

Dec 21st, 2016
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  1. dl and install -
  2. (32 bit)
  7. srcdemo2 settings -
  8. 1. make a folder in cstrike folder in which frames will save, make that #1 folder in srcdemo
  9. 2. make a new folder somewhere else in which final frames will be saved,#2 folder in srcdemo
  10. 3. press activate
  11. 4. open CSS and do demoui in console and load the demo you want
  12. 5. find the place you want to start the recording and end it
  13. 6. then press Edit... in demoui
  14. 7. then press "New->">PlayCommands
  15. 8. choose StartOn "TimeUseTick" and write the tick you want to start the movie
  16. 9. then paste these commands into "Commands" isle "startmovie [folder #1 name]/[random name] ; cl_drawhud 0 ; host_framerate 300 ; hud_saytext_time 600" [without ""] (make sure you use the "/" between folder #1 and random name) (hud_saytext_time 600 is for chat to go slower if you are making WR video, the command is optional)
  17. 10. do the same for the place you want to end the movie, for that you need to use "endmovie" in commands isle
  18. 11. if you want to make WR video do the same and use "cl_drawhud 1" at the tick where WR message appears
  19. 12. then go to ~100 tick before your startmovie command and go to spec your player again and press play and close demoUI. it should start to record, you can alt+tab to srcdemo and check
  20. 13 while recording don't open console or press ESC, that will end the recording
  21. 14. when finished open virtualdub, file>open video file, and open first image of your recording in map #2
  22. 15. video>framerate> change framerate to (fps) and make it 60
  23. 16. video>compression and choose Lagarith Lossless codec
  24. 17. file> save as AVI
  25. 18. wait for video
  26. 19. Done.
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