
Impthropology part 3

Oct 31st, 2020 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ - Hazbin Hotel #439, #443, #468, #477
  2. part 1:
  3. part 2:
  4. -----------
  5. Do imps and hellhounds have a society closer to most modern human societies (at least in Imp City), while places with sinners like Pentagram City are more anarchic?
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  7. I'd imagine that Imps have somwhat structured, more homogenous society down in hell, more stable than Sinners at least
  8. Imps are born and reproduce in hell but i think on a social ladder they are below Sinners themselves and below Imps are only Hellhounds
  10. They seem to be a servile class for the original fallen angel demon lords and thus are more less kept in line by their masters while sinners kinda do whatever the fuck they want, going full ancap on eachother
  12. Not like Imp City isn't a fuckin shithole but at least they have roads and a fire department.
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  14. Imp City is just china town for Pentagram City
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  16. Definitely. Sinners make a whole day out of a trip to Imp City to get impish food and buy imp trinkets at novelty shops.
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  18. It also helps that Imp City has social services like a fire department and a housing office (the building Blitzo set up I.M.P. in has been condemned, meaning there's a higher authority there).
  19. Many Sinners probably just go there to get away from the chaos.
  20. Conversely, Overlords leave the area alone, and it is considered to be an "untouchable" zone.
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  22. >Many Sinners probably just go there to get away from the chaos
  24. That would make sense. Sinners are obviously going to be pretty uniformly bad, but imps appear to have a broader moral spectrum similar to the whole of the human race even if they naturally lean evil. Moxxie at least has enough of a moral compass to feel bad when he thought he'd accidentally killed a kid until the kid started acting like a prick and to have second thoughts about killing a whole family until they started to represent a threat to his wife. Imp City is probably more like a real life 1st world urban area and less like Grozny
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  26. I wonder what Stolas sees in that neurotic basketcase.
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  28. A dick that's the perfect size to fill his throat without making him pass out too quickly. Also he likes the particular color pattern of Blitzo's skin.
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  30. >He likes blitzos color pattern
  32. >Imps judge others based off their color patterns
  33. >Blitzos just so happens to be a fairly prestigious one
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  35. >Moxxie's "freckles" have nothing to do with sun exposure
  36. >It's an entirely coincidental lineup with what happens to the skin of humans
  37. >Sinners tend to fixate on his face, but what other imps are interested in is those black rings on his tail
  38. >Also uncommon, but considered extremely sexy by demon standards.
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  40. D Charlie hornyposting crossover
  41. >Mayberry has to be extra careful even compared to other imp-like sinners in her efforts to blend in with the native demons
  42. >Although the "Violet Color-Morph" does naturally occur in imp populations, it's quite rare
  43. >So in addition to the fact that she's oblivious to imp body language and sticks out like a sore thumb once you start to talk to her, she also sticks out like a sore thumb even at a distant glance
  44. >Every hellborn demon around can't help but notice the rare "imp" who's purple instead of the usual red-white-black
  45. >The fact that she can't make her way through a conversation without coming off incredibly awkward with her horns or tail or both is just icing on the awkward-cake
  46. >She needs some serious help, and she needs it fast
  47. -----------------------------------------------------------
  48. More impthropology:
  49. >Different sexes of imp have their own nuances in body language
  50. >Females express affection by curling their tail up and pointing the end toward their object of affection, as an open indication of love
  51. >Males raise the tail but point the tip toward the ground, as a gesture of gentleness
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