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Jan 22nd, 2017
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  1. -------------------------------------------------
  2. -- This script is designed to handle a touch
  3. -- screen controlled mystcraft portal, and
  4. -- requires the Touchpoint API to run (pFHeia96),
  5. -- saved as "touchpoint" on the computer.
  6. --
  7. -- Most important variables to adjust are listed
  8. -- first, and the script assumes that you have
  9. -- two chests (one for storage, one for removal),
  10. -- as well as this computer and a book receptacle
  11. -- adjacent to the storage chest. You also need
  12. -- an advanced monitor connected to the computer.
  13. -------------------------------------------------
  14. os.loadAPI("touchpoint") --Do not adjust.
  16. --Use either the side of the computer touching the
  17. --object, or the modem connecting them.
  18. local monitorLocation = "monitor_7"
  19. local chestLocation = "chest_1"
  21. --Use compass direction from the storage chest to
  22. --the listed object (or up/down).
  23. local directionToPortal = "west"
  24. local directionToEject = "down"
  26. --Primary customization options are below.
  27. local textSize = 1
  28. local minimumNameLength = 4
  29. local buttonPadding = 1 --Min 1, Space before/after
  30. local centerPadding = 0 --Min 0, Space before/after
  31. local idleButtonColor =
  32. local activeButtonColor = colors.cyan
  33. local portalDuration = 5 --In Seconds
  34. local showEject = true
  35. local showPageNum = true
  36. local showTotalPages = true
  37. local pageSeparator = " of "
  39. --Secondary customization options are below.
  40. local drawBorders = false
  41. local borderSymbol1 = "-"
  42. local borderSymbol2 = "+"
  43. local pageBack = "Prev Page"
  44. local pageFore = "Next Page"
  45. local ejectButton = "Eject"
  46. local resetButton = "Refresh"
  48. --Used internally. Do not adjust.
  49. local mon = peripheral.wrap(monitorLocation)
  50. local touch =
  51. local chest = peripheral.wrap(chestLocation)
  52. local monX = 0
  53. local monY = 0
  54. local monMidL = 0
  55. local monMidR = 0
  56. local maxNameLength = 0
  57. local problem = false
  58. local iBC = idleButtonColor
  59. local aBC = activeButtonColor
  60. local names = {}
  61. local curPage = 1
  62. local lastPage = 1
  63. local namesPerPage = 1
  64. local pages = {}
  65. local eviction = false
  66. local pLabel
  67. local event, p1
  69. function centerText(cString)
  70. local sSize = string.len(cString)
  71. offset = math.floor((monX - sSize) / 2) + 1
  72. return offset
  73. end
  75. function populateNames()
  76. names = {}
  78. local invSize = chest.getInventorySize()
  79. local stackInfo = chest.getAllStacks()
  80. for a=1,invSize + 1,1 do
  81. if stackInfo[a] ~= nil then
  82. names[#names + 1] = {name = stackInfo[a]["teleporterMKI"]["teleporterMKI"],slot = a}
  83. print(#names..": "..names[#names]["name"]..", "..names[#names]["slot"])
  84. end
  85. end
  86. end
  88. function returnDir(myDir)
  89. if myDir == "north" then
  90. return "south"
  91. elseif myDir == "south" then
  92. return "north"
  93. elseif myDir == "east" then
  94. return "west"
  95. elseif myDir == "west" then
  96. return "east"
  97. elseif myDir == "down" then
  98. return "up"
  99. elseif myDir == "up" then
  100. return "down"
  101. else
  102. problem = true
  103. return "oops..."
  104. end
  105. end
  107. function prepareScreen()
  108. mon.clear()
  109. mon.setTextScale(textSize)
  110. monX, monY = mon.getSize()
  112. if (monY < 5) or (monX < (minimumNameLength * 2) + 4) then
  113. mon.setBackgroundColor(
  114. mon.setTextColor(
  115. mon.setCursorPos(1,1)
  116. mon.write("!!!")
  117. print("Screen too small with current resolution, please adjust.")
  118. problem = true
  119. else
  120. if math.floor(monX/2) == math.ceil(monX/2) then --Even
  121. monMidR = monX/2 + 1
  122. monMidL = monMidR - 1
  123. maxNameLength = (monX - 4)/2 - (centerPadding + buttonPadding) * 2
  124. else --Odd
  125. monMidR = math.floor(monX/2) + 1
  126. monMidL = monMidR
  127. maxNameLength = (monX - 3)/2 - (centerPadding + buttonPadding) * 2
  128. end
  129. namesPerPage = math.ceil((monY - 4) / 2) * 2
  130. end
  131. end
  133. function checkDirections()
  134. if directionToEject == "oops..." then
  135. print("Direction to Eject isn't a valid forge direction.")
  136. print("Please use north, south, east, west, up or down.")
  137. end
  139. if directionToPortal == "oops..." then
  140. print("Direction to Portal isn't a valid forge direction.")
  141. print("Please use north, south, east, west, up or down.")
  142. end
  143. end
  145. function initialPull()
  146. chest.pullItemIntoSlot(directionToPortal,1,1,1)
  147. end
  149. function determineLength(myString)
  150. local theLength = 0
  151. if string.len(myString) > maxNameLength then
  152. theLength = maxNameLength + buttonPadding * 2
  153. else
  154. theLength = string.len(myString) + buttonPadding * 2
  155. end
  157. return theLength
  158. end
  160. function drawRuler(vert)
  161. local toggle = true
  162. for a=1,monX,1 do
  163. mon.setCursorPos(a,vert)
  164. if toggle then
  165. mon.write(borderSymbol1)
  166. toggle = false
  167. else
  168. mon.write(borderSymbol2)
  169. toggle = true
  170. end
  171. end
  172. end
  174. function drawLabels()
  175. mon.setBackgroundColor(
  177. if showPageNum then
  178. if showTotalPages then
  179. pLabel = curPage..pageSeparator..#pages
  180. else
  181. pLabel = curPage
  182. end
  184. mon.setCursorPos(centerText(pLabel),1)
  185. mon.write(pLabel)
  186. end
  188. if drawBorders then
  189. drawRuler(2)
  190. drawRuler(monY - 1)
  191. end
  192. end
  194. function prevPage()
  195. lastPage = curPage
  197. if eviction then
  198. evictBook()
  199. end
  201. pages[lastPage]:toggleButton(pageBack)
  202. drawLabels()
  203. os.sleep(0.125)
  205. curPage = curPage - 1
  206. if curPage < 1 then
  207. curPage = #pages
  208. end
  209. pages[lastPage]:toggleButton(pageBack)
  210. drawLabels()
  211. end
  213. function nextPage()
  214. lastPage = curPage
  216. if eviction then
  217. evictBook()
  218. end
  220. pages[lastPage]:toggleButton(pageFore)
  221. drawLabels()
  222. os.sleep(0.125)
  224. curPage = curPage + 1
  225. if curPage > #pages then
  226. curPage = 1
  227. end
  228. pages[lastPage]:toggleButton(pageFore)
  229. pages[curPage]:draw()
  230. drawLabels()
  231. end
  233. function doAction()
  234. pages[curPage]:toggleButton(p1)
  235. drawLabels()
  236. for k,v in ipairs(names) do
  237. if v["name"] == p1 then
  238. curSlot = v["slot"]
  239. break
  240. end
  241. end
  243. if eviction then
  244. chest.pushItemIntoSlot(directionToEject,curSlot,1,1)
  245. os.sleep(0.125)
  246. refresh()
  247. eviction = false
  248. else
  249. chest.pushItemIntoSlot(directionToPortal,curSlot,1,1)
  250. os.sleep(portalDuration)
  251. chest.pullItemIntoSlot(directionToPortal,1,1,curSlot)
  252. pages[curPage]:toggleButton(p1)
  253. drawLabels()
  254. end
  255. end
  258. function refresh()
  259. print("Collecting Names.")
  260. populateNames()
  262. pages = {}
  264. local myPage = 1
  266. if #names > 0 then
  267. while (myPage - 1) * namesPerPage < #names do
  268. print("Populating page "..myPage..".")
  269. buildPage(myPage)
  270. myPage = myPage + 1
  271. end
  272. else
  273. buildPage(1)
  274. end
  276. if curPage > #pages then
  277. curPage = #pages
  278. end
  280. pages[curPage]:draw()
  281. drawLabels()
  282. end
  284. function rebuildPages()
  285. pages[curPage]:toggleButton(resetButton)
  286. drawLabels()
  287. refresh()
  288. end
  290. function evictBook()
  291. pages[curPage]:toggleButton(ejectButton)
  292. if eviction then
  293. eviction = false
  294. else
  295. eviction = true
  296. end
  297. drawLabels()
  298. end
  300. function buildPage(pN)
  301. pages[pN] =
  302. pages[pN]:add(pageBack, prevPage, 1, 1, determineLength(pageBack), 1, iBC, aBC)
  303. pages[pN]:add(pageFore, nextPage, monX - determineLength(pageFore) + 1, 1, monX, 1, iBC, aBC)
  305. if #names > 0 then
  306. local curIndex = (pN - 1) * namesPerPage + 1
  307. for y = 3, monY - 2, 2 do
  308. if curIndex < #names + 1 then
  309. pages[pN]:add(names[curIndex]["name"], doAction, 2, y, monMidL - 1 - centerPadding, y, iBC, aBC)
  310. else
  311. break
  312. end
  313. curIndex = curIndex + 1
  314. if curIndex < #names + 1 then
  315. pages[pN]:add(names[curIndex]["name"], doAction, monMidR + 1 + centerPadding, y, monX - 1, y, iBC, aBC)
  316. else
  317. break
  318. end
  319. curIndex = curIndex + 1
  320. end
  321. end
  323. pages[pN]:add(resetButton, rebuildPages, 1, monY, determineLength(resetButton), monY, iBC, aBC)
  324. if showEject then
  325. pages[pN]:add(ejectButton, evictBook, monX - determineLength(ejectButton) + 1, monY, monX, monY, iBC, aBC)
  326. end
  327. end
  329. prepareScreen()
  330. checkDirections()
  332. if not problem then
  333. initialPull()
  334. refresh()
  335. print("Dank memes")
  336. while true do
  337. pages[curPage]:draw()
  338. drawLabels()
  339. event, p1 = pages[curPage]:handleEvents(os.pullEvent())
  340. if event == "button_click" then
  341. pages[curPage].buttonList[p1].func()
  342. end
  343. end
  344. end
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