

Dec 5th, 2014
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  1. arachnidsGrim – Male Vriska – Doomed, he escaped to Limbo after defeating Jack in a grueling battle. His name in this form is Vaclav. Eriana, a female Eridan, is the only other one that's survived his session, a result of differences in personality. Her survival was ensured when she pursued Vaclav after attempting to use reverse psychology to convince him to stay, instead of facing off against Jack-- Her attempts backfired, only goading him to go and attack, at which point he managed to kill Jack after a grueling battle. He feels guilt about the entire affair, and to redirect his thoughts away from it, he is all the more rambunctious. He arrived in New York City and fell into a deep phase of depression after a while, growing sickly and starving himself to the bone with only Eriana to feed him, until he ran into arachnidsGuilt after actually getting out for the first time in a while. He then proceeded to get into a brawl with her and Eriana, and after getting beaten up and beating up the others, he pushed over his depression and renewed his want to live, if not to at least atone for the death of his friends. Both he and Eriana have agreed to an open relationship.
  3. BlackSpades – Human Spades Slick, controller of Chicago along with his other boys in the Midnight Crew. He is a lot more affable and apt to negotiate to hold his position in Chicago, but this is partly because he has equal footing and is able to use shadow magic in order to fight the likes of The Felt and possible other offenders. He and his Crew are a group of exiles from their original nation, and Slick views Chicago as the best stomping grounds he could have asked for since. He also maintains a friendly business relationship with the Mobster Kingpin up in New York. Being the more negotiable man that he is, Slick maintains a view of not only being a gang, but even more of being a business, hoping to maintain at least some integrity with the other gang leaders that aren't the “greenbacks”, who he hates with a relentless passion. Then again, Scratch is an asshole and Snowman is a bitch, so why wouldn't he hate them? I rest my case. He keeps reasonable relations with ReelsBells out of his gang, as she provides interesting inventions (even if he only really gets a chance to look at them and Droog does most of the charming) and has taken an interest in ReelsSevens, also known as Jackpot, since he has presented himself to be an intriguing character.
  5. effervescentBreeze – A John that was successful in completing SBURB with the help of his three friends and no involvment with the trolls. He managed to prototype one of the cerulean ladies of Grandpa's possession with Jade's kernelsprite in order to render Jack harmless. The game went according to plan, and the four emerged victorious. The other three are terseTelepathist, gleefulGalactic, and trenchantGear, being Rose, Jade, and Dave respectively. All of them are around sixteen years of age, due to much time spent either in the city of Limbo or in the universe they created. In New York City, he's dropped his vigilante work and taken up the banner of a delivery boy, since he's not really able to go around and save lives like he used to. This John prides himself on being the benevolent and friendly type of John, and he is apt to speak up if someone needs some manner of help, small or large. He also enjoys company from anyone and is generally charismatic and straightforward, or at least, he tries to be.
  7. gainfulGunwoman – A Jade with a focus on hunting rather than the thrilling field of nuclear science that she enjoyed in the past. This Jade has had both Bec and Grandpa as her guardians. She is big on big game, but still gives providence to small animals, mainly by sparing their lives while searching for a proper quarry. Otherwise, she's all arms free. Likely liberally uses her specibus of riflekind. Wears leather, down to the leather pants and she eats a lot of meat, probably because of her habits of hunting BIG GAME. I can joke all I want about her being in an 80s hair metal band. YES.
  9. galvanizingGenesis – Steamstuck Jade. She is about as cheery as her usual self, really, just a little more verbose and much more unfamiliar with current technology due to her society (and universe, really) running mostly on the fantastical qualities of steam. She is an inventor (which seems to be a trend on this list in some way, I just need an inventor Dave to round it all off) working with Rose's mother's company as a contractor. Her inventions, indeed, are as chimerical as one would inspect. She regularly flies around in a combination dirigible and house, which often has the propensity for being vandalized by compulsiveGraphics. She does not appreciate the red phallic symbols that are regularly scribbled all over her house. Jade often attempts to put together either clockwork or steam-powered rifles in her free time, though both concepts are rather unwieldy in practice.
  11. ghostGlimpser – Blue!Jade, also known as Jade Egbert, friends with John Lalonde, Dave Harley, and Rose Strider – This Jade has a high interest in the paranormal, particularly ghost life, and she hopes to one day capture a ghost on camera. She holds two strife specibi, camerakind and flashlightkind-- the first holds an antique camera (since electronics tend to be disrupted by ghostly activities) and the second contains a Maglite flashlight, which can drive ghosts away and serves more practically as a club. She is reasonably active physically and holds a strong interest in the practical sciences, but her interest in the arts and the like suffer heavily due to her focus on her pursuits. She relies heavily on an improvised spectrometer, which tracks ghosts by producing a small arc of electricity and counting the amount of ticks it produces in order to see her proximity to a ghost. The more ticks, the closer she is, and vice versa. It is precise enough to be used reliably with a manual gauge, but otherwise it is still a very jury-rigged invention. She tends to be playful in her personality, teasing, often never really serious, though when she is serious it's difficult for her to tell. She also is rather proud of what she does, but affable enough to joke with her friends, though she occasionally pushes it too far. Due to her ghost hunting, Jade's developed something of an enjoyment for photography, as well as tinkering.
  13. LivelyTemperance - Liv Tyler, now in humanized form! She is a generally peppy and social sort of girl with a flair for design and adventure. Her hobbies include romance films, adventure films, wandering about the city to find locations out of the public eye, and the occasional bout of cartography. She has a tendency to wander about aimlessly, but due to knowing the pulse and paths of the city, she can easily make her way from one point to another if she has a general bearing of her location. Liv is good friends with Sebastian, at least to the point of knowing more about his activities and personality than he normally lets on. She also is able to utilize sign language, and occasionally practices her usage of such with Serenity. Liv is rather headstrong at times tending to rush ahead without at least taking some time to think about the ramifications of her actions. This usually fits her perfectly in social situations, themselves being arenas of improvisation, but in other situations, this causes her to miss little details or faults that would otherwise be spotted.
  15. SeerOfSnap – Tyler, in more proper name form. Turtle equivalent in the consortstuck universe. He, along with Naki (KnightOfNak), Casey (HeirOfGlub), and Liz (WitchOfThip) has regular adventures about New York City. Tyler is a very nervous type of boy, often bumbling through conversations with a stutter. He is proficient in the finer points of the English language and holds a good knowledge of circuitry and electronics. A habit of his is snapping whenever he realizes a great point about some subject or another. His specibus is bookkind, which allows him to carry around his entire library of books with little problem. Tyler is best friends with Liz, who tends to babysit him, and also has a great crush on Casey, though he tries to hide it, usually. He also tends to offer a more reasonable (if less daring) view compared to Naki's ideas. Recently, he's begun public speaking classes to try and boost his confidence, as well as remedy his stutter.
  17. tigerTherapist - Rose Lalonde, fused uniquely with Jaspers due to an ectobiological accident. No, she is not a hermaphrodite. She is a little aloof, though she is astutely tuned to her senses as a hybrid cat and human, picking up some of the mannerisms and biological moods of a cat. One might find her in the sunbeam or sitting on a high place. Catnip also has the expected effect on her. She is dating eaglesBreath, a John that was fused with a bird. This Rose takes a playful mood to her friends as well, though it isn't often. She can joke about anything, really, but even then she does not particularly enjoy her status as a catgirl. Whenever she is walking around outside, she is apt to hide her tail and ears to the best of her ability, though it may not work. Those traits, to her, are utterly embarrassing, as it allows others to read her much more easily, both acting as unconscious telegraphers to her emotions.
  19. torteTaster – Rose Egbert. I almost have a full collection now. This is getting ridiculous. A very exacting baker in the Egbert household, making recipes to perfection as a very serious (and yet, somehow, incredibly silly) practitioner of her art. She is very experienced in the field of baking and can probably whip up a good batch of baked goods, given the proper ingredients. Her mother attempts to do the same out of an overzealous care for her daughter, though her attempts end up inedible at best.
  21. totalTakeover – Rose Harley. She is something of a mad scientist, using her intelligence and patience to construct various doomsday devices which she hopes will, someday, end the world, or at least cause a significant, world-altering event. She does create other, more practical inventions as well, but she would rather devote her time to the various doomsday devices she has scattered about than focus upon refining them, leaving her room as something of a mess, covered with various half-finished bits of machinery, cast aside in the throes of inspiration. Though she can be quite sociable and, indeed, quite intelligent, she has a short fuse for those who might use her inventions and such incorrectly or, worse, break them. She is pretty excitable about technology in general. The quickest route to making friends with her is to volunteer as one of her test subjects.
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