
Silv's story (unedited)

Jul 14th, 2014
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  1. 1. She wakes in the forest. Amnesia.
  2. 2. She finds the lake, and meets Ashkor.
  3. 3. He teachers her to hunt fish.
  4. 4. He brings her back to his home, where the manor is not his own. But his brother's.
  5. 5. Ash sets her up in one of the various rooms.
  6. 6. His brother returns, they have an argument about strangers living there.
  7. 7. Ash introduces the two. She apologizes profusely.
  8. 8. Kim teachers her what brothers and sisters do, after she sees Ash with Hara-cahn.
  9. 9. She begins to like him, but tells no one but Ash.
  10. 10. Ash gets a girlfriend (Nicole) who opens up her own shop in town, a magic shop.
  11. 11. Kim disappears, and returns missing a hand.
  12. 12. She scolds him, patches him up. He reassures her.
  13. 13. She confesses, he consoles her about it being “weird” to like your “brother”.
  14. 14. They share her first kiss.
  15. 15. They have cuddles and loves and nuzzles and rarely kisses, she's shy.
  16. 16. The day that she decides to give herself to him, he disappears.
  17. 17. Days go by. Weeks.
  18. 18. She begins helping Nicole in the shop. Her mood is glum.
  19. 19. Her and Ash have an argument.
  20. 20. Silv wanders off to another manor, meets Chez.
  21. 21. She invites Chez back to Kimboishi Manor, where they talk about Amber, who frequently is selfish and abandons Chezume when she's in need of a friend.
  22. 22. Silv promises to be that friend, with gusto. Bam. Best friends.
  23. 23. Cue Alpha. He shows up one day as she's walking through the forest, and admits he killed Kim.
  24. 24. She acts indifferent, but inside is crushed. She requests he train her, with the intentions of learning all of his skills and abilities so that she can kill him. He reluctantly agrees.
  25. 25. She meets his own master, Vance Cobera, as she's working at Nicole's shop as a waitress / chef.
  26. 26. She begins training with Alpha. He tests her skills initially with Vance around. They have an argument, break it off.
  27. 27. Vance smoothes things over. They get back together.
  28. 28. She seeks out the vampire Nikolai, to turn her. He dies soon after, unable to teach her a thing.
  29. 29. While wandering, she meets a total stranger vampire, who teaches her telepathy and telekinesis.
  30. 30. She is introduced to her new “home” at Vance's top-secret training place. There, she learns Mantra Release. She is only able to learn it because of her body's ability to withstand the physical strains of the Mantra Release. Her emotion is “love” while Alpha's is “Anger”
  31. 31. Alpha loses his shit when teaching her mantra release. Silv brings him back with her mantra release.
  32. 32. She and Chez meet Takun, and then shortly after, Timor.
  33. 33. Chez shacks up with Takun, rejects Timor.
  34. 34. Silv comforts Timor, and cheers him up. The two grow super-close.
  35. 35. She ends up giving her first time to Timor. (first time that she knows of)
  36. 36. Chez and Silv meet Vidic, who tries to get into their pants. They laugh, and both say “no.”
  37. 37. Chez comes to Silv about Takun, who was caught in an all-nude hot-spring (by Firehart)
  38. 38. Chez decides to slowly leave Takun.
  39. 39. Timor becomes a drunk. She leaves him. He comes crawling back, begs forgiveness. She forgives him, reluctantly.
  40. 40. Alpha confesses to Silv. She shakes her head and simply leaves, unable to handle it. Her lover's killer loves her.
  41. 41. She eventually accepts a single date, figuring she'll break his heart, kill him, (stab him in the back or something) when he fully falls in love with her.
  42. 42. Chez and Takun break up. Chez leaves a note in her apartment to Silv saying she'll be gone a while.
  43. 43. Silv tries to talk to Takun, he leaves.
  44. 44. Alpha is pained for some reason or another. She tries to comfort him. He leaves.
  45. 45. She returns to Nicole's store, where Nicole tells her that Ash has left her, but they're still friends.
  46. 46. Silv ends up drinking a gender-bender potion, as does Alpha.
  47. 47. They're stuck that way for a while.
  48. 48. Sylvan wanders out to the forest, kills a murderer. Ash, Nicole, Hara, and Firehart are mortified. Sylvan admits he is leaving the family, leaving Ash as the head.
  49. 49. Alpha changes back to regular. Nicole splits the male from female Sylvan and Silv.
  50. 50. Sylvan wanders off, to live his own life. Silv still hangs around Nicole's shop every now an then.
  51. 51. Her and Alpha have an argument. He tells her Kim is still alive and well, and has many children. She calls him a liar. He hits her. Silv seeks Timor for comfort. He grows jealous, kicks her out.
  52. 52. She leaves, finds refuge in an abandoned manor, not related to the Kimboishi manor.
  53. 53. Chezume returns, comforts her, but soon leaves.
  54. 54. Sylvan eventually comes around, helps out with the house, Iris flitting around him constantly. He fixes this or that, does laundry, etc.
  55. 55. She becomes friends with an Android, who eventually goes haywire and tries to kill her. She gets stabbed through the right thigh, and the tip of her tail is cut off, and she gets a shorter hair cut. But she beheads him, and disposes of his metal body.
  56. 56. Alpha invites Silv to the Tenchi (introduces her to Sirrush, Oni, Sky, and Bae, Alpha's 'little sister')
  57. 57. Alpha comes to her to apologize, and says he's inviting her to his friend's ball.
  58. 58. She reluctantly accepts, and goes as Alpha's date. Not only is Alpha late, but he immediately leaves to get drunk in a private room. She goes outside, where a friendly dragon gives her two bottles of personally-brewed wine, and graces her with a small present, which holds a little golden ring. She leaves shortly after. (Transition between Silv and Airlia.)
  59. 59. Timor comes to her home, seeking to kill her. Firehart steps up to protect her, but she uses her mantra release to calm his mind and help him win the battle against his inner-demon. She lays him on a couch, and then goes to collapse in a room, having used far too much energy.
  60. 60. Timor breaks up with her because of Alpha. Kicks her out.
  61. 61. She takes refuge in a small shack in a field of snow, which she built herself.
  62. 62. Alpha gives her his old wandering cloak (re-tailored to fit her), with a pin of the Tenchi. She accepts it.
  63. 63. Alpha dies. Silv loses her shit, goes after Airlia. Upon this, she sees that Alpha had been brought back, but had no memory of Silv.
  64. 64. Alpha regains his memories, and tells Silv he still loves her, but that he also loves Airlia.
  65. 65. Airlia gets pissy at Alpha. Silv begins to withdraw, sending a note to Chez she's not going to be around for a while, talking less with Alpha.
  66. 66. Airlia breaks up with Alpha, he comes crawling back to Silv. She accepts his love. Bae hates her for some reason.
  67. 67. Silv and Alpha get into an argument about Bae being unreasonable. Alpha breaks up with her, begins dating Bae.
  68. 68. Silv goes into hiding. With no one left for her any longer, she begins to wander, starts hearing voices.
  69. 69. In her wanderings, she begins to become someone else. She gets into a massive fight (with like fifteen guys) and ends up with a giant hole in her gut.
  70. 70. Alpha to the rescue! He patches her up. She/it spits in his face and says she doesn't remember him. He leaves.
  71. 71. Next chapter! She's still wandering, staring blankly off into the distance.
  72. 72. Cue Alpha. She has amnesia. He approaches her cautiously. Takes her home, cleans her up, etc.
  73. 73. Some how in her travels, she rid herself of the vampire curse. Alpha hypothesizes of a scroll she searched for / found that can turn back time on a person's body. Which would be why she looked a bit younger.
  74. 74. After a rather long while of lovey-dovies between Alpha and Silv, Silv asks him about her past. He tells her everything, except about Kimboishi.
  75. 75. She re-meets Chezume, and successfully hides that she doesn't remember.
  76. 76. Re-meets Timor.
  77. 77. Alpha nearly dies (again), and when he feels better, breaks up with Silv because he doesn't want to hurt her for when he officially dies.
  78. 78. She holes herself up in her manor.
  79. 79. Meets Remi. Meets Mathew. Meets Alu.
  80. 80. Alu sticks around quite a bit.
  81. 81. She wanders off into the forest, he flips, follows her, finds her in a cave behind a water fall. Admits he loves her.
  82. 82. She runs off into the cave, mortified. She is horribly afraid she will cause his death and/or be abandoned again.
  83. 83. Mathew shows up, says he is worried about his demon taking over – nope, yep, that happens. Threatens Sylvia. She bulks up with her demon form and gets ready to kick ass.
  84. 84. She actually kills him cause he's a doofus.
  85. 85. She feels horrible, but Alu doesn't have a clue.
  86. 86. She huddles herself up in a room, trying to fight off the demon from trying to erase her memories again.
  87. 87. Cue a random passer-by who tries to coax her out. She turns full demon and scares the fuck outta him. She flees.
  88. 88. Alu tries to go after her. She absorbs herself into her dark matter and reappears wherever.
  89. 89. Cue Timor. Beats the crap out of her, purifies the demon, and gives her all his powers. He's human now. She's a vampire with all his nothing-ness powers (powers of the Void)
  90. 90. Alpha loses all his powers too, somehow. Died and was revived or something. Just wants to be with Silv. She agrees reluctantly.
  91. 91. Alpha becomes a werewolf. They test his skills. Find out he's an “Alpha” Alpha werewolf.
  92. 92. They begin to test the waters of Silv's skills. She begins to be overcome by the void. No longer able to do love-mantra release.
  93. 93. Alpha is skittish about her newfound powers. Informs Sirrush (who is also a void-user).
  94. 94. Silv re-meets Takun, who doesn't have too good of a memory of her. Still family.
  95. 95. Silv and Alpha go to the beach. He almost drowns, and she saves him by place-swapping.
  96. 96. They go to a house he'd built a long while ago, with BAE pictures and junk everywhere.
  97. 97. He has a mental break down. Wakes up. She makes him steak. Mentions it's a couple of months later, now.
  98. 98. She's significantly more stoic recently. Alpha hates it. He uses a small gold box to suck out the void powers from her, returning her back to her vampire state with no void powers. Had to hold her down to do so. Yay bruises! Wrist is all messed up, too (left).
  99. 99. She sobs and begs him not to leave her again.
  100. 100. She goes back to normal. The two have a minor training session, she breaks her foot on his face, he heals it.
  101. 101. Romantic evening!
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