
The experiment: Rick

Apr 3rd, 2014
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  1. <Hankolijo>: You wake up in a white room, constructed from an indeterminable material. There is a keypad and a button on the walls. You appear to be stripped of all equipment, other than the clothing on your back.
  2. <StrifeActual>: Rick examines his clothing! Does he still have his coat?
  3. <StrifeActual>: "Oh, joy."
  4. <StrifeActual>: "Honesttogod, if this is a Cube knock-off . . ."
  5. <Hankolijo>: You do not, for some reason.
  6. <StrifeActual>: "Okay, that's just unfair."
  7. <Hankolijo>: A screen flickers on, showing a distorted image.
  8. <StrifeActual>: He sits up and stretches, taking his time before moving fast, but already processing quickly. Where to hide or go to cover in the room?
  9. <StrifeActual>: Moreover, where would he be expected to hide or go to cover in?
  10. <Hankolijo>: There is nothing else in the room. It is basically empty.
  11. <StrifeActual>: Is he just lying on the floor?
  12. <Hankolijo>: You can almost make out the silhouette of a person on the screen. A robotic voice comes on: "Welcome, Rick, are you ready for your test?"
  13. <Hankolijo>: Yes he is.
  14. <StrifeActual>: "Mphrb. Five more minutes?" Rick plays drowsy. Does he have his boots on still?
  15. <Hankolijo>: He does. The voice makes a distorted laughing sound before speaking again: "I suppose you are wondering what is this place... and you will find out. If you make it out in time... Now, do you see that keypad on the wall?" the voice speaks, and the keypad lights up.
  16. <StrifeActual>: "Sorry, I got washed out of the military, menacing, mysterious voice number seven. I think you're seven at least. Not sure about that one place where I called down arc light. Could have been two or only one guy changing his speech patterns, you know?"
  17. <StrifeActual>: "You mind if I give you seven instead of six?"
  18. <Hankolijo>: The voice sighs, and keeps talking: "You have to enter a three digit code. Every code will cause an event to occur. Your task is simple-- escape before the room fills with water... Good luck, Rick." and the screen flickers off. Water starts slowly flowing in from under the walls somehow.
  19. <StrifeActual>: "Woohoo, random water trap!"
  20. <StrifeActual>: "Damn, can't you even be original, though?"
  21. <StrifeActual>: He starts examining the wall joints, looking at where the water is flowing in.
  22. <StrifeActual>: All the while continuing to talk and ramble for the benefit of the viewers.
  23. <StrifeActual>: "It's a bloody cliche."
  24. <Hankolijo>: It appears to enter the room from all sides, only the very corners not letting in the fluid.
  25. <StrifeActual>: "I mean, I remember that one comic where Doctor Doom has the X-men trapped in purpose built death traps"
  26. <StrifeActual>: What are the walls like and how fast is the water flowing in?
  27. <StrifeActual>: "It was Storm who got this one."
  28. <StrifeActual>: "I mean, I could at least get lightning powers, you know?"
  29. <StrifeActual>: "I think that I got ripped off when I was supposed to get Pool-given shadow based superpowers awhile ago."
  30. <Hankolijo>: The walls are sturdy and completely flat. The water is flowing in at a steady pace, now already a small layer covering the entire room. It's a 3x3x3 meter room, by the way.
  31. <StrifeActual>: "Well, I suppose that I'll punch some numbers in, shall I?"
  32. <StrifeActual>: Rick starts with 176.
  33. <Hankolijo>: A flask filled with sand drops from the ceiling.
  34. <StrifeActual>: Rick looks at the flask. He watches the ripples spread from it falling in the water, careful to stand perfectly still.
  35. <Hankolijo>: Nothing else happens. There is a flask in the water now. That's about it.
  36. <StrifeActual>: Do the ripples all move at the same speed, reaching the edges of the walls at the same time, at the same apparent height from the floor?
  37. <Hankolijo>: Yes, no, yes. ((Okay, what?))
  38. <StrifeActual>: He notes which wall the ripples reach first.
  39. <Hankolijo>: The one that it was closer to, which is the wall with the monitor.
  40. <StrifeActual>: He examines the ceiling, did the flask just appear or was there a trap door of some sort?
  41. <Hankolijo>: If there was, it's not there anymore.
  42. <StrifeActual>: "Funfunfun"
  43. <StrifeActual>: He picks up the flask and sets it down on the wall opposite the monitor.
  44. <StrifeActual>: "Oi, monitor, can we at least have some witty back and forth banter?"
  45. <StrifeActual>: "It'd make this a fair bit more interesting, you know?"
  46. <Hankolijo>: You can make out a faint 'slapping' noise nearby. You can't make out the source at all, but you can be quite sure it was the sound of a facepalm somewhere.
  47. <StrifeActual>: "I'm claiming that for at *least* one damage."
  48. <StrifeActual>: Rick goes back to the keypad and examines it closely. Any easy way to take it off the wall?
  49. <Hankolijo>: With what? Your hands? No. If you can get something /very/ thin, you could try. There are no visible bolts or screws.
  50. <StrifeActual>: "Well, I suppose it's a matter of trying random number combinations, right?"
  51. <Hankolijo>: There is nobody to really answer that. BUT YES.
  52. <StrifeActual>: "Jeeennny Jenny, who can I turn to?"
  53. <StrifeActual>: "You give me something I can hooold on to~"
  54. <StrifeActual>: "I know you think I'm like the joookers before who saw your name and number on the door"
  55. <Hankolijo>: The water. It's over your ankles now.
  56. <StrifeActual>: Rick isn't in a hurry. He keeps singing the intro before he starts punching numbers.
  57. <StrifeActual>: "Jenny, I got your number, I need to make you miiine~"
  58. <StrifeActual>: "Jenny, don't change your number"
  59. <StrifeActual>: Rick starts punching in the numbers to the chorus
  60. <StrifeActual>: "8675309!"
  61. <Hankolijo>: The voice comes back on: "3 DIGITS YOU TURD!" and then it's gone again.
  62. <StrifeActual>: "You can't even have a damn overflow?"
  63. <StrifeActual>: "I mean, jesus, what kind of half-assed trap are you running?"
  64. <StrifeActual>: "See, when I punch something like that in"
  65. <StrifeActual>: "8675309" He punches it in again
  66. <StrifeActual>: "You should obviously have it set to divide up into"
  67. <StrifeActual>: He punched "867"
  68. <StrifeActual>: "Then 530"
  69. <StrifeActual>: "With a nine floating off in the distance."
  70. <StrifeActual>: "Just for you, I'll finish the nine with good old 42, because reasons."
  71. <StrifeActual>: He enters all the numbers in as he says them.
  72. <Hankolijo>: A large bone falls down, followed by a empty bag of chips, followed by a disco ball lowering from the ceiling.
  73. <StrifeActual>: How big is the bone?
  74. <Hankolijo>: Slightly smaller than your leg.
  75. <StrifeActual>: Rick examines where the disco ball lowered from the ceiling.
  76. <Hankolijo>: A thing cord of some sort is holding it up to... nothing, it seems to connect directly to the wall.
  77. <StrifeActual>: He hefts the bone.
  78. <StrifeActual>: "Alright, I can't come up with any disco tunes that have strings of numbers in them."
  79. <StrifeActual>: "My apologies."
  80. <StrifeActual>: Rick firmly applies combat boot to keypad.
  81. <Hankolijo>: The keypad flickers a warning. The monitor lights up: "Please, refrain from such actions, or the test shall be terminated."
  82. <Hankolijo>: The bone isn't too heavy.
  83. <StrifeActual>: "What actions exactly aren't permitted?"
  84. <StrifeActual>: "I mean, can I do this?"
  85. <StrifeActual>: He smashes the keypad with the bone, hard."
  86. <Hankolijo>: The warning flickers on again. "Last warning: you will be terminated after next attempt to damage testing equipment."
  87. <StrifeActual>: "Don't I qualify as testing equipment?"
  88. <StrifeActual>: "Shit, I'm going to terminate the hold *fuck* out of you when I break out, you know?"
  89. <Hankolijo>: "If you wish to do so, please, continue with the experiment."
  90. <StrifeActual>: "Is this one of those 'give really shitty parameters to the test subject' experiments? Because those are almost always pretty lame."
  91. <StrifeActual>: "Why don't you go play tomb of elemental horrors or something?"
  92. <Hankolijo>: The water is over your knees now. It seems to flow in faster now.
  93. <StrifeActual>: "Alright, how about the safe code from Resident Evil? 2236"
  94. <StrifeActual>: Rick still punches in a four digit code, just to be a dick
  95. <StrifeActual>: "Anything?"
  96. <StrifeActual>: "223, best rifle caliber."
  97. <StrifeActual>: "556, best rifle caliber with its nato designation."
  98. <StrifeActual>: "236, second part of the code."
  99. <StrifeActual>: "777, because it's expected."
  100. <StrifeActual>: "354, because it'd be really awesome if you started pumping pool water in here."
  101. <Hankolijo>: First, a pack of wooden toothpicks drops down. After that, a concrete block pops up from the ground. Then, several frogs start swimming around the water. 236 makes a large bubble appear in the middle of the room, and 777 makes a pack of AA batteries fall down. Then, you hear a roar in the distance.
  102. <StrifeActual>: "Ooo, that sounded fun."
  103. <StrifeActual>: "354 again and 354 again"
  104. <Hankolijo>: The sound doesn't repeat, but you hear a loud crashing noise. The water is above your waist now, and is filling in quickly.
  105. <StrifeActual>: "Hey, you're not like those idiots in Cabin in the Woods with a purge button, are you?"
  106. <StrifeActual>: "226"
  107. <Hankolijo>: You hear a hiss from above your head. There is a snake on a small shelve-like thing above you.
  108. <StrifeActual>: "Hiya snake. You stay right there."
  109. <StrifeActual>: "026, 126"
  110. <Hankolijo>: Several bottles of water fall down and sink. Then, a chocolate bar. You hear another crash, closer.
  111. <StrifeActual>: What kind of bottles of water are they?
  112. <Hankolijo>: Plastic ones. They are full to the cap.
  113. <StrifeActual>: "Pity."
  114. <StrifeActual>: "326, 426"
  115. <Hankolijo>: Seemingly nothing happens after the first code, but the water appears to change tint to a slightly red one. A pocket knife falls down next. You hear a crash, and an ear-shattering roar right behind a wall.
  116. <StrifeActual>: "Seriously, you made your damn purge code 354? What the hell were you thinking? Of course I'd use 354 at least a few times, it's such a nice, fun number, 354, kinda like 657"
  117. <StrifeActual>: Once that set of buttons is punched, Rick wades over and claims the pocket knife.
  118. <Hankolijo>: You hear a quiet knock on a wall.
  119. <StrifeActual>: "Come in!"
  120. <Hankolijo>: A hole is blown open in the wall, shrapnel flying around the room, luckily not hitting you. Water fills the room almost to the top, leaving a very slight air pocket. "Experiment malfunction." reports the robotic voice.
  121. <StrifeActual>: "Experiment fun, I think."
  122. <StrifeActual>: Rick breathes from the air pocket, saturating his blood stream with oxygen. Is the air pocket shrinking?
  123. <Hankolijo>: Not that you can tell. You can see light behind the hole in the wall.
  124. <StrifeActual>: Rick takes a moment to untie his boots, tie them together, and loop them around his neck,
  125. <Hankolijo>: You do that, and nothing interrupts you.
  126. <StrifeActual>: He swims down, takes the opportunity to punch in 354 twice more assuming the keypad is still present, then starts swimming towards the light.
  127. <Hankolijo>: You swim through, and end up falling down a waterfall of some sort. You land on a padded floor, next to a drain. You are in a room filled with monitors, each displaying a room identical to yours... but with different poolboy in each of them.
  128. <Hankolijo>: THE END...?
  129. <StrifeActual>: Rick looks for switches!
  130. <Hankolijo>: There are no switches.
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