

May 28th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 Distract Rukia with the fuzziness.: (Selias)
  2. [X] 1 Hide the evidence.  Tail?  What tail?: (Nekraa)
  3. -[X] 1 It just sort of...happened.  It's not like you went out of your way to seduce a pair of sex demons for giggles.: (Moving Target)
  4. [X] 9 Say that you seduced a pair of succubi.: (Redon, Moving Target, Smuthunter, Xicree, Vindictus, Carrnage, theweepingman, CrawlingChaos74, Heaven Canceler)
  5. [X] 2 You were walking home last night and were seduced by a pair on enchanting women. It was only when you were already under there spell and they beleived you to be lain low that they revealed themselves as succubi. But you marshalled your resolve to save your soul and defeated them at their own game.: (dreadis, Larekko12)
  6. [X] 1 You were walking home last night and were seduced by a pair on enchanting women. It was only when you were already under there spell and they believed you to be lain low that they revealed themselves as succubi. But you marshaled your resolve to save your soul and defeated them at their own game.: (Deathwings)
  7. [X] 4 dry your hair and tail off (make sure its nice and fluffy) then hold it to your chest as you walk over to your lover. "Rukia... I don't know what to do.": (Plotvitalnpc, iamnuff, Silversun17, Agilitree)
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