
Sandeep Marwah Announced Film Initiatives with Senegal

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. β€œI can do my best to start the ball rolling between the two countries India and Senegal to develop and promote cinema and other arts” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios a family of 15000 media persons all over the World in a seminar organized in honor of Marwah by Abdoul Aziz DIENG of Ministry of Culture, Government of Senegal at Douta SECK Culture House.
  2. An education in Cinema and television at subsidies course fee at India, a scholarship in any stream of short term course, a collaboration for making of short film or a documentary, a film festival of films from Senegal, half an hour program on Radio, half an hour program on television, a regular coverage in news paper are some of the benefits Sandeep Marwah passed on to the members of different film, television, media and cultural groups present there at the seminar.
  3. Hugues Diaz Director of Cinematography, Ministry of Culture, Modibo Diawara Film Maker, O.P.Meena from Embassy of India, Khadimou Rassoul Talla and Fatimata Sall of Department of Cinematography, Sanegalese cinema, audiovisual and visual arts professionals, members of Indian culture and cinema fans Associations were present in large scale.
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