

Feb 13th, 2012
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  1. 8:52 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: This is the ultimatum here.
  2. 8:52 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Are you resigning or staying?
  3. 8:52 PM - ToxinFrog[K$α]-[KSG-M]: Your basically saying I resign and leave or I don't resign and stay.
  4. 8:53 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: No, are you staying as admin or are you resigning from it?
  5. 8:53 PM - ToxinFrog[K$α]-[KSG-M]: I guess resigning because under you, the server has gone to shit.
  6. 8:53 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: It has not gone to shit.
  7. 8:53 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: We're growing.
  8. 8:53 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Midnight made that announcement.
  9. 8:53 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: NOT ME.
  10. 8:53 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: DID YOU NOTICE?
  11. 8:53 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: I told him not to make it.
  12. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: But he made it anyway.
  13. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And you're blaming me.
  14. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: All I was simply asking was if you're staying or not.
  15. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: I'm doing things to help the server.
  16. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: I launched our 3rd serevr today...
  17. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: It got full.
  18. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: All three servers of ours were full.
  19. 8:54 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And I'm trying hard to try and get good shit going.
  20. 8:54 PM - ToxinFrog[K$α]-[KSG-M]: First off, just cause its growing doesn't mean it's not shitty. Second, I'm leaving so I don't care.
  21. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Then why the fuck are you leaving when all of the things I'm doing are good?
  22. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Our community is fine.
  23. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You're drinking the TCPub KoolAid.
  24. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: They keep drilling ideas into peoples' heads we're imploding.
  25. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: We're not.
  26. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: We're not going to shit.
  27. 8:57 PM - ToxinFrog[K$α]-[KSG-M]: Right....
  28. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You shouldn't resign or leave.
  29. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You just need to relax.
  30. 8:57 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: I'm going to try and fix what Midnight did.
  31. 8:59 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Can you just relax?
  32. 9:00 PM - ToxinFrog[K$α]-[KSG-M]: I suppose so.
  33. 9:00 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Look...
  34. 9:00 PM - SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: I'm trying my best here.
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