
Conversation with nospinzy

Jan 17th, 2018
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  1. 5:10:51 AM+SimdIt's pathetic we allow Americans to be homeless.
  2. 5:11:05 AM+SimdOur country favors the elites way too much.
  3. 5:11:20 AM+nospinzyliberals want their standards of living so this happens
  4. 5:11:32 AM+SimdWhat?
  5. 5:11:49 AM+SimdLiberal states are net positive tax producers.
  6. 5:11:56 AM+SimdConservative states are net negative tax consumers.
  7. 5:11:58 AM+nospinzythey legislate for their own standards of living which in turn causes homeless ppl
  8. 5:12:10 AM+SimdCan you give an example?
  9. 5:12:14 AM+nospinzyyea
  10. 5:12:17 AM+nospinzyCalifornia
  11. 5:12:36 AM+SimdWhat policy in California is an example of legislating their own standard of living.
  12. 5:12:57 AM+nospinzywhy cant these ppl build a slum town with real structures Simd?
  13. 5:13:17 AM+SimdOften, there are laws that prevent such actions.
  14. 5:13:30 AM+nospinzyi mean its so liberal but you can see by that video they can only have plastic structures
  15. 5:13:31 AM+SimdAlso, there are laws that can even prevent having tents outside like we see in the video.
  16. 5:13:44 AM+nospinzyyea
  17. 5:13:52 AM+Simdnospinzy: I think those laws are pretty unreasonable.
  18. 5:14:12 AM+nospinzyinstead of giving homes to immigrants they bring in
  19. 5:14:20 AM+SimdThe legislature is majority liberal in California. Perhaps this is a good example of what you claimed.
  20. 5:14:25 AM+nospinzywhy dont they start putting the next generation in them?
  21. 5:15:24 AM+SimdGiven socialized systems, it's important to have constraints on immigration and/or restrictions on who has access to these socialized systems.
  22. 5:16:50 AM+nospinzyliberal media dosnt even show this stuff going on in the country
  23. 5:17:07 AM+nospinzythey are more concerned about their fake reality
  24. 5:17:12 AM+nospinzyso thats what they report
  25. 5:18:20 AM+SimdRight-wing media is the most biased, but, yes, left-wing media tends to be biased towards establishment/elite interests.
  26. 5:18:52 AM+nospinzydude they dont even report news
  27. 5:19:00 AM+SimdWhat?
  28. 5:19:10 AM+nospinzythere is like no real news being reported anymore
  29. 5:19:11 AM+SimdYou're not going down Trump's fake news route, are you?
  30. 5:19:22 AM+SimdCan you give me a few examples of real events not being covered
  31. 5:19:30 AM+nospinzyWatch the national news
  32. 5:19:41 AM+nospinzyits all tabloid news stuff
  33. 5:22:39 AM+SimdWhich news sources do you recommend
  34. 5:22:52 AM+nospinzynot many
  35. 5:23:00 AM+nospinzylet me ask you this tho
  36. 5:23:14 AM+nospinzyback to the topic of Homeless ppl in Cali
  37. 5:24:15 AM+nospinzyWhy dosnt society figure out a way to deal with the homeless, like a charity that does something real
  38. 5:25:05 AM+nospinzyand Society meaning liberals in Cali
  39. 5:25:23 AM+Simdnospinzy: What are the three media sources you consume the most
  40. 5:25:31 AM+nospinzyhollywood is runnign its mouth about Equal pay for women in Hollywood who make millions
  41. 5:27:14 AM+nospinzySimd well the first media i consume the most is probably via user generated
  42. 5:27:19 AM+nospinzyfrom the source
  43. 5:28:11 AM+nospinzysecond would be mainstream media outlets
  44. 5:29:50 AM+nospinzyi watch different news stations all the time, sometimes ill have c-span on
  45. 5:30:22 AM+nospinzybloomberg cnbc fox news cnn msnbc sky news
  46. 5:30:44 AM+nospinzyFrance 24, Euronews
  47. 5:31:16 AM+nospinzyBBC, Al Jazeera
  48. 5:31:26 AM+nospinzyhaha
  49. 5:31:50 AM+nospinzyyea thats what they think, Breitbart is the only news source
  50. 5:31:56 AM+nospinzyconservatives look at
  51. 5:32:00 AM+nospinzythat and Fox News
  52. 5:32:56 AM+nospinzySimd and that on video Media that ill watch. In terms of newspapers, im not going to list all of the ones i look at
  53. 5:32:59 AM+nospinzybecause its a lot
  54. 5:34:08 AM+nospinzy30 out of 30
  55. 5:34:42 AM+Simdnospinzy: That seems like a pretty reasonable approach
  56. 5:35:09 AM+nospinzylets see what the Headline on huffingtonpost is today
  57. 5:35:10 AM+SimdDo you recognize that Fox is a propaganda outlet, in large part, and Breitbart is mostly 'fake news'
  58. 5:36:27 AM+SimdI don't like Huffington Post
  59. 5:36:39 AM+nospinzy
  60. 5:37:32 AM+nospinzyNo i dont realise Fox News is biased at all
  61. 5:37:40 AM+nospinzyno idea its Right Wing
  62. 5:37:46 AM+nospinzynever knew that
  63. 5:38:07 AM+nospinzyi also will listen to Rush and Savage and Alex Jones
  64. 5:38:20 AM+Simdnospinzy: I don't know where you're at. I am asking questions to learn where you're at
  65. 5:38:22 AM+nospinzyplease tell me how those are "biased"
  66. 5:38:31 AM+nospinzyIM IN THE REAL WORLD
  67. 5:38:33 AM+nospinzyWHERE ARE YOU
  68. 5:38:35 AM+SimdA lot of people in this room have Breitbart as their primary news source
  69. 5:39:10 AM+nospinzySimd do you understand NPR is funded by the government, why cant they survive without government funding?
  70. 5:39:11 AM+Simdnospinzy: I agree with James Madison that factionalism is the primary threat to the republic
  71. 5:39:29 AM+Simdnospinzy: NPR is generally evaluated as some of the highest quality journalism in America
  72. 5:39:49 AM+nospinzy>highest quality journalism in America
  73. 5:39:53 AM+SimdViewers who have NPR as their primary media source are the most informed -- in that famous poll in which Fox viewers were below those who don't watch any news
  74. 5:39:54 AM+nospinzyPretentious
  75. 5:40:11 AM+Simd
  76. 5:40:21 AM+SimdMedia outlets such as Fox News and MSNBC have a negative impact on people’s current events knowledge while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows are the most informative sources of news, according to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s newest PublicMind survey.
  77. 5:40:36 AM+nospinzydo you understand the concept of the Ivory Tower Liberal, who is part of the Democratic party for their "intelectual complex"
  78. 5:40:45 AM+nospinzyyou just confirmed this
  79. 5:41:00 AM+Simdnospinzy: I have provided a citation in defense of my claim
  80. 5:41:05 AM+SimdYour response to the citation?
  81. 5:41:19 AM+SimdI am not a member of the Democrat Party
  82. 5:41:26 AM+nospinzy"citation"
  83. 5:41:44 AM+Simdcitation: "a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work."
  84. 5:42:08 AM+nospinzySimd have you ever read the book 1984
  85. 5:42:40 AM+Simdnospinzy: You have a pending question
  86. 5:42:52 AM+SimdI use a FIFO queue to help manage conversations
  87. 5:43:05 AM+SimdFIFO queues help promote conversational reciprocity as well as reducing impulsivity
  88. 5:43:21 AM+nospinzySimd so you have a liberal establishment Thinktank, telling us that NPR is the post informative news program
  89. 5:43:29 AM+nospinzywhat pending question
  90. 5:43:34 AM+nospinzyyou can answer my question first
  91. 5:43:45 AM+nospinzyhave you read 1984 Simd
  92. 5:43:47 AM+Simdnospinzy: Do you accept my claim about the relative informedness of NPR viewers, citing that study
  93. 5:43:55 AM+nospinzyyea whatever
  94. 5:43:58 AM+nospinzynow answer mine
  95. 5:43:59 AM+Simdnospinzy: Your 1984 question has a few questions in front of it
  96. 5:44:22 AM+SimdI looked over chat
  97. 5:44:31 AM+SimdYou asked about Hollywood, but I haven't responded to that yet
  98. 5:44:46 AM+nospinzyyea NPR listeners are informed on what NPR tells them, sure
  99. 5:44:51 AM+SimdYou mentioned "Ivory Tower Liberal", but I didn't engage that
  100. 5:44:57 AM+SimdI have read the book 1984
  101. 5:45:15 AM+Simdnospinzy: Oh, it appears you have changed your view on my citation
  102. 5:45:25 AM+SimdThe study asked people general questions about current events
  103. 5:45:30 AM+SimdAnd NPR viewers scored the best
  104. 5:45:46 AM+nospinzyyea what were they scored on? what NPR reported on
  105. 5:45:48 AM+nospinzy?
  106. 5:45:57 AM+Simdnospinzy: Did you read the citation before responding?
  107. 5:46:00 AM+SimdIt appears you may not have
  108. 5:46:01 AM+nospinzyYES
  109. 5:46:07 AM+SimdSo then you know the answer to your question
  110. 5:46:24 AM+Simd"Researchers asked 1,185 random nationwide respondents what news sources they had consumed in the past week and then asked them questions about events in the U.S. and abroad."
  111. 5:46:25 AM+nospinzyi want to know the questions they asked
  112. 5:46:43 AM→ deblamer has joined
  113. 5:47:05 AM+Simd
  114. 5:47:13 AMⓘ Ekko set mode +v deblamer
  115. 5:47:33 AM+SimdK1. To the best of your knowledge, have the opposition groups protesting in Egypt been successful in removing Hosni Mubarak?
  116. 5:47:43 AM+SimdK2. How about the opposition groups in Syria? Have they been successful in removing Bashar al-Assad?
  117. 5:47:57 AM+SimdK3. Some countries in Europe are deeply in debt, and have had to be bailed out by other countries. To the best of your knowledge, which country has had to spend the most money to bail out European countries?
  118. 5:48:04 AM+SimdWould you like to see more?
  119. 5:48:11 AM+nospinzyrealiste yea thats what i was getting at
  120. 5:48:24 AM+SimdDo you retract your claim that these questions are NPR questions?
  121. 5:48:34 AM+SimdIf not, please defend your claim with argumentation and citations
  122. 5:49:12 AM+nospinzyK1 Muslim Brotherhood, K2 NONE k3 Germany
  123. 5:49:22 AM+nospinzyi dont listen to NPR
  124. 5:49:52 AM+nospinzywhat we just learned from this poll is i dont listen to NPR
  125. 5:49:54 AM+nospinzyand im informed
  126. 5:50:02 AM+Simdnospinzy: You appear to misunderstand statistics
  127. 5:50:11 AM+nospinzygive me more questions
  128. 5:50:17 AM+nospinzyill answer them quick
  129. 5:50:21 AM+SimdThis is a major problem, as statistics is at the foundation of epistemology
  130. 5:50:26 AM+nospinzyso you can see i am not googling
  131. 5:50:38 AM+Simdnospinzy: The study doesn't predict what you'll do
  132. 5:50:53 AM+nospinzyDUDE im taking the poll for you right now, dont i count in their poll?
  133. 5:51:01 AM+SimdThe study tells us what NPR, MSNBC, Fox, etc. viewers scored, *on average*
  134. 5:51:06 AM+nospinzynospinzy [nospinzy!] * ...
  135. 5:51:06 AM+nospinzyChannels: +#politics
  136. 5:51:06 AM+nospinzyConnected to server: Server Central Network
  137. 5:51:06 AM+nospinzyactually using host
  138. 5:51:06 AM+nospinzyIdle for 00:00:13, signed on 01/16/2018
  139. 5:51:07 AM Ignoring nospinzy!*@*
  140. 5:51:15 AM+Simdnospinzy: I decided to stop engaging you at this time
  141. 5:51:24 AM+SimdIt doesn't seem productive for me
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