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Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - Opening the configuration file [C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\NumberCruncher/All Orders Integrator/Config.xml].
  2. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - The length of the filestream for the config file is [141615].
  3. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM INFO AOIntegrator.GUI thread:1 - **************************************************************************************************
  4. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - Opening the configuration file [C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\NumberCruncher/All Orders Integrator/Config.xml].
  5. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - The length of the filestream for the config file is [141615].
  6. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:1 - Logging in again...
  7. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:1 - Opening the company file 'E:\Microsoft SQL Server\AllOrders SQL Database\Allorders.ncd' for this integration.
  8. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:1 - Setting the connection string.
  9. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - Opening the configuration file [C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\NumberCruncher/All Orders Integrator/Config.xml].
  10. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - The length of the filestream for the config file is [141615].
  11. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Bindings thread:5 - Setting up Ninject with the cartname [WooCommerce].
  12. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - Initializing the AO Repository
  13. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - The user is [Admin].
  14. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - The company file is [E:\Microsoft SQL Server\AllOrders SQL Database\Allorders.ncd].
  15. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - Opening the company file 'E:\Microsoft SQL Server\AllOrders SQL Database\Allorders.ncd' for this integration.
  16. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - Setting the connection string.
  17. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Conductor thread:5 - Beginning the integration....
  18. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Bindings thread:5 - Setting up Ninject with the cartname [WooCommerce].
  19. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - Initializing the AO Repository
  20. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - The user is [Admin].
  21. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - The company file is [E:\Microsoft SQL Server\AllOrders SQL Database\Allorders.ncd].
  22. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - Opening the company file 'E:\Microsoft SQL Server\AllOrders SQL Database\Allorders.ncd' for this integration.
  23. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.AORepository thread:5 - Setting the connection string.
  24. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Key status
  25. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.GUI thread:1 - Importing sales orders
  26. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Value completed
  27. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Key filter[created_at_min]
  28. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Value 2019-07-23
  29. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Key filter[created_at_max]
  30. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Value 2019-07-25
  31. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Key page
  32. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Appending Paremeter Value 1
  33. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper thread:5 - Performing Substring on String Builder with 4 parameters : &status=completed&filter%5bcreated_at_min%5d=2019-07-23&filter%5bcreated_at_max%5d=2019-07-25&page=1
  34. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM ERROR AOIntegrator.Conductor thread:5 - System.ArgumentException: Invalid JSON primitive: .
  35. at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializePrimitiveObject()
  36. at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializeInternal(Int32 depth)
  37. at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.BasicDeserialize(String input, Int32 depthLimit, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
  38. at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize(JavaScriptSerializer serializer, String input, Type type, Int32 depthLimit)
  39. at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize[T](String input)
  40. at AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.APIWrapper.GetAllOrders(DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd)
  41. at AOIntegrator.Carts.WooCommerce.Cart.GetSalesOrders(BackgroundWorker worker)
  42. at AOIntegrator.Conductor.ImportSalesOrders(BackgroundWorker worker, Int32 iCartIndex)
  43. at AOIntegrator.Conductor.Conduct(BackgroundWorker worker, String sStoreURL)
  44. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - Opening the configuration file [C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\NumberCruncher/All Orders Integrator/Config.xml].
  45. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOIntegrator.Program thread:1 - The length of the filestream for the config file is [141615].
  46. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOLib.SQLHelper thread:1 - The following sql is about to be run from ExecScalar [SELECT CASE WHEN Count(Object_id) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM sys.Objects WHERE Object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.tblPriceLevel') AND Type = N'U'] with no parameters.
  47. 2019-07-23 02:51 PM DEBUG AOLib.SQLHelper thread:1 - The following sql is about to be run from GetDataSet [SELECT [Name] FROM [tblPriceLevel] WHERE [Name] <> '']
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