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JWE String Table

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Sep 16th, 2018
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  2. Remove duplicate lines from a list
  4. Paste lines into the field, select any options below, and press Submit. Results appear at the bottom of the page. Note: Processing an extremely large list can slow your computer. See details here.
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  6. Paste lines in the field below. Press Submit.
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  12. 342537 original lines, 341388 removed, 1149 remaining.
  14. abs
  15. AccessActiveExpeditions
  16. AccessActiveFossilExtractions
  17. AccessActiveResearches
  18. acos
  19. actionFence
  20. Activate
  21. ActivateComponents
  22. Advance
  23. AdvanceAvoidanceSmoothing
  24. AdvanceCurrentMode
  25. AdvanceEdgePanCircular
  26. AdvanceKeyRotate
  27. AdvanceMouseRotate
  28. AdvanceReset
  29. AdvanceRMBDragSimple
  30. AdvanceSmoothing
  31. AdvanceToTarget_DifferenceStep
  32. AdvanceWorldWASD
  33. AdvanceZoom
  34. AIIsTargetInaccessible
  35. AliveAndConscious
  36. allModes
  37. Allowed
  38. AllowHelpScreens
  39. alternateMovingEntityID
  40. Amenity_Fun
  41. ApplyFinal
  42. ApplyParameterCurves
  43. ApplyParameters
  44. ApplyShake
  45. Assert
  46. atan
  47. audio
  48. audioCinematicRequest
  49. available
  50. bAccelerationLock
  51. bActive
  52. bAllLimitedQuantityBuildingsDisabled
  53. bAllowed
  54. bAllowManualExit
  55. bAnselAllowed
  56. baseTransQ
  57. bAtSpawnPoint
  58. bBuildingInfoFetched
  59. bCachedStartedIncubating
  60. bCameraShake
  61. bCanCallInterfaces
  62. bCanPlayOnLoadVO
  63. bCanRedo
  64. bCanUndo
  65. bChallengeIntroDisplayed
  66. bCheckPendingMissions
  67. bClosableBuildings
  68. bComplete
  69. bCurrentlyShown
  70. bDataStoreInitialised
  71. bDebugMaxOutAllBuildings
  72. bDontCareAboutClicks
  73. bDontCareAboutLeftClicks
  74. bEdgePanCircular
  75. bEdgePanOrthogonal
  76. behaviourtree
  77. bEnabled
  78. bExitSettingsMenu
  79. bFirstAdvance
  80. bFixToFloor
  81. bFocusCamZoomInDisabled
  82. bForceRelinquish
  83. bForceReset
  84. bGameDatabaseInitialising
  85. bGateClosed
  86. bHasAdvanced
  87. bHasRetainedFocus
  88. bHasState
  89. bHasStorms
  90. bHeadingToIntermediateTarget
  91. bHeliCamFollowHeliRotation
  92. bHelpNotificationShown
  93. bHelpOpen
  94. bHideHUD
  95. bHideProgression
  96. bHUDSelectionLock
  97. bInfoPanelVisible
  98. bIngenNoticeSent
  99. bInitGameDatabaseDuringStartup
  100. bInitialised
  101. bInitialNotificationBanTurningOff
  102. bInputActive
  103. bInvertX
  104. bInvertXGamepad
  105. bInvertY
  106. bInvertYGamepad
  107. bIsComplete
  108. bIsDinoFocusCamera
  109. bIsInTutorial
  110. bIsOnceOnlyHelpDisabled
  111. bIsOperational
  112. bLocked
  113. bManagementUIOpen
  114. bMaxOutTweakableCache
  115. bMovedByPlayerThisFrame
  116. bMovingToInitialOffset
  117. bNeedsPopupUpdate
  118. bNeedsUIUpdate
  119. bNew
  120. bNoclipMode
  121. bNoPowerLoss
  122. bOperational
  123. bPaused
  124. bPendingCheckIfAllUnlocked
  125. bPendingDataStoreInitialisation
  126. bPendingFirstRefresh
  127. bPendingFocusOnBuilding
  128. bPendingInitialiseExtractions
  129. bPendingRefreshAllTechs
  130. bPhaseDependenciesChanged
  131. bPhysicsRaycasts
  132. bPlacementMode
  133. bPowerScreenShown
  134. bQueueBranchCompleteEvent
  135. bQueueOpenCredits
  136. bRecentlyUsingGamePad
  137. bRecentlyUsingGamepad
  138. bRequestContractButtonCooldownActive
  139. bRequestedWorldSwitch
  140. bReturnsBlocked
  141. bRMBDragGrab
  142. bRMBDragSimple
  143. bRotatedByPlayerThisFrame
  144. bRunning
  145. bSandboxMode
  146. bSaveExists
  147. bSetGlobalLockedStatus
  148. bShouldHideForMode
  149. bShowHUD
  150. bShownPsychHelpScreen
  151. bShownSurvivalHelpScreen
  152. bShutdownComplete
  153. bShutdownStarted
  154. bSkipAll
  155. bStickToTerrain
  156. bSuperGrab
  157. bTransitioningToMap
  158. Build
  159. BuildingAPI
  160. buildingAPI
  161. buildingContext
  162. buildingsPanelEventListener
  163. BuildingUIContextAPI
  164. buildingUIContextAPI
  165. Building_ExpeditionCentre
  166. Building_Laboratory
  167. Building_ResearchCentre
  168. bUnlockedLightingOptions
  169. bUpdateStatusValue
  170. bUsePercentageIncrease
  171. bUsingShortcut
  172. bVisited
  173. bWaitingForWorldTransition
  174. bWantLoaded
  175. bWorldComplete
  176. bWorldTransitionCompleted
  177. bZoomedByPlayerThisFrame
  178. CalculateWorldPosition
  179. CalculateWorldTransform
  180. CallModeMethod
  181. call_on_super
  182. camera
  183. cameraAttachEntity
  184. CameraAttachPoint
  185. cameraconfig
  186. CameraModeManager
  187. CameraModeManagerAPI
  188. CancelActiveStoryMission
  189. CancelAndDeselect
  190. CancelOrShowOptionsMenu
  191. CanRedo
  192. CanUndo
  193. CanVehicleBeIssuedTasks
  194. Cat_General
  195. CheckEvents
  196. CheckWorldScriptPermitsLoad
  197. civileng
  198. civilengAPI
  199. civilEngAPI
  200. CivilEngAPI
  201. ClaimInput
  202. Clamp
  203. ClampDelta
  204. ClampDisplacementAboveSeaLevel
  205. ClampDisplacementWithinParkBoundary
  206. ClampFocus
  207. ClampHorizontalDistance
  208. ClampPitch
  209. ClampPosition
  210. ClampRescale
  211. ClampTripleDelta
  212. ClampV3
  213. ClampZoom
  214. class
  215. click2
  216. Configure_AddFeatureRequired
  217. Conjugated
  218. Construct
  219. controlContext
  220. controlContextButtons
  221. Coroutine
  222. create
  223. crowdednessLT
  224. current
  225. currentCycleDirection
  226. currentMode
  227. currentModeName
  228. CurrentTarget
  229. cursorRequest
  230. dataStoreContext
  231. dayNightCycle
  232. debug
  233. DebugDraw
  234. DebugRender
  235. debugWindowQueue
  236. DefaultInitOptions
  237. deg
  238. description
  239. DetermineIfCameraActive
  240. dinosaur
  241. DinosaurExists
  242. dinosaurInfoEventListener
  243. dinosaurInfoUI
  244. dinosaurs
  245. dinosaursAPI
  246. DinosaursAPI
  247. DinosaurUIContextAPI
  248. DNT_HabitatGrassland
  249. DNT_Health
  250. DNT_Stress
  251. DoDinoCollision
  252. DoesHaveTask
  253. DoRun
  254. DoTerrainAvoidance
  255. DropGlobalState
  256. empty
  257. EndTimer
  258. EnqueueLoopAction
  259. EnsureValidWorldName
  260. ent
  261. entity
  262. entityID
  263. EntMission1
  264. eventListener
  265. exceptionToken
  266. Expedition
  267. extraScreenModeHelper
  268. FinalDeactivate
  269. FindEntityByName
  270. Flag_Building
  271. Flag_Character
  272. Flag_Dinosaur
  273. Flag_Foliage
  274. Flag_Foundation
  275. Flag_Landscape
  276. Flag_Prop
  277. Flag_Pylon
  278. Flag_Track
  279. Flag_Water
  280. Flag_Wheel
  281. fluidsurfaces
  282. fnInput
  283. fnMessageReceivers
  284. fnRun
  285. fnRunHUD
  286. fnRunLoad
  287. fnStateChanged
  288. FocusRaycast
  289. ForwardBackward
  290. FoundationNotOperational
  291. FromOrPos
  292. FromYawPitchRoll
  293. game
  294. gameAudioAPI
  295. GameAudioAPI
  296. GameHasFocus
  297. gameterrain
  298. gameui
  299. GameVolatileConfigAPI
  300. GetActive
  301. GetActiveWorldScript
  302. GetAnselAllowed
  303. GetAttractionPriceInfo
  304. GetAvailableTable
  305. GetBoundingBox
  306. GetCameraShakeTransform
  307. GetCategoryInversions
  308. GetCategoryMouseSensitivity
  309. GetComponentManagerID
  310. GetConfig
  311. GetControlRoomShortcutsAllowed
  312. GetControls
  313. GetCreditsOpen
  314. GetCurrentCareer
  315. GetCurrentMode
  316. GetCurrentModeName
  317. GetDataStoreContext
  318. GetDatastoreElementIntSafe
  319. GetDebugDrawLevel
  320. GetDeltaTime
  321. GetDeltaTimeUnscaled
  322. GetDinosaurTraits
  323. GetEditorModeName
  324. GetEnvironment
  325. GetForestDensity
  326. GetFossilSeen
  327. GetFoundation
  328. GetFoundationUtilityActualProduction
  329. GetFOV
  330. GetGameOwner
  331. GetGenomeMinPercentage
  332. GetGlobalBuildingIsComplete
  333. GetGlobalBuildingIsOperational
  334. GetGUIWrapper
  335. GetHatchlingIDInSlotIndex
  336. GetHUDSelectionLock
  337. GetInputEntity
  338. GetIslandData
  339. GetIslandID
  340. GetIslandIDs
  341. GetIslandTable
  342. GetIslandTotalPlayTime
  343. GetIsSuspended
  344. GetKeyPressed
  345. GetLastPlayedIsland
  346. GetLength
  347. GetListOfLoadedModuleNames
  348. GetMainCameraID
  349. GetMissionActionsNeedCleanup
  350. GetMissionData
  351. GetMissionState
  352. GetMouseInput
  353. GetMousePositionUV
  354. GetMousePositionUVInternalUnclamped
  355. GetMousePositionUVUnclamped
  356. GetMouseRay
  357. GetMouseWheelDelta
  358. GetMovedByPlayerThisFrame
  359. GetNextRequestedWorld
  360. GetNextResearchQueueNumber
  361. GetNumberOfHatchlingsBeingReleased
  362. GetNumberOfHatchlingsIncubating
  363. GetNumberOfHatchlingsReadyToRelease
  364. GetNumTasks
  365. GetParkExtents
  366. GetParkOrigin
  367. GetParkSize
  368. GetPendingAcceptanceMission
  369. GetPerformanceTimer
  370. GetPlayTime
  371. GetPos
  372. GetPosition
  373. GetPositionUnderSphereSweepForCamera
  374. GetPosYPRZoom
  375. GetR
  376. GetResearchTeamUnlocked
  377. GetScript
  378. GetSeaLevel
  379. GetSessionPlayTime
  380. GetSmallEntitiesUnderSphereSweep
  381. GetSpawnPoint
  382. GetSpawnPointSelectedPrefab
  383. GetSpawnPointsForFoundation
  384. GetStartLevelName
  385. GetStateForMainHUD
  386. GetStateTableAtOffset
  387. GetStatus
  388. GetStormWeight
  389. GetTaskType
  390. GetTerrainHeight
  391. GetTerrainPositionUnderRaycast
  392. GetTerrainTransformUnderScreenCenter
  393. GetTotalDesiredUtilityProduction
  394. GetTotalFunctioningBuildings
  395. GetTotalUtilityProduction
  396. GetU
  397. GetUIHintStringFromLogicalButton
  398. GetValue
  399. GetWorldAPIs
  400. GetX
  401. GetY
  402. GetZ
  403. globalBuildingStatusManager
  404. gt
  405. HandleInput
  406. HasActionFencePassed
  407. HasCuratedContracts
  408. HasFunctioningBuildingOnIsland
  409. HasGameOwner
  410. HasRequiredPathConnections
  411. HasTasks
  412. HasTransform
  413. HideHelpScreenAndDelayQueue
  414. HUD_ManagementMenu_Contracts
  415. HUD_ManagementMenu_Expedition
  416. HUD_ManagementMenu_Finances
  417. HUD_ManagementMenu_Fossils
  418. HUD_ManagementMenu_InGenDatabase
  419. HUD_ManagementMenu_IslandManagement
  420. HUD_ManagementMenu_IslandNavigation
  421. HUD_ManagementMenu_IslandRating
  422. HUD_ManagementMenu_Missions
  423. HUD_ManagementMenu_Reputation
  424. HUD_ManagementMenu_Research
  425. HUD_OptionsMenu
  426. HUD_ShowPreviousHelp
  427. iCareerProgressManager
  428. iCareerSave
  429. iCommsManager
  430. iCredits
  431. Identity
  432. iEditMode
  433. iEditModeManager
  434. iExpeditionData
  435. iFossilInventoryManager
  436. iGeneticEngineeringManager
  437. iGlobalBuildingStatusManager
  438. iHelpManager
  439. iInputDispatcher
  440. iIslandProgressManager
  441. iIslandSwitchManager
  442. iMissionManager
  443. IModeChanger
  444. IncrementCareerTime
  445. incubatorContext
  446. infoPanelUI
  447. Init
  448. InitAPI
  449. initialActivate
  450. initialised
  451. input
  452. inputEntityID
  453. inputEventQueue
  454. inputManager
  455. InputManager
  456. InputManagerAPI
  457. Interfaces.IMissionManager
  458. Invoke
  459. iPromptStack
  460. iResearchManager
  461. isa
  462. IsActive
  463. IsAdvancing
  464. IsAirborne
  465. iSandboxSettingsManager
  466. iSaveLoadError
  467. IsBusyReleasing
  468. IsCellInNonPlayableArea
  469. IsChallengeCareer
  470. IsCommsPaused
  471. IsComplete
  472. IsConscious
  473. IsCurrentIslandASandbox
  474. IsDataStreamPlaying
  475. IsDead
  476. IsDebugAllowed
  477. IsDown
  478. IsEntityOutsidePark
  479. IsFightActive
  480. IsFoundationOperational
  481. IsFoundationSupplied
  482. IsFoundationTrackComplete
  483. IsInUse
  484. IslandData
  485. islandID
  486. IsLoaded
  487. IsOpen
  488. IsPlayerMostRecentlyUsingGamePad
  489. IsPointOffscreen
  490. IsPointOutsidePark
  491. IsPressed
  492. IsShown
  493. IsSingleIslandCareer
  494. IsStalled
  495. IsStormActive
  496. IsSwitchingIsland
  497. iStormManager
  498. IsValid
  499. IsVehicle
  500. isyieldable
  501. iTutorialUIManager
  502. iUIManager
  503. iUIMode
  504. iUIModeManager
  505. iVOManager
  506. json
  507. keyInput
  508. Laboratory
  509. lastProjectNumber
  510. Leaving
  511. LeftRight
  512. Length
  513. LengthXZ
  514. LMouse
  515. LoadIntroSequenceWorld
  516. LockCentreFocus
  517. log
  518. LuaHasMouseFocus
  519. mainEntityID
  520. mainHUD
  521. managementBackgroundUI
  522. managementTabsEventListener
  523. managementUI
  524. Matanceros
  525. Matanceros_Day_Rain
  526. max
  527. min
  528. missionGenerator
  529. MMouse
  530. modeHelper
  531. moneyAPI
  532. motiongraph
  533. mouseInput
  534. MouseX
  535. MouseY
  536. MouseZ
  537. movingEntityID
  538. Muerta
  539. nAccelerationEffect
  540. nAllAlertsHighWaterMark
  541. nAllowedTimer
  542. nAudioProgress
  543. nBuildingCamFOV
  544. nBuildingUIContextFeature
  545. nCachedActiveAndOfferedContractCount
  546. nCachedNumberBeingReleased
  547. nCachedNumberIncubating
  548. nCachedNumberReadyToRelease
  549. nCameraFOV
  550. nCarCamLookaheadDist
  551. nCareerTime
  552. nCashSetting
  553. nCentreFocusLockMinDistance
  554. nCentreFocusLockTimer
  555. nCinematicFade
  556. nComponentManagerID
  557. nContractType
  558. nCountdown
  559. nCurrentBuildingEntityID
  560. nCursorFocusLockTimer
  561. nDelayBeforeNext
  562. nDeltaTime
  563. nDinoCamDefaultPitch
  564. nDinoCamFOV
  565. nDinoCamMaxPitch
  566. nDinoCamMaxZoom
  567. nDinoCamMinPitch
  568. nDinosaursReared
  569. nDinosLowHealth
  570. nDisableCount
  571. nDiseaseCount
  572. nDisplaceRateMultiplier
  573. nDistance
  574. nDistanceForDrag
  575. nDragType
  576. nEconomicDifficultySetting
  577. nEdgePanMargin
  578. nEdgePanScale
  579. NeedsUIUpdate
  580. nEntityID
  581. new
  582. newMode
  583. nExpeditionID
  584. nExtractionQueueNumber
  585. nFade
  586. nFeatureID_visuals
  587. nFightEntityID
  588. nFocusEntityID
  589. nFOVRateMultiplier
  590. nFOVY
  591. nGeneratedMissionCount
  592. nGetTerrainPositionUnderRaycastRayLength
  593. nGrabUpness
  594. nHelicopterEntityID
  595. nHelpNotificationPendingTimestamp
  596. nHelpScreenIdleDelay
  597. nHighestParkValue
  598. nHighPriorityAlertsHighWaterMark
  599. nHybridTerrainEntityID
  600. nInitialChallengeContractsLeft
  601. nInitialNotificationBanTimer
  602. nInitialValue
  603. nLandscapeFlags
  604. nLastChallengeFeeAnnouncedByVO
  605. nLength
  606. nLowCount
  607. nLowNotRecoveringHealthCount
  608. nMax
  609. nMaxEvents
  610. nMaxZoom
  611. nMean
  612. nMin
  613. nMinZoom
  614. nMovingEntityLerp
  615. nNeedType
  616. nNextEventToPop
  617. nNextEventToPush
  618. nNextHatchlingID
  619. nNextNotificationID
  620. nNextUID
  621. nNotificationContextType
  622. nNotificationType
  623. nNotifiedResearchOperationsStrength
  624. NoclipMode
  625. Normalised
  626. NotificationContextType_Contract
  627. NotificationContextType_DinosaurFight
  628. NotificationContextType_Hatchery
  629. NotificationContextType_HelpScreen
  630. NotificationContextType_StoryMission
  631. notificationManager
  632. notificationsAPI
  633. NotificationType_CashDepleted
  634. NotificationType_StoryMissionOffered
  635. nPlacementDefaultPitch
  636. nPosAccelMin
  637. nPosAccelTime
  638. nPosFreecamSpeed
  639. nPosGamepadScale
  640. nPosHintRate
  641. nPosKeyScale
  642. nPosMouseVScale
  643. nPosRate
  644. nPrevDragType
  645. nRateMultiplier
  646. nRawXAxis
  647. nRawYAxis
  648. nRawZAxis
  649. nRenderModeBlendTargetValue
  650. nRenderModeBlendValue
  651. nRequestContractButtonCooldown
  652. nResetTimer
  653. nRotKeyScale
  654. nRotMouseScale
  655. nRotRate
  656. nScale
  657. nSignificantActionTimestamp
  658. nStaffMembersInUse
  659. nStage
  660. nStallTime
  661. nStandardCamDefaultPitch
  662. nStandardCamEndPitch
  663. nStandardCamEndZoom
  664. nStandardCamFOV
  665. nStandardCamMaxPitch
  666. nStandardCamMaxZoom
  667. nStandardCamMinPitch
  668. nStandardCamMinZoom
  669. nStandardCamStartZoom
  670. nState
  671. nSubtype
  672. nSuppressingZoomInput
  673. nSurfaceGroup
  674. nSurgeType
  675. nTerroriseType
  676. nTimeForPress
  677. nTimeInCamera
  678. nTimeInPlaySessionForThisWorld
  679. nTimeInWorld
  680. nTimeLeftInList
  681. nTimeMoving
  682. nTimeSinceBusy
  683. nTimeSinceConfirmedStillAtSpawnPoint
  684. nTimeSinceHide
  685. nTimeSinceLastPowerSurgeVOLine
  686. nTimeSinceLastSabotageAllGatesOpenVOLine
  687. nTimeSinceLastSabotagePowerFailureVOLine
  688. nTimeSinceLastStorm
  689. nTimeSinceLastTerrorise
  690. nTimeSinceLastTerroriseVOLine
  691. nTimeSinceShow
  692. nTimeSinceTick
  693. nTimeSpentLeaving
  694. nTimeTillNextDisease
  695. nTimeToCheckContractCount
  696. nTimeToContractOffer
  697. nTimeToHideCompletedMission
  698. nTimeToOffer
  699. nTimeToStoryOffer
  700. nTimeUntilNextDamagingStorm
  701. nTimeUntilNextUndamagingStorm
  702. nTimeUntilPlayCalamityResolved
  703. nTimeUntilPlayCalamityVO
  704. nTimeUntilPlayParkAlertsResolved
  705. nTimeUntilPlayPowerVO
  706. nTimeUntilSabotage
  707. nTimeUntilShowWarnings
  708. nTimeUntilStart
  709. nTODOverride
  710. nTotalFunctioningBuildings
  711. nTotalPlayTime
  712. nType
  713. Nublar
  714. nUIOpenEntity
  715. nWheelDelta
  716. nYPRRateMultiplier
  717. nZoomAffectAddition
  718. nZoomCentre
  719. nZoomCursor
  720. nZoomKeyScale
  721. nZoomMaximum
  722. nZoomRate
  723. nZoomRateMultiplier
  724. oCondition
  725. oControlContext
  726. oControlRoomButton
  727. offset
  728. oFocusDinosaurEntity
  729. oHelpButton
  730. OnAdvance
  731. OnDisplayLegalScreen
  732. OnInit
  733. OnPhase
  734. OnRemovedFromQueue
  735. OnUnload
  736. OnWorldDeactivation
  737. oQueueNotificationCmd
  738. oSelectACUButton
  739. oSelectRangerCentreButton
  740. oShowUIButton
  741. oSkipNotification
  742. oToggleCameraButton
  743. oUnconstrainedCallbackToken
  744. park
  745. parkAPI
  746. particles
  747. PeekInput
  748. Pena
  749. pi
  750. player
  751. PlayMovie
  752. playTime
  753. PlusX
  754. PlusY
  755. PointQueryAnyHit
  756. PointTest
  757. PopEvent
  758. Pos
  759. pow
  760. PrependTask
  761. previousUIModeName
  762. progressProp
  763. PullEvents
  764. PullNextEvent
  765. PushTooltipData
  766. QueueHatchlingForRelease
  767. rad
  768. RawXAxis
  769. RayCast
  770. RayCastJustEntitiesAndFirstHit
  771. RedoYPR
  772. RefreshAllDinosaursOfSpecies
  773. RefreshVehiclesTab
  774. RegisterGameOwnerChangeCallback
  775. RegisterPlayerChangeCallback
  776. ReInit
  777. ReleaseCursorRequest
  778. ReloadModule_ConsoleCommand
  779. Remap
  780. RemapToRange
  781. RemoveComponentFromEntities
  782. RenderParametersAPI
  783. RequestInterface
  784. RequestSaveIslandToFile
  785. Research
  786. resume
  787. RMouse
  788. RotateAround
  789. RotatedAround
  790. RotateLeftRight
  791. RotateUpDown
  792. run
  793. Run
  794. RunControllerDisconnect
  795. SafeNormalised
  796. ScaleAround
  797. sCareerID
  798. sCatchYields
  799. sCategoryID
  800. SciMission1
  801. sCurrentExtraScreen
  802. sCurrentHelpScreen
  803. sCurrentSubScreen
  804. SCurve
  805. sDefaultMode
  806. sDefaultSubScreen
  807. sDefaultSubScreenInitData
  808. sDropMode
  809. SecMission1
  810. selectedEntity
  811. SetBuildingTypeNew
  812. SetDataStoreElement
  813. SetEconomicDifficultySettings
  814. SetEnvironment
  815. SetFinancialVOPlayedType
  816. SetFOVWithDelta
  817. SetGameDebugModule
  818. SetGlobalBuildingIsComplete
  819. SetGlobalBuildingUpgradeLevel
  820. SetGuestCountSettings
  821. SetIslandTotalPlayTime
  822. SetMainCameraID
  823. SetOptionsMenuSuppressed
  824. SetPlayTime
  825. SetPosFocusUp
  826. SetPosYPRZoom
  827. SetRequestContractButtonCooldown
  828. SetRequestContractButtonCooldownActive
  829. SetSicknessSettings
  830. SetTimeSinceLastTerrorise
  831. SetTimeToContractOffer
  832. SetTimeToStoryOffer
  833. SetTransform
  834. SetTutorialFlag
  835. SetVehicleSkinUnlocked
  836. sFinancialVOPlayedType
  837. ShellCommand_SetCameraPos
  838. ShouldHelpNotificationBeShown
  839. ShouldTransitionOutToHigherCamera
  840. sHUDStateForMode
  841. Shutdown
  842. SimulateDeltas
  843. sIntroSequenceWorld
  844. sIslandID
  845. sLastPlayedIslandID
  846. sModeName
  847. sName
  848. sNextWorldName
  849. sNonSandboxTimeOfDay
  850. Sorna
  851. spatial
  852. SphereSweep
  853. sPrefab
  854. sqrt
  855. sRequestName
  856. sRotFocus
  857. sShortcutButton
  858. sSiteID
  859. sState
  860. StartTimer
  861. State
  862. StaticDispatchQueue
  863. StaticUpdate
  864. status
  865. storyMissionsContext
  866. sType
  867. subclass
  868. subScreenModeHelper
  869. sZoomFocus
  870. Tacano
  871. tActiveExpeditions
  872. tActiveFossilExtractions
  873. tActiveResearch
  874. tActors
  875. tAllHUDElements
  876. tAllNotificationTypeData
  877. tan
  878. tAPI
  879. tAPIs
  880. Target_WinDesktop
  881. TaskIssueReason
  882. taskQueueAPI
  883. TaskQueueAPI
  884. tAudioReputationInfo
  885. tAvailableReward
  886. tAvoid
  887. tAvoidanceSmoothing
  888. tBaseEditMode
  889. tBaseMode
  890. tButtonDown
  891. tButtons
  892. tCachedValues
  893. tCalamityHudContext
  894. tCalamityTotals
  895. tCashTechs
  896. tCinematics
  897. tClearAfterInit
  898. tComponents
  899. tConfig
  900. tControls
  901. tCuratedContracts
  902. tCurrentCareer
  903. tCurrentIslandMemoEntries
  904. tCurrentModeInterfaces
  905. tDatabaseFunctions
  906. tDatabases
  907. tDeleteSaves
  908. tDelta
  909. tDinosaurs
  910. tDirty
  911. tDiseaseAlertTypes
  912. teamsDataStoreContext
  913. tEarnedRewardStrings
  914. TemplateMission2
  915. TemplateMission7
  916. tEntities
  917. tEnvironment
  918. TerrainAPI
  919. TestConvexParkBoundary
  920. TestForYields
  921. tEventHandler
  922. tEventHandlers
  923. tEvents
  924. tExpeditions
  925. tExternalCinematics
  926. tExternalUnlockIDs
  927. tFinal
  928. tFossilInventory
  929. tGeneral
  930. tGenomeLibrary
  931. tGlobalBuildings
  932. tHatchlings
  933. tHelicopters
  934. tHelpTimer
  935. tHighlightedHUDElements
  936. tHighPriorityAlertTypes
  937. TickDebug
  938. TickNode
  939. TickResult_FinishSuccess
  940. TickResult_Yield
  941. time
  942. timeActivated
  943. tInGenDatabase
  944. tInput
  945. tInput2
  946. tInstances
  947. tInterfaceProxyCache
  948. tInterfaces
  949. tInversions
  950. tIslandContractContexts
  951. tIslandList
  952. tIslands
  953. tIslandUnlocks
  954. tKeyPressedBindings
  955. tKeyReleasedPreTapBindings
  956. tKeysThatAreDown
  957. tLightingStack
  958. tLoadingEntities
  959. tLowPriorityAlertTypes
  960. tMainModules
  961. tManagementShortcuts
  962. tManagerNames
  963. tMessageReceivers
  964. tMessageRecievers
  965. tMissionActionsWithAdvanceMethod
  966. tMissionConditionsWithAdvanceMethod
  967. tMissions
  968. tMissionsThatHaveJustChangedState
  969. tMissionThatHaveJustChangedState
  970. tModeAPI
  971. tModeData
  972. tMouseBindings
  973. tMouseScales
  974. tNextSubscreenInitData
  975. tNotification
  976. tNotificationContextData
  977. tNotificationPhases
  978. tNotificationsInList
  979. tOfferTimers
  980. ToLocalPos
  981. ToWorld
  982. ToWorldPos
  983. tParams
  984. tPauseRequests
  985. tPerWorldExpeditionData
  986. tPhaseFunctionCache
  987. tPhysicsFlags
  988. tPlayerAdvanceMethods
  989. tPoppedUpNotificationSets
  990. tQueue
  991. tQueuedNotifications
  992. Trace
  993. transform
  994. transformQ
  995. TransitionIn
  996. tResearchRewards
  997. tResearchTeamsUnlocked
  998. tResidentWorlds
  999. trigger
  1000. tSabotages
  1001. tSabotageTypes
  1002. tSafeArea
  1003. tShellIDsWithButton
  1004. tShelters
  1005. tSlotContexts
  1006. tStack
  1007. tStatusIconFoundationMap
  1008. tStatusIcons
  1009. tStatusTab
  1010. tStormNames
  1011. tStormParameterCurves
  1012. tStrings
  1013. tSubScreenMovieData
  1014. tSuspendedScreens
  1015. tTaskBarItemContents
  1016. tTaskChainsRendered
  1017. tTaskChainsToRender
  1018. tTechDataStoreInfo
  1019. tTemplateConfig
  1020. tThreatSet
  1021. tTransportHelicoptersRequested
  1022. tTransportRequestsOrdered
  1023. tTypes
  1024. tUIDs
  1025. tUIViewTimestamps
  1026. TutorialMission1
  1027. tValues
  1028. tVehiclesTab
  1029. tWorldAPIs
  1030. type
  1031. Type
  1032. ui
  1033. uiEventListener
  1034. uiHelp
  1035. uiHUD
  1036. uiHUDEventListener
  1037. uiManager
  1038. uiMapPowerLinesOverlay
  1039. uiMovie
  1040. uiNotification
  1041. undo
  1042. UndoYPR
  1043. UnregisterInputChangeCallback
  1044. Update
  1045. UpdateDisplay
  1046. UpdateDragType
  1047. UpdateFocusLocks
  1048. Upgrade_Other
  1049. Utility_Electricity
  1050. vCameraPos
  1051. vCameraYPR
  1052. vCentrePos
  1053. vCursorPos
  1054. vDispHint
  1055. vDisplace
  1056. vDispNonCursor
  1057. vehicles
  1058. VehiclesAPI
  1059. vehiclesAPI
  1060. vFocusMax
  1061. vFocusOffset
  1062. vInitYPR
  1063. vMousePos
  1064. vOffsetPosition
  1065. vOffsetYPR
  1066. vOverride
  1067. vPosition
  1068. vPrevFinalCameraPos
  1069. vShakeYPR
  1070. vSlowDisplace
  1071. vSunDirNow
  1072. vTargetPosition
  1073. vYPRCamera
  1074. vYPRCentre
  1075. vYPRCursor
  1076. vYPRHint
  1077. weakkeys
  1078. WeatherAPI
  1079. WheelDelta
  1080. WithW
  1081. WithY
  1082. world
  1083. worldgrid
  1084. wrap
  1085. WrapYaw
  1086. X
  1087. XAxis
  1088. Y
  1089. YAxis
  1090. yield
  1091. ZAxis
  1092. Zero
  1093. ZoomInOut
  1094. _AdvanceExpeditions
  1095. _AdvanceExtractions
  1096. _AdvanceHatchery
  1097. _AdvanceList
  1098. _AdvancePopUps
  1099. _AdvancePopUpUI
  1100. _AdvanceResearch
  1101. _AdvanceUI
  1102. _AdvanceVO
  1103. _CalculateResearchTime
  1104. _CreateGenericSabotageDivisionVO
  1105. _CreateSabotagePowerFailureVO
  1106. _CreateTemplateMission
  1107. _DebugWindowAdvanceQueue
  1108. _EnsureGlobalBuildingData
  1109. _FindSelectableEntityUnderCursor
  1110. _GenerateNewVOTime
  1111. _GetActiveAndOfferedContractCount
  1112. _GetActiveStoryMissionID
  1113. _GetContractsEnabled
  1114. _GetCurrentAlertCount
  1115. _GetCurrentAlertCountFromTable
  1116. _GetMaxConcurrentExtractions
  1117. _GetMaxConcurrentResearch
  1118. _GetMissionWhichCouldBeOfferedOnIsland
  1119. _GetNextInProgressExtraction
  1120. _GetNextInProgressResearch
  1121. _HandleHUDHiddenMessages
  1122. _HandleMissionsThatHaveJustChangedState
  1123. _HasHelicopterLeftPark
  1124. _IsContract
  1125. _IsNotificationStillValid
  1126. _IsTutorialMissionActive
  1127. _LoadOrUnloadSubscreenMovies
  1128. _M
  1129. _meta
  1130. _module_private
  1131. _NAME
  1132. _OfferMission
  1133. _OfferMissions
  1134. _OnDinosaurSimulationStatsUpdatedMessage
  1135. _OnVehicleRenamedMessage
  1136. _PACKAGE
  1137. _PlayFirstExpeditionCentreBuildQueuedVO
  1138. _PlayOnLoadVO
  1139. _PopUpNextQueuedNotification
  1140. _RefreshBuilding
  1141. _RefreshDataStore
  1142. _RefreshDataStoreForHatchery
  1143. _RefreshStatusTabSupplyStatistics
  1144. _RefreshVehiclesTab
  1145. _ReleaseNextQueuedHatchling
  1146. _RouteExists
  1147. _RunDelete
  1148. _RunDeleteSave
  1149. _SelectArrow
  1150. _SelectStars
  1151. _SetAudioProgress
  1152. _SetBehaviourStatus
  1153. _SetData
  1154. _SetNewMode
  1155. _SetSelected
  1156. _StepCoroutine
  1157. _TestIsComplete
  1158. _TriggerPowerVO
  1159. _UpdateCalamityBarVO
  1160. __eq
  1161. __gc
  1162. __index
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