

Oct 24th, 2018
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  1. Name: Ashley
  3. Gender: Female
  5. Age: 21
  7. Height: 5'7" (170.18cm)
  9. Appearance: Her eyes are of a rather hazel color, getting darker towards the pupil in a way, her hair color is that of a combination of dark blond and brown though it fades away towards a reddish color along the edges. She wears a sort of jacket with a hood, which she uses to hide her face while she walks down the street, it has a sort of sun design on the back of it, with flames going across the sides, and converging upon a central point on the front, and she wears black pants, ones that aren't quite baggy, light grey shoes.
  11. Backstory:
  13. She's from Earth, well an alternate Earth of sorts. There's magic, magic schools, and the like. Even monsters. She lives in the state of Missouri, or whatever would be it's equivalent in this world. Her parents pushed her to go to a magic school, as they have. They both were Ice Mages, she was introduced to the classes which related to Ice magic, though against her parents wishes she dropped out of those classes and chose to take the Fire related ones.
  15. In her view, fire would be a better release of her emotions and it turned out to be. She didn't really make many friends at this school, and felt rather left out of things. Because of this she focused on her learning ability to better learn the magics that were taught. Eventually there came a time, where the only thing on her mind was to be the best, be better than the rest and she didn't have a care in the world about others, or their wishes. She was seen as rather selfish when it came to things, and others instigated fights with her at school because of her selfishness, and possibly starting fights at this school. When she would fight, she was rumored to laugh rather insanely, as if a 'switch' turned on in her head.
  17. She, and those involved were thrown out of the school, where she went back home for a while, her parents being rather angry at her, yelling, berating her, etc. She decided to move out and get her own place a few months down the road, where she took attendance in another school before graduating. At this other school, everything was fine for a while though there were some more people there who not only hated her for her attitude, but also were rather well known for causing trouble and havoc in the school, which was a lot more lenient than the previous school. However, she wasn't so lenient and instigated fights with them.
  19. Once again that same 'switch' turned on in her head, laughing rather insanely, and overcome by her addiction to her own fire magics. The results of this, were that one of them cast a spell on her, to cause this side of her to come out easier than it would have. People would notice her laughing to herself, and at other times being rather stoic, bold. She still graduated from the school, and with this altered mindset, she opted to better perfect her magical prowess, and show off to others. What the spell couldn't change though, is her somewhat of a heroic heart, even if she would never admit to such a thing.
  21. Personality:
  23. At first glance she is rather stoic, and walks in an almost robotic, but careless way. She would look dull, pissed off even, but as soon as she gets the chance to see people, or be around alot of people the desires that lie inside her mind lash out, showing off her magical power, laughing, cackling while gallivanting all the while. When this happens, a fight either happens, or someone talks her down. She's not talked down easily, though. When there are threats about the place, or any place, she will surely stop them, if not only for her own egomania but for a sense of heroism, that she doesn't really show. It shows weakness, in her eyes.
  25. Abilities:
  27. Immunity: She's rather immune to fire and lava, able to reach into it without a second thought.
  29. Fire creation, and heat manipulation: She can heat up a room and create fire at will, the size of the fire, brightness, and intensity depends on her focus and how she is feeling.
  31. Incineration: By looking at objects with a focus, she can set them on fire. This depends on her focus, size, and distance of said object.
  33. Fire rings: She can create fire rings in the air, only around the size of a meter or so. She can jump onto them, and basically walk/parkour in the air, by using these rings which fade away without her focus.
  35. Fireball attacks: She's able to summon multiple fire balls which 'orbit' around her and flare out at enemies, in a fading/firey phasing effect rather than a solid fire ball.
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