
Donka's End

Feb 9th, 2018
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  1. The End:
  3. About one or two years have past before he was a wanted man of over 800m, the man was feared, and known throughout of world, as the strongest boxer yet to sail seas, in which he was content, the man was surged with joy, as he looked to sea.
  5. Throughout his voyages, he learned what it was like to enjoy the life of a real crew, a strongly bonded one, and upon joining a new, he could not find his spot, nor settle in as he wanted, in which stopped his enjoyment, as his career of fighting and vyaging the wolrd, it had been much less fun, much less enjoyable has he had looked over the past fun in his life, even a short period of time trying to being an assasin like fighter, in which he failed horribly, after which he manages to discover boxing, and due to help from some great friends, he had a wonderful time.
  7. Tatsumaki, Tatsu was a great adversary to Donka, due to his pride, he could never admit that Donka was so much weaker than Tatsu, his wins derived only from strategy, since his stats hadn't even been close to compare, he was happy to have a rival that was so close to his strength, he will never forget the Green Haired Titan.
  9. As a placeholder to measure his strength, Clover Creed was that marker, a person in which surpassed his strength immensly, his power was immense, someone he could not surpass, which is why he was angry and devastated when he suddenly left. And even moreso when the man had seem to return like nothing had happened.
  11. During his climb in combat, fighting, and more, the man could not help, but slow down quickly, wins had started to be won by technicalities, and other extremely cheap tactics, in which the man had started to leave fights that lacked any fun, or tried to fight cheaply in extremely unooportune events, fight whilst starting a story, and even trying tricks that have no relation to the fight, before it's even begun. The fun died, do the the people I was fighting.
  13. Since his feelings stopped he would have started in his decline, but during such, he wanted to help, and spread the knowledge he had gained being there, during time he used to open a university, a place were people could both have fun and gain help from other expertise. The developement of such would have made him happy, but direct, negative feedback had made he regret his decision, so it was quickly shut down.
  15. After which Donka had decided his time in the world was over, and since he could not find a man to nobely end him, permanently, so he would have erased himself. Donka's dream being to be noticed in the world had been reversed, and he would have never wanted to be known, ever. He wanted it all gone, without a trace.
  17. End:
  18. This was the finally, the boxer had places his Crimson Red, Reinforced Steel gloves, Four, four inch spikes with a centimeter separating them from each other, he had place them on the nightstand, he would have had two impact dials hanging from a rope, over 100 fights of using explosive boxing, a fighting style that legitimately summon explosions from his palms, in which prompted him to know what had to be done, he would have figuratively, and physically, be done out by all his hardwork, sweat, and tears. This was the only resolve to a man with no will, aspiration, etc, He would of either done this, or lost a match due to falsehoods, in the most bland way possible, in which he sat between the red and pink dials relfecting, sightly humming, smirking. "A fighters main purpose is to never stop fighitng, once one does, their fight is over." he would have said as his last words, as he closed his eyes, he would havepushed the shells away from each other, letting the shells slowly come toward him, as he would have breathed deeply, accepting his fate. He opened his eyes again as inertia was against him, not in his favor, rather anticlimatic don't you think? After such he sat in the room silently reveiwing his faults, thinking upon his rather bland life.
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