
Here Rents

May 1st, 2017
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  2. The young alpinist leapt onto the water bed as it ebbed and swelled, waxing and waning, tides rolling to cover out the area. He's approaching the Kaguya and Haruka steadily with his hand outstretched and his eyes scanning - he notices an approach, but doesn't make anything known yet, save for the immense amount of chakra gathering within his hand, swelling and swelling until it's proportioned enough for his fingers to have to spread out like they were on a walls surface. There is stoicism from the deep recesses of his heart, even if there was a murderous rage in him right now. It was calling for Amari to be avenged and the countless others Haruka had killed prior, "I'm going to make sure you both die then. Guess this'll be your first time dealing with me." he murmurs.
  4. Somebody who made people suffer simply in the vein of making them suffer was undeserving of the same clemencies as he'd placed on other opponents thus far. For once, there was an extreme prejudice; a righteousness in the very faculty of that prejudice, that was justified.
  6. And so, the very waters whirred around him, chakra building into a monolithic ball of chakra that hovers over his hand.
  8. Oodama Rasengan.
  9. The young alpinist thinks: Line them up. Think strategically.
  10. The young alpinist thinks: Piecemeal.
  11. Refined zealot taps the fellow aburame beside him on the shoulder, followed by faint whispers.
  12. Refined zealot whispers faintly.
  13. Young smoker widens her eyes as the massive ball of chakra manifests with alpinist. The young smoker's ciggeratte falls out of her mouth. Every one of the danger alarms that ticked in her mind went off.
  14. "Mom, we gotta run!"
  15. She grabs the heavy smoker by the sleeve, hastily drags her away.
  16. Yashiro 's scroll manages to unseal enough water for Shingetsu's.. unique technique. A vacuum-like blade sent by the Shogun manages to rip the scroll apart before it manages to release more, though. A heavy shake is felt, the entire wall disturbed from the slam of the blob-like monster.
  17. A mildly perturbed expression forms, it being evidently directed to the form of the mercenary. Is that why he wanted him to seal an enormous amount of water for two whole days? Sure was hefty.
  19. He dashes away into the darkness, promptly jumping with his disguise of obsidian - the night. Several seals are weaved, then a scroll thrown high into the air. It floats just above the epicenter infront the gates of Tanzaku, seemingly levitating. A thud, his landing secured on a rough patch of grass with zero injury evident.
  20. "You've played god for too long, Haruka. A spoiled brat living in a grown woman's body, is what you are." he declares, voice stern and anger present -- it's not as much as the alpinist's, though.
  21. A special kunai is brought out, shaped as with three sharp ends and a special seal grafted on a piece of paper at his hilt.
  23. "Today you pay."
  28. Haruka smirks. As usual, her partner was complying. This was perfect- It was how it should be. An importance piece of her power was missing, but she'd simply make do without. With him at her side, she had all the right reason to be confident.
  30. "That's right, Yawata. We'll be fighting together today." As an extension of one another, there'd overcome all opposition. The woman laughed and raised a hand, swiping her eyepatch away and casting it aside. Her normal eye closed and the concealed one opened, revealing three tomoe which came to life in the blink of an eye. Though it wasn't her own, it was nonetheless a crimson mark of fire.
  32. "To be honest, I could care less what either of you think about me. I won't let anyone ruin my fun."
  34. A speedy stream of handseals was formed as she advanced over, drawing in a deep breath and expelling a lengthy stream of chakra that took on the shape of a dragon- And then another followed! With more seals, even more dragons were formed and spiraled around one another brilliantly in a flashy array of light and fire.
  36. In the end, there were four hungry dragons racing towards him, evaporating any and all water they might come in contact with.
  38. "..Now then, would you like to face true despair? Let's play a game and see who comes out on top! I'll give you something to cry about, Nado!"
  40. The kunai was utterly ignored. How sad.
  41. The shaggy, robed man whispers faintly.
  42. Hum - Not enough, it seems. Things were always not enough, unfortunately. As the water turns into a feral figure around the Hozuki, he steps off, making an endeavor to move out of the way before he's caught. The intent was to let them have their little one-on-one.
  44. Unlucky, it seems like Iroh would remain a spectator in the battle this time, huh. Unless the other Hozuki decided to cause some trouble.
  45. (Iroh)
  46. An old bandit whispers faintly.
  47. That was all he needed to know, fighting together with her- The alpinist had intent to make this a death battle. Oh no.
  49. In that case- from the beginning, he's just going to consider it that. A thin aura of yellow finds him, the violet housed around white sclera finds itself adopting the color of outer border.. There's very little of the original violet left as he starts the spasming effect of muscles. Torn, and screaming, the cost of acting such a technique- the sharp, and controlled breathing echoing now as he takes a stance next to his wife. They both the source of his ire- the whip trails along the ground, aaaand he takes one step ahead of Haruka.
  51. A bit of the distance closed, making sure to do this AFTER her dragons go off, and fly. Whoops.
  52. (Kaguya, Yawata)
  53. Kaguya, Yawata Seven Heavens Breathing Method: One
  54. Refined zealot whispers faintly.
  55. The shaggy, robed man whispers faintly.
  56. Refined zealot whispers faintly.
  57. Young smoker stares at the ordinary man from a distance.
  58. As the chakra blade comes ripping into the monsters massive body. the inflicted area would spew water harmlessly as it was struck, leaving what seems to be a gash. Being composed of nothing but water, there was no pain to be felt even as the blade manages to cleave through some of the chakra within the massive demon.
  60. That gash would opening suddenly, becoming a massive maw - bearing a sharp set of teeth. It aimed to clamp down upon Kento's Blade and with a twirl, sending him hurdling south. Regardless of that outcome, the massive demon would begin moving to the east at a rapid pace - even threatening to mow down the collection of samurai nearby if they hadn't been paying attention.
  61. (The arrogant urchin)
  62. Hisoka moved?
  63. Saika reaches for Majime's collar and starts to dash away and what not, "Hmm. Surudoi, be aware, don't let him unleash anything more- Hisoka uh. Try to make sure he uh. Doesn't destroy anything more." A nod is made as he makes his way downtown, walking fast, faces past and he's home bound. Dunnanananana.
  64. Kaguya, Yawata wraps whip around tiny warrior, and summons drill!
  65. Majime could have very well cleared the distance by herself. But Saika saw it fit to grasp her anyway. Truly relationship goals.
  66. A tiny warrior hadn't arrived at the battlefield yet and the attack was more than easy for them to dodge.
  67. Young smoker says: Mom he's staring at us...
  68. Kento was relentless with his cleaving of the beast, slashing left and right in an uncontrolled frenzy. His blade however would soon be gripped in the beasts Maw, rather than allowing himself to ripped aside and tossed with the blade he'd release it. However, as it was tossed aside his hand would extend, darkness wrapped around the blade as it disappeared, only to reappear in another flash of darkness within his palm.
  70. "Didn't think it'd be that easy did ya..." he'd mutter, jumping through the air with a simple usage of chi suimen. In an instant, his sword would seem to blur, wave after wave of demonic chi firing away from his swords towards the Hozuki. Hopefully with time his slashes would begin to get through to the beast, weakening it as he cleaved the chakra from its vary body and sliced through its soul.
  72. "Kekekekekekeke!"
  73. Refined zealot whispers faintly.
  74. Heavy smoker loses their grip.
  75. Surudoi (Former Cripple) thinks: ...Oh no, my kid is half hozuki, and I hate hozukis.
  76. The shaggy, robed man whispers faintly.
  77. Within his swift motion, surrounding gate would be slam against by the broad side of the blob, sending the wooden structure and some derbis hurdling down upon the refined zealot and company.
  79. As the chi blades would start to slice through the demon fish, Kento would notice something odd- Given he had probablly been intuned with the Densetsu as its current weilder - and was a master swordsman, he'd notice that the blob felt alot easier to cut into compared to before. Almost as if, he hadn't been slicing through chakra any longer - The structure of the demon collapsed back into its ordinary form, causing a small wave to splash and crash into the surrounding area, properly sweeping anyone unsuspecting off their feet.
  81. "Sachiko's sword, ka? I guess I have no choice, that form won't perform well against it." His voice given away his location as he stood firmly atop the water now.
  83. "I'll give you a freebie, strike me... Really." He invited.
  86. (The arrogant urchin)
  87. Saika whispers faintly.
  88. Refined zealot vacated the gate area as the duo drew closer with their skirmish. Not intending to face one of their aftermaths, or unfortunate side effects and crossfire.
  89. Refined zealot whispers faintly.
  90. The shaggy, robed man whispers faintly.
  91. Kento simply grinned as the demon blob finally gave way, he'd land on the ground some distance away as the Hozuki spoke. He'd pause, his eye's scanning the water covering the floor for quite some distance, it was the perfect playing field for one with the talents of a Hozuki.
  93. He'd proceed carefully as he moved forward, all his senses ready for the slightest hint of an attack. Chi began to charge at the tip of his blade as he spoke "Ya still think... I'm trash?" he'd cackle, remaining vain as always.
  95. The now formed orb would shoot forward at the Hozuki's feet, exploding in a powerful burst of dark chi, the explosion's damage was decent but its real strength was in slowing down his opponent and striking at the very soul of its target. Whatever that meant.
  97. Moments after the ball was fired he'd shoot after it, his enlarged Chi sword shooting to cleave through his frame.
  99. (C+ dmg for the spirit ball, -1 grade Agil if it hits)
  100. A shark-tooth male smirk returns and grows wider. "Eii, eii, you needa' remember," he goes on, droning whilst his feet move in a pitter patter and his hands mesh into a single seal in the blink of an eye. "Don't keep your eye off the prize, hehe!" he sprouts, mouth wide. The Hozuki's chakra had built-up in a nigh-instant and comes gushing out of his mouth with no restraint. Water, water and more water. In seconds it envelops the space underneath Giheigetsu, making a pool.
  102. Then it shoots straight up and the water twists and turns unnaturally. It morphs into a massive tidal wave, no, a tsunami and ontop of this gushing, foaming water is none other than Giheigetsu.
  104. "Surf's up!"
  106. He's headed straight for Haruka and the Frowning Man, ready to envelop them whole in this disgustingly large suiton jutsu.
  107. Saika stops his handsseals on the way over and continues on his way.
  108. A tiny warrior eyes widened ctaching onto the battlefield from distance, a grin emerged on the child's smile at the thought of fighting stronger opponents.
  109. Surudoi (Former Cripple) watches Saika intterupt the hozuki with his attack, before the samurai himself unsheathes his blade, quickly dropping a purple poison on his blade with his other hand. He only took a single step forward, before trying to swing his blade straight across the Hozuki's midsection in an attempt to poison him with the paralytic poison. The match was even so far, so why did he try and get involved?
  111. "Hey, hey, this is a two on two. Keep it fair."
  112. Surudoi (Former Cripple) picks up Immediate Paralytic Poison.
  113. Nado began pacing back as soon as there was a rush of dragons - he'd encountered the jutsu before and he knew that there would have to be some kind of movement for it to get off properly, even so with its speed. And so, he exploits it, sending a single windmill shuriken out that expands simultaneously into sixty, a boon of steel, all gliding for her hands as she buffeted the dragons - hoping to cut her from making anymore than one or two, while simultaneously littering her entire body and potentially the Kaguya's whilst he was breaking ways into the unearthly, pseudo version of gates. Though, to a lesser extent for someone with such bones.
  115. [C speed, B dmg per windmill.]
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