #if defined _FOREACH_INC_TEST
  191. #endinput
  192. #endif
  193. #if !defined _FOREACH_NO_TEST
  194. #define _FOREACH_INC_TEST
  195. #tryinclude <YSI\y_iterate>
  196. #undef _FOREACH_INC_TEST
  197. // <foreach> exists - test which is newer.
  198. #if defined _inc_y_iterate
  199. #if !defined _FOREACH_CUR_VERSION
  200. // Foreach exists, but it's an old version - don't try use this
  201. // system or the variables will conflict.
  202. #error "Old files are no longer compatible with YSI."
  203. #endinput
  204. #endif
  206. // Foreach is newer.
  207. #undef _inc_y_iterate
  208. #define _FOREACH_NO_TEST
  209. #include <YSI\y_iterate>
  210. #endinput
  211. #endif
  212. #endif
  213. #endif
  215. #if !defined _samp_included
  216. #error "Please include a_samp or a_npc before foreach"
  217. #endif
  219. #if defined _YSI_SPECIAL_DEBUG
  221. #else
  222. #define PS_IS_PLAYER_CONNECTED IsPlayerConnected
  223. #endif
  225. //#include "y_debug"
  226. //#include "y_hooks"
  228. #include <YSI\internal\y_natives>
  229. #include <YSI\y_debug>
  231. #if defined SendChat || defined FOREACH_NO_PLAYERS
  232. #define BOTSYNC_IS_BOT (true)
  233. #endif
  235. #if defined IsPlayerNPC
  236. #define _FOREACH_BOT
  237. #endif
  239. #if defined YSI_ITTER_NO_SORT
  240. #error YSI_ITTER_NO_SORT is no longer supported by foreach.
  241. #endif
  243. #define _Y_ITER_ARRAY: _:_Y_ITER_C0:
  244. #define _Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1) _:_Y_ITER_C1:_Y_ITER_C2:sizeof %1@YSII_Ag-1
  246. #define _Y_ITER_C0:%0[%1]@YSII_%4g%3) %0@YSII_%4g[%1]%3)
  247. #define _Y_ITER_C1:_Y_ITER_C2:%0[%1]@YSII_Ag%3) %0@YSII_Ag[]%3)
  248. #define _Y_ITER_C2:sizeof%0(%1)@YSII_Ag-1;_:(%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%3(%4)@YSII_Ag[%5])!=%9_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%6);) -1;_:(%2=%3@YSII_Ag(%4,%5))!=-1;)
  250. #define _Y_ITER_C3:%0[%1]@YSII_Cg,%2[%3]@YSII_Ag[%4]={%5} _Y_ITER_C3:%0@YSII_Cg[%4-1],%0@YSII_Ag[%1][%4]
  252. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  253. static stock
  254. YSI_g_sCallbacks = 0;
  255. #endif
  257. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  258. forward Itter_OPDCInternal(playerid);
  259. #endif
  261. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  262. Function:
  263. Itter_Create2
  264. Params:
  265. name - Itterator identifier.
  266. size0 - Number of iterators.
  267. size1 - Number of items per iterator.
  268. Return:
  269. -
  270. Notes:
  271. Creates a new array of itterator start/array pair.
  272. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  274. // If this ever changes, update the size reference in y_users.
  275. /*#define Iter_Create2 Itter_Create2
  276. #define Itter_Create2(%1,%2,%3) \
  277. new \
  278. %1@YSII_Sg[%2] = {-1, ...}, \
  279. %1@YSII_Cg[%2] = {0}, \
  280. %1@YSII_Ag[%2][%3]*/
  282. #define IteratorArray:%1[%2]<%3> %1@YSII_Cg[%2],%1@YSII_Ag[%2][%3+1]//,%1@YSII_Rg[%2][%3+1]
  284. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  285. Array:
  286. Iterator
  287. Notes:
  288. Creates a new itterator start/array pair.
  289. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  291. #define Iterator:%1<%2> _Y_ITER_C3:%1@YSII_Cg,%1@YSII_Ag[(%2)+1]={(%2)*2,(%2)*2-1,...}
  292. #define iterator%0<%1> Iterator:%0<%1>
  294. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  295. Function:
  296. Itter_Init2
  297. Params:
  298. itter - Name of the itterator array to initialise.
  299. Return:
  300. -
  301. Notes:
  302. Wrapper for Itter_InitInternal.
  304. native Iter_Init(IteratorArray:Name[]<>);
  306. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  308. #define Iter_Init Itter_Init
  309. #define Itter_Init(%1) \
  310. Itter_InitInternal(%1@YSII_Ag,sizeof %1@YSII_Ag,sizeof %1@YSII_Ag[]-1)
  312. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  313. Function:
  314. Itter_Create
  315. Params:
  316. name - Itterator identifier.
  317. size - Number of values.
  318. Return:
  319. -
  320. Notes:
  321. Creates a new itterator start/array pair.
  322. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  324. // If this ever changes, update the size reference in y_users.
  325. /*#define Iter_Create Itter_Create
  326. #define Itter_Create(%1,%2) \
  327. new \
  328. %1@YSII_Sg = -1, \
  329. %1@YSII_Cg = 0, \
  330. %1@YSII_Ag[%2] = {-1, ...}*/
  332. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  333. Function:
  334. Itter_Add
  335. Params:
  336. itter - Name of the itterator to add the data to.
  337. value - Value to add to the itterator.
  338. Return:
  339. -
  340. Notes:
  341. Wrapper for Itter_AddInternal.
  343. native Iter_Add(Iterator:Name<>, value);
  345. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  347. #define Iter_Add Itter_Add
  348. #define Itter_Add(%1,%2) Itter_AddInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  350. /*#define Iter_AddSafe Itter_AddSafe
  351. #define Itter_AddSafe(%1,%2) \
  352. Itter_AddSafeInternal(%1@YSII_Sg, %1@YSII_Cg, %1@YSII_Ag, %1@YSII_Rg, %2)*/
  354. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  355. Function:
  356. Itter_Free
  357. Params:
  358. itter - Name of the itterator to get the first free slot in.
  359. Return:
  360. -
  361. Notes:
  362. Wrapper for Itter_FreeInternal.
  364. native Iter_Free(Iterator:Name<>);
  366. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  368. #define Iter_Free Itter_Free
  369. #define Itter_Free(%1) Itter_FreeInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  371. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  372. Function:
  373. Itter_Remove
  374. Params:
  375. itter - Name of the itterator to remove data from.
  376. value - Data to remove.
  377. Return:
  378. -
  379. Notes:
  380. Wrapper for Itter_RemoveInternal.
  382. native Iter_Remove(Iterator:Name<>, value);
  384. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  386. #define Iter_Remove Itter_Remove
  387. #define Itter_Remove(%1,%2) Itter_RemoveInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  389. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  390. Function:
  391. Itter_Contains
  392. Params:
  393. itter - Name of the itterator to check membership of.
  394. value - Value to check.
  395. Return:
  396. -
  397. Notes:
  398. Checks if the given value is in the given iterator.
  400. native Iter_Remove(Iterator:Name<>, value);
  402. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  404. #define Iter_Contains Itter_Contains
  405. #define Itter_Contains(%1,%2) Itter_ContainsInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  407. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  408. Function:
  409. Itter_SafeRemove
  410. Params:
  411. itter - Name of the itterator to remove data from.
  412. value - Data to remove.
  413. next - Container for the pointer to the next element.
  414. Return:
  415. -
  416. Notes:
  417. Wrapper for Itter_SafeRemoveInternal. Common use:
  419. Iter_SafeRemove(iter, i, i);
  421. native Iter_SafeRemove(Iterator:Name<>, value, &next);
  423. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  425. #define Iter_SafeRemove Itter_SafeRemove
  426. #define Itter_SafeRemove(%1,%2,%3) Itter_SafeRemoveInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,%3,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  428. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  429. Function:
  430. Itter_Random
  431. Params:
  432. itter - Name of the itterator to get a random slot from.
  433. Return:
  434. -
  435. Notes:
  436. Wrapper for Itter_RandomInternal.
  438. native Iter_Random(Iterator:Name<>);
  440. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  442. #define Iter_Random Itter_Random
  443. #define Itter_Random(%1) Itter_RandomInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  445. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  446. Function:
  447. Itter_Debug
  448. Params:
  449. itter - Name of the itterator to output debug information from.
  450. Return:
  451. -
  452. Notes:
  453. Wrapper for Itter_ShowArray.
  454. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  456. //#define Iter_Debug Itter_Debug
  457. //#define Itter_Debug(%1) Itter_ShowArray(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag)
  459. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  460. Function:
  461. Itter_Count
  462. Params:
  463. itter - Name of the itterator to get a random slot from4.
  464. Return:
  465. -
  466. Notes:
  467. Returns the number of items in this itterator.
  469. native Iter_Count(Iterator:Name<>);
  471. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  473. #define Iter_Count Itter_Count
  474. #define Itter_Count(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg)
  476. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  477. Function:
  478. Itter_Clear
  479. Params:
  480. itter - Name of the itterator empty.
  481. Return:
  482. -
  483. Notes:
  484. Wrapper for Itter_ClearInternal.
  486. native Iter_Clear(IteratorArray:Name[]<>);
  488. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  490. #define Iter_Clear Itter_Clear
  491. #define Itter_Clear(%1) Itter_ClearInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  493. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  494. Create the internal itterators.
  495. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  497. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  498. new
  499. Iterator:Player<MAX_PLAYERS>;
  501. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  502. new
  503. Iterator:Bot<MAX_PLAYERS>,
  504. Iterator:Character<MAX_PLAYERS>;
  506. //#define NPC@YSII_Sg Bot@YSII_Sg
  507. #define NPC@YSII_Cg Bot@YSII_Cg
  508. #define NPC@YSII_Ag Bot@YSII_Ag
  509. //#define NPC@YSII_Eg Bot@YSII_Eg
  510. //#define NPC@YSII_Rg Bot@YSII_Rg
  511. #endif
  512. #endif
  514. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  515. Variables to optimise memory usage by only having one copy of each string.
  516. Note that only strings used more than once are put here because only they
  517. have any gain to being located in only one place.
  518. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  520. static stock
  521. YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect[] = "Itter_OnPlayerConnect",
  522. YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect[] = "Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect",
  523. YSI_gsOnGameModeInit[] = "Itter_OnGameModeInit",
  524. YSI_gsSpecifier@i[] = "i",
  525. YSI_gsSpecifier@[] = "";
  527. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  528. Function:
  529. foreach
  530. Params:
  531. data - Data to itterate through.
  532. as - Variable to set value to.
  533. Return:
  534. -
  535. Notes:
  536. Not exactly the same as PHP foreach, just itterates through a list and
  537. returns the value of the current slot but uses that slot as the next index
  538. too. Variables must be in the form @YSII_<gname>S for the start index and
  539. @YSII_<gname>A for the data array where <name> is what's entered in data.
  540. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  542. //#define foreach(%1,%2)
  543. // for (new %2 = %1@YSII_Sg; _:%2 != -1; %2 = %1@YSII_Ag[%2])
  544. #define foreach%1(%0) for(new Y_FOREACH_SECOND|||Y_FOREACH_THIRD|||%0|||)
  545. // This allows us to use "new" multiple times - stripping off ONLY whole words.
  546. #define new%0|||%9|||%1:%2||| %9|||%0|||%1|||%2|||
  548. // This one is called if the new syntax is required, but the state of "new" is
  549. // as-yet unknown. This attempts to call "%1" as a macro, if it starts with
  550. // "new" as a whole word then it will (and will also helpfully strip off the
  551. // "new" keyword for us).
  552. #define Y_FOREACH_THIRD|||%0|||%1|||%2||| %1=Y_FOREACH_FIFTH|||Y_FOREACH_FOURTH|||%1:%2|||
  554. // This is called if the "new" macro is called for a second time.
  555. #define Y_FOREACH_FOURTH|||%0=Y_FOREACH_FIFTH|||%1|||%2||| new Y_FOREACH_SIXTH;%0|||Y_FOREACH_SEVENTH|||%2|||
  557. // This is called when there are tags on the "new" declaration.
  558. #define Y_FOREACH_SEVENTH|||%9Y_FOREACH_SIXTH;%0|||%1|||%2||| new %0:%1=%0:_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);_:(%1=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%2@YSII_Ag[%1])!=%0:_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);
  560. // This is called when there aren't.
  561. #define Y_FOREACH_SIXTH;%0|||Y_FOREACH_SEVENTH|||%2||| %0=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);_:(%0=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%2@YSII_Ag[%0])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);
  562. //hta:%0=hta:%2@YSII_Sg;_:%0!=-1;%0=hta:%2@YSII_Ag[%0]
  563. //#define Y_FOREACH_FOURTH|||%0=Y_FOREACH_FIFTH|||%1|||%2||| new hta:%0=hta:%2@YSII_Sg;_:%0!=-1;%0=hta:%2@YSII_Ag[%0]
  565. // Move any tags from the second half to the first half.
  566. //#define hta:%0=hta:%1:%2;_:%3!=-1;%4=hta:%5:%6[%7] %0:%1=%2;_:%1!=-1;%1=%6[%1]
  568. // This is called if "%1" didn't have "new" at the start.
  569. #define Y_FOREACH_FIFTH|||Y_FOREACH_FOURTH|||%1:%2||| _Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);_:(%1=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%2@YSII_Ag[%1])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);
  571. //%1=%2@YSII_Sg;_:Y_FOREACH_NONEW:%1!=-1;%1=%2@YSII_Ag[%1]
  572. // This is the old version, but DON'T add "new" because that already exists from
  573. // the failed "new" macro call above.
  574. #define Y_FOREACH_SECOND|||Y_FOREACH_THIRD|||%1,%2||| %2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);_:(%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[%2])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);
  575. //#define Y_FOREACH_NONEW:new%0!=-1;new%1=%2[new%3] %0!=-1;%1=%2[%3]
  577. //#define Y_FOREACH_EIGHTH:%0[%1]@YSII_Sg;%2;%3=%4[%5]@YSII_Ag[%6] %0@YSII_Sg[%1];%2;%3=%4@YSII_Ag[%5][%6]
  579. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  580. Function:
  581. foreachex
  582. Params:
  583. data - Data to itterate through.
  584. as - Variable to set value to.
  585. Return:
  586. -
  587. Notes:
  588. Similar to foreach but doesn't declare a new variable for the itterator.
  589. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  591. #define foreachex(%1,%2) foreach(%2:%1)
  592. //for (%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);(%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[%2])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);)
  594. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  595. Function:
  596. Itter_OnPlayerConnect
  597. Params:
  598. playerid - Player who joined.
  599. Return:
  600. -
  601. Notes:
  602. Adds a player to the loop data. Now sorts the list too. Note that I found
  603. the most bizzare bug ever (I *think* it may be a compiler but, but it
  604. requires further investigation), basically it seems that multiple variables
  605. were being treated as the same variable (namely @YSII_EgotS and
  606. @YSII_CgharacterS were the same and @YSII_EgotC and @YSII_CgharacterC were the
  607. same). Adding print statements which reference these variables seem to fix
  608. the problem, and I've tried to make sure that the values will never actually
  609. get printed.
  610. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  612. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  613. public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  614. {
  615. P:0("Iter_OnPlayerConnect: %d", playerid);
  616. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT
  617. if (!IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
  618. {
  619. Itter_Add(Player, playerid);
  620. }
  621. #if !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  622. else
  623. {
  624. Itter_Add(Bot, playerid);
  625. }
  626. #pragma tabsize 4
  627. Itter_Add(Character, playerid);
  628. #endif
  629. #else
  630. Itter_Add(Player, playerid);
  631. #endif
  632. if (YSI_g_sCallbacks & 2)
  633. {
  634. CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect, YSI_gsSpecifier@i, playerid);
  635. }
  636. P:0("Iter_OnPlayerConnect end");
  637. return 1;
  638. }
  640. #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
  641. #undef OnPlayerConnect
  642. #else
  643. #define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
  644. #endif
  645. #define OnPlayerConnect Itter_OnPlayerConnect
  646. forward OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
  647. #endif
  649. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  650. Function:
  651. Itter_OnFilterScriptInit
  652. Params:
  653. -
  654. Return:
  655. -
  656. Notes:
  657. Fixes a bug where callbacks are not detected when "loadfs" is used after the
  658. GM has already started. If this is a GM this is just never used called.
  659. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  661. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  662. public OnFilterScriptInit()
  663. {
  664. P:0("Iter_OnFilterScriptInit start: %d", MAX_PLAYERS);
  665. if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect) != -1)
  666. {
  667. YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 1;
  668. }
  669. if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect) != -1)
  670. {
  671. YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 2;
  672. }
  673. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  674. Bot@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
  675. Character@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
  676. new
  677. lastBot = MAX_PLAYERS,
  678. lastCharacter = MAX_PLAYERS;
  679. #endif
  680. Player@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
  681. new
  682. lastPlayer = MAX_PLAYERS;
  683. for (new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
  684. {
  685. if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
  686. {
  687. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT
  688. // Had to do "if ! else" due to compile options.
  689. if (!IsPlayerNPC(i))
  690. {
  691. Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = i;
  692. ++Player@YSII_Cg;
  693. lastPlayer = i;
  694. }
  695. #if !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  696. else
  697. {
  698. Bot@YSII_Ag[lastBot] = i;
  699. ++Bot@YSII_Cg;
  700. lastBot = i;
  701. }
  702. #pragma tabsize 4
  703. Character@YSII_Ag[lastCharacter] = i;
  704. ++Character@YSII_Cg;
  705. lastCharacter = i;
  706. #endif
  707. #else
  708. Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = i;
  709. ++Player@YSII_Cg;
  710. lastPlayer = i;
  711. #endif
  712. }
  713. else
  714. {
  715. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  716. Bot@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
  717. //Bot@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
  718. Character@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
  719. //Character@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
  720. #endif
  721. Player@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
  722. //Player@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
  723. }
  724. }
  725. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  726. Bot@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
  727. Character@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
  728. #endif
  729. Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
  730. CallLocalFunction("Itter_OnFilterScriptInit", YSI_gsSpecifier@);
  731. P:0("Iter_OnFilterScriptInit end");
  732. return 1;
  733. }
  735. #if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
  736. #undef OnFilterScriptInit
  737. #else
  738. #define _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
  739. #endif
  740. #define OnFilterScriptInit Itter_OnFilterScriptInit
  741. forward OnFilterScriptInit();
  742. #endif
  744. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  745. Function:
  746. Itter_OnGameModeInit
  747. Params:
  748. -
  749. Return:
  750. -
  751. Notes:
  752. There are WIERD bugs in this script, seemingly caused by the compiler, so
  753. this hopefully fixes them. The OnFilterScriptInit code is written to be
  754. very fast by utilising the internal array structure instead of the regular
  755. Add functions.
  756. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  758. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  759. public OnGameModeInit()
  760. {
  761. P:0("Iter_OnGameModeInit start: %d", MAX_PLAYERS);
  762. // Clear everything.
  763. if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect) != -1)
  764. {
  765. YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 1;
  766. }
  767. if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect) != -1)
  768. {
  769. YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 2;
  770. }
  771. if (!Player@YSII_Cg)
  772. {
  773. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  774. CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnGameModeInit, YSI_gsSpecifier@, Bot@YSII_Cg, Character@YSII_Cg, Player@YSII_Cg);
  775. #else
  776. CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnGameModeInit, YSI_gsSpecifier@, Player@YSII_Cg);
  777. #endif
  778. #if defined _YSI_SPECIAL_DEBUG
  779. for (new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
  780. {
  781. Player@YSII_Ag[i] = i + 1;
  782. }
  783. Player@YSII_Ag[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0;
  784. Player@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:MAX_PLAYERS;
  785. #endif
  786. P:0("Iter_OnGameModeInit: first");
  787. return 1;
  788. }
  789. // Do the forward iterator list.
  790. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  791. Bot@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
  793. Character@YSII_Ag[MAX_PLAYERS] = MAX_PLAYERS;
  794. Character@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
  795. new
  796. lastBot = MAX_PLAYERS,
  797. lastCharacter = MAX_PLAYERS;
  798. #endif
  799. Player@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
  801. new
  802. lastPlayer = MAX_PLAYERS;
  803. for (new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
  804. {
  805. if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
  806. {
  807. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT
  808. // Had to do "if ! else" due to compile options.
  809. if (!IsPlayerNPC(i))
  810. {
  811. Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = i;
  812. ++Player@YSII_Cg;
  813. lastPlayer = i;
  814. }
  815. #if !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  816. else
  817. {
  818. Bot@YSII_Ag[lastBot] = i;
  819. ++Bot@YSII_Cg;
  820. lastBot = i;
  821. }
  822. #pragma tabsize 4
  823. Character@YSII_Ag[lastCharacter] = i;
  824. ++Character@YSII_Cg;
  825. lastCharacter = i;
  826. #endif
  827. #else
  828. Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = i;
  829. ++Player@YSII_Cg;
  830. lastPlayer = i;
  831. #endif
  832. }
  833. else
  834. {
  835. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  836. Bot@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
  837. //Bot@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
  838. Character@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
  839. //Character@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
  840. #endif
  841. Player@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
  842. //Player@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
  843. }
  844. }
  845. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  846. Bot@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
  847. Character@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
  848. #endif
  849. Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
  850. P:0("Iter_OnGameModeInit: lastplayer = %d", lastPlayer);
  851. CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnGameModeInit, YSI_gsSpecifier@);
  852. #if defined _YSI_SPECIAL_DEBUG
  853. for (new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
  854. {
  855. Player@YSII_Ag[i] = i + 1;
  856. }
  857. Player@YSII_Ag[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0;
  858. Player@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:MAX_PLAYERS;
  859. #endif
  860. return 1;
  861. }
  863. #if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
  864. #undef OnGameModeInit
  865. #else
  866. #define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
  867. #endif
  868. #define OnGameModeInit Itter_OnGameModeInit
  869. forward OnGameModeInit();
  870. #endif
  872. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  873. Function:
  874. Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect
  875. Params:
  876. playerid - Player who left.
  877. Return:
  878. -
  879. Notes:
  880. Removes a player from the loop data. No longer uses "hook" to ENSURE that
  881. this is always last. Previously I think that the order of evaluation in
  882. y_hooks meant that this got called before the user "OnPlayerDisconnect".
  883. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  885. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  886. public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
  887. {
  888. if (YSI_g_sCallbacks & 1)
  889. {
  890. CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect, "ii", playerid, reason);
  891. }
  892. SetTimerEx("Itter_OPDCInternal", 0, false, YSI_gsSpecifier@i, playerid);
  893. return 1;
  894. }
  896. #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
  897. #undef OnPlayerDisconnect
  898. #else
  899. #define _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
  900. #endif
  901. #define OnPlayerDisconnect Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect
  902. forward OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason);
  903. #endif
  905. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  906. Function:
  907. Itter_OPDCInternal
  908. Params:
  909. playerid - Player who left.
  910. Return:
  911. -
  912. Notes:
  913. Called AFTER "OnPlayerDisconnect" so that using "Kick" inside a "foreach"
  914. loop doesn't crash the server due to an OOB error.
  915. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  917. #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
  918. public Itter_OPDCInternal(playerid)
  919. {
  920. if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
  921. {
  922. return;
  923. }
  924. #if defined _FOREACH_BOT
  925. if (!IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
  926. {
  927. Itter_Remove(Player, playerid);
  928. }
  929. #if !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
  930. else
  931. {
  932. Itter_Remove(Bot, playerid);
  933. }
  934. #pragma tabsize 4
  935. Itter_Remove(Character, playerid);
  936. #endif
  937. #else
  938. Itter_Remove(Player, playerid);
  939. #endif
  940. }
  941. #endif
  943. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  944. Function:
  945. Itter_ShowArray
  946. Params:
  947. start - Itterator start point.
  948. members[] - Itterator contents.
  949. size - Number of itterator values
  950. Return:
  951. -
  952. Notes:
  953. Pure debug function. Has regular prints not debug prints
  954. as it's only called when debug is on.
  955. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  957. /*stock
  958. Itter_ShowArray(size, members[])
  959. {
  960. static
  961. sString[61];
  962. new
  963. i,
  964. j = 10;
  965. printf("Start: %d", start);
  966. printf("Size: %d", size);
  967. while (i < size)
  968. {
  969. sString[0] = '\0';
  970. while (i < j && i < size)
  971. {
  972. format(sString, sizeof (sString), "%s, %d", sString, members[i]);
  973. i++;
  974. }
  975. printf("Array (%d): %s", j, sString);
  976. j += 10;
  977. }
  978. }*/
  980. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  981. Function:
  982. Itter_RandomInternal
  983. Params:
  984. count - Number of items in the itterator.
  985. array[] - Itterator data.
  986. size - Size of the iterator.
  987. Return:
  988. -
  989. Notes:
  990. Returns a random value from an iterator.
  991. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  993. stock
  994. Itter_RandomInternal(count, array[], size)
  995. {
  996. if (count == 0)
  997. {
  998. return -1;
  999. }
  1000. new
  1001. rnd = random(count),
  1002. cur = array[size];
  1003. while (cur != size)
  1004. {
  1005. if (rnd-- == 0)
  1006. {
  1007. return cur;
  1008. }
  1009. cur = array[cur];
  1010. }
  1011. return -1;
  1012. }
  1014. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1015. Function:
  1016. Itter_FreeInternal
  1017. Params:
  1018. count - Number of items in the itterator.
  1019. array[] - Itterator data.
  1020. size - Size of the itterator.
  1021. Return:
  1022. -
  1023. Notes:
  1024. Finds the first free slot in the itterator. Itterators now HAVE to be
  1025. sorted for this function to work correctly as it uses that fact to decide
  1026. wether a slot is unused or the last one. If you want to use the slot
  1027. straight after finding it the itterator will need to re-find it to add in
  1028. the data.
  1029. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1031. stock
  1032. Itter_FreeInternal(array[], size)
  1033. {
  1034. for (new i = 0; i != size; ++i)
  1035. {
  1036. if (array[i] > size)
  1037. {
  1038. return i;
  1039. }
  1040. }
  1041. return -1;
  1042. }
  1044. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1045. Function:
  1046. Itter_AddInternal
  1047. Params:
  1048. &start - Array start index.
  1049. &count - Number of items in the itterator.
  1050. array[] - Itterator data.
  1051. value - Item to add.
  1052. Return:
  1053. -
  1054. Notes:
  1055. Adds a value to a given itterator set. Now detects when you try and add the
  1056. last item multiple times, as well as all the other items. Now simplified even
  1057. further with the new internal representation.
  1058. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1060. stock
  1061. Itter_AddInternal(&count, array[], value, size)
  1062. {
  1063. if (0 <= value < size && array[value] > size)
  1064. {
  1065. new
  1066. last = size,
  1067. next = array[last];
  1068. while (next < value)
  1069. {
  1070. last = next;
  1071. next = array[last];
  1072. }
  1073. array[last] = value;
  1074. array[value] = next;
  1075. ++count;
  1076. return 1;
  1077. }
  1078. return 0;
  1079. }
  1081. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1082. Function:
  1083. Itter_RemoveInternal
  1084. Params:
  1085. &count - Number of items in the itterator.
  1086. array[] - Itterator data.
  1087. value - Item to remove.
  1088. Return:
  1089. -
  1090. Notes:
  1091. Removes a value from an itterator.
  1092. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1094. stock
  1095. Itter_RemoveInternal(&count, array[], value, size)
  1096. {
  1097. new
  1098. last;
  1099. return Itter_SafeRemoveInternal(count, array, value, last, size);
  1100. }
  1102. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1103. Function:
  1104. Itter_SafeRemoveInternal
  1105. Params:
  1106. &count - Number of items in the itterator.
  1107. array[] - Iterator data.
  1108. back[] - Reverse iterator data.
  1109. value - Item to remove.
  1110. &last - Pointer in which to store the last pointer.
  1111. Return:
  1112. -
  1113. Notes:
  1114. Removes a value from an itterator safely.
  1115. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1117. stock
  1118. Itter_SafeRemoveInternal(&count, array[], value, &last, size)
  1119. {
  1120. if (0 <= value < size && array[value] <= size)
  1121. {
  1122. last = size;
  1123. new
  1124. next = array[last];
  1125. while (next != value)
  1126. {
  1127. last = next;
  1128. next = array[last];
  1129. }
  1130. array[last] = array[value];
  1131. array[value] = size + 1;
  1132. --count;
  1133. return 1;
  1134. }
  1135. return 0;
  1136. }
  1138. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1139. Function:
  1140. Itter_ContainsInternal
  1141. Params:
  1142. array[] - Itterator data.
  1143. value - Item to check.
  1144. size - Size of the iterator.
  1145. Return:
  1146. -
  1147. Notes:
  1148. Checks if this item is in the iterator.
  1149. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1151. stock
  1152. Itter_ContainsInternal(array[], value, size)
  1153. {
  1154. return 0 <= value < size && array[value] <= size;
  1155. }
  1157. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1158. Function:
  1159. Itter_ClearInternal
  1160. Params:
  1161. &count - Number of items in the itterator.
  1162. array[] - Itterator data.
  1163. back[] - Reverse data.
  1164. size - Size of the iterator.
  1165. Return:
  1166. -
  1167. Notes:
  1168. Resets an iterator.
  1169. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1171. stock
  1172. Itter_ClearInternal(&count, array[], size)
  1173. {
  1174. for (new i = 0, t = size + 1; i < size; ++i)
  1175. {
  1176. array[i] = t;
  1177. }
  1178. array[size] = size;
  1179. count = 0;
  1180. }
  1182. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1183. Function:
  1184. Itter_InitInternal
  1185. Params:
  1186. array[][] - Itterator array to initialise.
  1187. s0 - Size of first dimension.
  1188. s1 - Size of second dimension.
  1189. Return:
  1190. -
  1191. Notes:
  1192. Multi-dimensional arrays can't be initialised at compile time, so need to be
  1193. done at run time, which is slightly annoying.
  1194. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1196. stock
  1197. Itter_InitInternal(arr[][], s0, s1)
  1198. {
  1199. for (new i = 0, t = s1 + 1; i < s0; ++i)
  1200. {
  1201. for (new j = 0; j < s1; ++j)
  1202. {
  1203. arr[i][j] = t;
  1204. }
  1205. arr[i][s1] = s1;
  1206. }
  1207. }
  1209. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1210. Function:
  1211. Itter_PrevInternal
  1212. Params:
  1213. array[] - Itterator data.
  1214. size - Size of the iterator.
  1215. slot - The current slot.
  1216. Return:
  1217. -
  1218. Notes:
  1219. Gets the element in an iterator that points to the current element.
  1220. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1222. stock
  1223. Itter_PrevInternal(array[], size, slot)
  1224. {
  1225. if (0 <= slot <= size && array[slot] <= size)
  1226. {
  1227. for (new last = slot; last--; )
  1228. {
  1229. if (array[last] == slot)
  1230. {
  1231. return last;
  1232. }
  1233. }
  1234. }
  1235. return size;
  1236. }
  1238. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1239. Function:
  1240. Iter_Begin
  1241. Params:
  1242. iter - Name of the iterator to get the start of.
  1243. Return:
  1244. -
  1245. Notes:
  1246. Gets a point BEFORE the start of the iterator (the theoretical beginning).
  1247. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1249. #define Iter_Begin(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  1250. #define Itter_Begin(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  1252. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1253. Function:
  1254. Iter_End
  1255. Params:
  1256. iter - Name of the iterator to get the end of.
  1257. Return:
  1258. -
  1259. Notes:
  1260. Gets a point AFTER the end of the iterator (think "MAX_PLAYERS").
  1261. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1263. #define Iter_End(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  1264. #define Itter_End(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  1266. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1267. Function:
  1268. Iter_First
  1269. Params:
  1270. iter - Name of the iterator to get the first valid element in.
  1271. Return:
  1272. -
  1273. Notes:
  1274. Gets the first element in an iterator.
  1275. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1277. #define Iter_First(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1)])
  1278. #define Itter_First(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1)])
  1280. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1281. Function:
  1282. Iter_Last
  1283. Params:
  1284. iter - Name of the iterator to
  1285. Return:
  1286. -
  1287. Notes:
  1288. Gets the last element in an iterator.
  1289. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1291. #define Iter_Last(%1) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  1292. #define Itter_Last(%1) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
  1294. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1295. Function:
  1296. Iter_Next
  1297. Params:
  1298. iter - Name of the iterator to get the next element in.
  1299. cur - The current element.
  1300. Return:
  1301. -
  1302. Notes:
  1303. Gets the element in an interator after the current one.
  1304. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1306. #define Iter_Next(%1,%2) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[(%2)])
  1307. #define Itter_Next(%1,%2) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[(%2)])
  1309. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1310. Function:
  1311. Iter_Prev
  1312. Params:
  1313. iter - Name of the iterator to get the previous element in.
  1314. cur - The current element.
  1315. Return:
  1316. -
  1317. Notes:
  1318. Gets the element in an iterator before the current one. Slow.
  1319. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1321. #define Iter_Prev(%1,%2) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),(%2))
  1322. #define Itter_Prev(%1,%2) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),(%2))
  1324. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1325. Function:
  1326. Iter_InternalArray
  1327. Params:
  1328. iter - Name of the iterator to get the true name of.
  1329. Return:
  1330. -
  1331. Notes:
  1332. Accesses the internal array of an iterator.
  1333. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1335. #define Iter_InternalArray(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag)
  1336. #define Itter_InternalArray(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag)
  1338. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
  1339. Function:
  1340. Iter_InternalSize
  1341. Params:
  1342. iter - Name of the iterator to get the true size of.
  1343. Return:
  1344. -
  1345. Notes:
  1346. Accesses the internal size of an iterator.
  1347. \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1349. #define _Y_ITER_INT_SIZE:%0(%2[%1]@YSII_Ag)) %0(%2@YSII_Ag[]))
  1351. #define Iter_InternalSize(%1) (_:_Y_ITER_INT_SIZE:sizeof (%1@YSII_Ag))
  1352. #define Itter_InternalSize(%1) (_:_Y_ITER_INT_SIZE:sizeof (%1@YSII_Ag))
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