
B2W2 Breeding Bug Explanation

Jul 11th, 2012
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  1. [13:58] <07+Mat> well
  2. [13:58] <07+Mat> they made breeding use a special rng
  3. [13:59] <07+Mat> that gets stored with the 2 daycare pkms
  4. [13:59] * Sixonesix (Sixonesix@cranky.mankey.hanky.panky) has joined #smogonwifi
  5. [13:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Sixonesix
  6. [13:59] <07+Mat> and the rng state, the random number it starts with
  7. [13:59] <07+Mat> they make one when you first start a new game
  8. [13:59] <07+Mat> and once you save that state is written to the save
  9. [13:59] <07+Mat> when you load the game, quite soon after the game boots,
  10. [13:59] * Mac (~mac@6023CB1C.5DD4CCED.F5992637.IP) has joined #smogonwifi
  11. [14:00] <07+Mat> the game generates a new seed for that boot for the egg rng
  12. [14:00] <07+Mat> then overwrites it with the old seed not once but twie
  13. [14:00] <07+Mat> *twice
  14. [14:00] <07+Mat> once when it loads in data from the save and onced when it copies the daycare pkms to the right place
  15. [14:00] <07+Mat> so you end up always having the same seed that was made when you start the game
  16. [14:00] <drcossack> Hopefully it's fixed for the eng version.
  17. [14:00] <styrofoameon> so that's good for us?
  18. [14:00] <07+Mat> i fixed it with an ar code
  19. [14:01] <drcossack> no styro, it's bad.
  20. [14:01] <07+Mat> but idk if anyone wants to use that
  21. [14:01] <styrofoameon> or makes it like emerald?
  22. [14:01] <07+Mat>
  23. [14:01] <07+Mat> it means everything but pid is always set
  24. [14:01] <07+Mat> and if you think you can waste and egg and rng the second, you're screwesd due to steps, npcs, etc
  25. [14:01] <Zari> including shinyness
  26. [14:01] <07+Mat> shininess is part of the pid, so that's ok
  27. [14:02] <Zari> ah
  28. [14:02] <Zari> nvm thne
  29. [14:02] * NixHex ( has joined #smogonwifi
  30. [14:02] <Zari> *then
  31. [14:02] <&religiousjedi> isn't nature part of PID?
  32. [14:02] <07+Mat> no
  33. [14:02] <Mac> mat, stupid q but...
  34. [14:02] <07+Mat> not in gen 5
  35. [14:02] <Mac> that ar code "fixes" b2w2 breeding?
  36. [14:02] <styrofoameon> ah, so it is for practical purposes impossible to breed-rng?
  37. [14:02] <07+Mat> unless you rng for a seed when you first start your game
  38. [14:02] * xfr ( has joined #smogonwifi
  39. [14:03] <07+Mat> that's a lot of foresight, but certainly do-able
  40. [14:03] <&religiousjedi> so basically…my endeavors for breeding a specific nature are gonna be worthless?
  41. [14:03] <07+Mat> oh yeah
  42. [14:03] <styrofoameon> I suspect this is not a coincidence...
  43. [14:03] <&religiousjedi> :/
  44. [14:03] <07+Mat> it screws over rngers and resetters
  45. [14:03] <07+Mat> not normal players
  46. [14:03] <07+Mat> which is sort of interesting
  47. [14:03] <~Nexus> who here was sitting there when they were programming this to say whether it is or is not
  48. [14:04] <@Toast|Work> <--
  49. [14:04] <%cassie> alot
  50. [14:04] <07+Mat> granted, i wasn't there
  51. [14:04] <07+Mat> but to me it looks like a stupid mistake
  52. [14:04] <%cassie> i wonder if he has it activated here
  53. [14:04] <~Nexus> I thought you'd be Mat :(
  54. [14:04] <07+Mat> based on the cose
  55. [14:04] <@Toast|Work> Likely it was a mistake
  56. [14:04] <&religiousjedi> what'll be the point of breeding in BW2 then?
  57. [14:04] <07+Mat> *code
  58. [14:04] <@Toast|Work> because that does eliminate a lot of random
  59. [14:04] <07+Mat> [14:02] <Mac> that ar code "fixes" b2w2 breeding?
  60. [14:04] <07+Mat> yes
  61. [14:04] <Mac> :3
  62. [14:04] <&religiousjedi> Quick! Any worthy new egg moves for Pokes?
  63. [14:04] <Mac> no
  64. [14:04] <07+Mat> it makes the game use the new seed that gets generated every boot
  65. [14:05] <07+Mat> instead of the old static one
  66. [14:05] <Mac> cool
  67. [14:05] <@Toast|Work> So, what happens with an everstone?
  68. [14:05] <~Nexus> rj everything you can breed in BW2 you can bree in BW
  69. [14:05] <styrofoameon> so how does that interact with everstones and such?
  70. [14:05] <07+Mat> everstone passing is static too
  71. [14:05] <@Toast|Work> wtf.
  72. [14:05] <~Nexus> breed*
  73. [14:05] <07+Mat> ether you'll always pass or never pass
  74. [14:05] <07+Mat> those people saying bred 50 straight of the same nature were neither crazy nor lying
  75. [14:05] <07+Mat> never would've seen that coming
  76. [14:05] <@Toast|Work> At this point I'm about 97% sure it was a mistake.
  77. [14:06] * HozuAway is now known as Hozu
  78. [14:06] <&religiousjedi> don't you go Fi on us Toast!
  79. [14:06] <~Nexus> lol Fi
  80. [14:06] <styrofoameon> so you basically need to rng an everstone positive when you start the game? That's ugly.
  81. [14:06] <07+Mat> yes
  82. [14:06] <~Nexus> "I'm 98% sure that chest is important", it has the boss key....
  83. [14:06] <@Toast|Work> Fi?
  84. [14:06] <styrofoameon> and if you didn' still have a 50-50 chance.
  85. [14:07] <~Nexus> Toast Link's sidekick in Skyward Sword
  86. [14:07] <07+Mat> you'llalso always get the same nidoM/F and illumise/volbeat
  87. [14:07] <07+Mat> not that that'sa huge thing
  88. [14:07] <@Toast|Work> Ohh
  89. [14:07] <&religiousjedi> aka Master Sword.
  90. [14:07] <drcossack> Fi sucked.
  91. [14:07] <&religiousjedi> oops…spoiler?
  92. [14:07] <&religiousjedi> Fi is hawt.
  93. [14:07] <styrofoameon> and the same ability/gender I would assume
  94. [14:07] <07+Mat> those are part of the pid
  95. [14:07] <07+Mat> so no
  96. [14:07] <&religiousjedi> I'd do her over hillbilly SS Zelda
  97. [14:07] <EspyOwner> Lol
  98. [14:07] <~Nexus> Fi was only good for generating random statistics for obvious events
  99. [14:08] <09+Hozu> wtf is wrong with you.
  100. [14:08] <07+Mat> pid is random, everything else important is set
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