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Nations of Soren: The Fairies (Sheet)

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Oct 31st, 2015
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  1. Name: Plains Fairy Kingdom of Flowers in the Sky
  3. Race (Determines bonuses): Fey - 80% Sunflower Fairies, 20% Leprechaun. Sunflower fairies are an all-female race of humanoid fey resembling usually young to teenaged humans of fair skin with somewhat nonstandard hair color (blue and purple being common, followed by more mundane colours such as red and brown) with an intricate set of vaguely butterfly-like wings and the need to constantly grasp the plant that gives them their namesake, seldom standing taller than three feet in height, with the exception of great fairies, who appear as adult humanoids that stand the lower ends of five feet. Leprechauns, on the other hand, are a seemingly all-male breed of fey whose appearance ranges from young to older adults (in rare cases appearing elderly), lacking wings and standing at a similar short height, appearing similar to a gnome in appearance with a stout build. Sunflower fairies appear to grow be sickly when deprived of sun or moonlight for more than a few hours, while their brothers by contrast seem to be at home building great vaults in the earth to store their belongings. Pure iron is highly caustic to all varieties of fey.
  5. Color: (Determined map color): Cyan with a gold border; main city is symbolized by a flower.
  7. Fluff (Determines bonuses):
  9. A specific type of elemental avatar, the fairies are a simplistic type of fey creature whose purpose is to maintain a particular facet of nature to the best of their abilities: be it planting flowers, starting forest fires, or spreading snow to points that might have been missed by the winter; in harmony, they make sure the cycles of nature continue uninhibited, even in the midst of magical tampering and other unnatural anomalies. For the longest time, the fairies of the plains land east of Fellscape spent their time without structure, playing around the sunflower fields from which they were projected with little care for their greater purpose: those that attempted to explore outward would usually find themselves spurned by the unnatural aura of the area, eaten by the fauna, or otherwise lost, only to be replaced as the fields produced a new fairies to take their place, a cycle which would continue for eons as the area remained undisturbed by outsiders.
  11. This would all change at the end of a rainy day some weeks ago, when the curious fairies observed a series of vibrant rainbows striking down into their fields: though common knowledge proclaims that rainbows do not have a definite end, being optical illusions, the sunflower fairies were determined to scour the first new thing they had come across in memorized history, and eventually located what was at their ends: other type of fairies, unlike any other fey they had known before. Ruddy, red-coated creatures with funny suits and accents, and above all else, a lust for gold, who each had a cauldron of gold which the guarded heavily.
  13. At first weary, the leprechauns than became confused at the mannerisms of their foreign cousins, who cared not for money and in essence possessed very little aside from the clothes of their backs. With nowhere else to go among the otherwise tainted lands, they decided to band together and carve a home from the insides of the hills, bellow the sunflower fields and in great halls from which they kept their precious currency.
  15. Living largely separate from their sisters, the two fey interacted with one another more and more as they found themselves confined to a virtual island a midst hostile grounds, gradually becoming accustomed to each other over the years until the chauns joined in to play games with their sisters, using their skill in leather-working to craft objects such as shoes and toys, playing tricks on unwary mortals with the fae's mobility and the chauns' wits, and regaling stories of made up creatures and far away, fantastical lands. In doing so, the leprechauns shed their red coats and donned clothing of green, signifying unity not only with themselves, but also their sisters, thus forming the Plains Fairy Kingdom.
  17. A very young nation, the Fey of the Plains are an optimistic and hospitable people to those who can stand being pranked a couple times in their stays. Among themselves, they often have troubles balancing between the needs of the chauns and their desire for wealth and the grandose fields of sunflowers the fairies wish to spread across Soren, but generally try their hardest to balance the interests of their kind as a whole.
  19. Government Type (Determines some stats): Monarchy headed by the Great Fairy of Spring and the secretive Leprechaun King who resides in the halls beneath the hills, though the two rarely seem to actually meet and appear to lord over their populations separately, leaving it to question whether or not the kingdom has one or two rulers, and if one, who holds the proper position of power; some say they take turns, alternating between the focus of the fae and the chaunate as needed.
  21. Economy Type (Determines some stats): Laissez-faire economy with aspects of Communism: it is generally held that the chaunate should do their best to earn money on their own terms, whether it be through becoming a singular artisan or banding together to make a small guild or company. Every leprechaun is assumed to have amassed at least some wealth which is tied to his existence in the literal sense: a leprechaun without any gold to his name is a dead one.
  23. Less fervent participants in economics are the fairies which make up the majority, with the very concept generally being quite new and confusing to them; the smarter ones will partake in the exchange of money with their peers, while those unable to do so will generally loiter around the commons and borrow things as needed from stockpiles noted as “unowned”: though the chaunate is un-amused with this practice, fellow fairies generally don't seem to mind too much and generally dump superfluous junk to these stockpiles out of habit.
  25. Religion (Determines magic): Fairies believe, nay, /are/ the avatars of specific forces of nature: the sunflower fairies being the spirits of the sunflowers, as their name would imply, while the leprechauns are said to be the spirits of wealth, hence their insistence towards hoarding the substance. The more sunflowers under their control, the more sunflower fairies are called into existence to grow and maintain them, while the more gold the kingdom holds, the faster leprechauns materialize to quickly claim their share and work for the kingdom. Loss or deficiency of either causes their respective fey to become mortal; this is quite shocking as it means they have to consume food and rest as needed, greatly reducing their efficiency when working.
  27. Location: Eastern tip of the region encompassing the Fellscape.
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