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a guest
Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. #
  2. # #
  3. # Shop Configuration #
  4. # #
  5. Prefix: '&cInspirePvP &7&l>> '
  6. HiddenMsg: '%prefix% &7You are now &aHidden &7on /list.'
  7. UnhiddenMsg: '%prefix% &7You are now &cVisable &7on /list. '
  8. Crystals:
  9. AdminHelp:
  10. - '&7&m--------------------'
  11. - '&cAdmin Commands'
  12. - '&7/Crystals give <&aplayer&7> <&eamount&7> &8- &7Give a player some crystals'
  13. - '&7/Crystals take <&aplayer&7> <&eamount&7> &8- &7Take crystals from a player'
  14. - '&7/Crystals set <&aplayer&7> <&eamount&7> &8- &7Set a player''s crystal balance'
  15. - '&7/Crystals reset <&aplayer&7> &8- &7Reset a player''s crystal balance'
  16. - ''
  17. DefaultHelp:
  18. - '&aDefault Commands'
  19. - '&7/Crystals help &8- &7Open this menu!'
  20. - '&7/Crystals shop &8- &7Open the shop menu'
  21. - '&7/Crystals withdraw <&eamount&7> &8- &7Withdraw some crystals'
  22. - '&7/Crystals pay <&aplayer&7> <&eamount&7> &8- &7Pay a player some crystals!'
  23. - '&7/Crystals balance [<&aplayer&7>] &8- &7See a player''s balance'
  24. ItemID: 264
  25. ItemData: 0
  26. Name: '&eCrystal'
  27. Lore:
  28. - '&7Right click to deposit 1'
  29. - '&7Left click to deposit 64'
  30. GiveUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /Crystals give <Player> (amount)'
  31. TakeUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /Crystals take <Player> (amount)'
  32. SetUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /Crystals set <Player> (amount)'
  33. ResetUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /Crystals reset <Player>'
  34. WithDrawUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /Crystals withdraw (amount)'
  35. PayUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /Crystals pay <Player> (amount)'
  36. GivenTo: '%prefix% &a%admin% &7Just gave you %amount% crystals!'
  37. TakenFrom: '%prefix% &a%admin% &7Just took %amount% crystals from you!'
  38. BalSet: '%prefix% &a%admin% &7Just set your crystal balance to %amount%'
  39. BalReset: '%prefix% &a%admin% &7Just reset your crystal balance'
  40. AGiven: '&7You just gave %amount% crystals to &a%player%'
  41. ATaken: '&7You just took %amount% crystals from &a%player%'
  42. ASet: '&7You just set &a%player%''s &7balance to %amount% crystals'
  43. AReset: '&7You just reset &a%player%''s &7balance'
  44. WithDrawn: '&7You just withdrew &c%amount% &7crystals from your balance!'
  45. NotEnough: '%prefix% &cYou don''t have enough crystals for that!'
  46. NotOnline: '%prefix% &c%playername% &7is not online!'
  47. SentMsg: '%prefix% &cYou sent &c%amount% &7 to &a%playername%'
  48. RecieveMsg: '%prefix% &a%playername% &7 has sent you &c%amount% &7crystals'
  49. PickUp: '%prefix% &a%amount% &7crystal(s) have been added to your balance!'
  50. LeftDeposit: 64
  51. RightDeposit: 1
  52. DepositMsg: '%prefix% &7You deposited &a%amount% &7crystal(s) into your balance!'
  53. TooFewForDeposit: '%prefix% &7You do not have &a%amount% &7crystals to deposit!'
  54. CrystalsChances:
  55. - '&cCrystal Chances:'
  56. - '&7Spider - &e%Spider%%'
  57. - '&7Skeleton - &e%Skeleton%%'
  58. - '&7Zombie - &e%Zombie%%'
  59. - '&7Blaze - &e%Blaze%%'
  60. - '&7Pig - &e%Pig%%'
  61. - '&7Chicken - &e%Chicken%%'
  62. - '&7Sheep - &e%Sheep%%'
  63. - '&7Enderman - &e%Enderman%%'
  64. - '&7Witch - &e%Witch%%'
  65. - '&7Wither - &e%Wither%%'
  66. DropChances:
  67. Spider: 3
  68. Skeleton: 3
  69. Zombie: 3
  70. Blaze: 2
  71. Pig: 5
  72. Chicken: 5
  73. Sheep: 5
  74. Enderman: 5
  75. Witch: 5
  76. Wither: 50
  77. ShopInvName: '&6CrystalShop'
  78. CantBuy: '%prefix% &cYou don''t have enough crystals to buy that!'
  79. Default:
  80. ItemID: 160
  81. ItemData: 14
  82. Name: '&cInspirePvP'
  83. '5':
  84. ItemID: 384
  85. ItemData: 0
  86. Name: '&d&lAbout Crystals'
  87. Lore:
  88. - '&7Crystals can be obtained by killing mobs!'
  89. - '&7Use /crystals chances to see how often they drop'
  90. - '&7You currently have &e%balance% &7crystals'
  91. CombatTag:
  92. CombatTagTime: 15
  93. AttackerMsg: '%prefix% &7You put &c%playername% &7 into combat! Do not log out!'
  94. AttackedMsg: '%prefix% &c%attacker% &7put you into combat! Do not log out!'
  95. SafeLogOut: '%prefix% &7You are no longer in combat!'
  96. BroadCastCombatLogs: true
  97. CombatLogBC: '%prefix% &c%playername% &7just logged out in combat!'
  98. CommandMsg: '%prefix% &7You can not do that while in combat!'
  99. DisabledCommands:
  100. - espawn
  101. - spawn
  102. - home
  103. - ehome
  104. - wild
  105. - tpa
  106. - tpahere
  107. - tp
  108. Test: ''
  109. Crates:
  110. MainGUIName: '&cInspire Rewards'
  111. MainVoteName: '&aVote'
  112. MainDefaultName: '&eDefault'
  113. MainRareName: '&cRare'
  114. MainInspireName: '&9Inspire'
  115. GiveKeyUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /gk (player) (crate) (amount)'
  116. GiveAllUsage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /ga (crate) (amount)'
  117. CrateSetMsg: '%prefix% &7Crate Set!'
  118. Vote:
  119. Rewards:
  120. '1':
  121. ItemID: 264
  122. ItemData: 0
  123. Name: '&cDiamond'
  124. Lore:
  125. - '&cPercent to win: &e5%'
  126. Percentage: 5
  127. Commands:
  128. - say Hello
  129. - bc %player% won a diamond
  130. Default: {}
  131. Rare: {}
  132. Inspire: {}
  133. Locations:
  134. - 24:95:27
  135. - 27:95:24
  136. - 27:95:-24
  137. - 24:95:-27
  138. - -24:95:-27
  139. - -27:95:-24
  140. - -27:95:24
  141. - -24:95:27
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