

May 30th, 2017
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  1. -EVENT IN PROGRESS! PARTICIPANTS: 'L', 'Facade', 'Imyarek', 'Victor'-(edited)
  2. The stage is set- the four of you stand outside of the National Bank in London, only several miles from the Clocktower. Right now, there's a large shipment of cold hard cash from overseas that's going to be transferred in 3 days time. For the next 2 days, it's going to be unreachable. Today is your one and only shot, Freelance Mage Mercenaries and their Phantom Thief friend Victor.
  4. Jeb radios in on the headsets you've all got on, "Just to be clear, let me go over the plan for you" he says as the four of you stare at the map of the inside from within your white getaway van.
  6. "Victor, you're the distraction. You get the guns out with L and keep everyone on the ground and the tellers distracted. The more hostages you can keep, the safer you'll be and the smoother your operation. Facade, in precisely five minutes, the Bank Manager Kevin Williams will be leaving through the back door for his smoke break. He should be wearing a red suit- I need you to take him out and use his mask to take on his form- you'll need his fingerprints for the scanner to get to the vaults. Or cut off his hand, whatever is easiest for you. Once you get to the vaults, Victor will leave L behinbd and remove the drill from his bag. You want slots 313, 467, and 539. That's where the goldmines are- a solid 5 million. There are two safety cameras in the main lobby in the two back corner and one by the vaults. Make sure you've either got your masks on or have someway to cover them up or avoid them. The less time you spend on tape mask or not, the easier this will be. Lastly, you'll want this all done within a matter of 10 minutes. Make sure you wait for Facade to take out Kevin before you enter in guns blazing.
  7. The minute you start waving guns around and taking hostages, the alarms will set off and the cops will be on their way. Whatever you do, 'Do not use magic'. Only Facade is safe doing so, and even in his case if anyone sees him the clocktower will send the mage association out and we'll be toast. Does everyone understand?"
  8. "L... you can use your familiar if you want. Just remember, no magic whatsoever"
  9. "I'll stay in the car and be the getaway driver. You bring the cash back in the bags and we fucking book it"
  10. Tanhony - Today at 6:42 PM
  11. 'Sure thing,' nods Facade. 'What if someone spots Kevin Williams' body out here after I cut his face off, though?'
  12. DarnellJermaine - Today at 6:44 PM
  13. "That's up to your discretion. You can look for a place to hide his body out back if you like, it'd make it easier for you to slip away and help keep magic hidden. Imyarek, you have two options here. You can distract Kevin and help make Facade's assassination easier, or you can take out the security cameras while they're focused in on the other two making some noise. This was originally a 4 man job, so with 5 of us you have a little more choice in this."
  14. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 6:47 PM
  15. Victor Graham, stealer of hearts and wallets, rubs his hands together in excitement. This wasn't his usual kind of job and he was rather excited about it. "Aye, aye, boss."
  17. "I'll take care of the security cameras. Do you know where the security room is? I can head straight there and take out the whole set up," Imyarek states her job preference.
  18. DarnellJermaine - Today at 6:48 PM
  19. "Security room? That's gonna be a little tricky. Not impossible though. Once Facade gets the finger prints and opens up the hallway to the vaults, go left on the path all the way down to the end. There'll be a security room there, but unless you have some skill at hacking or pump the entire setup full of lead it'd be futile. Bonus points if you can disable it and steal the security footage altogether- that way we won't even leave a trace"
  20. "Remember, despite our skill you'll be magicless. The people here are no threat but if you don't do the job quick and smooth the cops'll be here and that's gameover. Now, any last questions?"
  21. As a side note, as long as you're using pistols, the FMM have provided silencers. No heavy equipment like smgs though, so be careful with how you use guns.
  22. Tanhony - Today at 6:51 PM
  23. 'I could hack stuff like that,' Facade shrugs as if it's no big deal. 'I'm pretty alright with that, I guess.'
  24. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 6:51 PM
  25. "I'll back Facade, in that case. Make sure things go smoothly with him," says Imyarek.(edited)
  26. DarnellJermaine - Today at 6:52 PM
  27. "Alright then- let's rob us a bank. And uh, don't get hurt alright? I like all of you..."
  28. Erio - Today at 6:53 PM
  29. "I believe you all haven't met my familiar, Curi! She can help serve as a distraction for us here. Say hi to them Curi~" Heind looks proud as he shows off his familiar.
  31. Curi is a young tanned girl who looks about 12, with long silver hair. She does a small curtsy to other mercenaries.
  32. "Nice to meet you, everyone. I hope my Master hasn't been a burden to you."
  34. Heind nudges Curi in the arm. "Hey! I thought I told you to call me goshujin-sama!"
  36. Curi knees Heind in the stomach. "Don't rope me into this weeb shit that you do all the time." she spits.
  37. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 6:54 PM
  38. "How sweet~ Let's all grab a drink after this job, ye?" Vic cheerily suggests.
  40. "Facade, let's go ahead and get you a new identity," says Imyarek.
  41. DarnellJermaine - Today at 6:54 PM
  42. M I S S I O N S T A R T
  43. Now is the time to don your masks if you have them, aside from Facade.
  44. Tanhony - Today at 6:56 PM
  45. 'Kay,' says Facade, heading for the back door. 'I'm not really good in a fight, so could you just stab this guy or something?'
  46. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 6:58 PM
  47. Vic slips on a good old fashion domino mask and Imyarek puts on a balaclava.
  49. "You got it," Imyarek plainly says as she also heads for the back door.
  50. Erio - Today at 6:59 PM
  51. "Ikuzo!" Heind yells, and wears his Darker than Black Hei mask. Curi shapeshifts into a different form, into an older girl.
  53. They both wait for the all clear to go into the front door.(edited)
  54. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:02 PM
  55. Imyarek and Facade make their way to the back. Sure enough in only a few minutes, a tall, caucasian male in his 40's comes out wearing a striped red and white suit. "Jesus Christ, the fucking stocks today..." he sighs and reaches into his jacket, pulling out a lighter and a pack of cigs to take his precious smoke break. In the back you can see a few parked cars of varying styles- it's safe to assume they belong to the employees. Just behind the man is a red door with a white 'EXIT' sign above. To the left of him is a long style trash bin.
  57. However, there does seem to be a 4th security camera that wasn't on the records Jeb told you about. Thankfully, you two just manage to pull back against the wall before it spots you- but you can tell it'll make things a lot harder. "Shit," Jeb radios in through your earpieces, "They must've just added that today because of the damn shipment. Alrtight, you two will have to improvise a bit- just do what you can to avoid being spotted and take that thing out! Whatever you do, don't give Kevin a chance to scream"
  58. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 7:06 PM
  59. Well, Imyarek has an idea. "Hey, Thing, mind if I borrow Curi? I need her help with a distraction," Imyarek says into the radio, but being quiet, trying not to alert the man.
  60. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:06 PM
  61. The man seems too enamored in his break to notice your nearly silent whispers.
  62. Erio - Today at 7:10 PM
  63. "Hai hai, you heard her right? Gan-bat-te~, Curi-chan!~★" He winks at Curi.
  65. Curi sighs and mutters- "Shut up."
  67. She transforms into a young 8 year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, and gets out of the van to head out to the back door.
  69. "I should be strong enough to take him down, and bite his finger off. I'll lure him out pretending to be a little girl in distress." She airily talks into the radio as she walks.(edited)
  70. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 7:14 PM
  71. "I'll take the camera then. Kill him, by the way, we need his face," she disengages her pistol's safety and awaits Curi's distraction.
  72. Erio - Today at 7:15 PM
  73. "Alrighty, should be a piece of cake." She breezily skips over to where the Kevin Williams is.
  74. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:16 PM
  75. As the cutesy familiar saunters on over to the man, he stops and quickly tries to put out the cigarrette and hide it, coughing up a bit. "H-hello there. Are you lost? Where's your mom and dad?" he asks, crouching down to her height. The camera stays vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on the scene.
  76. Erio - Today at 7:21 PM
  77. Curi's face scrunches up and tears start dripping down her face. She tugs at the man's suit, weakly.
  79. "I-I lost my p-parents, I last saw them over t-there."
  81. Sniffing back her fake tears, she asks Kevin- "C-could you help me find my parents?"
  83. She points to an area where the camera can't see, and tugs him along.
  84. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:22 PM
  85. "I-I'm busy right now lit-" he sees the tears in her eyes and sighs. Goddamn fucking kids. He couldn't risk the press potentially seeing him deny a tiny crying little girl though, it'd really send the stocks crashing.
  87. Instead, he offered a fake and way-too-cheery smile, "Sure ma'am, lead the way" with that, Curi successfully brings him around to the side of the wall where Imyarek and Facade are. He walks a little ways further into the side, blissfully unaware of the two ready to strike at him. The camera can't see over here...(edited)
  88. Erio - Today at 7:25 PM
  89. Curi swiftly hops up and snaps Kevin's neck in one go.(edited)
  90. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:25 PM
  91. 'The Kevin' falls, not even able to utter a single sound as he crumples lifeless to the ground.
  92. Tanhony - Today at 7:26 PM
  93. Facade nods in satisfaction, kneels down next to Kevin's body, and takes out his pocketknife.
  95. 'This'll get a little messy,' he says, and gets to work on his face.
  96. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 7:27 PM
  97. "It's okay, I've got spare suits. Have fun."
  98. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:27 PM
  99. Facade, having ton this dozens of time before, makes a few swift and clean cuts, getting the face off in a matter of minutes without much trouble. As for the others, if you've never seen facey flesh and sinew before... it isn't exactly an appealing sight.
  100. Tanhony - Today at 7:28 PM
  101. Before donning the face, Facade takes the opportunity to rifle through the man's pockets for his wallet and other personal effects - he had to get into character, after all.
  102. Erio - Today at 7:30 PM
  103. "We all good here? I'll head back to the van then, tell us when we're good to go, preferably fast. I don't want to be stuck alone with Hein- I mean L."
  105. Curi heads back to the van, making sure she's not being watched.
  106. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:31 PM
  107. Facade is easily able to locate and secure the man's wallet, but as he grabs it it flips open, revealing his National Bank credit card, his license, a few coupons, and a string of pictures of what he can assume to be his wife and children. There's also about 200 dollars cash.
  109. As for Curi, she makes it back to the van without a hitch. After all, she's just a child right?
  110. Tanhony - Today at 7:33 PM
  111. Facade looked with great interest at the photographs of the man's family. It seemed Kevin loved them very much - that was an interesting character trait. After memorizing the information on Kevin's documentation, Facade donned the stolen face and transformed.
  113. 'Bab,' he said, after a moment. 'Bob. Bob bab. Beb beb beb.'
  115. After a few more tests of his new voice, he managed to get it sounding like what he had heard from Kevin before he died.
  116. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:36 PM
  117. Even for a hardened mercenary like yourself Imyarek, watching a 19 year old put someones sliced off face onto their own and watching flesh simmer and mold around them until the perfect spitting image of the 40 year old man you just watch died is kind of.... horrifying. Perhaps that's why he ended up so cold and unfeeling, so Facade could get used to his own power.
  119. After a few seconds of voice practice, you're easily able to replicate his voice. It helps that your disguise goes as far as to replicate his vocal chords. In his wallet, there's also a keycard to enter the backdoor. All there's left to do now is take out the back camera. Or, you could just leave it up. After all, you are Kevin Williams.
  120. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 7:38 PM
  121. "Well... No need to take out the camera if you resemble the man this closely."
  122. Tanhony - Today at 7:39 PM
  123. Kevin turned to Imyarek. 'Sorry for the wait - stocks today have been shit, had a lot to deal with.' He gestured to the back door with a thumb. 'Come on, buddy, I'll show you inside. We're a little busy right now, had to boost security a little, but it won't be a problem.'
  124. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 7:40 PM
  125. She nods and, after hiding her gun, follows 'Kevin'. "Thank you very much, Mr. Williams."
  126. Tanhony - Today at 7:42 PM
  127. Kevin walked through the back door and entered the bank. 'This way, sweetcheeks.'
  129. Upon entering the building, he looked around to see what his employees were up to. They better not be slacking off.
  130. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 7:43 PM
  131. Imyarek takes off her balaclava and also hides that. WHOOPS, JACK ALMOST FORGOT
  132. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:43 PM
  133. After entering inside, he's greeted by some of the workers huddling in their offices, "Morning, Mr. Williams. Good to see you, Mr Williams-" and so on. The secretary, who Kevin would recognize as his loving wife, seemed a bit angry to see him enter from the back door with another woman, but she just gave him a silent, angry glare before returning to her work. The security room was a straight shot from here.
  134. Tanhony - Today at 7:45 PM
  135. Kevin stopped walking to the security room, leaving Imyarek where she was standing, and headed over to his wife.
  137. 'You okay, honey?' he said, his voice concerned. 'You look upset about something.'
  138. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:46 PM
  139. She lets out a heavy sigh, looking dejected. "Nothing. It's just- why are you always with other women? I just- we never spend any time together. Makes a girl worry, you know. I mean- we have kids together for god sake. Is 10 years of marriage nothing to you?" she starts to tear up a bit.
  140. Tanhony - Today at 7:47 PM
  141. 'Honey, it's for work,' said Kevin, motioning to Imyarek with his head. 'She's an inspector the bigwigs have sent in - make sure we're dealing with security properly. Pain in the ass. You know you're the only one for me, honey. Right?'
  142. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:48 PM
  143. "It doesn't feel like that sometimes.... I miss you. Back in high school and college, we would just spend nights together staring out at the stars- we shared secrets, we'd cuddle til dawn. Now it's just day to day work and bills. I miss those days. I miss us. I... I miss you" the waterworks start to fall as the other coworkers awkwardly look away and ignore this scene.
  144. Tanhony - Today at 7:49 PM
  145. 'Honey,' said Kevin placatingly, trying to calm his wife down. She was embarassing him in front of all his employees, and the inspector too. He seriously didn't need this right now.
  146. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:50 PM
  147. "I know, I know. G-get back to your work. I'm fine" she takes out a tissue and blows her nose. She's used to this treatment anyways.
  148. Tanhony - Today at 7:51 PM
  149. Kevin sighed. 'If you say so,' he said, heading back over to the inspector. 'Really sorry about that. Security room's this way - follow me, yeah?'
  151. He resumed walking to the security room, checking to see if the inspector was following along.
  152. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 7:53 PM
  153. The inspector nods and follows Kevin. "Apologies if I've inconvenienced you, Mr. Williams."
  155. That must have been a fucking nightmare of a situation to be in.(edited)
  156. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:54 PM
  157. After a brief walk, the two of you are out of sight from the rest of the coworker's and standing in front of the security room- which Kevin's key card easily allows access into. There's about 10 different monitors and a few server systems and computer terminals. For someone of Facade's skill level, it'll be 5 minutes tops to take it all down and destroy all the tapes.
  158. Tanhony - Today at 7:55 PM
  159. Kevin leaned on the table, motioning to all the security screens. 'As you can see,' he said. 'Everything is in perfect order - our security is foolproof. Your client's money is safe, I assure you.'
  160. DarnellJermaine - Today at 7:58 PM
  161. Flawless- you succesfully got to security- infiltrated- everything is going perfectly.
  163. Until you hear the alarms go off. Turns out it's a bad idea to leave a dead body on the side of a building. Screams can be heard from the parking lot as the cops are called and already on the way. The clock is set- 10 minutes to get everything done.(edited)
  164. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:00 PM
  165. Everyone can hear Jeb coming in through their radios, "God damn it, something went wrong. Alright everyone- go in loud, move move move! You've got 10 minutes tops!"
  166. Tanhony - Today at 8:00 PM
  167. 'The hell?' said Kevin, looking over his shoulder as the alarm went off. 'What's...oh right, the heist.'
  169. Facade got to work on disabling the security. Kevin's tone had been replaced with his usual monotone. 'I'll erase the tapes while you work.'
  170. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:01 PM
  171. "You got it, boss," Victor excitedly hopped out of the van and ran for the door. He then kicked it open and fired his pistol in the air. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LONDON'S FAVORITE GENTLEMAN THIEF HAS ARRIVED! EVERYONE BE A DEAR AND LIE DOWN, PLEASE!"
  172. Tanhony - Today at 8:02 PM
  173. 'Oh,' said Facade over the radio - something occuring to him. 'You guys need Kevin's finger to do your jobs, right? Gimme a sec.'
  175. Facade retrieved his pocketknife from his person, set his index finger down on the table in front of him, and prepared to cut.
  176. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:03 PM
  177. The finger slices clean off. Stone cold, motherfucker. As long as you keep the finger preserved though, you can always get it reattached with healing magic back at HQ.(edited)
  178. Tanhony - Today at 8:04 PM
  179. Gritting his teeth, Facade grabbed the finger and held it out behind him. 'Please return this once you're done with it.'
  180. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:04 PM
  181. shink
  182. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:06 PM
  183. "... Right, thanks, Facade." She grabbed the finger, slid on her mask, and made her way to the fingerprint scanner.
  184. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:06 PM
  185. There's about 20 customers inside the building and five tellers, all of which start screaming and ducking down with their hands over their heads when the gentleman thief arrives on the scene.
  187. It seems Victor's reputation alone is enough to quell any semblance of resistance.
  188. Facade begins working on taking down security from the inside.
  189. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:09 PM
  190. "Thank you all kindly. So, as you all know, I'm the Gentleman Thief or Phantom Thief, whatever you prefer. So, if you'd all just stay on the ground while I do my work, that would be much obliged. ANY OBJECTIONS!?" He fires his gun in the air again.
  191. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:09 PM
  192. The room is dead silent, save for some whimpering or crying. One cheeky fuck says inbetween bouts of sobbing, "I have to pee-hee...."
  193. Erio - Today at 8:10 PM
  194. Curi leaps out of the van and follows Victor.
  196. Heind ninja runs into the bank. Heind is too poor to afford proper shurikens, so before this Heist, he had just stuffed his pockets full of.. Fidget spinners.
  200. He throws a bunch of fidget spinners at the general direction of people. He also does ninja hand signs from time to time.
  201. Oh, and he has zero skills in throwing shurikens. None at all.
  202. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:10 PM
  203. The fidget spinners hit the heads and body parts of a few of the cowering victims, leaving a few bruises and overall a sense of shame on their persons. The majority of them just clang helplessly to the floor.
  204. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:11 PM
  205. "Nothing's stopping you from doing it right now, my friend. So, L, my friend, take over here." He pats L's back and makes his way for the vault.
  206. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:11 PM
  207. As for Imyarek...
  208. It comes to Imyarek's attention that everyone in these back offices just saw her enter without her mask on... even with a mask they recognize her body shape and other clothing. Once the secretary sees her with the finger though, she goes into a rage, "YOU FUCKING BITCH, I'LL KILL YOU! WE KNOW YOUR FACE, YOUR DEAD! DEAD!" she says screaming, grabbing a lamp off her desk and making a rush at Imyarek.
  209. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:11 PM
  210. Imyarek pulls out her gun and fires at the secretary without any hesitation.
  211. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:12 PM
  212. She falls dead to the ground. Two young children just became orphans.
  213. There's still 5 or 6 more coworkers in the back offices hiding in various places that have all seen Imyarek's face, however. It's gonna take a minute or two to snuff them all out, and more indiscriminate murder.
  214. Erio - Today at 8:13 PM
  215. "GANBATTE, PHANTOM THIEF-SAMA!" Heind bows as Victor heads off to the vault.(edited)
  216. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:15 PM
  217. Who cares?
  219. Before she begins cleaning up, Vic pops in. "Thief," Imyarek calls out to him before tossing the finger to him. He catches it and gives it a weird look before heading over to the fingerprint scanner and using the finger on it.
  221. Imyarek then begins.... "Dealing" with the witnesses
  222. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:17 PM
  223. Victor presses the severed finger up against the scanner. Hopefully he has the good sense to hold on to it for poor Facade since Imyarek didn't mention that. "Access Granted" the steel doors shudder and open, revealing a room with vaults head to toe. There are 3 specific vaults he has to drill through, each should take about a minute or two. Hopefully he remembers them.
  224. As this all is goin on, Facade manages to shut down the security system and destroy all the footage. 4 and a half minutes until the police arrive.
  225. "How we looking Victor? You started drilling yet?" Jeb sounds pretty nervous now.
  226. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:19 PM
  227. Vic pockets it, thinking that he might need it later. He begins whistling to himself as he begins with the drilling.
  228. "Yep, I've started. This is exciting."
  229. Erio - Today at 8:27 PM
  230. Curi sighs as she watches the fidget spinners pathetically hit the victims cowering on the floor.
  232. "You idiot, did you really not bring guns to this Heist?"
  234. Heind retorts. "Watashi? Using gaijin weapons? Absolutely disgusting. However, I did bring my katana, this Glorious Nippon Steel, folded over 1000 times."
  236. He proudly proclaims, and pulls out a kitchen knife that looks like a small Japanese katana.
  238. Curi facepalms hard and then snatches the knife off Heind, and pounces on the nearest woman in the room.
  240. "We're going to have to keep this woman hostage, or the police will just come in here and fuck us up. I can't believe you didn't bring a gun to this."(edited)
  241. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:28 PM
  242. The woman screams in terror, but quiets down as the knife pushes against her flesh, a teeny bit of blood starting to drip out from her neck as she stares down mortified.
  244. Imyarek finishes cleanup and joins L up front, further holding down the fort.
  246. Victor manages to drill open all 3 vaults and sweep the fat stacks into his bag. "30 seconds left!" Jeb cries into everyone's headsets right as he stashes in the last of the money. "Go, fucking go!"
  247. Facade slips out through the back and makes his way around to the van.,
  248. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:30 PM
  249. After he finishes up, Vic makes a break for the getaway car, running out the front door. As Vic passes by, Imyarek follows him to the van. When the reach it they obviously get inside.
  250. Erio - Today at 8:33 PM
  251. "Sayonara~ Minna-san~~★★★" Heind runs out of the entrance ninja style yet again, and throws away the last of the fidget spinners behind him.
  253. Curi dashes off into the van too, together with Heind.(edited)
  254. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:34 PM
  255. Everyone makes it into the van, except Heind. As he runs out with his arms stretched behind him and crouching forward, throwing the fidget spinners actually sends him off balance in this inopportune stance- causing him to trip and fall.
  256. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:35 PM
  257. "Oh my fucking god!" Imyarek screams. WHY HEIND, WHY?(edited)
  258. Erio - Today at 8:41 PM
  259. As Heind falls down onto the ground, he makes a hand gun, and smirks.
  261. "See you Space Cowboy... Bang!"
  263. Curi jumps out of the van again and grabs Heind and tries to get back in the van.
  265. "I hate you so fucking much."
  266. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:43 PM
  267. Thankfully, Curi is there to take care of the mess your group knows as Heind Let, but the time wasted with his trip has given the cops just enough time to head into the parking lot, one of them speaking through a megaphone.
  269. "Park the vehicle and come out with your hands up, you're under arrest!" There are about 5 cop cars there, with guns at the ready out the windows.
  271. "Shit fuck shit!" Jeb shouts as he puts the pedal to the metal and bullets begin firing at the van as a high speed chase ensues. Sadly, in this large van, the cop cars slowly begin to gain on you. Luckily, the extra weight is keeping you all protected from stray fire on the inside. "Damn it, someone shoot out the tires so we can shake em!"
  272. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:46 PM
  273. "Got it," Imyarek says as she pokes her head out of a window and begins shooting at the tires of the pursuing cop cars.
  275. Victor is too busy examining the finger Imyarek gave him to help. He's rather disgusted by it. He wouldn't help anyways, to be honest. "So, anyone want this finger?"
  276. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:49 PM
  277. Facade plucks the finger out of Victor's hand, "Thank you ever so kindly~"
  279. Imyarek manages to easily shoot out the tires and cause the cars to crash into one another, but a bullet manages to just scrape her arm. It doesn't leave any serious injury, but a long, shallow gash along the top of her forearm. May leave a scar if she doesn't go get it healed.
  281. With that though, the police chase is successfully quelled and they make their getaway. "Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Jeb cries out triumphantly, "Alright boys, and uh, girl, let's get our way back to HQ!"
  283. Erio - Today at 8:51 PM
  284. "Heh, all according to keikaku. (Translator’s note: Keikaku means plan)" Heind takes his mask off, smirking.(edited)
  285. Jack-of-Knights - Today at 8:55 PM
  286. "блять," Imyarek grits her teeth. It's nothing she can't fix with minor healing though, right? She uses minor healing magic on the wound to fix it.
  288. "Mission accomplished!" Vic announces cheerfully, "Let's have a drink to celebrate! I've got some champange back home."
  289. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:55 PM
  290. "Sounds like a plan, V" Jeb laughs along with the rest.
  292. As for the wound, Imyarek easily heals it without a problem. It was really only a minor scrape.
  294. And with that, the gang has successfully completed the heist!(edited)
  295. Erio - Today at 8:57 PM
  296. Yatta! Heind yells out and does a dramatic air punch, as Curi rolls her eyes.(edited)
  297. DarnellJermaine - Today at 8:58 PM
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