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Aug 30th, 2017
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  1. <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">
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  3. <td valign="bottom">
  4. <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
  5. <span class="gensmall">{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<br />
  6. {CURRENT_TIME}<br />
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  14. <a class="gensmall" href="{U_SEARCH_SELF}">{L_SEARCH_SELF}</a><br />
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  18. </tr>
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  69. <span class="gensmall">{catrow.forumrow.POSTS}</span>
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  77. {}<br />
  78. {}
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  84. <span class="lastpost-avatar">{catrow.forumrow.avatar.LAST_POST_AVATAR}</span>
  85. <!-- END avatar -->
  87. <span class="gensmall">{catrow.forumrow.LAST_POST}</span>
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