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Jul 28th, 2017
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  1. Option Explicit
  3. 'Title
  4. Private word0(0 To 1) As String
  5. Private word1(0 To 5) As String
  6. Private word2(0 To 5) As String
  7. Private word3(0 To 5) As String
  8. Private word4(0 To 5) As String
  10. 'Sentence1
  11. Private word5(0 To 3) As String
  12. Private word6(0 To 3) As String
  13. Private word7(0 To 1) As String
  14. Private word8(0 To 5) As String
  15. Private word9(0 To 5) As String
  16. Private word10(0 To 7) As String
  17. Private word11(0 To 5) As String
  19. 'Sentence2
  20. Private word12(0 To 2) As String
  21. Private word13(0 To 2) As String
  22. Private word14(0 To 5) As String
  24. 'Sentence3
  25. Private word15(0 To 2) As String
  26. Private word16(0 To 2) As String
  27. Private word17(0 To 2) As String
  29. 'Sentence4
  30. Private word18(0 To 3) As String
  31. Private word19(0 To 3) As String
  32. Private word20(0 To 3) As String
  33. Private word21(0 To 3) As String
  34. Private word22(0 To 3) As String
  35. Private word23(0 To 3) As String
  36. Private word24(0 To 3) As String
  38. 'CraftGrid
  39. Private word25(0 To 8) As String
  40. Private word26(0 To 5) As String
  42. 'LastSentence
  43. Private word27(0 To 3) As String
  44. Private word28(0 To 3) As String
  47. Private Sub cmdDone_Click()
  48. Unload Me
  49. End Sub
  51. Private Sub cmdGen_Click()
  52. Dim thread As Integer
  53. thread = Int(Rnd * 2)
  55. txtTitle.Text = word0(thread)
  57. 'txtTitle.Text = txtTitle.Text & " " & word1(Int(Rnd * UBound(word1)))
  58. Call Appendit(word1)
  59. Call Appendit(word2)
  60. Call Appendit(word3)
  61. Call Appendit(word4)
  63. 'First Sentence
  64. txtBody.Text = word5(Int(Rnd * UBound(word5)))
  65. Call Appendix(", fellow ")
  66. Call Appendus(word6)
  67. If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then
  68. Call Appendix("!")
  69. End If
  70. If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then
  71. Call Appendix("!")
  72. End If
  73. Call Appendix("!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "I ")
  74. Call Appendix(word7(thread))
  75. Dim color As Long
  76. color = 110000 * (Int(Rnd * 7) + 1)
  77. color = color + 1100 * (Int(Rnd * 7) + 1)
  78. color = color + 11 * (Int(Rnd * 7) + 1)
  80. Dim c1 As String
  81. c1 = " [color=#" & color & "]"
  83. Call Appendix(c1)
  85. Call Appendus(word8)
  86. Call Appendix("[/color] [i]")
  87. Call Appendus(word9)
  88. Call Appendix("[/i] ")
  89. Call Appendus(word10)
  90. Call Appendix(" because ")
  91. Call Appendus(word11)
  93. 'Sentence 2
  94. Call Appendix(". " & "for this to be possible, i need the skills of a [b]")
  95. Call Appendus(word12)
  96. Call Appendix("[/b] ")
  97. Call Appendus(word13)
  98. Call Appendix(" who ")
  99. Call Appendus(word14)
  100. Call Appendix(". ")
  102. 'Sentence3
  103. Call Appendix("i have muchs experience with using makeMyItem but i am having ")
  104. Call Appendus(word15)
  105. Call Appendix(" problems such as ")
  106. Call Appendus(word16)
  107. Call Appendix(" and ")
  108. Call Appendus(word17)
  109. Call Appendix(", but im sure that with help i can figure it out." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
  111. 'Sentence4
  112. Call Appendix("this custom mod must have these [u]following abilities:[u]" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
  113. Call Appendix("[Diamond] it must ")
  114. Call Appendus(word18)
  115. Call Appendix(" ")
  116. Call Appendus(word19)
  117. Call Appendix("." & vbCrLf & "[Diamond] It also has to ")
  118. Call Appendus(word20)
  119. Call Appendix(" ")
  120. Call Appendus(word21)
  121. Call Appendix(" using its [b]")
  122. Call Appendus(word22)
  123. Call Appendix("[/b]." & vbCrLf & "[Diamond] and most importantly, it has to ")
  124. Call Appendus(word23)
  125. Call Appendix(" when the player ")
  126. Call Appendus(word24)
  127. Call Appendix("." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "i have already made a crafting formula for it, it goes like this:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
  129. Dim i, j, k As Integer
  130. For i = 1 To 3
  131. For j = 1 To 3
  132. Call Appendix(" ")
  133. If i = 3 And j = 3 Then
  134. k = Int(Rnd * 8) + 1
  135. Call Appendix(word25(k) & vbCrLf & "[color=#888888] - where " & word25(k) & " represents a rod made of ")
  136. Call Appendus(word26)
  137. Call Appendix(".[/color]")
  138. Else
  139. If Int(Rnd * 3) = 0 Then
  140. Call Appendix(word25(0))
  141. Else
  142. Call Appendus(word25)
  143. End If
  144. End If
  145. Next j
  146. Call Appendix(vbCrLf)
  147. Next i
  149. Call Appendix(vbCrLf & "so if anyone out there is willing to hepl, please respond quickly because ")
  150. Call Appendus(word27)
  151. Call Appendix("!! Whoever is the first to relpy gets [b]OVER 9000 ")
  152. Call Appendus(word28)
  153. Call Appendix("!!!!![/b]" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "PEACE OUT, ")
  154. Call Appendus(word6)
  155. Call Appendix("!!!!!1!11one1")
  156. End Sub
  158. Private Sub Appendit(s1() As String)
  159. txtTitle.Text = txtTitle.Text & " " & s1(Int(Rnd * (UBound(s1) + 1)))
  160. End Sub
  162. Private Sub Appendus(s1() As String)
  163. txtBody.Text = txtBody.Text & s1(Int(Rnd * (UBound(s1) + 1)))
  164. End Sub
  166. Private Sub Appendix(s1 As String)
  167. txtBody.Text = txtBody.Text & s1
  168. End Sub
  170. Private Sub Form_Load()
  171. Randomize
  172. word0(0) = "[REQ]"
  173. word0(1) = "[WIP]"
  175. word1(0) = "awes0m3"
  176. word1(1) = "cRazy"
  177. word1(2) = "Tiny"
  178. word1(3) = "sUp3r"
  179. word1(4) = "HUGE"
  180. word1(5) = "bounCy"
  182. word2(0) = "GREEN"
  183. word2(1) = "orange"
  184. word2(2) = "BURNing"
  185. word2(3) = "~springy~"
  186. word2(4) = "exploding"
  187. word2(5) = "arrow-shooting"
  189. word3(0) = "Creeper"
  190. word3(1) = "poop"
  191. word3(2) = "spider"
  192. word3(3) = "Nethur"
  193. word3(4) = "NOTCH"
  194. word3(5) = "zomBee"
  196. word4(0) = "blockz"
  197. word4(1) = "SORDZ"
  198. word4(2) = "monst3rz"
  199. word4(3) = "t00ls"
  200. word4(4) = "breakers"
  201. word4(5) = "destroyyers"
  203. word5(0) = "Greetings"
  204. word5(1) = "HEY"
  205. word5(2) = "Wassup"
  206. word5(3) = "Hi"
  208. word6(0) = "forumers"
  209. word6(1) = "minecrafters"
  210. word6(2) = "modders"
  211. word6(3) = "awesome people"
  213. word7(0) = "am working on"
  214. word7(1) = "would like to see"
  216. word8(0) = "gigantic"
  217. word8(1) = "super-intelligent"
  218. word8(2) = "multiplying"
  219. word8(3) = "flesh-eating"
  220. word8(4) = "tamable"
  221. word8(5) = "pointy"
  223. word9(0) = "edible"
  224. word9(1) = "fried"
  225. word9(2) = "stackable"
  226. word9(3) = "moveable"
  227. word9(4) = "light-emitting"
  228. word9(5) = "flammable"
  230. word10(0) = "machine-gun bullets"
  231. word10(1) = "african elephants"
  232. word10(2) = "sled dogs"
  233. word10(3) = "chess tables"
  234. word10(4) = "spotted giraffes"
  235. word10(5) = "epic dragons"
  236. word10(6) = "butterflies"
  237. word10(7) = "Herobrines"
  239. word11(0) = "it's the best idea ever"
  240. word11(1) = "nobody's ever done it before"
  241. word11(2) = "it's too awesome to not be in the game"
  242. word11(3) = "it just has to be done"
  243. word11(4) = "I'm bored of the game the way it is"
  244. word11(5) = "all my friends think it's a good idea"
  246. word12(0) = "hardc0re"
  247. word12(1) = "eztreme"
  248. word12(2) = "experinced"
  250. word13(0) = "programer"
  251. word13(1) = "modder"
  252. word13(2) = "computer dude"
  254. word14(0) = "has made at least 4 mods before"
  255. word14(1) = "has coded java for there whole life"
  256. word14(2) = "knows a lot about the game"
  257. word14(3) = "does this stuff in ther spare time"
  258. word14(4) = "can be dedicated to this project"
  259. word14(5) = "is willing to make sacrifices for the greater good"
  261. word15(0) = "really bad"
  262. word15(1) = "complex issues and"
  263. word15(2) = "lots of"
  265. word16(0) = "getting a black screen on startup"
  266. word16(1) = "trouble getting started"
  267. word16(2) = "weird visual problems"
  269. word17(0) = "not knowing what to do"
  270. word17(1) = "getting a decompiler"
  271. word17(2) = "installing MCP"
  273. word18(0) = "attack all nearby"
  274. word18(1) = "attach itself to"
  275. word18(2) = "jump towards"
  276. word18(3) = "build its own"
  278. word19(0) = "trees"
  279. word19(1) = "houses"
  280. word19(2) = "castles"
  281. word19(3) = "mountains"
  283. word20(0) = "shoot"
  284. word20(1) = "eat"
  285. word20(2) = "break"
  286. word20(3) = "collect"
  288. word21(0) = "bricks"
  289. word21(1) = "dirt"
  290. word21(2) = "arrows"
  291. word21(3) = "creepers"
  293. word22(0) = "mouth"
  294. word22(1) = "arms"
  295. word22(2) = "physhic powers"
  296. word22(3) = "secret trap door"
  298. word23(0) = "die"
  299. word23(1) = "explode"
  300. word23(2) = "split in half"
  301. word23(3) = "become friendly"
  303. word24(0) = "gives it a diamond"
  304. word24(1) = "destroys its house"
  305. word24(2) = "hits it with a shovel"
  306. word24(3) = "tries to trap it in a hole"
  308. word25(0) = "[]"
  309. word25(1) = "[YFlower]"
  310. word25(2) = "[|]"
  311. word25(3) = "[Notch]"
  312. word25(4) = "[-<->]"
  313. word25(5) = "[soil]"
  314. word25(6) = "[Iron]"
  315. word25(7) = "[Diamond]"
  316. word25(8) = "[RedShroom]"
  318. word26(0) = "obdisian"
  319. word26(1) = "armor parts"
  320. word26(2) = "creepers faces"
  321. word26(3) = "golden apples"
  322. word26(4) = "mossy cobbles"
  323. word26(5) = "purple dyed cloth"
  325. word27(0) = "i might be grounded fromthe game soon"
  326. word27(1) = "i m too impatient to wait any longer"
  327. word27(2) = "this game is really freaking boring right niow"
  328. word27(3) = "i cant do this on my own myself"
  330. word28(0) = "Inter-Nets"
  331. word28(1) = "[Notch] 's"
  332. word28(2) = "[doamond] 's"
  333. word28(3) = "[DBlock] s"
  334. End Sub
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