
acts of compassion

Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. [03:56] Patlee'chca had been tending to his everyday chores, walking around Deseti, observing the area - which had been quiet most of the time. However, his eye catches a familiar face, one he hadn't seen in years.
  3. The Sultanah's, he could recognize that smile after decades, even and the air around her was just easy going and relaxing. Approaching her, the Shaman kept his distance, he obviously didn't want to get too close to royalty, it may be taken slightly rude or whatever, maybe it was another reason entirely, but one thing is for certain - he is suddenly anxious in her presence.
  5. "Greetings, Sultanah." He gave her an upward nod, hopefully she'd recognize his voice, his facial features were much different than the last time. "I've missed you." A smile overcame his features, which seems slightly forced - there was nothing much to smile about, especially after all he's been going through.
  6. (Patlee'chca)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [04:11] A gentle amber gaze beheld the shaman, from beneath long dark eyelashes.
  11. "Ullih, ullih!" Sa chirruped, giving a jaunty wave of her hand as the tall man approached. She was tiny, especially compared to him. And yet the energy and cheer within the woman could not be denied. Her nature was irrepressible. And so somehow, the Sultanah of Deseti may very well have given off the impression of being larger than life.
  13. I've missed you, he said. That sentence recieved a flutter of dark eyelashes as she continued to peer upwards, her smile growing as she pressed up off the wall and reached out to brush her hand against his face.
  15. Familiar, he was.
  17. At first, her thought was that he had been someone who had been off travelling. It wasn't until a second or so had passed that she realised who he was.
  19. "Saul." Sa Awaret exhaled, eyes widening. And without warning, without asking permission, the diminuative woman threw her arms around the figure.
  21. "I have been so worried!" She gasped, words coming rapidly as she tightly embraced the Shaman. "So worried!"
  23. And once more she peered up at him, as if viewing him anew. Delight blossomed in her gaze, dimples at her cheeks. "Why, I should throw a feast! I could dance. Ehe. It isn't every day that I recieve good--" she paused, suddenly catching the edge of sadness. "--news."
  24. (Sa Awaret)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [04:25] He waved back to her greeting, he hadn't a clue how to respond to her, he wasn't the best at expressing himself, unless sarcasm was involved, then he's all in. Everything about him was different, his hair more sun kissed and his skin more paler. Years in jail without seeing the light of day, it was rough.
  29. Sure, Sa's intentions were at the right place - the way she looked at him, like a dear friend of hers yet even then, Saul couldn't trust her enough, and that is shown when she attempts to brush her hand against his face, his instictively moves up to grab her, as well as stepping backwards. The notion, no matter how friendly - seemed to come off as threatening to the Shaman.
  31. " touching ple-.." It was too late, the tiny Sarradian had already enveloped him with her arms, which made this seem like the most awkward hug ever, Franco being way more anxious than he should be. "...yeah, it's me. Nothing to be worried about.."
  33. It didn't seem like the Sarradian was giving a chance for his insecurities to take over at the moment, so instead of being defensive of himself, he was warming up to the Sultanah - returning the hug with a pat on her back, for reassurance.
  35. His blue hues looked down at the Sarradian, maybe smiling geniunely for the first time in their interaction. "No need for a feast. As for dancing, I fear I may step on your toes. That would be embarrassing..." A chuckle escaped his lips, slightly, prior to him taking note of how different her mood had gotten. "Yeah, tell me about it. Enough about me, though."
  37. "How are you, Sa?"
  38. (Patlee'chca)
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [04:36] It was too late. Sa Awaret had heard Saul, of course. But she hadn't been able to take her actions back. Her arms stretched around the Shaman, squeezing into him before she had even had the chance to process his request.
  43. Her eyes wide, she peered up at him. "Uu," she exhaled, about to apologise. And then he pat her on the back. And her smile returned. Delight.
  45. "Ehe. I am well!"
  47. Things concerned her, of course. Life had been hard. But these worries and concerns rolled off her, like water off a duck's back. Nothing, it seemed, could shake the Sultanah of Deseti's cheer.
  49. "Dancing isn't something to be good at, I feel." Sa declared. "It is something to feel in here." She gestured to roughly where her heart was, as she finally released Saul from her tight (attempt at crushing him) hug.
  51. "Joy," she explained. "And I feel it, seeing you again my friend."
  52. (Sa Awaret)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [04:51] Saul was definitely crushed by the Sultanah! Her hold was too strong for someone her size, adorable and dangerous, it seemed. Looks were definitely an illusion when it came to people of Deseti. "You have a strong hold. Color my baffled, tiny and powerful - best of the both worlds eh?" He chuckled, brushing the top of her head in a friendly notion.
  57. "That's wonderful! Glad you are. Things haven't been well, but you always manage to find time to squeeze a smile. That's what I like most about you." Saul, a Shaman, could sense what she felt - it was part of his job to be as empathetic as possible, it came naturally to him - he could feel what most people around him felt, which is probably why life is difficult for someone like him.
  59. Being released from the crushingly cute hold of the Sultanah, Franco smiled - the way she thought of things, were similar to himself. "Beautiful." He muttered, remarking her wisdom - something assimple as dancing, an omen of good times, is something to feel not simply do an entirely good way of seeing things.
  61. But, even then - Saul couldn't share the same feeling she's been having, he'd been able to feel what she felt, but when it came to his own emotions - everything was numbed down. Protecting himself from getting harmed, over and over again, had gotten him to this point. No matter how warm he made himself to be, he only felt numbness all over his body.
  63. "I wouldn't mind a drink. Maybe a glass of wine, or twenty - depending on how much you got in your pretty little cabinet." Alcohol was a vent for him, intoxication was the only thing he didn't mind feeling - and it felt good.
  64. (Patlee'chca)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [05:10] Her hair was a tumble of wild curls, visible beneath the white cotton shawl she had draped around herself. Flowers adorned head, taking the form of a living circlet.
  69. But as she stood tall and proud (well, as tall as she could manage), she had to brush these curls out of her gaze.
  71. A thoughtful gesture. A moment of hesitation.
  73. The last time she had seen Saul, it had been over drinks. He had been drinking to.. excess. And then she hadn't seen him again, for quite some time.
  75. "Come, come," she said, that smile still at her lips as she reached out to gently guide Saul indoors by pressing one of her hands against the inside of an elbow.
  77. And within fired-clay earthenware, she poured them both a drink.
  78. (Sa Awaret)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [05:31] * You have been awarded 0.5 Roleplay Points! *
  82. [05:31] Franco nodded once, taking the glass she'd poured him - savoring the smell first, he took a sniff and could already tell that this wine had aged well, mayhaps too well.
  84. A sip, he took - twirling the glass afterwards, letting out a relieved sigh, it was nice turning back to alcohol, it was a good escape for the Shaman, he'd seen too much, both spiritually and physically, he needed to vent, somehow.
  86. "You know... I've been hurt way more than I can remember and the only thing that makes me actually feel alive" Something like that to be said, from a shaman no-less, someone who was supposed to thrive in life and had told others about it being the secret of happiness - to live your life as you wanted to, but he couldn't.
  88. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, but - I think it's supposed to make me feel better, to vent - but it's not." Yeah, it wasn't an improvement. "I just feel so numb to everything lately, I forgot how it is like to feel. It feels as if everything I went through was an illusion, all the emotions I felt were not really there, you know?"
  90. "Am I not normal? Am I a fiend?"
  91. (Patlee'chca)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [05:44] Sa Awaret listened. Her smile faded with each word. It wasn't pity that shone in her gaze, but compassion as a dawning sort of sense of the torment brewing within her friend.
  96. What had happened? A knot formed within her throat as she examined Saul, remembering the last time they had met.
  98. "A fiend?" Sa repeated slowly. A hesitant smile rose to her cheeks, dimples returning, as she regarded the shaman. "Why would you think that?" She asked, quietly, before taking a sip of her drink.
  100. Suddenly, she was aware that the two of them were not alone.
  102. "Oh!" She exhaled, surprised. "Ullih, friend. Ah, I'm afraid this is private."
  104. Why was he collared?
  106. Sa tilted her head. "Kya?"
  107. (Sa Awaret)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [05:54] Saul found himself thoroughly uncomfortable with the man who'd just appeared within the room - he couldn't show his weakness to anyone, only those he trusts, he's been way too prideful around strangers - who wouldn't bee.
  112. He took the bottle in hand, the glass in the other, leaning in to whisper something to the Sultanah, whether she agrees or not doesn't stop him from turning to the exit. He had always been a rather private person, and whenever he vented, he opted to do so within enclosed space, he didn't want others to know of his woes..
  113. (Patlee'chca)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [05:54] Patlee'chca whispers: Follow me, I don't feel comfortable here.
  117. [05:55] Sa followed Saul!
  118. (Sa Awaret)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [05:55] Sa Awaret whispers: O-oh, okay!
  122. [05:57] Patlee'chca says, "... sorry 'bout the mess."
  123. [05:57] Sa Awaret says, "..ehe.. I've seen worse.. I have children."
  124. [05:57] Patlee'chca says, "You win."
  125. [06:14] A change of scenery is nice, the place he found himself the most safe in was his own home - not too big or too special, really, he liked it the way it is - small, cozy and messy. The place wasn't special, but to him - it was sanctuary.
  127. "Why do I think so?" It was a good question, which the answer he didn't know, everything about his life revolved about him failing everything and being abused, really - his hopes were never really up anymore, his view of life had taken a turn from the optimistic to the pessimistic.
  129. "I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore. Everythings is just numb. I don't know what to do..." Everything was worsening, he never really felt out of jail, even if he'd escaped with his hide, it's like his personality and will simply left back at that cellar.
  131. "Your happiness makes me feel warm-.." Saul's hand moves to brush against the Sultanah's face, hesitantly - he was worried. His hands were cold to the touch, he was nervous.
  133. "... I want to feel more of it."
  134. (Patlee'chca)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [06:30] Sa Awaret listened.
  139. She resisted the urge to look away, to.. examine the mess surrounding her. If there had been any question in her mind regarding the Shaman's wellbeing, seeing how he had been living would have answered that for her.
  141. Slowly, she nodded. Made appropriate little "mm"s beneath her breath as she listened to Saul speak about how he felt. About how he didn't know what to do.
  143. Your happiness makes me feel warm, he said. And the smile sprung back to her lips, as she was about to dispense with sage advice.
  145. And then his fingers brushed against her cheek. Cold and trembling.
  147. Gently, the Sultanah reached up. Her cheek was soft, her skin warm. As warm as her presence. The Sarradian woman never was cold -- fire was her affinity. Not the flames of destruction, but friendship and purity. The sorts of flames which might be lit as a beacon, a blazing light which sought to guide others.
  149. "You want me to be happy?" She repeated, aiming to take Saul's hand within her own. She squeezed his hand. A kind gesture.
  150. (Sa Awaret)
  151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. [06:32] Sa Awaret asks, "Hm. Perhaps.. if that's so, you might let me help you?"
  154. [06:55] Her hand held his, it felt great - both metaphorically and physically returning the warmth to him. The softness of her cheeks and the brightness she radiated was just perfect to Franco, it reminded him of Tiamat - at least the first time he'd met her. She's been going through the same thing he was, and it felt horrible.
  156. "...the happiest." He responded to her question, he did want her to be happy - because in return he could experience it, not personally, but through her, it was something amazing to him. It felt like the numbness was dying down slightly, due to him consuming almost three glasses of wine so far.
  158. "Will you?" He spoke, his face - perhaps too close to hers, it seems that alcohol and the high he'd gotten off from Sa's own radiance had been getting to him, so much so in fact he might've gotten the wrong signals. His face was inches away from hers, just lost into her eyes as he spoke.
  160. "...can you?"
  161. (Patlee'chca)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [07:28] He wanted her to be happy.
  166. Sa Awaret tilted her head at Franco, her hand squeezing his once more as she regarded the much, much, taller and younger man.
  168. The smile never left her lips.
  170. He was so close to her.
  172. She was soft and gentle and warm and yielding and delicate and she smelt faintly sweet and floral with an edge of woodsmoke.
  174. "I will and I can," Sa Awaret declared. There was strength in her words. The strength that only conviction could give. The Sultanah of Deseti squeezed Saul's hand once more, before she released him.
  176. Sunlight streamed in from.. somewhere. Solidified around Sa Awaret. The effect was somewhere between making the woman look like some sort of religious icon and like she was being backlit. The entire glow had the faintest hint of pink to it. It was like the dawn, and looking upon it one surely couldn't help feeling a degree of hope.
  178. Compassion and care radiated from the Sultanah of Deseti. Leader of the Sarradians.
  180. And she proceeded to clean Saul's home, starting with the dishes.
  182. She didn't know what had happened to him since she had seen him last, but perhaps eventually he would feel comfortable enough to confide in her. And though she didn't say anything, there was just something in the way she acted. A quiet, confident and reassuring way she moved. The look in her gaze when she looked towards him.
  184. There was just something in all of that that just said that she had no intentions of abandoning him. That whatever sins he felt he had committed, she would forgive.
  185. (Sa Awaret)
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