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a guest
Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. # myokanKitGUI
  2. # This is the default configuration.
  3. # Feel free to edit to your liking.
  4. Options:
  5. Format:
  6. Available:
  7. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:5
  8. enchanted: false
  9. name: "&a&l&n%name%&r"
  10. lore:
  11. - ""
  12. - "&e&lKit Information:"
  13. - "&6&l *&e Cooldown &7%kitcooldown%"
  14. - "&6&l *&e Number of Items &7%amount%"
  15. - ""
  16. - "&a&lAVAILABLE"
  17. - ""
  18. - "&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight Click&7&o to view kit contents! ))"
  19. Cooldown:
  20. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:1
  21. enchanted: false
  22. name: "&6&l&n%name%&r"
  23. lore:
  24. - ""
  25. - "&6&l* &eYou may use this in &7%cooldown%"
  26. - ""
  27. - "&e&lKit Information:"
  28. - "&6&l *&e Cooldown &7%kitcooldown%"
  29. - "&6&l *&e Number of Items &7%amount%"
  30. - ""
  31. - "&c&lUNAVAILABLE"
  32. - ""
  33. - "&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight Click&7&o to view kit contents! ))"
  34. Locked:
  35. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:4
  36. enchanted: false
  37. name: "&c&l&n%name%&r"
  38. lore:
  39. - ""
  40. - "&4&l* &a&LUNLOCK AT STORE.HYRANE.NET"
  41. - ""
  42. - "&e&lKit Information:"
  43. - "&6&l *&e Cooldown &7%kitcooldown%"
  44. - "&6&l *&e Number of Items &7%amount%"
  45. - ""
  46. - "&c&lLOCKED"
  47. - ""
  48. - "&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight Click&7&o to view kit contents! ))"
  49. MainMenu:
  50. size: 9
  51. title: "Kits &lยป&r Main Menu"
  52. Border:
  53. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15
  54. enchanted: false
  55. name: ' '
  56. amount: 1
  57. Preview:
  58. title: "Viewing &n%name%&r Contents"
  59. Particle:
  60. menuOpen:
  61. enabled: true
  62. particle: LAVA
  63. offsetX: 0.5
  64. offsetY: 0.5
  65. offsetZ: 0.5
  66. speed: 1.0
  67. amount: 10
  68. kitRedeem:
  69. enabled: true
  70. particle: WITCH_SPELL
  71. offsetX: 0.5
  72. offsetY: 0.5
  73. offsetZ: 0.5
  74. speed: 1.0
  75. amount: 10
  76. kitOnCooldown:
  77. enabled: true
  78. particle: CLOUD
  79. offsetX: 0.5
  80. offsetY: 0.5
  81. offsetZ: 0.5
  82. speed: 1.0
  83. amount: 10
  84. kitLocked:
  85. enabled: true
  86. particle: CRIT
  87. offsetX: 0.5
  88. offsetY: 0.5
  89. offsetZ: 0.5
  90. speed: 1.0
  91. amount: 10
  92. Sound:
  93. mainMenuOpen:
  94. name: BAT_TAKEOFF
  95. volume: 1.0
  96. pitch: 0.5
  97. sectionOpen:
  98. name: LEVEL_UP
  99. volume: 1.0
  100. pitch: 1.5
  101. sectionClose:
  102. name: CHICKEN_EGG_POP
  103. volume: 1.0
  104. pitch: 1.5
  105. kitRedeem:
  106. name: LEVEL_UP
  107. volume: 1.0
  108. pitch: 0.5
  109. kitOnCooldown:
  110. name: SUCCESSFUL_HIT
  111. volume: 1.0
  112. pitch: 1.5
  113. kitLocked:
  114. name: VILLAGER_NO
  115. volume: 1.0
  116. pitch: 1.0
  117. previewOpen:
  118. name: LEVEL_UP
  119. volume: 1.0
  120. pitch: 1.5
  121. previewClose:
  122. name: CHICKEN_EGG_POP
  123. volume: 1.0
  124. pitch: 1.5
  125. Sections:
  126. RankKits:
  127. Icon:
  128. material: CHEST:0
  129. enchanted: false
  130. slot: 4
  131. name: '&b&lRank Kits'
  132. amount: 1
  133. lore:
  134. - "&7Click to view all rank kits."
  135. title: "Viewing &n%amount%&r Kits"
  136. Kits:
  137. - "pvp"
  138. - "daily"
  139. - "elite"
  140. - "ultra"
  141. - "god"
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