
Text Adventure Chapter 70 Log

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. >You have a few ways to test these two…
  2. “Where do you come from, and why am I the only one that can hear your words?”
  3. ~My purpose in this world is to guide you, my child. Where I am from does not matter in the grand scheme, only that you are properly lead in the right direction.~
  4. {I live down south, nice little house next to a forest. It’s quite the pleasure, really. I suppose what the geezer said is true as well, we’re just here to keep you in the pan and out of the fire, but if you don’t want that, it’s fine by me~.}
  5. “Er, that’s alright. What are your intentions in this world, and what is it that you hope to gain from being here?”
  6. ~The evil that you seek threatens not just your world, but all of existence. It is far more dangerous than what is believed.~
  7. {Oh pffft, that thing? I could stop it with my pinky, and so could you, Quacksalot!}
  8. “Then why haven’t you guys done it yet?”
  9. {That wouldn’t be very fun, now would it?}
  10. ~I cannot directly interfere with the mortal world.~
  11. >You feel like this isn’t going anywhere.
  12. >As much as you distrust this newcomer, the light shed upon your master’s vague answers are beginning to concern you.
  13. >You have one more trick under your sleeve, however.
  14. “Alright, here’s a hypothetical situation for you two. If I could grant you two one wish of any caliber, what would it be?”
  15. {I grant my own wishes, sonny, don’t worry about what you can give me. Having infinite power like mine leaves little to be desired, and boy, is it so much fun! I even share if I’m feeling generous...}
  16. ~I would wish that this limitation of mine be vanquished, so that I may better guide my children.~
  17. “Okay, bad choice, uh, here’s another one. If you guys had the option to pick between a sword that can defeat any foe, a shield that could defend all, or a healing spell that could cure anything, what would you choose?”
  18. {Oooh, toughie! I like your style kid. Of course, I could spawn all of that myself with a snap of the fingers, but what can you do? If you took away my powers, definitely the shield! I’m not going to lie, but having insurance for your friends is more than anything I’d need.}
  19. ~While all would be revered ways of life to change your destiny, the sword would be the final choice for any who seek to vanquish the evil that causes the need for a shield or healing spell to begin with.~
  20. >Both have very good points.
  21. >Which means you’re back to square one.
  22. >You still don’t know who to listen to.
  23. >At this point, you notice that both have gotten quite close to your ears while you weren’t looking as they’ve been talking.
  24. >So they’re still both animate.
  25. >You’re not totally crazy.
  26. >At least they’re not tulpas.
  27. >Y-you hope they’re not.
  28. >Now you need to make a decision.
  29. >Who do you choose?
  33. >After a long bout of thought, you make your final decision.
  34. “If I have to choose only one of you, sorry Grey but I'll have to stick with my current benefactor. Your sales pitch was good, but I'm not in the market for a new angel on my shoulder.”
  35. {Oh, you’re just another do-gooder who doesn’t understand the concept of fun!}
  36. >Then you turn your head to your master.
  37. “That said, I can respect the 'no interference' rule to a point, but... keep me informed, huh? As much as you can. I'm putting trust in you; don't lead me astray, my liege.”
  38. ~We shall purge this world of evil together.~
  39. “Now, as for you…”
  40. {What?}
  41. >You reach up and suddenly grab the imposter grey rubber duck sitting on your left shoulder, and force it to the table.
  42. {Oh my, don’t get too rough or else you’ll make me squeak, hmhm! Wait… What are you doing?}
  43. >You part your robes, quickly undoing the necessary buttons with one hand as you speak to Sir Ducksalot.
  44. “Look away.”
  45. >He doesn’t respond, back to being his normal omnipotent self.
  46. >It’s time to bring JUSTICE to this imposter.
  47. >With your dick.
  48. >It flops out right on the cheeky bastard.
  49. {You’re seriously doing this, aren’t you?!}
  50. >You start pumping in response, determined to deliver true JUSTICE upon the grey duckling.
  51. {...}
  52. >It doesn’t take long.
  53. >Spurts of white, gooey rope are now exploding from the tip of your dick, covering the false idol in your spunk.
  54. >He seems to be too stunned to even speak anymore.
  55. >That is, until he starts morphing.
  56. >Your grip falters and you fall back in surprise with your dick still flopping as you watch the unfolding event.
  57. >The grey rubber duck sprouts odd arms, legs and even an antler.
  58. >A disfigured horn pops out of his head, and two bloodshot yellow eyes stare at you in disgust.
  59. >He holds up his chicken arm that’s covered with your jizz, looking at it with contempt.
  60. >”It would’ve been nice to go to dinner first, Anonymous.”
  61. >He slurps your manjuice right off his talons, swallowing with an exaggerated lump down his throat.
  62. >You feel like that shouldn’t be hot, but it weirdly is.
  63. >Then he shakes it off his weird dragon wings, chasing it down with a glass of water that you never saw him take out.
  64. >He drinks the glass, leaving a cup-shaped glob of water in his hand.
  65. >He lets it fall and it bursts over your head, soaking you and your receding dick.
  66. >”Naughty boy, I must warn you that playing with your pea shooter in public isn’t advised. Fluttershy tore me a new one when I tried it that one time, and she wasn’t even in the crossfire!”
  67. >This thing knows Fluttershy?
  68. “Who… What, are you?”
  69. >”The name’s Discord, god of chaos and who was supposed to be your master, until you declined and stayed with the old geezer. I’m off now, going to go see if another poor sap wants my advice on how to have a little excitement in their lives.”
  70. “..Uh…”
  71. >Is there anything you’d like to say to this odd entity before he leaves?
  75. >With one more wind of boldness, you stand up and speak.
  76. “You were so intent on helping me before, but you decided to be a carbon copy of my master Sir Ducksalot, so you got what was coming. But if you have any respect for this world, with your 'infinite power', can you at least help me out a little bit against this shadow? Power, knowledge, anything?”
  77. >Discord rubs his knuckles on his fur, making sure they’re clean.
  78. >He gives you a disinterested look.
  79. >”Oh, you want something from me? Sorry, I don’t give mystical powers to green humans with a penchant for slobbering all over children’s toys with their ‘magic flute.’”
  80. >Damn.
  81. “Call me sometime. Sorry we didn't mesh too well, but if you see Flutters before I do, tell her I'll be there to lend a hand with the seed soon. ...The BIRD seed.”
  82. >He flicks your nose before he waves goodbye.
  83. >”Right. Ta-ta! Don’t have your actions predetermined by random people over an internet image board!”
  84. >With that sentence, he pops out of existence with smoke and lights.
  85. >What the fuck did he mean by that? He knows what the internet is?
  86. >Eh, whatever.
  87. >Either way, it’s over now.
  88. >Sir Ducksalot is with you, and you shall overcome.
  89. >Before you were interrupted, you were about to read the books you found on the curse.
  90. >Now you’re hearing hoofsteps coming from the hallway.
  91. >What would you like to do?
  95. “Well Sir Ducksalot… Do you know of anything that can help with this curse? Or maybe point me in the right direction?”
  96. ~To find what you seek, you must seek out the master of the dark arts. There is another in Equestria, far southwest who can show you the way.~
  97. “Who?”
  98. ~I know not their name or where they stay, but they live across the waters.~
  99. >Across the waters…
  100. >Looks like you’ll be needing a boat.
  101. >At this point, the hoofsteps grow louder, and the tassles ring.
  102. >”Hey Anon. She’s here!”
  103. >That’s Redheart, presumably with Twilight and Spike.
  104. >You turn around to greet them.
  105. “Hey, welcome back. I have something to show you, actually-”
  106. >Suddenly, Twilight and Redheart gasp.
  107. >Spike stares at you, stiff as a statue.
  108. >Sunwhirl is besides him, likewise staring with a precarious look on his face.
  109. >You look around to see what they’re staring at, but you don’t realize it until you look down.
  110. >You never put your dick back in.
  111. >What do you do?
  115. [QUEST ITEM COMPLETE: Mare in the Family - Find a way to help Charm Rose’s brother (1/1)]
  116. [QUEST UPDATED: Mare in the Family - Find the mysterious Master of the Dark Arts (0/1); Find a cure for Charm Rose’s brother (0/1)]
  118. >...Fuck it.
  119. >You quickly pull yourself back in, zip up your dick, and redo the buttons of your robe, quickly getting back to business.
  120. “Sorry, went to the toilet… Sort of forgot. Too focused on studying at the time, and besides, you’re all naked right now, so let’s move on, okay?”
  121. >Sunwhirl decides to be a massive cockstrangler and point something out.
  122. >”We have fur and tails that cover the unmentionables, my dear hairless friend.”
  123. >Spike takes this time to speak, you hearing his voice for the first time.
  124. >”So, this is the guy that saved me?”
  125. >Twilight nods, facehoofing intensely.
  126. >”Yeah Twi, when you said eccentric, you weren’t kidding.”
  127. >Redheart says nothing, opting to go see which books you picked out in embarrased silence.
  128. >While you were looking down, you decide to do a quick spot check just to be safe.
  129. >You see a small splotch of white just under the table where you did your deed, so you step on it, pretending to adjust your pants.
  130. >Once that’s finished, you nod at the little dragon, taking him in a little more clearly.
  131. >He’s the same purple and green you remember him, and the magical burns afflicting his body have been healed, sans a singular shimmering bandage on the side of his head.
  132. “Glad to see you up and about.”
  133. >”Glad to see you down, dude. But yeah, thanks for saving me. By the way, you’re soaked, what happened?”
  134. “I’m not quite sure myself, but once I get some business done with Twilight, we’ll talk a little more.”
  135. >Spike sighs, looking around the sanctuary.
  136. >”Yeah yeah. People asking for Twilight, in the middle of a room full of books. No wonder I feel at home.”
  137. >He goes to see some of Sunwhirl’s collections.
  138. >You honestly feel a little bad for the guy, but at least he’s healthy.
  139. >You look over at Twilight, who’s still having a bit of a hard time looking at you.
  140. “Listen, I’ve managed to find a few good books on anything that might help us. Redheart’s looking at them now, but I had to ask you guys something. Apparently, there’s a master of the dark arts that lives far southwest, across the waters. Do you guys know who that might be, or where they are?”
  141. >Twilight looks stumped, thinking carefully.
  142. >Sunwhirl gets the lightbulb instantly.
  143. >”I’ve actually heard of such a fellow around where you say. Southwest from here, there’s an island far off from the mainland called White-Tail Island. It holds the city of the same name, and the coast has a forest of the same name. I’m not sure, but I remember hearing an old myth about a pony who became so well-versed in magic, he had nothing left to learn except for the forbidden arts… So he learned them. Fleeing to White-Tail Island was his only option to find such dark magics, and as far as the myth goes, he’s been there ever since.”
  144. “Do you know his name?”
  145. >“No… It is shrouded in mystery and false information. That’s all I know.”
  146. “Twilight, anything?”
  147. >”I’ve never heard of such a pony myself, but I’ve never been out west, either. I think it’d be a good place to start if we don’t find anything from these books.”
  148. >You nod, and start rummaging through your inventory.
  149. “Alright, I had something else to discuss, so….”
  150. >You pull out the Strange Black Gem from your bag.
  151. >”What is that?”
  152. “I was hoping you could tell me.”
  153. >Twilight and Sunwhirl stare at it closely, their facial expressions mirror images of each other, sans the latter’s wrinkles and stache.
  154. >Twilight gets it first this time.
  155. >”Judging from the vast magical potency I feel from it… I think it’s a Starswirl Stone!”
  156. “He has stones, too? Not kidney, right?”
  157. >”No, this is a gem specifically cut with a special form of magic to have vast enchanting capabilities! You can put any enchantment you want on this gem, and the effects are much more powerful than on a normal object. It works best when you put one in a necklace or ring, but having it on you works too. Where’d you find this?”
  158. ”It was inside a half-eaten sandwich that one of the shadowy acolytes had when we killed them in the Crystal Palace.”
  159. >Twilight looks at you like you just recited the Peewee theme song.
  160. >”A sandwich…? That seems… unlikely.”
  161. >Sunwhirl nods.
  162. >”I’d have to agree with Ms. Sparkle, it’s not something you see every day. But, if you were willing to part with a few more bits, I’d most certainly enchant it for you for your travels.”
  163. >You’re handed the stone back by Twilight.
  165. “So these things are rare?”
  166. >”Very rare. That’s the second one I’ve ever seen in my life.”
  167. >Interesting…
  168. >You might take Sunwhirl up on that offer if you can think of something to put it in.
  169. >Redheart’s looking through the books about curses, and Spike is secretly doodling inside one of the shelves.
  170. >What would you like to do?
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